<Urutrnl Slaiur ·.s llrr kly Nrm.s .tlagaziur Vol. 6, No . 34 Thursday, August 24, 1967 Ten Cents Cathy Dean, Dover; Susan Chaloux, Dover; Andy raQc~ '· Youngsters had a good time last weekend at the Jet' Festival. Milo; Lynn McDonald , Brownville Jet.; Rhonda Larabee, Dov- er; .Jane Jardine, Brownville J:ct. and their leader Mrs. Be hoto Sherry Harmon ancl Cathy Purdue made corn bread in are- Bigycles took on a strange appearance for the parade. flector oven. Cont'd on Page 12 . Cont'd on Page 12 I page 2 THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday qf[ilo· :e ·bH1ntUI1,ity evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the·towns . ,. in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ~ocpit .~L ~~w,~ AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors A gHtoLi·t?-ference books for the Hospital Libr'1\r~ ~~ls been · re- in advertising but will gladly print corrections .. ceived fr'om -Roche Laboratories. · · · . C'opies of-most ph.otos appearing in THE TOWN " Rec,eptionists~\re: Friday, Hilda Brown:_S::!turclay ; Myra'!Vtul­ GRIER mav be obtained through our office. lenancl Susi\risturtevant; Sunday; Stephtfi'iie'Hc;\\ia rct .and 'Ev:\ j~e>­ • · ri· y~n1 have news or available photos of any sort gacy; Monday, Stephanie Sturt~vnnt; Tu(~sthy, Jun0 D;•·sh:•: ~\/(• ·. ! ~ we urge you to call an editor or drop in. _.Pead­ ne.sday, _Lottie Do en~: Thursday, Mu riel Ciui mb.v. · line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate ADMISSIONS . DOVER- FOXCROFT copy received earlier in the week. :. SEBEC STATION Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to S<ll'lc(r-;.; Holt . 12 words, · 3 cents for each addi tiona! word. Dis­ · Edytl~e Rol;>bi ns . .. P,iay .. .a<:l ~P!l-CC by tlie column inch. MILO DROWJ'\'V!LLE Gfo•oi·ge Hichb<>rn Mildred F<'>rrest EDITO.H - Joanne B righam · Maurice -Henderson Willi;; m 1\TcLa.ughiin Milo 943-7384 • Laurie Hall G<rt'V Lar::.oll . ; . Betty Ann H(tll - Carol.:m Ri~harci_, Alta Wcilroan ··· W;l lter Hirper ~ George Morri 11 · Jnline Frnzie1· . lf you want to BUY, SELL, Helen IV1cPon:-tld BRADFORD RENT or SWAP, try "Town William Buckley Nacalie ,To Hurd ... Crier" Classified. Charles Chu:k SALiNA, KANSAS Judy Royal B:Ji;ELINE FASHIONS needs DISCHARGES stylists to sl:\ow fabulous new BROWNVILLE MILO fall line. Fascinating \Vork, OPEN HOl.iSE Irene Mann and baby Thomas Hughes n<;> inv~sttnent, no collecting. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tukey of 'Marga ret McDonald George Hichborn ca.u 943-2oss4 Milo are holding an Open House 1Vtary Rose Sally Kelly and baby at their home on Prospect St. Marjorie Russell Pearl Canney ART CLASSES in honor of their 40th Wedding Gary Larson Maurice Henderson Anyone 1n_teres ted in paint­ Anniversary on Sept 2nd from William McLaughlin B(3tsy Howe big or drawing lessons in tne 2 to 5 P.M. Pleaseomitgifts. SEBEC STATION Laur.i Hall Milo area~ i;llease drop a card . " Edythe Ropbins · Betty Ann Hall tO . the "·Art For Recreation GUILFORD SALINA, KANSAS . H~rri'e tt. Philbrik Center", ii6 No. Maip Street, Past Presidents Parlay of A­ Judy Royal -DOVER-FOXCROFT. Old Town, Maine 044Q8 merican Legion Auxiliary will Sandra .Holt. meet Monday, August 28th at BIRTHS: lVJrs. Alta Wellman of Milo, a daughter FOR SALE Doris Kallgren's cottage for a TRANSFERS: William McLeod of Brownville to Bangor; Electric refrigerator and gas 6:30 covered dish supper. Evelyn Dunphy and baLy girl Wellman to E•tstern Maine . ~·ange - BeJ>t offer.. 965- 2691 Genei·ai Hospital, Bangor:. The Herring Reunion will be FOR SALE held at the Guilford Center Gr- · · · · · . HOSPI_ .TAL. REPRE~ENTATIV~SMEETWITHPL. ANNINGC..-O,UNCil 1961 Volkswag<?':; good cond- ange Hall, Saturdav evehing, . · d J Mi).o Coml):lunity Hospital r~preseutatives met Wednesday l.n ition, ;reasonably price ' new August 26th. A baked bean su- A ~1gusta ~it~t -the Health Faci'litles BlanningC9uncilinconnection tires, front end overhauled & pPer will be served at 6.:30. v/i.th'the prop·osed 20-bed addition t() the ·hospital. rebuilt (;)ngine. Contact Win- ' lCC .., Bu1;py, ' 1\ll. D. , Chairman of the Trustees, Philip G. field ,Heath, Milo. Regular meeting of Good Ch"'. Bradeen;ChairmanofSelectmenTownofMilo, andPaulH. Day, eer Lodge #37 will be held on Trustee - the latter two being :members of the Building Com­ FOR SALE Thursday evening. Fisst nom-· mittee were well received. The Executive Director, Alan,Bri­ Small 4 room house, locate::! ination of officers. on West Main Street, Milo. , dges was unable to see the Committee but they talked with his · Assistant, Aims McGuinness, Coordinator of Hospital Related Available November 1. Con- MILO • Services outlinging their prGposal and explAining the need for tact Joseph Bradeen. The Milo Jaycees arc.spon-:- soring Amateur Boxing at the the added facility. · ·. The 20-bed ndcliti.on is to pro,.ide an Exi(~nded Care Unit, in ART LESSONS Milo Town Hall on August 26 . ' Order to relieve cong~stion in the critical hospital area, as well Anyone interested in· Oil at Sh:OO p. ~n· · b . b · ·,t f · t . , as to provide adequate care at a rnuch lower cost for the patient. Painting Lessons please call T ere w1 e 10 ou s ea· - · . · , · 1 1,_ · : - th. :"A ·· · ·. : The ultimate goal 0f the cooperative effort with the Phlnning Qwen- ~radeen. 9.43-2369. unng .~.oca 1 .~.,~oxers vs . e; 0'··. - b c· . · · . , ,r : ·: Council 1s to provide n,aXlll'~m care at J:r·Im:rrun cost through a d1a Jo orp men. · . · . .. · · . · . h · · . · a soundly-integrated healtlH.:an• system, f]ex1ble enoug to an- ticipate and absorb change and progress. To achieve -its goal, : .: · · ··the Council carries out~ ::imong other acti vi tics the follovving: . : .· ' THE TOWN CRIER Page 3 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. & Mrs; Millard Ordway 6 Generation ~ s of.Sangerville are anno~ncing the engagement of their daugh-· ter, Patric.ia Ann, to Kenneth B .. Thomas, son ofMr. &Mrs. Clyde Thomas of Guilford. Miss Ordway is a graduate of PCHS of Guilford and is em­ ployedin the office of the Dex- . ter.. Shoe Co. Mr. Thomas is a graduate of ' PCHSofGuilfordand the U-M. He is presently employed by his father. The wedding is planned for October 21st. GUILFORD GIRL WEDS PASTO Miss Ethel Prescott, daugh­ ter of Mrs. Maude Prescott of Guilford was married Aug. 14 to Rev. Ernest Ireland, at the home ·of Mrs. John Vincent ofHoulton. Rev. SherwoodSaw­ yer performed the ceremony. The bride wore a white suit with pink accessories and car.., riedawhite Bible with a white corsarge · and streamers, _a Robert Burgess, Lavergne, Tenn., and daughter Terri LeigpCarl Burgess, Herman; Mrs. gift from the bridegroom. Agnes Leland, Sharon Mass.; Mrs. Carroll S. Burgess, Sangerville . TheMakiofHonor, Mrs. John Five generations were present on Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. CarrollS. Burgess of East Virrce~t, ~ister of the bride • Sangerville observed their 50th wedding anniver sary. Con't on .page 9 wore· ·a l1ght blue broacaded dress· with pink accessories. The best man was Mr. John MMNE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION NEWS ·I Vincent; Eduo.Mionisanimportantsource of jobs in the u.s. economy; The bride has-recently return~ according to the National Education Association research di vi~ ed from Brazil where she has sion. In fact, workers in the regular schools make up 7. 2 per­ se.rved as missionary teacher cent of the employed civilian labor force. This does not count under the U~vangaliz.ed Field the educational workers employed in special programs by the PRIME WESTERN BEEF Mission. federal government and the foundations. Milo-Bradford Rd. Hoxie Hill Thebridegroomis the pastor NEA estimated that there were 5,300,000 full and part time BEST BUYS IN TOWN! of the United :Ba~tist church in· workers at all levels of education in 1966, up 12. 8 percent from Q).laranteed Tendp.r Jsland Falls. After a trip to the previous yea::-. This counts bus drivers, custodial help, sec ~ T-Bone & Club 85~ · Prince Edward Island, . iliey.. retaries, ·and others. The instructional staff--classroom teach­ Cube Steak 9-0~ . :Win be at home in the parson- · ers, principals, and. specialists such as guidance directors- Eye of Rour,d 90~ ;age at,Island Fails. >t·· numbered nearly two million. Soup Bone 45~ Pork Chops 85~ Bottom Round JOLLY JUNIORS 4-H CLUB 85~ Stew Beef The Jolly Juniors 4-H Club 80~ enjoyed a picnic and swim­ Rib end Pork 50~ Chine end Pork ming at Center Pond Thurs. 60~ WANTED! Mac. & Cheese Guests were Mrs. Freda Lan­ 65~ caster and Mrs. Myra Grant. Bread - 5 for $1.00 $1.00 The club exhibited at the Ban­ Potatoes - bushel Carpenters _. and Laborers Hot Dogs type 1 gor Fair on clothing, wild flo­ 65~ wers, photography, forestry PLUS MUCJ:l MORE .·.Mason-s ·and Tenders and arts and crafts projects. Open 12 noon 'til 6 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. 12 noon 'tillO p. They received 11 blue ribbons . FOR WORK ON'S. A.D. #41 HIGH SCHOOL IN MILO 7 red ribbons and 5 white. m. Friday. 9 a. m·. 'til 10 p. Fred I. Merrill Construction Co. m. Saturday. 10 a.m. 'til 8 ' Apply At Job Sight p. m. Sunday. p~ge 4 THE TOWN CRIER -----------------'"1 MILO HOSPITAL REPORT Cont'd fron' Page 2 Rocket Lane·s *Provides consulting services to individual sponsoring groups DOVER-FOXCROFT such as hospitals, other health institutions and communities to assure that proposed plans and programs are coordinated. *Actively promotes the construction and exp~nsion of needed Men's Bowling facilities' the abandonment or conversion of inmeeded facili..:.
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