Ssgt , m . .... , - - ... - - TBI BTBUnr WOBIB, cTATTTBDA Y, Here's Miss New York in Her Bathing Suits of 1913 Drawn by Eleanor Schorer a " '." .r - I iwSBSrsrvS u I .SBBSBB) WB1 MB BXBSW . M W ..V r BK fM r".&icOBm.,)''- 1A SBjS-- Beeal who lovea the cool. to the knee. Oil. she Is akin, or else blue, which, after " Piiewaws U --"S3s5nw?2? wflaB - r''"? k wavea haa racked her curly gay as she along ths u moat universally becoming - i- iv0V ' EVERY tin mPHJSeSISL. BjHx t"' Tr head to find a roetumo that will white sand holding Ihn latest para- - Although checks of all klnda am io J?? " VLLVI WF&-'t- " BaPA , J b rf try to fee and oomfy to awlm and sol sbove her head lo Meld her ..m- very popular this season that tha wivm LbE " jftlVeV .JlaB '.2BbbI " - JP? l. plaah about In. The taak Is eaay tor plevlon from the sun and never touch- Jfs 1lki-l- to give birth to many a Venus ' Lav ' ' ft ' ""rsC'' B sBf & JeTs dSatt'Aa'' ' M tha Beaale who lovea to look the Ing a toa to the waters that carets the varbed In chKki. And .mighty ehlc . 'V'- 1 --" at ' ar xJwl E L'y V - isBlwBr - n. at aa aftiid will I you. TM'Jfr'r Js- r?r water and to have folka look her they bt. promlss awmZ- - '' J jW JanY jnm aha ataye high and dry parading Hi Hut wtiet an awful thit wove A thousand waya to make a cunning - ' V nifii c ilaam" ) g. OaVwaT Bhe always wear would of hoi if ha did are presented auagei'ted by -- Lat LaaM "'- j baach. aomatblnt mslic ever catch ault and tho 5) "LaaaavaaaW .. 3ajj'.--7i- - "' T1 j' i' ' fj VaaW aiddy. 1W1S l'f (aaay aometlmee even with harl The fashions of a nmkrre ef niodf and raahtona, to 'jj " and afford end mtf LaV hot SsL wkMU 'i Cf3 of lacs, of err- - me le In vjjglP"'"" -- '"-- - broad white iiiih and touches prctly liiithlnu anlta which are one of the prettiest chown Mlas .LLi T SK-rr-' rJ iTM S'7:rsB Sf2 CBt I .H with buttons and aa accord Ion plejted vlceabla too an. mad In a.11 colore N w York In the picture itamllrif on the iSa Bwi VBVj jBW " ajBP - ' CZZ JjB TL aW 1 J- fclrt, atocklaga Ulack aji! rl wild a high color; drying hiT hair. Many col- - r -:' whits decorated with for the leach aelf BP7?jfc , " "wO-'CB- ,' "RBI I B V"'il ortas-oros- s up on orcd Imttonn .mil lurjte rnaJto jj " O hkMk high strings daas brown or tha who tiaa dark h.ilr huttonholca aSS aV. v J 'PcS?--' si 22' ievaB Ihe Styles at Piping Rock, a stunning trimming on this salt, with fancy. Tha girl sitting on a rope wears Buttons, buttons, they i natal be 1 al jE5LSawafeK: Its short cutaway peplum, high pointed a suit whose only trimming Is a vest Just as popular on bathing sulta this bodice belt and straight skirt with a with chic, smart lines, black eollar and summer aa they have been oa gowns LUkleCw--B-SBBB Bn fold 4own the aide front and the round- tiny fold at tha bottom of the aklrt. and all last season and are thin But tor $The Longchamps of America rSl l ed corners at the bottom. For the girl a (aw buttons. the girl who lores the wavea for their UMIAK Now Tat revtval cool ring snd ths warm sun. who likes a touch of color this suit gives Now, ths girl on the extreme left has own sweet sake, who think mora of a for Us bractss good time than of good looks, tha vary amort U At aaisot breading ground of Wsst-sr- a coming in with fair, haalthy an admirable chance In Its tiny collar a vary pretty costume, but she haa been ol a sf kings. wMoh this contact best kind of suit Is a pair of aleak black H faahloaa It was llrat to b noted that sklna gulltlpt of paint or powder. and sleeve bands and smart little bow having ko much fun tumbling about on black waist so ona can- tights and a simple and tha woman who attracted attention worn These women looked as If thsy wsrs at the neck. the wavse and It'a wet that aklrt. with a big. white belt and cellar. franc racing grounds, bars long served all of unexceptionable aoelal position wen aiuslntsd with golf links and ten. Thpas suits which ara designed with not see mucn of It. The Roman sash And as shs standa poised reedy to Jump, aa eonvsaiant scrssas for the display and that they wore clothes befltt.ng nls grounds, with ssrly horssback rides vpMi are very pretty. There are as and cuffs are very youthful, and you ahe looks a heap prettier than the fusete af asenag plat urea freaa the Parisian thslr dignified placa in ths world. There and canos excursions. "And thsy arc." many variations of vests as there are could make rhe collar and tie af the Basel because there' a broad, esatuasara. This wssk Maw Tork society was so display of Immodest "freak" aald an Ins.dtr. "Society, ths best and grains of sand, so It Is left entirely up same If you wished, snd even ths but- anille on her face Bhe la haw- haa made a combined AattsulbXong gowns on mannlklna hired for tha pur- - hsslthlest pnrt of society. Is In reac- to you, Bessie, which vest suits your tons, for that matter. ing A UlTLBJT GOOD TTlSfE. ctaapa af Prpiag Hawk, Lang 1stand. aa at ths groat Contlnsntal raring tion against hothouss artificiality." r,w school. vlth Tha vary word was apo-ka- centres. oottutnss, However, If plaid, draped up over a silt at the 1: t iiuninarjr ui u tew ui ine veal futurist latest sartorial Ths beautiful and the deep blue, while the outer covering, of try tha imiaaHakf gawasd naua coatly In ths highest degree, and with movement la dlapenalng with the side. Between hips and kneea were women: Mrs Harry Payne Whitney, cone-ahapt- a lighter blue, wa decorated with many novslty, beauty npplled two deep folds of the plain wore a email d black hat who atrollad over the touches of distinct wsrs doctor, It la atlll on excellent n yellow llgures. eye snd botriys tha masculine pocket-hoo- k, If you wlah to wear any color at all. on plaid, latter show-in- no Mra. Ser- oddly ahaped red and asjd arswdsd boas at all tueh any Ameri- terms with the dreaemakar. Piping material the the with almost trimming. one young girl cublat turf tha as waa the general wear two, according to Piping Rock the folds. The hat worn geant wore daifc blue hat Al0 showed a Us) aapgaT gathareag can woman might ooAtumea. though favorite between Cram a In blue, rod, green and of tha szahislv wear. Rock dlocrsst, were lire. Payne Whitney waa white, liter- "and if you are It at Piping Kock lt'a wlUi this costume waa round and trimmed with oatrlch plumes. Mlas coatee. which ooontry clubs la loous Valley. And rt Both ths young girls and thslr moth-er- a delightful, whit quarrelled merrily together distracting and several ally, top to toe. cos- two-ton- e email, and trimmed with a band red had trim-- ; from her dainty correct." The sulta, coat of rather Carol Harrtman'a hat Hoi atrlpea avom to be displacing the at 4 ward af iimamll Piping Rock showed a notable and refreshing other d's Including dear. ProbaiUy o( oriental silk. C. C. Rumety tume breaking Into lace ruffles at the one eclor and skirt of another, were minus of wheat. Mra. Wll-eon- 'a awWwn, Piping' Book coats. Piping Rock absence of makeup. Ths color In their tha 'wimple white gown." thnt frock Almost all the skirts were s'.lt, but splotches and pp'.ashe. Mra R. T. throat and where the elbow sleeves end- extraordinarily well liked. One of these had a Panama hat with brown latin two-ton- e kgda daaUaaaVpa. baooplad coun-- obviously something wue worn underneath In costume was an example ara tha cheeks was tha result of ths which ever bowitohed the masculine rlbbon-trlmme- trimmings. Mra. Ooadby LooW ed, while even her d mil is showed a remarkable combina- skilfully ar- ribbon ,jf this. The corsage snd the upper pirt every case, and usually wore a small black hat wltn two stiff hat was snowy. Mrs. Paul Cra-rat- h tion. Tho cutaway coat was of plain of the aklrt seemed made In one piece, ranged drapery almost concealed ths feather, Mrs. Ocdon Mtiis'e laghorn wore a while coat-su- it with a fine dark cloth, with a white satin vcat opening. The effect was eminently de- and descended diagonally over en under- hat waa wreathed alth pink rosea anl skirt of a different pattern which black atripa, the coat cut long and rather fastened with three ornamental buttona. cent and devoid of sensation. U wheat. Mrs. J. A. Uurdeu'e Ida hat! OOnSPtCUObS white stripe was severely plain, re- The lleOVCf of pluln ma- one could not but be impressed by ths showed tightening. It kimono the waa trimmed with cerise ribbon. Mrs.; Tho prophecy accordion pleated lieved only by straps and collar of bla?k. tt rial ended half way between ttie comparative smalliiess of the hats, of that there were nome of the "picture" T7thtTrlaallii appealed In a whits hst frvOki ai a on the calendar was proved Mrs.
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