The Sundial™ 10 73 00/POR Pivots 360° for all-day shade BuyLine 4455 Goodman Pool - Madison, WI TheThe #1#1 ShelterShelter ManufacturerManufacturer SinceSince 1976.1976. 60’ Clerestory Pavilion (frame only) Farmers Museum - Cooperstown, NY Architect: Altonview Architects PC PORTERCORP™ • HOLLAND,www.parasolnet.com MI • 800.354.7721 • Tel. 800.354.7721 616.399.1963 • Faxwww.poligon.com 616.399.9123 • www.portercorp.com 1 Specialty Shelters & VIA Series Three roof overhang options available ARC 24x36 MSL 30x40 WSL 20x20 ARCH ARC MONOSLOPE MSL WESTERN SKYLINE WSL Sizes from 12’x12’-30’x30’ Sizes from 10’x22’-34’x38’ Also available with wood trusses NCR 9x14 NCO 28 PRT 11 WSD 30x40 NEO CLASSIC SERIES NCO, NCH, NCR, NCG VIA PORTAL PRT VIA WAYSIDE WSD Avail. in octagons, hexagons, hip roofs and gable roofs Sizes from 7’-23’ Sizes from 12’x12’-30’x40’ CRS 24 GTW 19 NCG 24-19 VIA CROSSING CRS VIA GATEWAY GTW NESTED CROSSING/GATEWAY NCG Sizes from 12’-29’ Sizes from 7’-23’ Gateways may be nested off any or all sides of a Crossing Custom 24’ Carnival Custom Trellis DTS 40 SINGLE/DOUBLE TREE SHELTERS STS, DTS CUSTOM SHELTERS AND TRELLISES Sizes from 20’-40’ In-house engineering and design staff to assist with custom projects 2 www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 10 73 00/POR Hexagons, Octagons & Dodecagons BuyLine 4455 GXO 28 Single tier models also available HXE 64 GWI 24 HEXAGON HXE OXFORD HEXAGON GXO, GXO2 IRONWOOD DUAL PITCH HEXAGON GWI Sizes from 16’-64’ Sizes from 14’-76’ Sizes from 14’-60’ Three tier models also available TIA 35x51 OTC 28 GCO2 19 TIARA CLERESTORY HEXAGON TIA OCTAGON OTC CARMEL OCTAGON GCO2, GCO3 Sizes from 15’x24’-35’x51’ Sizes from 16’-64’ Sizes from 20’-58’ GSJ 16 MAC 50x74 SAN JOSE OCTAGON GSJ MACKINAC CLERESTORY OCTAGON MAC Sizes from 16’-30’ Sizes from 15’x21’-25’x50’ PVA 85 PLC 65 WOO 18 WOOSTER OCTAGON WOO Sizes from 18’-22’ DODECAGON PAVILION PVA DODECAGON CLERESTORY PAVILION PLC Sizes from 50’-86’ Sizes from 50’-86’ www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 3 Squares and Rectangles SQR 20 CAR 24 SQUARE SQR CARNIVAL CLERESTORY SQUARE CAR Sizes from 12’-50’ Sizes from 16’-40’ REK 50x64 RAM 30x64 GABLE ROOF REK HIP ROOF RAM Available in 16’-50’ widths, unlimited 20’ bays Available in 16’-50’ widths and unlimited 20’ bays CHE 20x24 MAR 14x24 CHELSEA CLERESTORY GABLE ROOF CHE MARQUEE CLERESTORY HIP ROOF MAR Sizes from 16’x24’-50’x64’ Sizes from 16’x24’-50’x64’ 4 www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 10 73 00/POR Trellises & Small Shelters BuyLine 4455 SFE 20x20 GRE 21 TRE-G 8 SANTA FE TRELLIS SFE GRECO TRELLIS GRE GABLE, FLAT & ARCH TRELLISES TRE Sizes from 10’x10’ to 20’x40’ 21’ shown; other sizes available Sizes from 8’-12’ CON 82 PER 16 CONCORD TRELLIS CON PERGOLA PER 82’ side-to-side shown; other sizes available Sizes from 16’-30’ COR 20x60 CAL 50 PLE HC2 Available in single and double units, and with standard or extended eave overhang CORVINA TRELLIS COR CALMERIA TRELLIS CAL PORTABLE LAVATORY ENCLOSURE PLE, PLX 20’x60’ shown; other sizes available 50’ side-to-side shown; other sizes available All shelters available with enclosure Available with optional display cases, Available in center, off- KSK 3-4 SSH 12 tables, and DUG-CC center, and cantilever-style benches columns KIOSK & INFO CENTER KSK, IFO SUNSHELTERS SSG, SSH DUGOUT COVER DUG-CC, DUG-OC, DUG-XC Three-sided, 4’ width; other styles avail. Available in hip or gable roof Available in 12’, 16’, or 20’ bays www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 5 Find out more about the Parasol™ artful approach to fabric shade. Visit www. parasolnet.com to view more models or FUM 10 request a full-color catalog. 8 locking positions for all-day shade! SUNDIAL PIVOTING SQUARE FSD, FOC ¶¶DQG¶û[HGDQGSLYRWLQJPRGHOVDYDLODEOH FCL 8x96 FUM 10-4 FHP 24x36 CANTILEVERED SHELTERS FCL UMBRELLAS FUM HIP ROOF SHELTERS FHP Sizes from 8’x12’-16’x96’ Sizes from 8’-30’ Sizes from 14’x14’-60’x60’ FSP 21x41 FGM 18x18 FVS 12x20 GEMINI SERIES CANTILEVER FGM VINE STREET SERIES FVS ARCHED ROOF SHELTERS FSP Single and double cantilevers, unltd. bays Walkway covers and more available Sizes from 18’x20’-30’x42’ 6 www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 10 73 00/POR BuyLine 4455 Fabric Top Colors Turquoise Aquatic Blue Black Brunswick Green Ochre Red Rivergum Green Sky Blue FCL-DBL 22x90 Desert Sand Natural Navy Blue CUSTOM FABRIC ROOF SHELTERS In-house engineering and design staff to assist with custom projects Yellow Steel Grey Cherry Red FSL 35 FRB 8x36 SAILS FSL RIBBON STYLE SHELTERS FRB Spans up to 40’; column heights 12’-22’ Sizes from 8’x24’-8’x90’ Als in thr FSC 16 FDT 14x22 CYGNUS FCG Sizes from 16’x16’-30’x30’ SCORPIO FSC DOUBLE TREE FDT HEXAGON FHX Sizes from 8’-16’ Sizes to 25’x40’ Sizes from 20’-40’ www.parasolnet.com 800.354.7721 www.poligon.com 7 The Best Frame Finish with More Color Choices 3ROLJRQWDNHVH[WUDVWHSVIRUWKHEHVWûQLVK3ROLJRQLVWKHRQO\VKHOWHUPDQXIDFWXUHUZLWKDQLQKRXVHHLJKWGLUHFWLRQVKRWEODVWHU LURQSKRVSKDWHZDVKHUDQGSRZGHUFRDWOLQH7KLVSDLQWOLQHZDVGHVLJQHGVSHFLûFDOO\IRUVKHOWHUVDQGKDVimproved quality, and our ability to match custom colors/offer more stock colors. It has also expedited delivery time, and reduced prices. $OOFRORUVEHORZDUHDYDLODEOHIRUIUDPHDQGRUQDPHQWDWLRQSRZGHUFRDWLQJ³05´LQGLFDWHVDYDLODELOLW\LQ0XOWL5LEURRûQJ³66´ LQGLFDWHVDYDLODELOLW\LQ6WDQGLQJ6HDP³´LQGLFDWHVDQXSFKDUJHIRUWKLVVWHHOIUDPHFRORURUIRUDURRûQJRSWLRQZKHQLWIROORZV “MR” or “SS.” + + +, MR+, SS+ MR, SS+ MR+, SS +, MR+, SS+ + + +, MR+, SS+ MR, SS ơ Marigold Red Baron Architectural Red Colonial Red Brandywine Iris Hyacinth Delft Blue Roman Blue +, MR, SS MR, SS MR, SS+ MR, SS MR, SS+ MR, SS MR, SS MR, SS Teal Patina Green Pompano Green Lilypad Evergreen Eastern Green Almond Ash Gray Surrey Beige White MR+, SS MR+, SS MR, SS+ +, MR+, SS+ +, MR+, SS+ Patrician Bronze Dark Bronze Bumper Black Tudor Brown Sandstone Pedestal Gray Streak Blue Copper Penny Metallic Site Amenities to Match the Shelter Poligon brings you the same innovation and quality that’s synonymous with our shelters to a selection of benches and ash-disposal units. Choose from three styles of benches and two models of Smokstak; each available in a choice of 28 powdercoat colors. Post Model Post Sentry Model INTEGRATED SEATING BENCHES VINE ST. BENCH SMOKSTAK™ ASH DISPOSAL 0DGHWRûWEHWZHHQFROXPQV Available in lengths from 4’ to Tubular steel frame with fabric Available in two models, each directly into Poligon shelters. 10’ in one foot increments; in top over bench with jarrah approximately 39” high. backed and backless styles. wood or metal slats. #1 IN SHELTERS 6LQFH LQWURGXFLQJ WKH ûUVW WXEXODU VWHHO SDUN shelter in 1976, Poligon has become the prime manufacturer of park shelters. What makes a Poligon so special? Adaptability and Variety: Poligon shelters are available with a large array of functional and decorative cupolas, pre-designed railings and ornamentation, and custom designed laser-cut ornamentation. Request a full-line catalog or download one from www.poligon.com for full details. Quality: With a near ISO 9000 Quality Control system, Poligon structures can be erected much faster than traditional building systems. Our FRPPLWPHQW WR TXDOLW\ DOVR H[WHQGV WR HPSOR\LQJ RQO\ $:6 FHUWLûHG welders and maintaining a dependable shipping schedule. Quality is a passion at Poligon, and it shows. Visit www.poligon.comIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUWRûQGDUHSUHVHQWDWLYH PORTERCORP™ • 4240 N. 136th Ave., Holland, MI 49424 800.354.7721 • Tel. 616.399.1963 • Fax 616.399.9123 www.portercorp.com L930.
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