CHRIST THE ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST 410 Brentwood Road, Gidea Park, Romford RM2 6DH Brentwood Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No. 234092 Parish Website: www.christtheeternalhighpriest.com REV FR ADRIAN GRAFFY e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01708 449914 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12th July 2020 Sunday 12th July People of the Parish Sea Sunday Monday 13th July Patsy Buckley Tuesday 14th July Carlos Castillo St Camillus de Lellis Wednesday 15th July Ignatius Suharyo St Bonaventure Thursday 16th July Mikayla Balogun and family Our Lady of Mount Carmel Friday 17th July Deceased from Covid-19 Saturday 18th July Special Intention Sunday 19th July People of the Parish Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for 15th Sunday in Ordinary time Isaiah 55:10-11 Romans 8:18-23 Matthew 13:1-23 Readings for 16th Sunday in Ordinary time Wisdom 12:13,16-19 Romans 8:26-27 Matthew 13:24-33 FOOD BANK: Mindful of the difficult situation faced by many individuals and families at this time, we have decided to have a special collection for the Food Bank and, on this occasion, due to the logistical problems around the collection and delivery of food, parishioners are asked to make monetary donations. With school holidays on the horizon our help will, undoubtedly, be a blessing, so we aim to collect over the coming fortnight and send our parish donation on Monday 20th July. You can deliver an envelope with cash donations to the Presbytery, ensuring it is clearly marked for the Food Bank. Thank you. REOPENING THE CHURCH: For the present it seems clear we should remain closed. As Cardinal Nichols recently explained, gathering indoors still brings risks. Social distancing of one metre plus means that the number in the congregation would be considerably reduced. There is the added problem created by large numbers of people behaving as if the danger has gone away. I hope that we will soon be able to gather for Mass freely and without excessive restrictions. Please continue to watch Mass on-line (details below). FOLLOWING MASS ON LINE: Full details about on-line Masses in the diocese can be found on the diocesan website: www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/ Fr Britto of English Martyrs ‘live streams’ Mass at 10am on Sunday and 10am on week-days. Services are streamed on You Tube. You do not need an account to watch this. To view the Mass simply go to You Tube video and search for: English Martyrs Catholic Church Hornchurch and click on ‘live stream’. BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL: Please note that Brentwood Cathedral is open from Monday to Friday for private prayer from 9am until 7pm. BABY MIKAYLA BALOGUN: Your kind prayers are asked for newborn baby Mikayla, who is seriously ill, and for her parents and family at this time. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE PANDEMIC? Many people are very excited that life will soon be returning to ‘normal’. Other voices, perhaps wisely, are saying that this will never happen. The disruption of our daily lives has led many people to yearn for change. Here are some questions to consider: How do we treat our elderly? How do we treat the homeless? What can we do to support families, especially those who are struggling economically, emotionally? How do we treat people of other races? Have we been contaminated by the racism still to be found in our countries? How do we treat the good world God gave us? After a brief respite are we going to begin again contaminating the air, the earth, our waters and our seas? How are we going to provide for those who have lost livelihoods? All of these questions can be examined in the light of the Gospel. Love of God and love of neighbour are the heart of what we are called to do. Take time to ask: what does God want of me in this new situation? I assure you that God does not want things to ‘return to normal’. CHRISTIAN KITCHEN WALTHAMSTOW, AND SOUTHEND FOOD HELP: Full details about these local initiatives can be found by going to the Caritas Brentwood website. Please support them. www.caritasbrentwood.org/news/southendfoodhelp/ and www.caritasbrentwood.org/news/christiankitchen/ WHAT GOOD NEWS: In case you are looking for some good material to inspire you day by day please visit our evangelisation website. Fr Adrian has recorded talks during the lockdown, the latest of these on the ‘Acts of the Apostles’, and ‘Paul in Acts’. Go to www.whatgoodnews.org/ and click on ‘Faith Talks’.You may also like to visit the section entitled ‘Sunday Gospels’, where there is a brief reflection on the gospel for each Sunday. LITURGY OF THE WORD: Apps to access readings for Mass: Daily Readings for Catholics, and Laudate. You can also access the readings by going to the website www.universalis.com CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th July at 7.30pm via Zoom; your Committee are coming up with some entertainment for you. Any women who would like to join us are more than welcome. You do not need to become a member. It is just lovely to get the community up and running again. Contact Hilary at [email protected] for details. WEEKLY COLLECTION: Weekly contributions and gift aid envelopes can be delivered to the Presbytery. Alternatively, if you wish to switch from your weekly envelope to a Standing Order, just provide your bank with the following details: Payee: Christ the Eternal High Priest Catholic Church; Sort Code: 40-13-22; Account number: 51019074. Your support, whenever you can give it, is always much appreciated. We are informed that online donations can be made via the diocese. Go to: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/donations?parish=gidea-park LOURDES IN YOUR LIVING ROOM: Join Bishop Alan and hundreds of pilgrims from across the Diocese in a full week of pilgrimage including daily Mass, Rosary, Angelus, Morning and Night Prayer, daily Reflections … and a Talent Show! For the virtual Marian (Torchlight) procession we welcome photos of you, family members and friends, alone or together, holding a lighted candle. Please send these to [email protected] by next Sunday, 12th July. If you are a singer, dancer, joke-teller or entertainer, email us at [email protected] and we will help you submit your act for the talent show. For those age 15-23 there is an additional social programme, and full details of the whole pilgrimage can be found at www.bcys.net, with links to YouTube. THE 18-HOUR CHALLENGE: To mark the beginning of the Lourdes week, young people are using the 18 hours they would be spending on the coach (and remembering the 18 apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette) in a wide variety of creative ways – including 44 of them (and Fr Dominic) each walking 18 miles, together covering the distance from Brentwood to Lourdes! Money raised will go to the BCYS and the CAFOD “Summer of Hope” Appeal. Sponsorship can be offered at www.bcys.net/donate or posted to Fr Dominic, 18 Hour challenge, Walsingham House at Abbotswick, Navestock Side, Brentwood CM14 5SH (cheques to “Brentwood Catholic Youth Service”). Our target is £1800 and we are very grateful for all sponsorship. BCYS WRITES: As you will be aware, many young people are facing a particular crisis of mental wellbeing at this time; if you are looking for resources where young people and families can find support, we worked with the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society to create these: https://bcys.net/resource-category/wellbeing/ JOB VACANCY: Caritas Diocese of Brentwood - Development Officer. For job description and full details of this significant new role, visit https://www.caritasbrentwood.org/news/developmentofficer/ CARITAS JERUSALEM: Your continuing support for Sr Bridget is much appreciated as they struggle to cope with the impact of the pandemic in the West Bank and Gaza. Donations for Caritas Jerusalem can be delivered to the presbytery and will be forwarded. IF YOU NEED HELP: We have a small team of volunteers ready to help with shopping and other needs. If you need help of this sort please contact Fr Adrian. If you wish to join the team, please get in touch: 01708 449914. GARDENERS WANTED: As you know, there is a very large garden at the church. During the lockdown some very willing parishioners have done a lot of work and it is now looking lovely. Of course the weeds will be back, and so it would be good if we could have some help in keeping them in check. If you fancy taking responsibility for a small part of the garden, please get in touch with Fr Adrian. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH: Abbey Ahmed, Baby Mikayla Balogun, Eve Barnwell, Derek Barton, Marc Bernard, Denise Bevis, Marie-Thérèse & Serge Bosson, Val & Mark Carter, Nina Clarke, Carys & Megan Coldham, Steve & Sue Criddle, Brenda Curtis, Marc & Margaret Dalton, Christy Davey, Daniella & Lucia di Lisio, Steve Donnelly, Selina Etherton, Derek Finnerty, Maria Gordon, Gregory Hart, Kevin Hartie, Pat Hurley, Fr Tom Jordan, Maria Judd, Ellen & Gerard Kennedy, Elsie & James King, Theresa Lawlor, Mary Loftus, Bernie Loughran, Joan Lynch, Noreen Mack, Adrian McCarthy, Anne (Nancy) McCarthy, McGregor family, Peter Madden, Joe Mallett, Tom Marshall, Maureen Morris, Michael Moyne, Mick Murphy, Maureen O’Mahoney, Theresa Prentice, Francis Pycroft, Angela Radley, Edward Rajadurai, Pete Rawlinson, Bill & Billy Rayment, Peter Ringrose, Tony Rogers, Rosa Maria Santos, Margaret Savitsky, Kath Sims, Mike Smith, Ann Sullivan, Elaine Sullivan, John Sullivan, Helen Sweeney, Alex Tecza, Emma Tolan, Gabrielle Wood and all who are sick in hospital or housebound at this time, and those who care for them.
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