Strengthening and Redesigning European Flood Risk Practices Towards Appropriate and Resilient Flood Risk Governance Arrangements Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in Belgium Dealing with flood risks in an urbanised and institutionally complex country Mees, H., Suykens, C., Beyers, J-C., Crabbé, A., Delvaux, B., Deketelaere, K. Date: 31 March 2016 Report Number D3.4 Revision number: 2 Milestone Number: MS2 and MS3 Due date for deliverable: 30 September 2015 Actual submission date: 28 September 2015 STAR-FLOOD receives funding from the EU 7th Framework programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 308364 Document Dissemination Level PU Public Co-ordinator: Utrecht University Project Contract No: 308364 Project website: www.starflood.eu ISBN: 978-94-91933-06-6 Document information Work Package 3 Consortium Body WP Team Year 2016 Document type Final Deliverable Status Final Approved Date 2016 Author(s) Mees, H., Suykens, C., Beyers, J-C., Crabbé, A., Delvaux, B., Deketelaere, K. Document History Date Revision Prepared by Organisation Approved by Notes 15th March 2015 1 Authors Universiteit Antwerpen, KU Leuven 15th May 2015 2 Authors Universiteit Antwerpen, KU Leuven 15th August 2015 3 Authors Universiteit Antwerpen, KU Leuven 7th September 4 Authors Universiteit Antwerpen, Utrecht 2015 KU Leuven University Acknowledgement The work described in this publication was supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme through the grant to the budget of the Integrated Project STAR-FLOOD, Contract 308364. Disclaimer This document reflects only the authors’ views and not those of the European Union. This work may rely on data from sources external to the STAR-FLOOD project Consortium. Members of the Consortium do not accept liability for loss or damage suffered by any third party as a result of errors or inaccuracies in such data. The information in this document is provided ‘as is’ and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and neither the European Union nor any member of the STAR-FLOOD Consortium is liable for any use that may be made of the information. © STAR-FLOOD Consortium. This report should be referred to as follows: Mees, H, Suykens, C, Beyers, J.C, Crabbé, A, Delvaux, B, Deketelaere, K, 2016, Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in Belgium. Dealing with flood risks in an urbanised and institutionally complex country, STAR-FLOOD Consortium, University Antwerp, KU Leuven, Belgium. ISBN: 978-94-91933-06-6 Cover photo left: Antwerp Scheldt quays, Hannelore Mees (2014) Cover photo right: Canal Blaton-Ath, DGO2 (2013) Key words Flood risk governance Flood risk management Flood risk governance arrangements Legitimacy Resilience Efficiency Enforcement Spatial planning Water assessment Flood risk insurance Vulnerable areas Belgium Social scientific/legal analysis Author details Hannelore Mees is a researcher at the Research Group Environment and Society at Antwerp University Cathy Suykens LL.M is a PhD researcher at the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law at the KU Leuven Jean-Christophe Beyers is a PhD researcher at the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law at the KU Leuven Dr. Ann Crabbé is a senior researcher at the Research Group Environment and Society at Antwerp University Prof. Dr. Bram Delvaux is a senior researcher at the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law at the KU Leuven Prof. Dr. Kurt Deketelaere is Director of the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law at the KU Leuven iv List of acronyms ANB Flemish Agency for Nature and Forests CBA Cost-benefit analysis CIW Flemish Coordination Committee on Integrated Water Policy CRC-W Crisis Centre of the Walloon Region CCVO Crisis Centre of the Flemish Government CWATUP Walloon code of spatial planning, urbanization and cultural heritage DGO2 Walloon department for mobility and waterways DGO3 Walloon department for agriculture, natural resources and environment DGO4 Walloon department for spatial planning, housing, energy and cultural heritage DIWP Decree on Integrated Water Policy FD European Floods Directive FRG Flood risk governance FRGA Flood risk governance arrangement FRM Flood risk management FRMP Flood risk management plan FRMS Flood risk management strategy GEIP General emergency and intervention plan GTI Walloon Interdepartmental Flood Group HIC Flemish Hydrological Information Centre MLWS Multi-layer water safety MOW Flemish department of mobility and public works PARIS Integrated and Sectorised Action Plan (of Walloon government) RBMP River basin management plan (in framework of WFD) SDER Strategic spatial plan for the Walloon Region SEIP Specific Emergency and Intervention Plan SETHY Hydrological information institute of Walloon Government VMM Flemish Environment Agency WFD European Water Framework Directive W&Z Waterways and Sea Canal List of tables Table 1: Flood Risk Management Strategies and related Instruments in Belgium ................................. 7 Table 2: Principal FRM instruments/tools in Flanders (Water System Arrangement) ............................ 8 Table 3: Principal FRM instruments/tools in Wallonia (Water System Arrangement) ........................... 9 Table 4: Principal instruments/tools of FRM at the federal level (Preparation & Recovery Arrangements)......................................................................................................................................... 9 Table 5: Exogenous and endogenous factors of change in Belgian FRG ............................................... 11 Table 6: Key characteristics of selected case studies and research motivation ................................... 23 Table 7: major demographic characteristics of Belgium, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region. .................................................................................................................. 28 Table 8: Categories of non-navigable Watercourses. ........................................................................... 32 Table 9: Overview of historical events and related responses ............................................................. 33 Table 10: Flood risk management strategies in Belgium: policy and legal instruments ....................... 35 Table 11: Governmental actors at Flemish level ................................................................................... 36 Table 12: Actors of the Flemish FRGA at supra-local, local and sub-local level .................................... 37 Table 13: Overview of principal actors of the Walloon Water System Arrangement ........................... 44 Table 14: Principal actors in a municipal emergency phase ................................................................. 52 Table 15: Principal actors in a provincial emergency phase ................................................................. 53 Table 16: Principal actors in a federal emergency phase ...................................................................... 54 Table 17: The five disciplines of emergency planning ........................................................................... 54 Table 18: Composition and function of the Office of Tariffication ....................................................... 61 Table 19: Acknowledgment procedure for disasters prior to 1 July 2014 ............................................ 62 Table 20: Compensation procedure for disasters ................................................................................. 62 Table 21: Factors of change at national level ........................................................................................ 69 Table 22: Factors of stability at national level ....................................................................................... 71 Table 23: Overview of evaluation of flood risk governance at national scale ...................................... 72 Table 24: Overview of factors causing change in Antwerp ................................................................... 84 Table 25: Overview of factors causing stability in Antwerp .................................................................. 86 Table 26: Overview of the evaluation of the Antwerp FRGA ................................................................ 87 Table 27: Overview of factors of change in Geraardsbergen and Lessines ........................................ 103 Table 28: Overview of factors of stability in Geraardsbergen and Lessines ....................................... 105 Table 29: Overview of the evaluation of FRGA in Geraardsbergen and Lessines ............................... 106 Table 30: Overview of applied FRMSs in Geraardsbergen and Lessines ............................................. 108 Table 31: Factors explaining change in Belgian FRG ........................................................................... 116 Table 32: Factors causing stability in Belgian FRG. ............................................................................. 118 Table 33: Overview of evaluation of Belgian flood risk governance ................................................... 121 Table 23: Overview of SWOT-analysis of Belgian FRG ....................................................................... 130 2 List of figures Figure 1: Flood Risk Governance in Belgium ........................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Analytical process of FRGAs ..................................................................................................
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