Baseball Statistics

Baseball Statistics

The Aut.omat.ed ScoreBook overall statistsics for creighton Bluejays (as of May 15, 1998) (A1I games sorLed by Batting avg) Record¡ 27-27-L Home: 16-1L-0 nwayt l-t{-L Neutralt 4-l-o MVC: 12-1-9-0 Player AVG GP.GS AB R H 29 3B HR RBI TB SLG? BB HBP SO GDP OB? SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD? 14 Dan Lawler...... 388 5r-47 r65 J5 64 10 L 4 88 25 5 16 2 480 L4 r-2 3r29s 985 21 Ryan Gripp....,. 362 53-53 r96 48 7L 2L 2 t_0 56 126 643 31 I 30 3 464 20 1,6-20 25 118 '7 953 22 Kevin Frederick. 353 54-54 204 55 '12 t7 L7 67 150 735 31 3 57 4 440 30 9-11 183 L0 6 970 3 vince Pietro.... 343 55-54 204 53 70 l-5 4 6 34 111 544 25 3 2L 3 4L7 3 15 L0-1"2 98 157 7 973 11) 28 Ovid Valenti"n. 306 55-54 209 64 1"5 3 6 4Q 103 493 21, 4I 4 03 14 -15 9436 942 24 lToy Carley..... 297 54-50 1-95 46 58 L2 4 4 37 90 462 28 5 43 I 396 a1 L9 -23 98 1 4 961 7 Kenny Sarna.,... 290 54-54 193 39 56 11 1 6 28 87 45]- 15 2 28 0 343 3 10 5-6 71 151 1,2 949 31 Adam Chri-stensen 286 51-50 L75 34 50 15 2 8 46 93 5 31" 26 48 2 378 54 L3-1"8 252 39 I 973 1? ,forge Burgos. 255 49 -43 r53 39 I 5 2 19 63 412 2 367 08 2-6 663s 932 4 Everardo Plata 268 25-t7 56 L4 L5 30r.6 2L 3',15 7 t_0 9 2 432 13 0-2 3 10 5 Brian SmiEh... 21,3 22-t3 47 L0 1_0 1029 ]-'t 362 70 11 0 315 0 4 r-2 95 9 0 1.000 11 Eric Groen.... 200 4-0 5 t- L 0000 1_ 200 10 0 0 333 0 0 0-0 90 0 1.000 26 Dan Vrbancic.. 138 16-6 29 4 1025 11 379 22 9 1 242 0 1 0-0 24 2 3 .897 Totals. 3L3 55-55 L831 4L3 574 L29 68 373 961 525 243 45 338 24 403 20 59 90-1-17 1355 573 70 965 Opponents 304 55-55 l'832 345 557 r2t 19 86 3r.4 974 532 161 33 355 tÉ 20 18 63-86 1353 589 82 959 LOB - Team (432), Opp (364) . DPs Eurned - Team (51), Opp ( ) . IBB - Team (10), Frederick 7, Lawler 2, cripp 1, Opp (9) Picked off - Carley 3, Valentin 2, Gripp 1, Sarna 1, Lawler 1-, Frederíck 1, Smit.h 1, Burgos 1. (ÀIl games SorLed by Earned run awg) PLayer ERA W-], APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 38 HR AB B/ÄVg WP HBP BK SFA S}IA L3 ChrisEian SLerlin 5.27 6-7 15 154 r/0 0 99.0 101 62 58 45 84 20 2 1,2 381 265 L0 l-01-53 30 Brian MatzenÈache 5.36 4-4 19 L4 4 0/0 r 84.0 11-0 58 50 25 66 2 9 342 322 2 4053 27 C.J. Keating..... 5 .69 7-4 r9 L2 1 a/o 1 87.0 106 59 55 21 67 24 5 t5 349 304 2 r0 3 4 1 L2 Drue Councill. 6 .86 6-7 L5 L2 t- 0/0 r 78.2 105 64 60 20 70 24 27 1to 319 6 4 l" 2 3 22 Kevin Frederick 3.86 0-r- 10 0 0 o/o 3 16.1 l5 9 7 2 63 238 20002 16 cordon Dixon- -. 5.2"t 1-1 13 0 0 o/0 0 ]-3.2 L2 9 I 9 1-1,205 5¿ 23L 0 0 0 0 35 Daniel Goori-s,. 6.00 2-O )"2 I 0 0/0 0 24.0 36 22 16 I L4 5 6 107 336 I 0 0 L9 Mike Koltz..... 7 .94 0-0 1-6 0 0 0/0 0 17.0 24 23 15 18 1-L 523 70 343 2 2 0 3 0 )1 29 Brad Erickson.. 8.89 0-3 t7 1 0 0/0 I 26.L 39 31 26 11 7 l2 115 339 t 0 0 1- 6 23 Steve Eck...... 12.'t1 1-0 00 o/0 0 5.2 9 I I 2 2 4 3 24 375 00000 Totals. 6 .04 27 -27 55 55 10 2/0 7 45L.2 557 345 303 r.61 355 L2L L9 86 L832 304 26 33 5 20 r.8 OpponenÈs 6.90 27 -27 55 55 9 3/0 10 451.0 574 4L3 346 243 338 L29 68 183r. 3L3 48 45 2 20 59 PB - Team (8), Christensen 6, Smit.h 2, Opp (tZl. Pickoffs - Team (2), Sterling 1, Kolt.z 1, Opp (8). SBA/ATT - Christensen (50-67), MaEzenbacher (16-23), Keatíng (16-20), Smit.h (13-19), council"l ß-r2) , Sterling 19-!21 , Erickson (5-8), Gooris (4-5), Frederick 12-21, KoItz (L-2), Dixôn (L-L), Eck (1-L). The Automated ScoreBook overall staÈistlcs for creighton Bluejays (as of May 15, L998) (ALI games sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FIJD* DPs SBA CSB SBAT PB CI 5 Brian SmiÈh....,. L04 95 90 L. 000 0 13 6 684 L2 Drue CounciLl, . 20 I L20 L. 000 l- I 4 667 0 0 30 Brian Mat.zenbache 15 3 L20 1. 000 1 T6 7 696 0 0 27 C.J. KeaEing..... L2 r_0 0 1.000 1- 16 4 800 0 0 35 Daníel Gooris.... 9 3 60 r..000 0 4 L 800 0 0 L1 Eric Groen....... 9 9 00 1.000 0 0 0 00 1,5 Gordon Dixon.,.,. 3 10 r..000 0 1 0 1.000 00 23 Stseve Eck.,...... 2 0 20 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 L4 Dan Lawler..,.... 326 3L2 95 .985 25 0 0 0 0 3 Vince Pietro.,,,, 262 98 L57 7 .9'.13 35 0 0 0 0 3L Adam ChrisEensen. 299 39 I .97 3 1 50 t7 .7 46 6 0 22 Kevin Frederick.. L99 183 L0 6 .97 0 19 0 1.000 00 24 lroy carley....., 103 98 1"4 .961 0 0 0 00 2L Ryan Gripp....... 150 1L8 7 .953 1- 1- 0 0 00 7 Kenny Sarna..,... 234 7L 1-51- L2 .949 32 0 0 0 0 28 Ovíd Valenlin.,.. 103 94 36 .942 1 0 0 00 l-7,Jorge Burgos..... 74 66 35 .932 0 0 0 0 0 4 Everardo Plata... L4 3 L0 1- .929 0 0 0 00 26 Dan vrbancic.,.., 29 23 .897 ) 0 0 0 l-3 Christ.iân Stserlín 19 3 L42 .895 0 9 3 ?50 0 0 29 Brad Erickson.... 9 3 33 .667 0 5 3 eac 0 0 19 Mike Koltz....... 3 I 1l- .667 0 1 L 500 0 0 Tot.als. 1998 L355 s?3 ?0 965 51 63 23 733 80 Opponents 2024 L353 589 82 959 44 90 769 I2 0 HitLíng minímums - 60t of Games 2.5 AB/Game PiLchíng minimums - 54 IP The Automated ScÕreBook overall SEatisEics for Creighton Bluejays (as of May l-5, l-998) (MVC games only sorEed by avg) Record: 12-19-0 Home: 9-9-0 Awayr 3-1-0-0 MVC: l-2-19-0 Player AVG GÞ-ÉS ÀB R H 2B 38 HR RBI TB SLG? BB HBP SO GÞP OB? SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLÞ? 14 Dan Lawler,...,. 4L1 28 -26 90 I7 37 3 r3 10 51 567 11 392 490 Q2 1-1 L6t" 5 4 9't 6 3 vince PieLro.... 375 31- 31 L20 45 1-0 34 17 73 608 1"5 Ll-41 442 27 5-6 58 87 3 980 rl 2l- Ryan Gripp...... 374 3 1- 31_ 1l-5 20 43 13 I4 70 609 L4 22LL 444 20 7-9 63 5 938 22 Kevin Frederick. 357 3t--31 LL2 33 40 t2 1" 10 39 84 750 18 3 36 3 455 0 6 -',| r03 4 5 955 3L Adam Christensen 3t7 30-30 104 20 33 11 I7 32 644 L4 1 30 I 397 2 4 6-9 L52 26 967 24 'lroy Cârley..... 3l- 0 31-30 LL3 26 35 7 20 49 434 tL 4 20 I 388 1_ 6 tt-t4 62 L 2 969 28 ovid Va1entin... )o) 31-30 1r_ 3 t5 33 6 a1 15 52 460 9 I z5 1 350 0 0 4-5 53 2 2 965 7 Kenny Sarna..... 250 31-31 108 18 27 6 r3 9 44 40't 6 0 18 0 287 L 6 L-1 42 84 4 969 L7 ,Jorge Burgos. , . 240 29 -27 96 L9 z3 7 40 10 38 396 L0 2 18 1 324 0 1-3 38 3 2 953 5 Brian smiLh... 250 8-5 20 2 5 0 0 1 3 400 1030 286 03 0-1 36 6 0 r..000 4 Everardo Plata L5I 8-5 L9 L 0 0 1 1 3L6 0 0 5 0 1"58 0 2 0-1 0 0 0 .000 26 Dan Vrbancic,.

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