www.theaustinvillager.com CLASSIFIEDS THE VILLAGER/October 2, 2020 ~ Page 7 EMPLOYMENT | PROPOSALS | PUBLIC INFORMATION FOR SALE | FOR RENT | BIDS | MISCELLANEOUS (VILLAGER) - Hous- tended HBCU football sive lineman Ernie Smith of Tennessee Houston ton native Lloyd Wells games and selected the Holmes (Texas Southern) State. has much in common annual Black College All- and safety Glen Edwards Due to his exten- native with Bill Nunn Jr., who American football team (Florida A&M). sive contacts in the was named a finalist in for the newspaper. That brings us to Houston area, Wells en- Lloyd the contributor category In 1969, the home- Wells, pro football’s first couraged Elvin Hayes for the Pro Football Hall town Steelers hired Black fulltime scout who and Don Chaney to inte- Wells of Fame Class of 2021. Nunn as a fulltime scout. could also receive Hall of grate the University of Nunn, who died of Nunn’s uncanny knowl- Fame consideration one Houston’s basketball a stroke in 2014, served edge of HBCU talent re- day. team in 1966. Led by sent as the scouting back- sulted in the Steelers A former sports Hayes and Chaney, the bone for the legendary drafting or signing Hall of photographer who Cougars advanced to the HBCU Pittsburgh Steelers Famers Mel Blount passed away in 2005, Final Four in 1967. teams that won four Su- (Southern), John Wells was a reporter and Wells also played a talent to per Bowls from 1974 to Stallworth (Alabama editor for several Black significant role in Texas 1979. A former sports- A&M) and Donnie Shell newspapers in Houston. Lloyd Wells Western becoming the NFL writer with the Pitts- (South Carolina State), He played an important first NCAA Division I bas- burgh Courier, one of the along with All-Decade role in the desegregation Black to start at middle ketball team to win a By John Harris Jr. nation’s largest and defensive lineman L.C. of fans seating at ama- linebacker in the NFL. national championship VILLAGER Sports most influential Black Greenwood (Arkansas teur and professional Wells also helped with five black starters in Columnist newspapers, Nunn at- AM&N), fellow defen- sporting events. stock Kansas City’s roster 1966. When Houston As a newspaper re- with HBCU defensive native and star center N O T I C E OF COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS porter, Wells had exclu- backs such as Hall of Dave Lattin left Tennes- for sive access to HBCU Famer Emmitt Thomas see State, Wells took Lat- HHS CTE Renovations football players. He de- (Bishop College) and Jim tin to meet with Texas In Pflugerville ISD veloped personal rela- Kearney (Prairie View). Western coach Don Pflugerville ISD will accept Competitive Sealed Proposals from tionships with players Thanks to Wells, the Haskins. In addition to qualified construction firms until 2:00 p.m., October 20, 2020, in the that could be traced Chiefs also acquired winning a national lobby of the PISD Administration Building.Address all submittals back to high school. That Southern’s Frank Pitts championship at Texas to: trust factor helped Wells and Robert Holmes, Western, Lattin was Craig Pruitt, Director of Purching convince some of the Gloster Richrdson (Jack- named to the All Ameri- Pflugerville Indepedent School District greatest talent in NFL son State) and Jim can team in 1966 and 1401 West Pecan history to sign with the Marsalis and Noland 1967. Pflugerville,Texas 78660 AFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. The anticipated budget for this project is estimated at $760,000. The Wells, much like scope and schedule for this project as currently defined is described in NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO Nunn, was the scouting the Proposal Document. DISCUSS PFLUGERVILLE ISD’S backbone for the pipe- Proposal documents may be obtained by contacting the Pflugerville State Financial Accountability Rating line of HBCU talent de- ISD Purchasing Department by email at [email protected]. Pflugerville ISD will holda livered to Kansas City in Pflugerville I.S.D.reserves the right to waive any formalities and to public meeting the 1960s. The Chiefs reject any or all Proposals. at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October 15, 2020, in won the 1966 AFL cham- Project Schedule of Events the Pflugerville ISD Board Room, located at pionship, becoming the Request forProposals Released September 28, 2020 Pflugerville ISD Administration Office first AFL team to play in •Pre-proposal Conference October 06, 2020, 10:00 a.m. 1401 W. Pecan St. the Super Bowl. Three •Due Date for Proposals October 20, 2020, 2:00 p.m .Pflugerville, TX 78660 years later, the Chiefs . •Board Approval Expected November 19, 2020 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss became the second AFL •Notify Firm November 20, 2020 Pflugerville ISD’s ratingon the state’s team to defeat an NFL •Contract Begins/Notice to Proceed November 20, 2020 financial accountability system. opponent when they ExpectedCompletion Date August 01, 2021 crushed the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IV. Wells’ career with Kansas City started in 1963 when he convinced future Hall of Famer Grambling’s Buck Buchanan to sign with the Chiefs even though Buchanan was also drafted by the NFL’s New LOOKING FOR WORK? York Giants. In 1965, The City of Austin remains committed to assisting job Wells lured Prairie View seekers even during the COVID-19 pandemic. receiver Otis Taylor away from the NFL’s Dallas 2XUHPSOR\PHQWRIÀFHVDUHFORVHGWRZDONLQVXSSRUWEXWRXUWHDPLV DEOHWRSURYLGHDOORIWKHVDPHVHUYLFHVRYHUWKHSKRQH team and got him to sign with the Chiefs. Two 2XU WHDP RI (PSOR\PHQW 6SHFLDOLVWV DUH HDJHU WR DVVLVW MRE VHHNHUV E\ FRQGXFWLQJSUHDSSOLFDWLRQ UHYLHZV UHYLHZLQJ UHVXPHVUHVHWWLQJ years later, Wells con- SDVVZRUGVIRU&LW\DSSOLFDWLRQDFFRXQWVSURYLGLQJLQWHUYLHZFRDFKLQJ vinced the Chiefs to draft PRFNLQWHUYLHZV DQGFRQVXOWLQJRQLQWHUYLHZWLSV another future Hall of 7RVHDUFKRXUFXUUHQWMRERSHQLQJVDQG We look forward to assisting you Famer, linebacker Willie WRVLJQXSIRUMRELQWHUHVWDOHUWVSOHDVH Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:30 pm: Lanier (Morgan State), YLVLWRXUHPSOR\PHQWZHEVLWHDW DXVWLQFLW\MREVRUJ •Pamela Holt – (512)-974-2728 who became the first 3DPHODKROW#DXVWLQWH[DVJRY )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH&LW\RI – Application has been $XVWLQ·VUHVSRQVHWR&29,'SOHDVH •Frankie Torres (512)-974-3478 YLVLWDXVWLQWH[DVJRY&RYLG )UDQNLHWRUUHV#DXVWLQWH[DVJRY made in accordance with •Indira Nallapati – (512)-597-7237 <RX PD\ FDOO RU HPDLO WKH IROORZLQJ ,QGLUDQDOODSDWL#DXVWLQWH[DVJRY the Texas Alcoholic Bev- LQGLYLGXDOV WR VHW XS DQ DSSRLQWPHQW erage Commission for a IRURQHRQRQHWLPHWRGLVFXVV\RXU&LW\ •Mary Moran – (512)-381-4223 RI$XVWLQMREVHDUFKQHHGV Wine and Beer Retailer's PDU\PRUDQ#DXVWLQWH[DVJRY Permit (BG) by Willow & Co LLC. dba Willow & Co to be located at 908 E 5th St Unit 107, Aus- tin, Travis County, TX. OwnerValerie Williamson. Are you interested in doing Jay-Reese Contractors, Inc. business with the City of Austin? is soliciting DBE, MBE, We are here for you! & WBE subcontractors City of Austin and suppliers for the Purchasing Office upcoming Ullrich WTP Vendor Registration Low Service Pump Station Project (CIP# 512-974-2018 5335.016). Please sub- [email protected] mit quotes before 5:00 www.austintexas.gov/department/purchasing PM on October 21, 2020. For information on the City of Austin’s Minority/ Send via fax to (512) Women-Owned Procurement Program please contact the 829-5366 or e-mail: Small & Minority Business Resources at 512-974-7600 [email protected]. or visit www.austintexas.gov/smbr. Attn: Matt Buffo. Call (512) 845-7744 for more information..
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