Proistamenos: Fr. Douglas Papulis ST. NICHOLAS (636) 527-7843 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER (314) 974-4613cell Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Arbanas ST. NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH (314)909-6999 4967 FOREST PARK AVENUE Office (314)361-6924 ST. LOUIS, MO 63108-1495 (314)395-8704 Fax (314)361-3539 ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH FAMILY LIFE CENTER Executive Secretary: Kathy Ellis 12550 SOUTH 40 DRIVE Bookkeeper: Diane Winkler ST. LOUIS, MO 63141 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sngoc.org August 2017 Volume 21 - Number 8 The Beheading of St. John the Baptist Commemorated on August 29 The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, wicked deed had been done. John the Baptist: The Evangelists Matthew (Mt.14:1-12) After the murder of St John the Baptist, Herod contin- and Mark (Mark 6:14-29) provide accounts about the ued to govern for a certain time. Pontius Pilate, governor martyric end of John the Baptist in the year 32 after the of Judea, later sent Jesus Christ to him, Whom he Birth of Christ. mocked (Luke 23:7-12). Following the Baptism of the Lord, St John the Baptist The judgment of God came upon Herod, Herodias and was locked up in prison by Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch Salome, even during their earthly life. Salome, crossing (ruler of one fourth of the Holy Land) and governor of Gal- the River Sikoris in winter, fell through the ice. The ice ilee. (After the death of King Herod the Great, the Ro- gave way in such a way that her body was in the water, mans divided the territory of Palestine into four parts, and but her head was trapped above the ice. It was similar to put a governor in charge of each part. Herod Antipas re- how she once had danced with her feet upon the ground, ceived Galilee from the emperor Augustus). but now she flailed helplessly in the icy water. Thus she The prophet of God John openly denounced Herod for was trapped until that time when the sharp ice cut having left his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arabian through her neck. king Aretas, and then instead cohabiting with Herodias, Her corpse was not found, but they brought the head the wife of his brother Philip (Luke 3:19-20). On his birth- to Herod and Herodias, as once they had brought them day, Herod made a feast for dignitaries, the elders and a the head of St John the Baptist. The Arab king Aretas, in thousand chief citizens. Salome, the daughter of Herod, revenge for the disrespect shown his daughter, made war danced before the guests and charmed Herod. In grati- against Herod. The defeated Herod suffered the wrath of tude to the girl, he swore to give her whatever she would the Roman emperor Caius Caligua (37-4 1) and was ex- ask, up to half his kingdom. iled with Herodias first to Gaul, and then to Spain. The vile girl on the advice of her wicked mother Hero- The Beheading of St John the Baptist, a Feast day dias asked that she be given the head of John the Baptist established by the Church, is also a strict fast day be- on a platter. Herod became apprehensive for he feared cause of the grief of Christians at the violent death of the the wrath of God for the murder of a prophet, whom earli- saint. In some Orthodox cultures pious people will not eat er he had heeded. He also feared the people, who loved food from a flat plate, use a knife, or eat food that is the holy Forerunner. But because of the guests and his round in shape on this day. careless oath, he gave orders to cut off the head of St Www . oca. Org John and to give it to Salome. ************************************* According to Tradition, the mouth of the dead preacher of repentance once more opened and proclaimed: Why do we observe the solemnity of John the Baptist be- “Herod, you should not have the wife of your brother Phil- heading by fasting and sobriety. After all, didn‘t this event ip.” Salome took the platter with the head of St John and occur two thousand years ago? gave it to her mother. The frenzied Herodias repeatedly The reason we observe this fast, and every other fast, stabbed the tongue of the prophet with a needle and bur- for that matter, is the same reason we observe the Feasts ied his holy head in an unclean place. But the pious Joan- of our Church. na, wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, buried the head of We are not simply recollecting occurrences that took John the Baptist in an earthen vessel on the Mount of place at one time in antiquity and are over and done. Our Olives, where Herod had a parcel of land. (The Uncover- Church and Her cycles are not “museum oriented”. They ing of the Venerable Head is celebrated (February 24). are cycles of death and Life, which orb around the center The holy body of John the Baptist was taken that night by of Life Himself, Jesus Christ. (cont. on page 4) his disciples and buried at Sebastia, there where the 1 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin August 2017 St. Nicholas Servants 2017 PARISH BOARD Announcements Andrew Galakatos,MD, President 314-922-4457 Carol Kamburis, Vice-President Jonathan Hartley, Secretary Peter Takes PhD, Treasurer Nicky Antoniou, Assistant Treasurer Christine Anastas Time Helen Carey Elizabeth Glynias St. Nicholas Stefan Glynias Time waits for no one—we are al- Yemane Habtu ready in August. Summer is almost Book Group Marilynn Jemas over, but hot days are still around. Bill Mastorakos, DDS Mary Ann Mastorakos The St. Nicholas Book Group Joseph Palazzola Children are getting ready for school will meet Monday, August Kon Vellios where new adventures, new people 7th at 7:00pm to discuss AUDIT COMMITTEE and old friends await them. Grade Mark Vleisides, Chairperson 314-576-2898 school kids just leaving home for the The Muse by Jessie Burton. Roxana Couternais This novel explores the way Peter Lemakis first time and then College kids who Janet Papageorge will be away from home for a long that a work of art—a CEMETARY COMMITTEE time—one item to remember for painting—connects two William Karides, Chairperson 636-281-0727 Pat Johnson school is The Bible. For this book has women over time and Irene Schildroth the most important person to remem- distance. We will meet at CHURCH SCHOOL Co-Directors Bess Fitzmaurice 636-343-3849 ber—God. As the month gets busier 7:00pm at the Family Life Despina Hartley 618-447-6548 with the preparation for school and the Center. DANCE TROUPE festival, don’t forget one important Georgia Johnson 314-832-0061 place to attend and that is Church ELECTION COMMITTEE PLEASE JOIN US!!! Tina Paradowski , Chairperson 314-781-0781 thanking God for everday you are on Paul Leara this Earth! Pat Lekich EVERYONE is Demi Nicozisin Mark Vleisides This month we have: Welcome GREETERS COMMITTEE Aug 1—Fasting begins for Roxana Couteranis, Director 314-752-0252 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) Dormition DEMETRIOS Tsikalas (Co-chair) 314-323-2838 Aug 6—Holy Transfiguration Jonathan Hartley (Co-chair) 618-520-9569 Aug 15—Dormition of the LIBRARY COMMITTEE Elaine Coulson, Chairperson 405-762-0528 Theotokos Michael Doran Aug 20—Panagyri Brandon Redmann MINISTRY, PRISON Aug 29—Beheading of John the Clark Porter, Director 314-518-6747 Baptist PHILOPTOCHOS Sep 2-4—Festival Carol Kamburis, President 314-803-2451 -Roxana Couteranis PHYSICAL FACILITIES -CHURCH Dino Pappas, Chairperson 314-701-8118 Bill Coulson Pat Johnson PHYSICAL FACILITIES –FAMILY LIFE Nick Tharenos, Chairperson 314-576-7011 Mike Kamburis St. Nicholas General Scholarship Fund Nick Koskolos Robert Meyer The St. Nicholas General Scholarship Fund for college students has been Sam Mezines depleted due to the multiple scholarships that have been given by the PLANNED GIVING Scholarship Committee over the past several years. There is currently only John Koch, Chairperson 636-922-7732 Sam Mezines about $100 in the General Scholarship Fund. While the scholarships SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE designated for certain educational pursuits like the priesthood (e.g. , the Fr. Denise Karras, Chairperson 314-368-4205 Nicozisin Fund) and nursing are still well funded (e.g., the priesthood Barbara Corrigan scholarship funds total ~$50,000), currently the opportunity to give general Yemane Habtu Peter Takes scholarships for deserving other academic scholars is in serious jeopardy. To St. Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute help replenish this fund, please consider a contribution to the General Michael G. Tsichlis, PhD 314-361-6924 x330 Scholarship Fund when donating to St. Nicholas Church in memorial or in STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE celebration of special occasions. Stefan Glynias, Chairperson 314-644-1875 Ted Anastas Abrahatzion Habtu The Scholarship Committee would like to continue our mission of giving up to Yemane Habtu five scholarships per year to deserving college students based upon academic Marilynn Jemas merit and personal need. Your contributions to the future of our children and Mary Ann Mastorakos Steve Ott grandchildren are much appreciated! John Russon Barbara Corrigan, Yemane Habtu, Denise Karras, Peter Takes Please submit all articles by the 10th of month Scholarship Committee Email: [email protected] Thank You Jennifer English, Editor 2 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin August 2017 PRESIDENT’S NOTES Andrew E Galakatos MD PHONE: 314.922.4457 [email protected] STREET / CHURCH DRIVEWAY CLOSURE IN AUGUST ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΣΗ ΟΔΙΚΗΣ / ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗΣ The information now is that the Street and our Driveway ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ will be completed by the 3rd week in August.
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