CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME V GUJARAT PART II"A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES R. K. TRIVEDI Superintendent of Census Operations, Gujarat PVllUruED BY mE MAMOU OF l'UBUCA.11O.\'5, tl£11fi PRINTED AT SUllHMH PRrNIERY, ARMroAllAD 1963 PRICE Rs. 5.90 oP. or 13s11. 10d. at $ U.S. 2.13 0.., 0", z '" UJ ! I o ell I I ell " I Ii: o '"... (J) Z o 1-5«0 - (Y: «..., ~ (!) z z CONTENTS PAOD PREFACE iii-iv CENSUS PUBLICATIONS NOTE 3-22 TABLE A-I UNION TABLE A-I Area, Houses and Population 23-36 STATE TABLE A-I Area, Houses and Population of Talukas/Mahals and Towns 37·56 ApPENDIX I 1951 Territorial Units Constituting the present set-up of Gujarat State 57·75 SUB-ApPENDIX Area for 1951 and 1961 for those Municipal Towns which have undergone changes in Area since 1951 Census 76 ApPENDIX II Number of Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a Popu­ lation under 5,000 77·80 LIST A Places with a Population of under 5,000 treated as Towns for the First Time in 1961 81 LIST B Places with a Population of under 5,000 in 1951 which were treated as Towns in 1951 but have been omitted from the List of Towns in 1961 81 APPENDIX III . Houseless and Institutional Population 82-95 ANNEXURE A Constituent Units of Gujarat State 1901-1941 96-99 ANNEXURE B • Territorial Changes During 1941-1951 100·102 ANNEXURE C Urban Units for which the Area Figures are not separ~tely available 103 TABLE A-n TABLE A-II Variation in Population during sixty years . 105-112 ApPENDIX Districts showing 1951 Population according to Territorial Jurisdiction in 1951, Changes in Area and the Population involved in those changes 113-118 ANNEXURE D Method of Estimation of previous Census Population for Transferred Territories 119 TABLE A-m UNION TABLE A-III Villages Classified by Population . 121·127 STATE TABLE A-III Villages Classified by Population for Talukas/Mahals 128-139 TABLE A-IV TABLE A-IV Towns and Town-groups Classified by Population in 1961 with Variations since 1901 141-178 ApPENDIX New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 179·181 NOTE A Particulars of New Towns added in 1961 182 NOTE B Particulars of 1951 Census Towns declassified in 1961 183-184 SPECIAL ApPENDIX Towns with their Area and Jurisdiction 185·189 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 191-325 ANNEXURE E List of Scheduled Castes 326 ANNEXURE F • • List of Scheduled Tribes 326 PREFACE 1. The Census of India, 1961, Volume V on Gujarat, is divided into ten parts, each part being further sub-divided into two or more sub-parts, according to the extent of material to be incorporated therein.' Part II-A which is the present publication contains General Population Tables (A-Series) and Primary Census Abstract and furnishes basic demographic data compiled in the following Tables;- 1 A-I-Area, Houses and Population 2 A-II-Variation in Population during sixty years 3 A-III-Villages classified by population 4 A-IV-Towns and Town-groups classified by popUlation in 1961 with variation since 1901, and 5 Primary Census Abstract upto taluka/mahal level with separate figures for each town 2. Except for a few variations, A-Series of Tables of 1961 mostly corresponds to the similar tables of 1951. A slight variation in Table A-I concerns (i) area figures which are given both in sq. miles and sq. kilometres and Oi) figures of villages which have been shown separately according as they are inhabited or uninhabited. Tables A-II and A-IV give variations for 60 years as against 50 during 1951. Table A-III relates only to villages while in the former censuses it classified villages and towns together into different ranges of population. In addition to the State Tables there are separate Union Tables for A-I and A-III in which figures down to district only are given. The utility of this volume has been further enhanced by the inclusion of some important appendices, a number of statements and exhaustive explanatory notes. These appendices six in number give important information regarding (i) 1951 territorial units constituting the present set up of Gujarat State, (ii) Number of villages with a popUlation of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000, (iii) Houseless and Institutional population, (iv) Districts showing 1951 population according to territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and the population involved in those changes, (v) New towns added in 1961 and towns in 1951 declassified in 1961, and (vi) Towns with their area and jurisdiction. All these details are compiled with a view to give comparative idea of the growth and movement of population, progress of urbanisation, changes in area and jurisdiction, etc., during the last six decades. 3. A word about the area figures given in Table A-I is necessary. Changes in territorial juris­ diction of various administrative units between 1951-1961 have been numerous. While all such changes have been listed district by district in Appendix to Table A-II along with the relevant notifications, Appendix 1 to Table A-I shows them taluka by taluka. While State Table A·I gives area figures furnished by the State Survey Department, Union Table A-I furnishes in audition area figures given by the Surveyor General also. The finalisation of area figures has indeed been a headache. They were first supplied by the Collectors from the revenue records. As the area figures of villages mentioned in sq. miles did not in some cases tally on conversion with those mentioned in acres, they were requested to reconcile the discrepancies in consultation with the District Inspectors of Land Records. Even ... W after this arrangement, the village-wise figures when totalled for a talukajmahal did not tally with the area figures for that talukajmahal as a whole. On the spot reconciliation of discrepancies which was the only alternative under the circumstances had, therefore, to be resorted to by calling a meeting of all the District Inspectors of Land Records with their staff and relevant records. Happily this knotty problem has been now settled once and for all so far as surveyed areas of the State are concerned with the help and co-operation of all concerned including the Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records. 4. Finally, I would like to place on record the strenuous and conscientious work put in by the Central Tabulation Section of my office under the able guidance of Shri K.F. Patel, Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations, assisted by the Tabulation Officers Shri V. A. Dhagia and 8hri R.M. Vankani. I must also express my gratitude to 8hri Asok Mitra, Registrar General for the valuable guidance given by him in the presentation of the various tables and the framing of notes appearing in this publication. My thanks are also due to Shri K. D. Ballal, Central Tabulation Offi~r for arranging comp&ri~on of proofs to ensure their accUlucy. AHMEDABAD, R. K. T~vEDJ, 12th September, 1963. Superintendent of Census Operations, Gujarat. iV PART II·A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES THE CENSUS PUBLICATIONS THE 1961 CENSUS publications series will be called 'Census of India, 1~61.' A . volume number has been assigned in this series to each State and Union Territory, the number for GUJarat bemg Vol~me No. V. All the census publications pertaining to Gujarat will, therefore, be denoted in terms of parts of thIS number. The following is the scheme of census publications laid down by the Registrar General :- Part I-General Report on the Census lA-General Report including subsidiary tables IB-Report on Vital Statistics of the decade IC-General Report (if report does not complete in Part IA) Part II-State Census Tables (including Union Tables for the State) on population IIA-General Population Tables (A-Series) for the State and Primary Census Abstract. This volume will contain the State Tables down to taluka and all cities, town groups and towns in AI and AlII. lIB-Economic Tables (B-Series Tables I.IX) for the State down to district and all cities and town groups of and above 100,000 population lIC-Cultural and Migration Tables (C and D Series) for the State down to district and all cities and town groups of and above 100,000 population Part III-Household Economic Tables (based on Household Schedules) Part IV-Housing and Establishment IV A-Report on HQusing Table" IVB-Tables on Housing and Establishment Part V-Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCT, SC and ST Tables) VA-Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as well as reprints from old Census Reports on Castes and Tribes VB-Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part VI-Village Survey Monographs. Each monograph will carry a sub-number 1, 2, 3, etc. Three to four monographs will be published together in one book. Part VII-Survey of Handicrafts of the State consisting of Tables for the State, district, taluka, monographs on individual crafts, and general lists of location, master craftsmen, etc. Part VIII-Administration Report VillA-Enumeration } Not for sale VIIIB-Tabulation Part IX-Maps ..or Atlas Volume based on Census and Official Statistics Part X-Special Report on Ahmedabad City with brief notes on other cities having a population of 100,000 and over In addition to the central programme outlined above, there will also be the State Census Publications, namely, the District Census Handbooks, one for each district.
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