Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Hugo News ...Your Area Marketplace Page 3B Legal Notices Legal #20-173(LPXLP) ing to the recorded plat there- property. Legal #20-190(LPXLP) be granted to the Petitioner. PUB. (7/29,8/05,12-2020) of (the “Renthouse”). •Unknown Heirs, Successors PUB. (8/12,19-2020) Legal #20-194(LPXLP) and Assigns of Ronald K. Terry Park, Sheriff of WITNESS MY HAND AND PUB. (8/12,19-2020) IN THE DISTRICT C. The North 40 feet of lot Phillips Choctaw County, Oklahoma NOTICE OF SEAL this 3rd day of Au- COURT OF THE 3 in Block 34 in the original APPLICATION TO USE gust, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE CHOCTAW NATION OF town -site of Fort Towson, •Amanda Marzek, Unknown By: Gwen Robertson STREAM WATER OKLAHOMA Oklahoma, and the South Heir of Ronald K. Phillips DEPUTY (Seal) If you have storage unit #2, 60 feet of Lot 3 in Block 34 Notice is hereby given that 5, 7, or 8 at Messer Storage IN RE: THE NAME of the original townsite of •Gloria McCracken, Un- Don Timberlake-#9021 Will Harrington whose ad- Laura Sumner, 2687 E 2017 Rd Hugo, please CHANGE OF NRB Fort Towson, Oklahoma (the known Heir of Ronald K. BAER & TIMBERLAKE, dress is Rt, 1, Box 34, Grant, Court Clerk call 580-209-2772 within 15 “Home”). Phillips P.C. OK 74738 has filed an appli - days to pay your bill or the CASE NO: CV-20-9 P.O. Box 18486 cation, #2019-021, with the By: Kim Young unit will be disposed of. (SEAL) •Helen R. Phillips Oklahoma City, OK 73154- Oklahoma Water Resources Deputy Court Clerk NOTICE OF HEAR- 0486 Board (Board) for a permit ING ON CHANGE ON Laura Sumner •Unknown Spouse, if any, of Telephone: (405) 842-7722 to use a total of 2,260 PETITION TO CHANGE Choctaw County Court Clerk Helen R. Phillips Facsimile: (405) 848-9349 acre-feet of stream water NAME BT File No: 118477 per year at a diversion MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE By: Laura Sumner •Nathan Clark, Unknown rate not to exceed 5,000 16 THE CHOCTAW NATION Tenant of 1206 West 1st gallons per minute from OF OKLAHOMA TO: All Date: 7-20-20 Street, Hugo, Oklahoma Legal #20-187(LPXLP) one point of diversion on interested persons 74743 PUB. (8/05,12-2020) the Red River located as Jon Ed Brown, OBA #16186 follows: SW SW NE of Life Estate Take notice that Maegan JON ED BROWN LAW •Unknown Tenant, if any, of IN THE DISTRICT Section 32, T7S, R17EIM, Ranee Belvin and NRB have FIRM PC 1206 West 1st Street, Hugo, COURT OF CHOCTAW Choctaw County. The petitioned to change the mi- 101 S. 4th Street Oklahoma 74743 COUNTY STATE OF water is proposed to be For Sale: $4177.00 nor child’s name to Nash Hugo, OK 74743 OKLAHOMA used for irrigation of 565 Ryder Jones. (580) 326-8788 Telephone THE ABOVE-SPECIFIED acres located as follows: DORIS EUGENE MOONEY (580) 326-8796 Facsimile AND ALL OTHER PER- IN THE MATTER OF THE 175 acs. in Section 28, A Hearing on said petition is ATTORNEY FOR SONS OR ENTITIES AND ESTATE OF 50 acs. in the S2 SE of Valliant Ok 74764 set for 1:30 p.m. on the 29th PLAINTIFFS THEIR UNKNOWN SUC- DAVID GLENN DAHL, Section 29, 160 acs in day of September, 2020, CESSORS HAVING AN IN- Deceased, the E2 E2 of Section 32, Call: 580-326-7771 before District Judge Mark TEREST IN THE HEREIN 160 acs. in the W2 W2 of Morrison in his courtroom lo- Legal #20-184(LPXLP) DESCRIBED PROPERTY Case No. PB-20-13 Section 33, and 20 acs. in cated in the Choctaw Nation PUB. (8/05,12-2020) WHOSE ACTUAL AD- the W2 NE NW of Section District Courthouse in Du- DRESS IS UNKNOWN NOTICE TO CREDI- 33, all in T7S, R17EIM, rant, Oklahoma. Should you IN THE DISTRICT ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TORS Choctaw County, as more know of some reason why COURT OF CHOCTAW OF THE FOLLOWING specifically described in this change of name should COUNTY, OKLAHOMA SHERIFF’S SALE. To the Creditors of DAVID the application. Use of not be allowed, you must GLENN DAHL, Sr., de- stream water is governed file a written protest in the SECURITY FIRST Notice is hereby given that ceased: by Sections 105.1 and above styled and numbered NATIONAL BANK, on the 8th day of September, following of Title 82 of cause prior to the above date a Banking Corporation, 2020 at 10:00 o’clock a.m., All creditors having claims the Oklahoma Statutes with the Clerk of this Court. Plaintiff, at the Courthouse in Choc- against David Glenn Dahl, and rules of the Board, Should you fail to do so, the taw County, Oklahoma, the deceased, are required to Oklahoma Administrative petition for change of name vs. undersigned Sheriff of said present the same with a de- Code (OAC), Title 785, will be granted as prayed. Choctaw County will offer scription of all security in- Chapter 20. Horace Whitten and Guar- for sale and sell for cash at terests and other collateral 33 HOMES FOR SALE (SEAL) anty Bank & Trust, N.A., public auction, to the highest (if any) held by each creditor Protests to the application Defendants. and best bidder therefore, with respect to such claim, to must be in writing and /s/Sandy Stroud with appraisement, all that Emily Dahl, Personal Rep- received by the Board at COURT CLERK CJ-2020-01 certain real estate which resentative, at the law office the address listed below ADMINISTRATOR has been duly appraised at of Thomas J. Hadley, 115 S. and by the applicant at House for Sale NOTICE OF SALE OF $24,000, to-wit: Broadway, Hugo, OK 74743, the address listed above LAND UNDER SPECIAL addressed to Thomas J. Had- no later than September House and 9 acres in Frogville By: DEPUTY EXECUTION LOTS THREE (3) AND ley, attorney for the Personal 15th, 2020, and contain FOUR (4) AND THE EAST Representative, on or before the following: (1) name, for sale. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO 30 FEET OF LOT FIVE the following presentment address, and telephone Legal #20-175(LPXLP) COLLECT A DEBT AND (5) , IN BLOCK ELEV- date: October 4, 2020, or the number of the interested Contact: Otis D. Knight Sr. PUB. (7/29,8/05,12-2020) ANY INFORMATION OB- EN (11), IN WEBB AD- same will be forever barred. person; (2) the particu- TAINED WILL BE USED DITION TO THE CITY lar application number to 903-785-2335 IN THE DISTRICT FOR THAT PURPOSE. OF HUGO, CHOCTAW DATED this 3rd day of Au- which the protest relates; COURT FOR CHOCTAW COUNTY, OKLAHO- gust, 2020. (3) specific information COUNTY STATE OF Notice is hereby given that MA, ACCORDING TO to show how approval of OKLAHOMA on the 8th day of Septem- THE RECORDED PLAT /s/Emily Dahl, the application proposed ber, 2020, at 10:00 o’clock, THEREOF, TOGETHER Personal Representative may directly and adversely WILLIAM CLAY ALVEY a.m., in the lobby at the front WITH A MOBILE/MANU- affect legally protected Plaintiff, door of the Choctaw County FACTURED HOME, BE- THOMAS J. HADLEY, interests of the person Courthouse, Hugo, Oklaho- ING 124-000-H-013206A, OBA #13807 filing the protest; and (4) vs. ma, the undersigned Sheriff CHAMPION, 2009, 115 S. Broadway a statement of the relief will offer for sale and sell for 124CL240,29X50.429X54 P. O. Box 667 sought by the interested DESIREE COLEMAN, cash to the highest and best Hugo, OK 74743 person. A person who CATHY LOU ARM- bidder, with appraisement, Property Address: TEL: 580-326-3108 sends a letter containing STRONG, RONDI HARRIS, subject to unpaid real estate 1206 West 1st Street FAX: 580-326-3182 only a general objection JOHNNY ARMSTRONG, ad valorem taxes and superior Hugo, Oklahoma 74743 Attorney for Petitioner or comment will not be JAMIE HARRINGTON, special assessments, if any, deemed to be a party, but the HELP WANTED JASON ALVEY, and their the following described real subject to taxes, tax sales, letter will be made part of the 12 spouses, and each of said property situated in Choctaw expenses for preservation Legal #20-188(LPXLP) permanent record. Defendants, if living, or if County, Oklahoma, to-wit: of the involved real estate, PUB. (8/12,19,26-2020) dead, their unknown heirs, prior mortgages and liens If a protest that meets the Positions Available executors, personal repre- Lot numbered 113 Of Pauline and redemption rights, if any. CHILD FIND requirements listed in the sentatives, devisees, trustees Bailey Survey, Lake Ray- paragraph above is filed with and assigns; and the unknown mond Gary, a subdivision of Said sale will be made pursu- With changing times in edu- both the applicant and Board, heirs, executors, personal the NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 36, ant to a Special Execution cation, the Oklahoma State a hearing on this application Homestead of Hugo representatives, devisees, Township 6 South, Range 19 and Order of Sale duly issued Department of Education will be scheduled and the administrators, trustees and East of the Indian Base and upon a judgment entered in would like to inform parents applicant and protestant(s) Is hiring for the following positions: assigns of VIRGINIA RUTH Meridian, Choctaw County, the District Court of Choc- about child find opportuni- will be advised of the hear- ALVEY, JAMES MELTON Oklahoma; taw County, Oklahoma, in ties. “All children with dis- ing date. Protestants or their •House Keeping ALVEY, and MELTON AN- the above-numbered case abilities, residing in the state, representatives must appear DREW ALVEY, The above described real wherein Weststar Mortgage whether attending public at the hearing and present Defendants.
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