SONDAT. JANUARY 81, 1966 TLvwage Dfifly Net PccsB Rtm iKmic^(0t0r 1Ettimitt0 l^^ralib W eek 88,1888 veloptog, Iqw In ttBuiag into Maadtetter Lodre of M uona' Mystic ItaMesr, North Ame^> lJi«a iioarlag, ,, i m F M l- JL V ▼▼ u »>Mt tomorrow at 7:30 pjn. can Bsnaflt Association, 14,577 , rt thf Tjgnpia The Knt meet tomorrow at 8 at Odd Ftl- DOUBLE STAMPS ""WED. Itoidbwtar ' A OtyofVlUageChmrm “ ■ ■ f ' :r w «BaouUsc board of Bant- AppranUcc degree will be lows Hall. The new officers srtll Hi jf'Bchool PT A wfll meet to- conferred with Junior Warden conduct the meeting. Refresh- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1966 (Chmified Adverttstiig «■ Fags 18) PRICE SEVEN CBN1E Htt at 8 In the school library. w n n ,i« x . Reichert presiding, ments will be served. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 108 (EIGHTBEN PAGES) ^idnne X<odge, Knights of Tha badlea Aid butheran Manchester Flotilla of tbe F^fiatlaa, will meet tomorrow at Wiomen’a Mieaionary League of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary win / < pjn. In Orange HalL Zion Evangelical Lutheran have a lesson on Marllnsptke A T YOUR Home Is Home Cburoh win meet Wedneaday at Seamanship Wednesday from 7 FRIENDLY G o ld E a s e s '.iMeven U Wilcox of lOS 7:30 p.m. in the church assem­ to 9 p.m. at lining Junior High ROCHESTBR, N.Y. (AF) School. Hector Novllle will be Ctfabe bane has been initiated bly room. Members are remind­ —Home is vdtere ,the hear^ France, Russia Join, into Lnmhda Phi Alpha fteter- ed to bring their quarterlies. the instructor. I n E a s t; is— even i f it ’ s a JkU en d the n ^ at the Univenlty of Hait- Hoeteases will be Mlae Helen A non o f M r. and Mrs. Janssen, Mrs. Anna Adamy and Aim y Staff Sgt. Maurice N. Jail is heated. * A l ^ b . WUcooc, he is a 1964 Mrs. Srima Kamm. Bpencer, son of Mr. and Mn. M o r e D u e That’s how Supt. Thomas geaduate of Man<dteeter High beeUe P. Spencer at 460 b a k e ' F. Riley of the Monroe St., recently participated in Eix- School. He is a sophomore ma- Prof. Merrill B. Sherman of CraCAGO (AP)— A new Opunty Fwiltentlary explains JOftDg in peychol^. 56 Weaver Bd., former chair­ ercise Silver Talon in Ger­ storm piled up snow and ice the request of two men Block U.S. Peace Bid man of the English Department many. He is a member of Co. C, 3rd Battalion of the 3rd •cross the Midcontinent to­ w hose JaU tetn w w ere over .'Mcmhera of Mountain Lau- at the University of Hartford, r ' t o . el Gbi^iter, Sweet Adelines, wiU be the gueet of honor at Up- Armored Division, stationed day as the rough wintry to spend Monday night in near Kirch Gone, Germany. He line., will travel to New Jer- sUon XI fratemiiy’s first fa­ weather in the East eased their old cells. entered the Army in August segr on F rid a y to see the an- thers' and sons' banquet sched­ up a bit. The snow was too deep State News 1055 and wae la st stationed a t At dawn the storm — centered U N Attempt nOBl show sponsored by the uled for Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at and it w m too cold outside, Ft. Devens, Maai. He attended in Arkansas — was headed for Rgroapo Valley Chapter of DePasquaie's Restaurant, New­ th ey said. Sweet Adehnee, Inc. The New ington. John Bremer of High Manchester High SchooL the snowpacked Mlddle-AtlanUc Riley granted their re­ Sibal Delays To End W ar Jtoeey group wae the gueet of at., Coventry, assistant profes­ states. Four inriiee Of snow was quest. the Hartford group at Us an­ sor of education at the college, Willing Workers Circle of reported in mu<^ of the area im al ahow in Septem ber 1065. will be the main speaker; John South Methodist Church will from eastern Kansas to north­ Rochester had been hit Statement Is Opposed S. Repaes of Andover, sports in­ meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at ern Kentucky and that fail came with more than two feet of snow, wind gusts up to 40 The Buckley School library formation director for the col­ the home of Mrs. Nonnde Hild- in six hours. Some communities UNITED NA-nONS, N. miles an hour and frigid TUI Feb. 9 ataff will have a workshop to lege, will also speak. Repass is a Ing, 313 O h artw Oak St. M rs. reported deeper snow. Y. (A P )— ^The Soviet Union temperatures. mend used books tomorrow at former member of The Herald’s Joeeph Von Haveiheke will be Turnpikes in New Jersey, BRIDGEPORT (AP) — and France joined today in 9:30 ajn. at the school library. editorial ataff. oo-hosteas. OWo and Pennsylvania ail were Former Congressman Ab­ trying to head off a U.S. reop^ted to traffic. But in New ner W . Sibal said today he move for a United Nations fork CHOPS York the Thruway remained will wait until Feb. 9 to effort to settle the Viet closed early today from Albany Pat Lawford make a statement about his Nam conflict. westward to the Pennsylvania future political plans. Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. state Mne south o f B u ffalo, a OR Gets Divorce Sibal said recently he is will­ Fedorenko accused the United disUince of 270 miles. BIG ing to run for govemor if Re- States of trying to stage a prop­ roast Seven Inches of snow fell In SUN VALLEY, Idaho (AP) — publican loaders wonted him to aganda show in the U.N. Securi- , the St. Louis area during the Paitrlcla Lawford, sister of the do so and if they gave Wm ty Council. He said the U.S. re­ HOUSE night and the fall continued dur­ notice to that effect by today. quest tor council action was late President John F. Kennedy, WHITE ing the day. Bus line spokesmen He said he will have no designed to hide Pentagon plans lb said vehicles were running was granted a divorce today further comment until a Feb. 9 for expanding the Viet Nam about 46 minutes late and trips from actor Peter Lawford on press conference at Norwalk. w ar. to Memphis, Tenn., and Little grounds of mental cruelty. Sibal, of Norwalk, said 10 days France contended that U.N. Kurtzes Mark 25th Wedding Rock, Ark. were canceled. The divorce was entered at want Wm to run for governor, Intervention would serve only to SALE Emporia, in eastern Kansas, the district court of Judge confuse peace efforts. Mall lined Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kurtz of Mrs. Frederick Kurtz, all of he wUl announce Ws candidacy and Evansville, in extreme up with the Soviet Union and HALE Manchester. Charles Scoggins In nearby ( qj. oot^frees from the Fourth 337 K een ey St. w ere feted S a t­ southwestern Indiana, had five Main Street— ^Manchester ENDS The couple was married Feb. They Never Got Off the ’Pike Godding, Idaho. District. He served in the House France. urday night at their home at a inches of snow from midnight to The oppoeitlon to the U.S. 1, 1941 a t A ll Saints E piscopal RIB Situations like this one— at the Morgantown exit— Mrs. Lawford, who estab­ from 1961 until 1968. 25th anniversary party for L o i m s dawn. move developed cpilckly after Church, Worcester, Mass. They lished Idaho residence at the PORTION lO lN caused the closing of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Republican State Chairman A. SATURDAY Monday’s drizzle and light Sun Valley rOsort loot Dec. 20, U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. about 40 friends and relatives. have three children, Eric Kurtz, ibi yesterday. Autos, a bus and other vehicles stand Searle Pinney, who is expected K PORTION rain throughout Oklahoma froze went to court with her attorney, Ooldlierg pressed for council The event was planned by their a student at the University of to return from party conferences ovetriigM and resulted in ex­ abandoned after snow piled in around them. Turn­ action to set up preparatory Southwestern Louisiana, Lafay­ lb but was unavailable tor com­ in Washington tonight, has in- slsters-ln-law, Mrs. EWward tremely hazardous driving. pike authorities said today east-west lanes had been talks aimed at arranging a Viet ette; Carl Kurtz, statiemed with ment. ddoated that ho hopess to arrive Whiter-'fhan-White Kurtz, Mrs. Ralph Kurtz and Many schools were closed. reopened but the Northeast Extension remained Nam peace conference. the U.S. Air Force at Duluth, Idaho requires a residency of at a ‘‘concensus candidate” ac­ Cincinnati was battered by a closed because of blowing,, drifting snow. Goldberg proposed that North Minn., and Miss Lauta Kurtz, a only six weeks before a divorce ceptable to party leaders by student at Bennet Junior High heavy snowstorm this morning and South Viet Nam be invited ^ U N D CHUCK >^69° can be granted. F eb. 18. S p r in g m a id School. and there were huge traffic Mrs. Lawford was given cus­ to take part in council «Jlscus- Kurtz is co-owner of Kurtz tfei^ . Downtown streets were tody of their four children. Law­ Viet Casualty slons. Even before he spoke, LECLERC Bros., Inc., Manchester, and raIbcKFaiET >.79° ™OM FLORIDA ankle-deep in snow. ford was given visitation rights. however, the North Viet Nam WASHINGTON (AP) — The FUNERAL HOME Kurtz Dlecraft, East Granby.
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