. i ' ' . ove: tthecdi)dew(ordlfhat Ofp e n s }^ e s > ■ :ast Germ an Ministry for SSlal late Securily Is ' BONN, West" G ermanyly ((UPI) — Shaken by the leaflets for dislribuliorlion in govem m enl ag e n c lcs s' with who spied for th<the Easi is Ursel Lorenzen,n, ia 42-year- “The Eas g and personable I — ■ disdosure-that -anolher“ sisecretory wilh access to the heading, “T here* Is;is a code word that opens safeafes— old Eccrctar>'atat rNATO hoadquarlcrs in BirufiselB, iw wiio -__^sendlng-intl ipartlcularly-gDod-iooklng ar slaries," Herbert Western military Eccretss w as a Com m unist .spy, thefie love." __________ aed -to E ast BerlJerlln lasl-wcek-with an Eastlast German' agents lo nmake contaci with secrelarl ilch, lhe chief of counterintelljtelllgence at the - - - West German governmentcnt Is warning love-slarved. , secret police officialoffl she had-known forr y«years.-The- - Hellenbrolc; ^ The leaflets warn,, "I"It begins Innocently. You gt rmon'Offl(;e for the Proterotectlon of the women employe<s that’"ihelr th boyfriends might be official, DIelerWr Will, used his cover as a unionHli Hole! West G em know each olher, Theirhere is affection-and Irusl, on. lold.lhe newspaper BUdlamSonnlag, am agents of the East Germaninsecrctpollce. s • . em ployee to direlirecl Miss Lorenzen’s spy wtwork In the Conslllution gladly discuss your life.life Intimate, private things, The warning was prompimpled by the belief lhat thc I c l l otIlccotNATOC,) Council Operations, md Sundays and your work. Then you3U cdo small favors. They beci "T hey combci cafes Saturdays and service Is sending handsome East German espionage sor bigger and bigger. For love. And It ends up trea ,, , recoftnlzelijlheiroreyalaglance. and pcreonable agents to0 WWest Germany lo romance on East G erm an icievlslt■Islon, Ursel For at times the lovee ists planned. And your partner had accfss to the Westerncm military "Particu]:ulariy endangered are singleigie women over lonely govtimment sccretartarles. been m arried'a longJ tintim e - to the E ast G erm an S aid. "East Beriin has learnedTied lhat some tjf age are in special danger,” alliance's alcrlert plans and many olherher secrets. •’W," he salt "W om en of a certain ag( SecuritvServlce. Pleaslease think about It.” men arc susccplible and feaifear they do noi said Chief Prosecutor KurtirtRebmann. i ' Security official:■Iais hero called her defecliqiition the most these womi Vhavemuch± time left to find a partner." West German securityly 1has prinled thousands of Thelatesl.lnalongsig series of W est G erm an woi;omen. seriouscsDloiiauWHO case In reccnt'ycars. ^ Ii TTTTS Twin Falls, Idalaho Morbnifaji, March 12,>, 1979 I1 5 ^ E e a cc e d €ebat€elasit s cd ]1 1 n i g [htin1 Isrsacl lomhave Knesset (pa(parliament)' buliding. I. Hopefully we shalhall overcome them." matTiade concessions. He said bot JERUSALEM (UPI) - Th(The Israeli no plans lor hlsallhemoment.M s VanceVar made the trip to Cairo. ^ his cab/net fmmedfa- • ifler the Carter’s nationional securily adviser, agriigreed on the concept of a targrgeldnle Begin convened h Cabinet met all night on an Israeli- Carter hadI been b< scheduled to meet CarterC told reporters aft ards for what his view'“we Zbigniew Brzezirdnski, said the presi- for!or Implemenlallon of Paleilcstlnlan altorward Egyptian pcace treaty andmd Prime at breakfastwilh wi the Israeli Cabinet dinnerdim lhat from his point of vl spokesm an terme<rmed a decision m aking • eem lo b e dent w as consideidering w hether to send self^f-govemmenl. Minister Menachcn Begin salsaid todoy this morning' loto hear Ils reply to tfie (lavehav problems. They don’t see on session. le Israeli Vance to Cairo.3. /Another U.S. official ‘‘When you gel over the palaver,p; andcjarUleatlons tho cabinet look “very reareasonable still secret EgyptianEg; proposals that lootoo serious, though from the Ie’ Knesset, baton­ •rious." * said it all depecpended on what the' we’i^e’re Inching loward the ddcclslve ,‘h' decisions" following his Sundmday talks brought on thctJ £cgln statement slaiBtandpolnt they seem lo t>e scri ago both swinging policeed sscattered about 300 , .--------------------------H s going to Cabinet decided.d. moim om ent," he said. “ A monlh ai with President Carter. Sunday night, -H e waa asked if there was f rauld not rigm -w ing e xtxtremisla tn prolesting “ By noon tomeimorrow (M onday) we sidesides w ere adam ant and woi a positive Both the IsraeliIsr stale radio and betbe a tiealy signing. « mission in a scene Begin said hc expected a Kl. “ We’ll should know whai'hat lhe situation is and giv<give at all. But bolh Sadat ancnd Begin Carters peace n reply from Egypt. television saidaid Carter would send ""I don’t know," he replied, rem iniscent o!if anti-warai demonslra- whether Vance:e wlil go lo. C airo," havhave made concessions.” . - Thc Israeli prime ministeriter said he Secretary, off SlateS Cyrus Vance to havhave to see." nited Slates during the question,; BrzezinskI said,1. BBegin and Carter toasted cacach other Hons In tho Unite tale Cyrus Cairo to report)rl to Egyptian P resident BBegin, asked the same q assum ed Secretary of StaU ial close lo th e negolla- alal i a stale dinner in the prciraldcnt's '*'>“■ “aid ‘'I they arrested about ro after the Anwar Sadatt on o tho talks. American sal(said, “Maybe we'll sign andid m aybe A U.S. official Vance would leave for Cairo i Ifflcullles,—tlons-sald-bolh-S;i-Sadat-and-Boaln-havc— honhonor-held (n Iho Marc Chasall■II Hall ol « P ® P lc . — caWnet’ffmeetlng-wlth-CnrtCT Hhwouldteirgood-3ign4f—we-Avon'trThere-flre-atill^lff we- U.S.' delegallori,- wHich lia■ had'been ..... • scheduled for ID a.m. (l a.na.m . MST) - today. ; expoct a positive reply,. reporters who inlevlewed him as U.S. Ipromi lises dawn broke over Jerusalem, think we took very reasonble declslc Be^n declined to reveal con- tents of tho decisions, sa; hc thought ll would be best for3r EEgyptian Vance itQP J,; ions leaders to hear of them fror EgypitmiUh . rather than from the news me i | iCAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - PPresident Egyptian parliarrliamenl Saturday, ‘‘My - “ Begin said aides kept ViVance in* ta Curler< hos assured Presldenimt Anwar government, for lla part, wllh the full -'■formedof'the'dccisionsos-tfs they w ere-^^^ ^^H lary ■orid'' power"and"lnfluinfluence’ of’ lho“ U nlted--------------- ■ J SaSadaf of ‘ greater mllltai being made throughout theh e i]ight In economic aid to E gypt Ihilhan ever States of Americlerica. Is ready lo share emergencfy the Israeli Cabinet's em ■ beforebe onco a treaty wllh1 1Israel la the burden ofif ththat com m itm ent wlUi session called afler six hourslurs talks signed, Egyptian officials sisaid Sun- you." the Israeli W su .betw een C arter and and Ihi df‘y, Respondingg Itto Carter's remarks, •; rtclegaUon on Sunday. But radical Arab groupsips vowed radical Palestinatinian guerrilla leader -Begln-told :!------I'l-jim-qulUJ-tlred,— Bc Sunday to do whatever they!V could lo George Habashash urged Arabs Sundoy reporters ns he loft thohe Cabinet bring Sadat'a Eovernemnt too ilsI knees lo take decisiveive octlon against Egypt - meeting w rapp^ up againstist Ithe dawn Jf Egypt signs a peace treii:aty with and use thee coil weapon lo give ■ chllUn a dark overcoat andd blackbl hat. isiIsrael. P resident C arterirter a "few slops" in the Begin said the Cabinet deldebated all "N ever before has tho Unite the outstanding problemsns between '“Hibash, leadleader of the radical go:gono this far In relations wit Egypt imd Israel. Popular Frontnt Ifor tho Liberation of aniand In such clear-cut terms,’ He Bald he expecled Vantance would S, sold P.__pniflsiine criticizedcrl all Arab seisenior Egyptlon official, cltl Inform C arter of the declsloIsions when leM nTu governmenlsi for being "too soft" wllh ququlvocal remnrk.s by Cartei - the American president awaiwakened at . Homrnf Egyptian PresldtsldentAnwarSadat. speech lo the Egyptian parlarllamont hlB suite In tho King David^id Hotel In sp< lo tho leaders ot Syria, SaSalurdav. Jerusalem . Ubya, Algeria,la, £Soulh Yemen and the - C arter l8 expected to retu-etum.home Carter pledged economiclie aid to olhor pnigressl'ijssive regim es ... you this afternoon afler addrcsIrcssing the E ^ t apparently'surpassinjing the 51 m ust take decidecisivo'-aclion-iigalnst -•— — Knesset,— — -A- - - - - - .....-billion-bll annual - assistance-c-.extended— sadat-and Impcripcriallsl Interests In lhe ;• As he called the,ftbinet IntInto session o ver the last four years, thehe official region," Habasibash told' a cheering j Sunday night, Begin m adec iit t clear he said. crowd at Beirut’Irut’s Arab University to ^ : felt Israeli security wos at:Etako‘. slj Referring to Sadat’s jnational commemoratete lhe,PFLP’st .Martyrs’______ ,•___ l^ g ln was In a som ber memood as hc development plans,'Carter-r lold Uie jjay said twice al a slate diidinner for President C arter Sunday thithat It was his, duty to say “there areart serious problem s to solve before we can sign V | ] I r a n i a n1 uphea^i v a l I the peace treaty." All inindications were the negotiations werere rneurlng a i (Jlm ax.____ ___ _____ 'M Carter, lool^ng'lIfS andd Ww rn a f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ^ c u t o i l (cushionn long hours of negollallons,ins’ listened --- glumly lo Begln'S statemen and, i n " WASHINGTON (U P l) ——A-rcport— ■ contfol.ii---------- an answering toast, pledjledged U.S! published by the H eritage Fo■foundation He said thehe Initial Impact of the support for a strong, securelire and free says the disruption of oil prododucUonln Iranian oil shishutdown was not as B r - 3 le 1973 Arab oil embargo state of Israel and said "w"we realize Iran has reduced world oil susupplies to severe as the 15 .th a t our own securily Iss liIntlmalcly a level that had not been anQnlicipated but implication!Lions in the long run arc worse.
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