$2.95 • was The Journal of Washington Apple Pi, Ltd. Volume 14, Number 12 December 1992 Artists on Exhibit ........ Falcon Microsystems ..... 1100 Mcrchanlllc l..Jnc. l.antlo,cr. MO ,., 14 WAP Garage Sale 118 Personalized Christ- mas Cards are Here! 21 Photo CD Review 26 Compression Comparison - Speed ~ ::.~I.Mao")- T~IO~~~I · ~ ... ·11 BusinessTalk 2000 31 . 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Mouse Pad 600 232055 12 x 12 Electrostatic Tablet 795 Hard"1are 232056 12x 12 Standard Surface Tablet 710 Asante 231812 6 x 9 Standard Surface Tablet 490 Abacus Concepts 181188 EN/SC 310 101838 StatView 4.0 358 Illusie ' 181189 EN/SC for Powerbook 328 Acius Coda Music Software 182058 EN/SC Powerbook/10BaseT 275 102010 4th Dimension 492 101324 Finale 2.6.3 525 182057 EN/SC/lOBaseT 245 102050 MusicProse 2.1 180 102011 4th Dimension Professional 1174 182059 MacCon + 30iE 175 Ca ere Mark of the Unicorn 181191 MacCon + 30iE64 175 211994 Digital Waveboard 1200 102043 OmniPage Direct 259 181483 MacCon + 30iEMC 275 102044 OmniPage Professional 620 Opcode Systems 181939 MacCon+30iET 175 102045 Audioshop 60 Claris .182060 MacCon + 30iETMC 275 101319 EZ Vision 95 102002 Claris Works w/Quicken 195 181192 MacCon + 30iETMC64 275 102047 MIDI Translator 40 101884 FileMaker Pro 2.0 262 181489 MacCon + llE 175 101742 Studio Plus Two 135 Deltapoint 181488 MacCon + llE64 175 102003 DeltaGraph Professional 194 181958 MacCon + llET 175 Utilities Insignia 181938 MacCon + llET64 175 AfterHours 101723 SoftAT v. 2.5 286 181484 MacCon +LC 170 101854 DateBook or TouchBASE 73 102008 Softnode v. 1.0 50 181841 MacCon +LC MC 315 Attain 101790 Universal v. 2.5 190 182062 MacCon +LC MC/lOBaseT 275 102001 In Control 84 101161 AccessPC v. 2.0 58 182061 MacCon + LC/lOBaseT 170 Berkley Systems SAS Institute 182064 MacCon3 llsi 215 101178 After Dark & M.A.D. Bundle 38 101381 JMP Design 238 182065 MacCon3 llsiMC64 315 102028 After Dark 2.0 28 101382 JMP Statistical Pack 2.0 558 182063 MacCon3 Nubus 215 Fifth Generation Systems Synergy Software 101637 PersonToPerson 2-User 50 101746 Suitcase V2.1 48 102036 VersaTerm 4.6 83 Costar Kaetron Software 101880 Versa Term Pro 3.6 165 1997 AddressWriter Envelope Printer 450 101778 TopDown 3.0 193 992053 Labelwriter II Plus 285 Software Ventures Daystar Digital 102034 FlowChart Express 87 101548 Microphone II. 4.0 26 171259 ComboCache llsi-FPU 305 No Hands Gra11hies 141261 Equalizer LC w/FPU 250 102030 Magnet 80 Adobe 141260 Equalizer LC 188 Postcraft 172038 PowerCache 33 MHz 101300 Effects Specialist 90 101168 Photoshop 2.01 539 600 171645 PowerCache 33 MHz w/68882 720 101996 Layouts for PageMaker 70 102004 Illustrator 3.2 w/ATM 362 172040 PowerCache 40MHz 775 101996 Layouts Quarkxpress V.1.0.1 70 101169 Premier 2.0 430 172041 PowerCache 40MHz w/68882 958 Salient Aldus Corporation 171263 PowerCache 50MHz 1120 101197 AutoDoubler 48 102005 Freehand 3.1 385 172039 PowerCache 50MHz w/68882 1350 101282 DiskDoubler 48 102006 lntelliDraw 193 172042 PowerCache Adapter 45 Symantec 102007 Pagemaker 4.2 488 Global Village 101589 Norton Utilities 2.0 94 101750 SuperPaint3.0 127 132016 Powerport Bronze 2400 210 101705 SAM 3.0 62 Altsys 132017 Powerport Silver 9600 427 Teknosys 102009 EPS Exchange 92 131352 Powerport Gold v.32bis 566 101364 Help! 87 101338 Fontographer 3.5 250 PSI Integration Connectix 101851 Metamorphosis Professional 90 131653 PSI PowerModem 9600 165 101835 CPU-Connectix PB Utilities 47 Visa/Mastercard Accepted• Shipping UPS GROUND in DC Metro Area; $3.00 •Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST Prices and Item Availabilty Subject to Change If you count on your Macintosh®, count on setvice from Falcon. Nationwide service means Falcon's range of service programs include: a quicker response. • lnstalling equipment and/or software at your site. Let the experts make sure your system is up and With its network ofSe rvice Centers and Servit'C running right Partners, Falcon provides equipment service nationwide. • Perforrrting warranty service at your site. Can you F.ach center is ful~· s tocked with commonly-needed JMS afford to wait for standard warranty service? and features the latest in diagnostic equipment. • Installing upgrades (at our facility or at your site). F.ach center is also pan of our nationwide Service Make sure new cards, memory, and drives arc cor­ Coordination Sysiem. So, if you need help, the only rectly installed for maximum petfonnance. number you need t0call is301-386-1816. That's our national falcon Service Hotline • Perforrrting critical repairs on a time/materials or contract basis (at our facility or at your site). Our comprehensive inventory • While-you-wait estimates and repairs at one of our delivers parts without delay. service depots (on a time and materials basis). • On-site contracts with response times tailored to F.ach of Falcon's Service Centers maintains an ;uur specific needs and budget extensive inventory ofcommonly-needed JMS. And • Self-maintenance. our J.andover, MO, center mai ntains an even larger stock to supply our regional centers. So youdon't Protect your investment in "t;::::~~~-..,....,..- wait for JMS. And you save on service since our le system reduces the ro;t of JMS inventories. microcomputing equipment. It's this simple: If your system goes down, you net'CI Quality = customer satisfaction. prompt, certified service tO bring it back on-line quickly. Computer equipment downtime is more than just an For Falcon, quality is more than just a bll7Zll'Ord, it's a So for emergency service or to pro!ea your investment inconvenience; it's a crisis that could have ala.sting impaa way of doing busines.s -everyday. Our commitment to in equipment, software, produaivity, and data, please call on your ollke. quality is reBeaed in the most important way- complete this number immediately: Ai Falcon, our busines.s is making sure you can use customer satisfaaion. And it shows in every service call, your Macintosh when you need it -each and every day. repair, and installation. 301-386-1816 Our installation, warranty, upgrade, and repair services That's why Falcon Microsystems has been awarded the That's Falcon's Nationwide Service Hotline. Our techni· make sure each component you buyper forms up to speci­ "Oul5tanding Customer Satisfaction" award by Apple cal representatives are standing by to dispatch the help fication- from the moment we unpack your equipment Computer; Inc. - not just once, but three times. )'OU need. through years of reliable operation. We'll checkyour installation requiremenl5 and cover Here's how Falcon safeguards your investment in Falcon does more your systems with services that are Macintosh systems and software: just right for than just repairs ... you. Certified technicians =Jaster service. Different customers have different needs. That's why Falmn's award-winning Technical Service Falcon offers not one, but a variety of Hardware Service Representatil"es (TSRs) are fully cenified by Apple*, Prcw.tms. Whether you use asingle system or manage an Radius, RasterOJlS, Iomega and other manufaaurcrs. entire network, youcan choo;e the program and service What does this meant o you? It means our TSRs know features that preciselym atch your requirements. Falcon's your equipmen~ new or old, inside and out And it means GSA Schedule and contmt service features: th:u they can cliagoo;e problems and put your malfunc · • Telephone technical support. tioning systemback on-line - FAS11 • Affordable support costs. • Response and coverage tailored to your needs. Falcon is proud to be recognized as an r--~-~-------------, authorized service center for products from ... ~~~~~?===---""'- D Yes! Please send me infonnation on I FlJli -- -· Falcon's complete range of Macintosh Services. I 1/)n D I need coverage! Please have a Falcon ti Apple Computer I 0U 11 lechnical Service Rep call me immediately. I I 'Jl11flh n ;rm I To re1JUC51 infoonatioo - I rad us~ l·M:M 1 lAillllllie11 orsenice, ihsc mail -=-=no:----------- 1 Seirrrnoe'(.l th~n!!jOOil!O= I :l t' l 0 Falroo MJ~ems - RA5TER0PSC I llOOM<ian1ic 1Jne -"'i:::-----------1 THE ART&. SCIENCE OF CO LOR~ I Call: 301-386-1816 =~::;~ ...... -- I ~ ltlt ~\9~~T.... aod W.-_., ll'I'~ Fax: 301-773-5799 ~~~~~~kft0r ta. :.._ .. ,_ nbwt.o · l ~C.~ .. .... ....,.~ ... pr ~ n~"'f'"-~ L------------------~123 06 7 8 9 Table of Contents Volume 14 .............................. December 1992 ..................................... Number 12 Club News W AP's Guide to the Macintosh Orchard ......... 23 by Tom Witte and Jon Thomason WAP Hotline .............................................. 39, 42 Photo CD: Desktop Photography ....................
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