OPTA Public version Broadband: Number of retail broadband internet connections cable + DSL 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 number of connections x 1,000 1.000 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 07Q4/06Q5 Total number of retail connections 4.779 4.955 5.219 5.301 5.407 5.590 5.659 5.703 7,6% Number of DSL connections 2.916 3.017 3.187 3.224 3.268 3.396 3.442 3.470 7,6% Number of cable connections 1.863 1.938 2.032 2.077 2.139 2.194 2.216 2.233 7,5% Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, SCARLET, TELE2, UPC, VERIZON and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_B_8_1 and 3_B_8_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Market shares retail broadband internet connections cable + DSL (2008Q2) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% D A T 2 C O r IW PN G LT NET K LE UP the BNE CA Y NLINE E IG O B DE T Z AS O CARLE ERIZON E S V 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 @HOME [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] - - BBNED [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] CAIW [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] CASEMA [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] - - DELTA [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] EASYNET [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] KPN [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] MULTIKABEL [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] - - ONLINE [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] SCARLET [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] TELE2 [0-5%] [5-10%] [0-5%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] TISCALI [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] - - - - - UPC [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] VERIZON - [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] ZIGGO - - - - - - [20-30%] [20-30%] Other [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, SCARLET, TELE2, UPC, VERIZON and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_B_8_1 and 3_B_8_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index retail broadband internet connections cable + DSL 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 HHI retail broadband internet connection 2.491 2.487 2.539 2.987 3.003 2.939 3.279 3.267 HHI retail broadband internet connections, when regional cable 3.557 3.556 3.607 4.091 4.134 4.065 4.025 4.014 providers are seen as one provider Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, SCARLET, TELE2, UPC, VERIZON and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_B_8_1 and 3_B_8_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Unbundled lines 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 number of lines x 1,000 1.000 500 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 08Q2/07Q2 Total number of unbundled lines (internal 2.983 3.182 3.298 3.327 3.389 3.466 3.541 3.584 7,7% + external) Number of shared lines (internal) 1.735 1.661 1.543 1.699 1.694 1.643 1.569 1.513 -10,9% Number of shared lines (external) 532 563 535 260 238 228 223 204 -21,5% Number of fully unbundled lines (internal) 451 664 862 1.059 1.121 1.209 1.332 1.436 35,6% Number of fully unbundled lines (external) 264 293 358 309 337 385 417 430 39,0% Based on figures from KPN OPTA Public version Broadband: Wholesale broadband access, low quality, cable + DSL 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 number of connections x 1,000 1.000 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 08Q2/07Q2 Total number of low quality lines 4.709 4.966 5.136 5.238 5.360 5.491 5.594 5.628 7,4% Number of low quality DSL lines 2.905 3.083 3.162 3.220 3.280 3.358 3.435 3.455 7,3% Number of cable lines 1.805 1.883 1.974 2.018 2.080 2.132 2.160 2.172 7,7% Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, TELE2, UPC and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_A3_6_1 and 3_A3_6_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Market shares wholesale broadband access, low quality, cable + DSL (2008Q2) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% BBNED CAIW DELTA EASYNET KPN ONLINE TELE2 UPC ZIGGO 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 @HOME [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] - - BBNED [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] CAIW [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] CASEMA [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] - - DELTA [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] EASYNET - [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] KPN [40-50%] [40-50%] [40-50%] [50-60%] [50-60%] [50-60%] [50-60%] [50-60%] MULTIKABEL [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] - - ONLINE [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] TELE2 [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] TISCALI [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] - - - - - UPC [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] [10-20%] ZIGGO ------[20-30%][20-30%] Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, TELE2, UPC and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_A3_6_1 and 3_A3_6_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index wholesale broadband access, low quality lines 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 08Q2/07Q2 HHI 2.504 2.535 2.538 3.068 3.067 3.019 3.393 3.402 10,9% HHI 3.595 3.602 3.634 4.170 4.183 4.137 4.137 4.148 -0,5% Based on figures from BBNED, CAIW, DELTA, EASYNET, KPN, ONLINE, TELE2, UPC and ZIGGO. Based on questions 3_A3_5_2, 3_A3_5_3, 3_A3_6_1 and 3_A3_6_2 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Wholesale broadband access, high quality DSL lines 120 100 80 60 number of lines x 1,000 40 20 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 08Q2/07Q2 Total number of wholesale broadband 85 95 97 97 100 96 99 102 5,4% access, high quality DSL lines Based on figures from BBNED, EASYNET, KPN, TELE2 and VERIZON. Based on questions 3_A2_2_2 and 3_A2_3_1 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Market shares based on wholesale broadband access, high quality DSL lines (2008Q2) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% BBNED EASYNET KPN TELE2 VERIZON 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 BBNED [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] [20-30%] EASYNET [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] KPN [60-70%] [60-70%] [60-70%] [60-70%] [60-70%] [70-80%] [60-70%] [60-70%] TELE2 [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [5-10%] [0-5%] VERIZON [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] [0-5%] Based on figures from BBNED, EASYNET, KPN, TELE2 and VERIZON. Based on questions 3_A2_2_2 and 3_A2_3_1 of the SMM. OPTA Public version Broadband: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index wholesale broadband access, high quality DSL lines 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 Change 30-09-2006 31-12-2006 31-03-2007 30-06-2007 30-09-2007 31-12-2007 31-03-2008 30-06-2008 08Q2/07Q2 HHI wholesale broadband access, high 4.924 4.767 4.928 5.043 5.034 5.476 5.286 5.461 8,3% quality DSL lines Based on figures from BBNED, EASYNET, KPN, TELE2 and VERIZON.
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