“20 years Hanfparade!” - Informaion for Sponsors The Hanfparade is the longest running tradiional demonstraion for the legalizaion of cannabis as raw material, medicine and recreaional drug in Germany. Since 1997, it takes place every year in Berlin. The 20th Hanfparade is scheduled for Saturday, 13th of August 2016. Who we are The Hanfparade is planned and carried out through weekly organizaional team meeings in the Hanf (Hemp) Museum Berlin. The organizaional team is an alliance of currently around one dozen voluntary acive people, which will accomplish the organizaional work for the Hanfparade 2016. They are supported by a naionwide network of interested persons and organizaions, for example through distribuion of printed materials. For the inancial accomplishment of Hanfparade the registered society “JaKiS e.V.” was founded in November of 2009 – with all board members in the organizing team represented, serving as a legal enity. What we want Into the future with the historical resource hemp! For 10,000 years hemp has been appreciated by man as a provider of durable ibres, versaile shives and nutriious seed oil. A wide range of trendseing products from heaing pellets to Cannabis bio plasics exist today, having one thing in common – their markeing is condiioned with the “sigma” of the drug plant. To oppose this view Hanfparade organizes the “Industrial Hemp Area”, where we present the variety of legal cannabis applicaions such as clothing, food and construcion materials. Free Cannabis medicines for all those who need them! The use of cannabis as a medicine is not legal in Germany. Only around 400 paients have a dispensaion (under §3, BtMG – controlled substances legislaion), which allows them to access medicinal cannabis. They all sufer from immense costs, supply botlenecks and bureaucraic obstacles. The Hanfparade 2016 supports cannabis paients, for example with the “Forum for hemp medicine” with their eforts for a simple, cost-efecive and afordable access to natural medicinal cannabis. Recreaional Cannabis to be legalized immediately! Although the failure of cannabis prohibiion is obvious, the poliical leaders in Germany hold irm. Among the side efects of this poliical error are not only millions of consumers sufering. The non-cannabis smoking populaion would also beneit from a legal cannabis market. An object of Hanfparade 2016 therefore is giving as many acivists the chance to present their alternaives to the prohibiion policy in speeches or with help of informaion booths. Hanfparade 2016 – 13.08. Berlin – [email protected] – www.Hanfparade.de - Fax +49(0)30 138825379 Hanfparade 2015 Reviews Four live bands, a dozen parade loats, 20 internaional speakers, more than 100 helping hands and about 10,000 paricipants were involved. As so the Hanfparade 2015 was the largest legalizaion event in Germany in this century. Not only did we as organizers experience a successful demonstraion: „All did come: the cliché-smokers with long dreads and even longer colourful robes, Techno fans, wheelchair users and skateboarders, children and parents – even if the pot-smoking train does not arouse an equal impression, nevertheless it probably is the most poliical parade that Berlin has seen in recent months.“ – Der Tagesspiegel „Those, who go out onto the streets for the right to free smoking, move for hours through the Mite district, and at the end demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate , are not doing it for the sheer fun but, they are doing it because it is a serious concern.“ – TAZ „Oversized joints, original signs and much greenery: Around 8000 people according to the police were at the Hanfparade from Berlin Central Staion moving to Brandenburger Tor. They called for the legalizaion of cannabis as raw material, medicine and recreaional drug.“ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung This will be the 20th Hanfparade! For the anniversary ediion of the Hanfparade on 13th of August 2016 we expect more paricipants as well as an increased media interest. We have also modiied our event concept on the basis of experiences of previous years. Hanfparade 2016 will start as usual at the Main Staion but will end near Alexanderplatz with a big inal rally between the Rotes Rathaus (Berlin Town Hall) and the Berlin Dom. We extend the areal of the Hanfparade towards the city centre - in order to reach even more people. Maps and plans Planned route of Hanfparade 2016: www.hanfparade.de/route2016.png Planned inal rally of Hanfparade 2016: www.hanfparade.de/schluss2016.png Hanfparade 2016 – 13.08. Berlin – [email protected] – www.Hanfparade.de - Fax +49(0)30 138825379 Hanfparade 2016 - Adverising Ofers The Hanfparade ofers companies special opportuniies to speak to the target group “hemp scene” and to adverise with the Hanfparade acts long before and beyond the day of the event. Our posters and lyers are also popular collecibles and are reprinted in the press. Stage Partner 12.500 Euro Naming rights for the stage, banner on the big stage back wall, big logo on lyer reverse, lising on front of the poster / lyer, logo in the documentary videos, double logo in map guide, large logo on the T-shirt, presentaion on website and Facebook supporters gallery Medicine Partner 6.000 Euro Naming rights for the “Forum for Hemp Medicine”, logo on lyer back, logo on map guide, logo on T-shirt, adverising in the paient area, head banner medicine area, presentaion on website and Facebook supporters gallery. Industrial Hemp Partner 6.000 Euro Naming rights for the “Industrial Hemp Area”, logo on lyer back, logo on map guide, logo on T-shirt, head banner industrial hemp area, presentaion on website and Facebook supporters gallery. Sponsor 3.000 Euro Logo on posters and lyers front, logo on sickers, banner at stage tower, presentaion on website and Facebook supporters gallery. Fence Banner 1.000 Euro Fence banner (3m × 2m), only 3 available Photo Wall Logo 600 Euro Logo on photo wall (1m × 0,5m), only 2 available Map Guide Logo 300 or 500 Euro Logo in the map guide brochure (5,6cm × 3,9cm), 30.000 copies in 2 issues for 500 Euro, only 1st issue 300 Euro, muliple booking possible Informaional Booth 75 Euro Placing an informaional booth at the inal rally. No sales allowed by law. Donaions No ixed consideraion, therefore possible in any desired amount. All prices plus statutory VAT, including adverising materials (banner prining) and only while stocks last. Hanfparade 2016 – 13.08. Berlin – [email protected] – www.Hanfparade.de - Fax +49(0)30 138825379 Registraion form sponsor of Hanfparade 2016 Company / Organisaion: ____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Surame: _____________________________________________________ Street: _____________________________________________________ Postcode, City: _____________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________ We want to support Hanfparade 2016. Please send me/us the treaty for: O Stage partner 12.500,- Euro O Medicine partner 6.000,- Euro O Nutzhanf-Partner 6.000,- Euro O ____ Förderer-Logo(s) je 3.000,- Euro O ____ Zaunbanner je 1.000,- Euro O ____ Photowall-Logo(s) je 600,- Euro O ____ Map Guide Logo(s) both issues je 500,- Euro O ____ Map Guide Logo(s) ony one issue je 300,- Euro O Informaion stand 75,- Euro O Please make me an individual package. We want to support you with _______ Euro. Please ill the form and send by fax +49(0)30 138825379 or by E-Mail to [email protected] We are available for your quesions around the sponsor spaces on Hanfparade. Please contact Marin Steldinger via telephone +49(0)176 29412405. Hanfparade 2016 – 13.08. Berlin – [email protected] – www.Hanfparade.de - Fax +49(0)30 138825379 .
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