;PAG1< TWBLVl TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, ISee. IHwicIrriitnr E ttrntno S rraU AVEBAOE DAILY OIROtTLA'nON ter the Honlk at Daeombar, I9M THE WEATHER The Blueflelds Athletic club will Mrs. Harry Madden of - Blasell Forecool of U. 8: Weatber BatOM, Dance to the Royal have another of Ito popular "Bingo" atreet, who prior to her recent mar­ Hartford p&rtlea at the clubhouse on Emer­ riage waa MIsa Mary Corrigan, was Call Us For Service! 5 ,8 5 3 Arcadians ^Swingy Mnsic’* son street tonight at 8:30 o'clock. honored with a surprise miscellane­ L. T. Wood Co. Membor of the AodM Oondy, foltowed by amnr Uto to- Many valuable prizes will be award­ ous shower Friday evening at the When You Need— night or Thursday; slowly rising ed. Members and friends are invit­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Con­ Buroau of droolatlaiia School St. Roc.. Friday. Jan. SI ed to attend. 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 tompenituro tonight.' Adnilmilon 85c. nelly of Florence street. Thirty-five High Grade Penn. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM Door P ritc Bcn>on PaM. Group 9. Center church women guests were present and a merry evening was spent. A buffet lunch AGENT COAL with Mrs. RoIIln Hitt, leader, had All Sizes. ' OL. LV., NO. 102. (OloaoUled AdvertW ng on Page U .) a well attended meeting laat. night served. Mrs. Madden received num­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. 1936. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS : at the church. Each woman gave an erous choice gifts. FOR WOOD ABOUT TOWN account In rhyme or otherwise of For All Purposes. her method of earning a dollar fur Townsend club secretaries have The Welfare Sewing circle will the group treasury. Many Intcrc.st- been notified that Dr. Clinton Wmi- PPPERS HOPPERS COKE Slain Youth and Loeb’s Slaver meet tomorrow afternoon at the Ing schemes were divulged. A pro­ der will debate the Townsend plan INTERNAL CONFLICTS POUCEMENTELL home of Mr§. Elizabeth PricM of gram of duets and solos, games and with General Hugh Johnson tomor­ Foloy fltreet All Amcrloan I^^g’ion stunt.s was enjoyed. The committee row night at Boston Gardens. Bos­ served sanrlwiches. cake and cuffec. ton. Mass. Lathrop & Staye ANTI NEW DEAL GROUl auxiliary member.s arc urged to a t­ OKE OF CONFESSION tend. a SHAKE BIG PARTIES Mlfifl Lillian Gertrude Grant of a Coal Company Cash .75 MADE BY BEY Cambridge atrcct TAdll present nev- _____ Rh.--. eral humorous monologues at the Price 12 P h o n e 3149 OPENS ITS CAMPAIGN! dinner and entertainment to be T od New Deal Labels Smith the given tomorrow evening at the G FOX CO. BUYS Bay State and ConnecticDt Asylum Avenue BaptiHt church, “Unhappy Warrior” While Insurgent Southern Thrill The Girl Hartford. 1>lue c o a l BROWN THOMSON Officers Say He Admitted *AVDeclares ‘Poor Joe* The Women’s League of the Sec­ Senator Borah Warns Old crats Rally Behind Gover ond Congregational church will Shooting of Constable Graduate With A meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Guard of the G. 0. P. BUILDING LAND Kerris E. Reynolds at the parsonage Tried to Cloud Issues nor Talmadge at on North Main street. The euest When Arrested. speaker will be Mrs. Luclu.s Foster POLITirS AT A OUAXCE Roots” Convention— Hi of Arn«lemy street, and her subject aK C !3 Hale’s Wednesday Specials One of Largest Hartford New Y'ork. Jan. 29.— (A P I—Re«c; affirmations he made In Washing­ |L{ By ASSOCIATED PRESS plying to Senator Joseph T Robin- ] ton and explained them briefly. Gift Of Flowers • rrossnore School ". A food sale will Rv .Xrchle Kilpatrick son’s address' last night. Alfred E. j he held In conneetlon with the Political “hot spots" of the The Statement Assails the President O ii mefdlMg. the pioreefls to be turned Real Estate Deals in Years Smith today said ‘Toor Joe” tried : His .statement follown: Every One A Money SaverShop Early Nation today and the reasons Two state policemen, Trooper Bouquets — Baskets or over to the ehurrh mis.slonary com­ therefor: to “cloud the issue” and said he felt ! “Poor Joe—I am sorry for him. mittee of which Mrs. Rcymolds Is Maeon, Ga.—Insurgent South­ — Assessed Value of Geo. E. Grady of Maa.sarhiisrtts and “sorry for him,” j They pul him on a tough spot. He Stales’ Rights Issue. chairman The hostesses will be ern Democu'ats, led by Oov. Robert Herr of Connecticut tdhtlfied The former governor, whose Sat­ did tho best he knew how' but It Corsages Mrs. (!hrls Chrisensen. chairman, Green Trading Stamps Given In All Departments, Eugene Talmadge of Georgia, this morning during tee second day urday night nddreH-3 to the Ameri­ was no answer. As 1 said In my rhalrman, Mrs. Carl Benson. Mrs. iV o n e better them opened a “Grass Roots” conven­ Property $1,815,000. of hla trial for murder, teat John can Liberty League precipitated speech, at the Liberty League din­ Macon, Ga.. Jan. 29.—(A P)- Izoydon Clark and Mrs. Cleon Chap- tion. Bey, alleged slayer of Constable Senator Rpblnson’s criticism of tho ner. there is only one man who Topeka, Kns. — Kansas ob- 1928 Democratic Presidential nomi­ surgent southern Democrats, raUlo^i John B DeCarll of Ellington, admit­ should try to answer me. by the cry of ".States’ Rights.” Gardenias — Sweet Peas ItliieciNiI’and I buyitfrom- servt^ Its 75th birthday as a Hartford, Jan. 29.— (A P i--In a ted the slaying to them while en- nee, said he would not reply to the “No. I won't make any reply to state, w1lh Gov. Alf 51. LAndon, ganized at a Grass Roots ' * The Asbury group will meet at MANUFACTURER’S CLOSEOUT realty deal Involving two of Hart­ route from the scene of Bey’s cap­ contents of Ihe Konator’s address, what Senator Robinson said, but the South Methodist church tomor­ Republican presidential possi­ ture In Haydensvllle, Mass., to the “but I will say a few words about will say a few words about my old meeting In Macon's mllltoh' bility to speak tonight on Na­ ford's leading department stores, G. my old friend Joe ” friend Joe. I was an unbapy war auditorium today for Marquerites — Roses row afternoon at 2;30 o’clock. tional Isoues. Neithampton State Police Bar­ THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. F^x and Company announced today racks. “I was an unhappy w’arrlor to lior to hear him read off bli speech against the nomination of Oool. Lumt>cr, .Maaons’ Supplleo, Faint 79^ Kapok Filled Washington—Senator Joseph the purchase of the land and bulld- hear him read off a speech over over which he stumbled so that A meeting will be held at 7:30 T. Robinson (D., Ark.), reply­ Incs occupied by Brown Thomaon, Upper Left Richard Loch, killed Bey also told officer Herr teat he Roosevelt for a second term. tonight In Victory hall, Golway Manchentoi shot DeCarll with one of tee guns which he stijmbled so that 1 felt felt sure it was canned and did not New French Corsage g36 No. Main SU Fhone 4119 ing to Alfred E. Smith’s Liber­ Inc., and owned by Gay and Strong, In brawl while serving life term Resolutions bitterly conde; Htrccl. to form a Lithuanian organi­ ty League speech, declared the Inc., for approximately $1,500,000. found on his person at the time of sure It was canned and did not come come from the heart of tho Joe the administration's record zation of young people. There will "brown derby was discarded for The deal does not Involve the for "thrill murder" <>f •Bot)by" the capture, the officer said. from the heart of the Joe Robinson Robinson that I have known. presented and the Rooaevelt pol The newest and \’ery latest be a speaker present from New LIVING ROOM PILLOWS the high hat” and a former ally business of Brown Thomson. Inc., Franks. a.s he appeared before According to tee testimony of the that I had known,” Smith declared. Beclouded iMue were assailed In speeches by "" York City. A Hartford young wom­ waa “enthroned In the camp of which will continue os at present the trial. police officers, Bey's dread of cap­ Smith’s statement, issued at his “It's purpos^ was to becloud the nor Eugene Talmadge of " an will entertain with banjo selec­ without change In policy or person- offices In the Empire State Build­ himself a tentative candidate tions. It Is propose*! to form a the enemy.” ture and Imprisonment again, after New York — Supporters of nsL a long period In a Bay State Jail, ing. then proceeded to list tbe { (Oontlnued on Fag# NIae) tee Presidency, and John group for the study of singing and The property comprised of the Lower Left A.a Loeb Kirby of Houston, Tex., - t..- the presentation of play.s. Senator William E. Borah (R., looked Impelled him to draw his gun and Utah), open an eastern cam­ several parcels bounded bv Main after entering prison. shoot the Ellington constable when head of tee Southern Oommltte? 59c paign to win him the Republi­ Temple. Market and Talcott streets Uphold the Constitution. FIVK-VEAR-OLI> BOY and includes the well-known Brown he waa caught stealing milk In tee Governor Talmadge , can nomination for President Gerber farm milk-room the night 8.WES TINY BROTHERS T h € COUP. * Beautiful kapok filled pillows in all color.s: riLst. green, after he attacked both the New Thomson or Cheney building on Above—James Day of Chicago, DRUNKEN DRIVING "there Is nothing to becloud the JMtHALC Main street.
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