This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SEP- 2-91 FR I 10:20 OREGON REPUBL Ihttp://dolearchives.ku.eduCAN PARTY FAX NO. 503620579 1 P. 01 TO~ senator Dole FR: Kerry Re: Oregon Background PARTY BACKGROUND: The state party is currently controlled by the more 11 mainstream11 wing. Party control has gone back and forth over the past years between the mainstream and the ultra right wing. The "Oregon Citizens Alliance" is the conservative organization that has gaini?.d powi:?.r at. t.hP. 1oc.o31 1AvP-l~- Whi1e OCA e.ndorse.mr?.t'lt. is often key to success in winning the primary, it can also be the kiss of death in the general election , The State Rouse of Representatives is currently controlled Qy the Republicans 32-28. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats 16-14, It is commonly believed th;;it the Republicans will gain control of the Senate in November, (for the first time in 40 years) and will keep control of the House. The Republican leader of the State Senate is Gordon Smith. He is a 42 year old millionaire CEO of one of America's largest frozen food companies. smith is a likely senate candidate if Hatfield does not run. He will be the emcee at the Denny Smith event in Portlanct. GOVERNOR'S RACE: The Democrat nominee is John Kitzhaber, former President of the Ore~on State Senate, and author of the Oregon health plan. There will also be two independent candidates on the ballot. Conventional wisdom is that Denny is probably about 10-15 points behind right now. All the wounds have not been healed from a bitter primary race with Craig Berkman, and some moderate Republ.icans believe that Denny is too conservative, and too much of a loose cannon. While the race is winnabl~, D~nny :is c1?.rt.si i n1 y th~ underdog. The race has not received much news during the summer, as the primaries arQ in May. Labor Day is the traditional time when the voters and the media start paying more attention to the race, so you arc Qrriving ot the right time. Denny's top issues are cutting the budget, building more prisons, and saying it's time for a new direction after eight years of liberal Democ~at governors. CONGRESSIO~AL SEATS: There are three competitive races out ot the five seats, Democrat incumbents Peter DeFazio and Ron Wyden both represent strong Democrat discricts and nave very weak opponents . Page 1 of 48 2-9~ This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SEP- FR l 10:20 OREGON REPUBL Ihttp://dolearchives.ku.eduCAN PARTY FAX NO. 5036205791 P. 02 The lst District includes the Portland suburbs , and should be a Republican seat. It is represented t>y one term Democrat Elizabeth Furse. (She defeated ·1·ony Meeker) Her opponent is businessman Bill Witt. He is an attractive candidate, but is perceived as being very closely tied to the OCA. He will be attending the Smith luncheon, and hopes to get a picture with you. The 5th District is the Willamette Valley. It is an open race between Democrat State Senator Catherine Weber, and Republican State Senator Jim Bunn. This is probably a toss-up, al though Bunn's ties the OCA1 which brought about his primary victory, are hurting him in the general. He will also be atr.i;;mcii ng t.he Smith luncheon, and hopes to get a pictun~ _ The 2nd District is all of Eastern and Southern Oregon. It is a very rural and very agricultural district that shoi.ild be a Republican seat. Sob Smith is retiring after 6 tcnno. The Democrat nominee is a Medford-based County Commi~oioncr named Due Kypillus. The Republican nominee is Wes Cooley, a one-term State Senator, He c;qucakcd through a G candidate primal..Jf with about 22i of the vote. Private polls show Cooley with a veL·y SULQ.11 lead, but with most voters u11decidecl. Conve11L.loual wisdom is that Cooley might win 11 il-1 spite of hin.\sel.C. 0 H~ is a loose cannon who Otten speak.s beto.i:.·e he Lhlrlk::;. EVENTS: Upon arrival in Medford, you will be met by Congressman Bob Smith (he was DFP in 88) who will drive you to a private home, for a small $1,000 a head cocktail reception for Denny. Attendees are the 11 .big wigs" of the timber and agricultural industries. Mix and mingle for half an hour, and then proceed to hotel. The Cooley breakfast is a $50 a head ~vent, and th~y are expecting around 200-250 . Denny anc't c:ongr-essman Bob Smith will also be in attendance. The $mi th !?vent in Portland begins with a $1, 000 VIP reception billed as a ''private discussion on heal th care." About 20 25 business and party leaders are expected. 700 tickGtS at $125 have already been sold for the lunch, and the final figure could reach BOO. Have a good weekend, and I' 11 see you in MedLoL.. u uu Tuesday night. Page 2 of 48 DOD DOLL ID · 202 408 j II ( SEP 02 ' 9 4 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 Page seven 6:40 pm DEPART Grand Junction for Medford, OR/Jackson County Airport FBO: Medford Air Service Aircraft: Challenger Tail number: N25SB Flight time: 2 hours 10 minutes Pilots: Dave Fontanella Frank Desetto Seats: 9 Meal: Dinner Manifest: Senator Dole Mike Glassner John Atwood Chris Swonger . Contact: Blanch~ Durney 203/622-4435 914/997-2145 fax Time change: - 1 hour 7:50 pm ARRIVE Medford, OR Pl30: Medford Air Service S03n79-5451 Met by: Congressman Bob Smith 7:55 pm DEPART airpo1t for Fundraiser Reception for De1my Smith Driver: Congressman Bob Smith Drive time: 10 minutes Location: Home of Mike Burrell, CEO Burrell Lumber 4280 Tami Lane 8:05 am ARRIVE Fundraising Reception for Denny Smith Attendance: 20-25 Timber and Agriculture CEOs $1,000 per person Press: Closed Facility: None Fonnat: Mix and mingle Contacl: Kerry Tymchuk 503/520-1996 Page 3 of 48 BUB lJULt. ID·202 408 511? SEP 02'94 18:~~ No.01~ P.09 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1224 Page eight 8:45 am DEPART Reception for Red Lion Driver: Congressman Bob Sri.itli Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 200 N. Riverside 8:55 pm ARRIVE Red Lion Hotel 503/779-581 I 503/779-7961 fax Conf# 1242:H 124232 RON----Mcdford, OR WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 8:00 am DEPART hotel room for Photo op with major donors Location: Jackson Room 8:05 am- Photo op with nu~jor donors 8:15 am Location: Jackson Room 8:15 am DEPART Photo-op for Fundraising Breakfast for Wes Cooley Location: Crater Lake Room • 8: l S am- ATIEND/SPEAK Fundraising Breakfast for Wes Cooley, Congressional 8:55 am candidate 2nd CD wjth Denny Smith Location: Crater Lake Room Attendance: 200@$50 per person Event runs: 8:00 - 9:00 am Press: Open Facility: Seating in rounds Format: 8:20 am Breakfast served 8:25 am Brief remarks by Wes Cooley 8:30 am Brief remarks by Senator Dole Q&A Melissa Williams 503/385-8461 503/385-1837 fax Page 4 of 48 --uD"D LJ U L C: I D • ZOZ 405 :::511( 3t: f' 02 ~4 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1924 Page nine 9:00 am- Press Avail with Wes Cooley and Denny Smith 9: 15 pm Location: Jackson Room 9:15 am DEPART Red Lion for Jackson County Airport Driver: Congressman Bob Smith staff Drive time: 10 minutes 9:25 am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Medford Air Service 5031779-5451 9:30 run ~EPART Medford for Portland. OR/International FBO: Flightcraft . Aircraft: Challe11ger Tail number: N25SB~ Flight time: 50 minutes Pilots: ' Dave Fontanella Frank Desetto Scats: 9 Meal: Snack Mnnifest: Senator Dole Denny Smith Kerry Tymchuk John Atwood Chris Swonger Mike Glassner Contact: Blanche Durney • 203/622-44 3 5 914/997·2145 fax 10:20 am ARRIVE Portland, OR FBO: Flightcraft 800/54 7-9307 10:25 am DEPART airport for Portland Hilton Driver: Denny Smith staff Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 921 SW 6th Ave. Page 5 of 48 OD D U ULC. ID · 202 405 :511( S t: P OZ '3 4 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 Page ten 10:45 am ARRJVE Portland Hilton 503/226-1611 503/220-2565 Met by: Dan Jarman, advance 11 :00 am ATIEND VIP Reception for De1my Smith 11 :45 am Location: Attendance: 50@$1,000 per person Event runs: 11 :00 - 11 :45 am Press: Closed Facility: No podium or mic Format: Mix and mingle . Brief remarks by Denny Smith Bricf~marks by Senator Dole (topic; health care) Q&A Contact: Jennifer 503/463-1994 11 :45 am- Press Avail with Denny Smith 12:00 N Location: Foyer of Ballroom 12:00N- ATIEND/SPEAK Fundraising Lunch for Denny Smith 1:15 pm Location: Ballroom Attendance: 750@ $125 per person Event runs: 12:00N ~ I :30 pm Press: Open ... Facility: Headtable on riser, podium and mic Format: Lunch served 12:25 pm Senator Packwood introduces Senator Dole 12:30 pm Senator Dole gives remarks and introduces Dcrmy Smith 12:40 pm Dermy Smith gives remarks Contact: Jennifer 503/463-1994 503/393-3263 fox 1:15 pm DEPART Lunch for nirport Driver: Drive time: 20 minutes Page 6 of 48 - LJULC.
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