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YOLKS AND PEG - TOTALYOLK MMUNOGLOBULIN / l COVALENTLY - LINKED VENOMANTIGEN MATRIX WASH UNBOUND PROTEIN DISCARDED SECONDELUTION WITH DENATURANT RECYCLES MATRIX FIRSTELUTION, NON-DENATURING AFFINITY PURIFIED ANTIVENOM --> IN VIVOTHERAPY U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1993 Sheet 2 of 16 5,196,193 FIG. 2 VENOMA (J-A-O ) VENOMB (O-A-O ) l MMUNIZE J MMUNIZE ANTIVENOMA ANTIVENOMB MATRIX A' FINAL FINAL FLOW-THROUGH FLOW-THROUGH ANT-VENSEE ANT-VENOMB-SPECIFIC MONOVALENT MONOVALENT SUBPOPULATION SUBPOPULATION (, O) (O,O) ANTI-VENOM A- AND B-SPECIFIC CROSS-REACTIVE SUBPOPULATION (A ) U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1993 Sheet 4 of 16 5,196,193 FIG. 4 VENOMA ( I-A-O ) VENOMB (D-A-O ) J IMMUNIZE TOGETHER ANTIVENOM AB ELUATE N ABCOCKTAI MATRIX ANTI-VENOMA, B-SPECIFIC ALL SUBPOPULATIONS 4) (, A, O, O, O.) U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1993 Sheet 5 of 16 5,196,193 SENVT U.S.
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