5636 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 OCTOBER, 1956 The effect of the Order will be to extinguish the it is not within the powers of the National Parks- Public Right of Way from Jubilee Road to Saint and (Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, or on the Vincent's Church for a distance of 258 yards. ground1 that any requirement of the Act or any A certified copy of the Order, and of the map con- regulation made thereunder has not been complied tained in the Order, has been deposited at the offices with in relation to the approval of the Order, h& of the Bridge-Blean Rural District Council, 41, Old may, within six weeks from the date of publication Dover Road, Canterbury, and will be open for of this notice, make application to the High Court. inspection free of charge between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., and 2.15 p.m. and 5 p.m., from Monday SCHEDULE. to Friday inclusive, and 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Public Rights of Way to be extinguished. Saturdays. (a) That length of public footpath from a point Any objection or representation with reference 530 yards or thereabouts north of Park Farm, to the Order may be sent in writing to the Secre- 'Langhurstwood Road, in the Parish of Horsham tary, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Rural, in the County of Sussex, for a distance of Whitehall, London, S.W.I, before the 5th day of 1,055 yards or thereabouts in a general northerly November, 1956, and any such objection or repre- direction to a point where the said right of way sentation should state the grounds on which it is intersects the southern boundary of land comprising made. the Ministry of Supply Establishment at Langhurst Dated this 28th day of September, 1956. in the said Parish. L. J. WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Council. (b) That length of public footpath over the Council Offices, private roadway from the aforesaid Langhurstwood 41, Old Dover Road, IRoad to the property Graylands for a distance Canterbury. of 320 yards or thereabouts in a general easterly (118) direction from the junction of the said private roadway with Langhurstiwood Road to the point of intersection of the footpath described in (a) hereof, Dated this 5th day of October, 1956. NATIONAL PARKS AMD ACCESS TO THE COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. A. W. LAIDMAN. Clerk of the Council. Comewell House, AMERSHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. "North Street, Amersham Rural District (Great Missenden No. 1) Horsham. DiversiQn Order, 1956. (189) NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order was made on the 29th day of September, 1956, and is about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. The Order relates to land situate in the Parish of NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Great Missenden. COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. The effect of the Order will be to divert the public right of way (No. 33' in the Parish of Great WILTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. Missenden) running in a northerly direction from the Survey of Rights of Way. railway across the south eastern portion of Field No. 174, Bucks O.S.S. XXXVffl, to the Aylesbury— Notice of preparation- of the Provisional Map Tailing End Road A.413 so as to follow the north and Statement. eastern side of the railway from the bridge for a Borough of Malmesbury. distance of 287 ft. or thereabouts and thence in a Bradford-on-Avon Urban District. north easterly direction for 258 ft. or thereabouts to join up with the existing right of way. Melksham Urban District. A certified copy of the Order and of the Map Trowbridge Urban District. contained in the Order has 'been deposited at the Bradford and Melksham Rural District. Council Offices, High Street, Amersham, and will be available for inspection, free of charge, between Cricklade and Wootton Bassett Rural District. the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on all weekdays Malmesbury Rural District. except Saturdays when it is available for inspection .NOTIOE' is hereby given that the Wiltshire County between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon. Council in exercise of the powers conferred upon- Any objection or representations with reference to them by Section 30 (1) of the National Parks and the Order may be sent, in writing, to the Minister Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, have pre- of Housing and Local Government, Whitehall, pared a Provisional Map and Statement in respect London, S.W.I, before the 1st November, 1956. of rights of way within the area of the above- H. E. BUXTON, Clerk to the Amersham R.D.C. mentioned County Districts- in- the said County. Elmodesham House, A copy of the Provisional Map and Statement for High Street, the whole area of the a'bove-mentioned County Dis- Amersham, Bucks. tricts has been deposited at the office of the County 1st October, 1956. Surveyor, County Hall, Trowbridge, and copies in' (054) respect of each Borough, Urban District and Rural District have ibeen deposited at- the offices of the Town Clerk or Clerk of the Urban or Rural District Council as the case may be. NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE A copy of so much of the (Map and Statement as COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. relates to each Parish within the above-mentioned HORSHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Rural Districts has been deposited with the Clerk of the Parish Council or Chairman of the Parish Horsham Rural District (Langhurst) Extinguishment Meeting as the case may be. Order, 1955. These Maps and Statements may toe inspected NOTICE is hereby given that on the 24th day of at all reasonable times within a period of 2& days September, 1956, the Minister of Housing and Local from publication- of this notice. Government confirmed with modifications the above At any time within 28 days after publication of Order. this notice, an owner lessee or occupier of any land The effect of the Order is to extinguish the public shown on- the Map to which this notice relates rights of way as described in the Schedule hereto. being land on which the Map shows a public path, The said rights of way will be closed to the public or a road used as a pulblic path, may apply to- on the 16th day of October, 1956. Quarter Sessions for a declaration- in accordance A certified copy of the Order and of the map with section 31 (1) of the Act. Such applications contained in the Order as confirmed by the Minister must be made to the Clerk of the Peace, County has been deposited at Comewell House, North Street, Hall, Trowbridge. Horsham, and will be open for inspection, free of P. A. SEDBORINE STO'INGER, Clerk of the charge between -the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. County Council. Mondays to Fridays and 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturdays. The Order becomes operative as from the 5th day County Hall, of October, 1956, but if any person aggrieved by the Trowhridge. Order desires to question -the 'validity thereof or of 1st October, 1956. any provision contained therein on the grounds that (395).
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