THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATIOH AUGUST 1, 1985 THE WHITE HOUSE DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:00 a . m. THURSDAY IN OUT PttOHE 8 : 00 The President had breakfast with : The First Lady Maureen Reagan Revell , the President ' s daughter 9 : 28 The President went to the Oval Office. 9 : 28 9 : 53 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff 9:53 10: 15 The President met for a national security briefing with : Vice President Bush Robert C. McFarlane, Assistant for National Security Affairs John M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Mr . Regan 10: 45 p The President telephoned Robert B. Carleson, Principal and Director, Government Relations , Main Hurd.man Certified Public Accountants , Washington, D. C. The call was not completed. 11: 05 The President went to the Cabinet Room . 11: 05 12 : 06 The President participated in an Economic Policy Council meeting. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "A." 12 : 06 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12 : 10 The President went to t he East Room. 12:10 12 : 20 The President participated in a briefing on the tax plan with a group of evangelical media. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "B ." 12: 20 The President returned to the second floor Residence. He was accompanied by Vice President Bush. 12:20 1 : 23 The President and Vice President Bush went to the Truman Balcony and had lunch. 1:15 R The President was telephoned by Mr . Carleson. The call was not completed . page ;t THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION AUGU::;'l' 1, 1 9 8:> THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON , D. C . 1111£ 1 : 26 p . m. ftiURSDAY IN OUT PtlONE ACTIVITY 1 : 26 p The President telephoned St ephen v . Wilson, attorney with Hochman, Salkin & DeRoy law firm, Beverly Hills , Cali fornia . The call was not completed. 1:29 1 :31 p The President talked with Mr. Carleson. 1:39 1 : 40 R The President talked with Mr . Wilson. 1:44 1 :49 p The President talked with Senator Robert c. Byrd (D- West Virginia) . 1:50 1:51 p The President talked with Mr. McFarlane . 5 : 20 5 : 21 R The Presi dent talked with White House Usher, Nelson c. Pierce. The President met with: 5:22 6 : 14 Senator Robert J . Dole, (R-Kansas) 5 :26 6:14 Donald T . Regan, Chief of Staff 5 : 26 5:32 James F . Kuhn, Special Assistant 7 : 00 The President and the First Lady had dinner. 10:15 The President retired. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DI ARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATION DATE AUGUST 2 . 1985 THE WHITE HOOSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:00 a.m. FR I DAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 8:00 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:29 The President went to the oval Office. 9: 32 9:55 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff The President met for a national security briefing with: 9 : 55 10: 10 Vice President Bush 9 : 55 10: 10 Robert c. McFarlane, Assistant for National Security Affairs 9 : 55 10: 10 John M. Poindexter , Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs 9 : 55 10: 10 Mr . Regan 10:03 10 : 10 Donald A. Mahley, Director of Defense Programs, National Security Council (NSC) 10:19 The President went to the Cabinet Room . 10:19 11:09 The President participated in a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "A . " 11:09 The President ret urned to the Oval Office. 11:13 11:15 p The President talked with Dennis E. LeBlanc, Director of Federal Relations, Pacific Telesis Group, Washington, D.C. 11: 16 11: 17 p The President talked with David Sam, District Judge for the Fourth Judicial District of Utah. 11:18 11:20 p The President talked with Senator Pete v. Domenici (R-New Mexico). 11 : 21 11 : 23 p The President talked with Senator Paul Laxalt CR-Nevada) . 11 : 24 11:25 p The President tal ked with the First Lady. 11:26 11:28 p The President talked with Representative William H. Gray III CD-Pennsylvania) • 11:29 p The President telephoned Senator Lawton Chiles (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DATE AUGUST 2, 1985 THE WHITE BOUSE TI ME DAY WASHINGTON, D.C. 11: 29 a . m. FRIDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY CD-Florida) . The call was not complet ed. 11:30 p The President telephoned Representative Robert H. Michel CR-Illinois). The call was not completed. 11: 32 11: 53 The President met with Secretary of State George P. Shultz. 11:57 The President returned to the second floor Residence. 12:14 The President and the First Lady went to the South Grounds . 12: 17 12:48 The President and the First Lady flew by Marine helicopter from the South Grounds to Camp David, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see AfPENPIX •s . • 1 : 08 1:11 R The President talked with Representative Michel. 2 : 52 2 : 54 R The President talked with Senator Chiles. 8 : 00? The President and the First Lady watched the movie "Showboat. " THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page l LOCATION OATE AUGUST 3, 1985 CAMP DAVID, TIME DAY MARYLAND 12:06 p.m. SATURDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 12:06 12:11 The President made a Radio Address to the Nation on the nation's economy. a: oo· The President and the First Lady watched the movie •silverado.• THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATION DATE AUGUST 4 , 1985 CAMP DAVI D, TIME DAV MARYLAND 2:29 p.m. SONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 2 : 29 2:58 The President and the First Lady flew by Marine helicopter from Camp David to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX · A.· 3 : 01 The President and the First Lady went to the second floor Residence. 5:00 5 : 08 R The President talked with Michael K. Deaver, President of Michael K. Deaver and Associates, Washington, D. C. 7 : 00 The Presi dent and the First Lady had dinner in the study. 11: 00 The President retired . THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN P.age l LOCATION DATE AUGUST 5 , 1985 THE WHITE BOUSE TtME DAY WASHINGTON, D.C. 7 : 45 a . m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7:45 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:20 The President went to the Oval Office. 9:22 9 : 50 The President met with: George B. Bush, Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff 9:50 10:20 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vice President Bush Robert C. McFarlane, Assistant for National Security Affairs John M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant for : National Security Affairs Mr . Regan 10:44 10:47 p The President talked with Allen e . Nevas, U.S . Attorney for the District of Connecticut. 11:05 ·The President went to the Cabinet Room . 11:05 12:03 The President participated in a briefing on his upcoming mini press conference with senior White Bouse staff. For a list of attendees,. see APPENDIX •A.• 12: 03 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12: 03 12: 35 The President had lunch on the patio outside the Oval Office. 12: 35 The President went to his study. 1:00 The President returned to the Oval Office. 1:01 1 : 27 The President participated in a mini press conference. The President's remarks were broadcast live over nationwide radio and television. Members of the press. 1:57 The President returned to the Oval Office. 2:13 2:28 p The President talked with Suzanne R. Massie, co-author of •Nicholas and Alexandra.• 4:55 4:57 p The President talked with Proctor Jones, resident (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DATE AUGUST 5, 1985 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 4:55 p.m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY of San Francisco, Californiai and who had recently sent the President a book on Russia. 4:58 5 : 09 p The President talked with Franklin C. Nofziger, consultant, Nofziger and Bragg Communications, Washington, D.C. 5 : 18 5:20 p The President telephoned Armistead I. Selden, President and General Manager, American League for Exports and Security Assistance, Inc., Washington, D.C., at the Bethesda Naval hospital. The President talked with Mrs. Selden. 7:00 The President and the First Lady had dinner. 10:30 The President retired . THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESI DENT RO NALD REAGAN page l LOCATION DATE AUGUST 6 , 1985 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME OAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 7:45 a . m. TUESDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7:45 The President and t he First Lady had breakfast. 9:00 The President went to t he Oval Office. 9:02 9:35 The President met wi t h: • George H. Bush , Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff 9:35 10:15 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vice President Bush Robert C. McFarlane, Assistant for Nat ional Securit y Affairs Mr. Regan 10:45 10: 50 p The President talked with Governor Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) . ll: Ol 11:03 R The President talked with Mr. McFarlane . 11 : 04 11 :40 The President met with: Vice President Bush Caspar w.
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