Feriyanti Elina Gultom Anecdote Text Vs Spoof Text ANECDOTE TEXT VS SPOOF TEXT Feriyanti Elina Gultom Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Uni ersitas Negeri Medan ABSTRACT It is often find understanding about the funny story in our society life. E ery funny story is often defined as anecdote. In this term, anecdote is pointing to (cerita lelucon) or (konyol). Most the story are funny because they ha e unpredictable funny things in the end. All those types of story are often socially called anecdote and they are going on. Howe er, the unpredictable thing in the end of story which is often funny is called twist. This Twist, in term of text type, belongs to spoof. ,hile in the generic structure of anecdote, we can not find the twist. So it might be the funny story which we often hear in our social life and defined as anecdote story is not the the anecdote text in term of text types we are learning. Commonly it is defined spoof and anecdote are similar, e en both are same. Spoof and anecdote tend to be defined as text which relate to funny story and unusual incidents. It can be true as both bring the function mostly to entertain and share to readers. But, actually both are different. Key Words. Text, Anecdote and spoof DEFINITION OF ANECDOTE parable than the patently in ented fable with its animal characters and generic Anecdote means a short story that human figures but it is distinct from the illustrates a point. An anecdote may also parable in the historical specificity which mean /ust a short, interesting story. A it claims. person that share many anecdotes is In communication studies, science usually considered a good public speaker. communication, psycholinguistics and An anecdote is a short and amusing but choice theory, anecdotal alue refers to serious account, which may depict a the primarily social and political alue of real0fake incident or character. Anecdotes an anecdote or anecdotal e idence in can be as brief as the setting and promoting understanding of a social, pro ocation. An anecdote is always cultural, or economic phenomenon. ,hile presented as based in a real incident anecdotal e idence is typically in ol ing actual persons, whether famous unscientific, in the last se eral decades the or not, usually in an identifiable place. e aluation of anecdotes has recei ed Howe er, o er time, modification in reuse sustained academic scrutiny from may con ert a particular anecdote to a economists and scholars such as lix fictional piece, one that is retold but is Salmon S. G. Checkland 2on 3a id 1too good to be true1. Ricardo5, Ste en No ella, R. Charleton, Anecdote shows satire inside. Hollis Robbins, 6wamena 6wansah7 Sometimes humorous, anecdotes are not Aidoo, and others. These academics seek /okes, because their primary purpose is to 8uantify the alue of the use of not simply to e oke laughter, but to re eal anecdotes, e.g. in promoting public a truth more general than the brief tale awareness of a disease. More recently, itself, or to delineate a character trait in economists studying choice models ha e such a light that it strikes in a flash of begun assessing anecdotal alue in the insight to its ery essence. An anecdote context of framing9 3aniel 6ahneman and thus is closer to the tradition of the Amos T ersky suggest that choice models 65 Feriyanti Elina Gultom Anecdote Text Vs Spoof Text may be contingent on stories or anecdotes Using intensifiers 2e.g ery, so B that frame or influence choice. As an ad/ecti e , much etc5 example, consider :oseph Stalin's Using material processes 2e.g apocryphal 8uote. The death of one man protected, employed, spoke etc5 is a tragedy, the death of millions is a Using temporal con/unctions 2e.g statistic. then, afterwards, e er since, while, before, Anecdotal e idence is an informal after etc5 account of e idence in the form of an anecdote. The term is often used in Notes: contrast to scientific e idence, as e idence Exclamations, rhetorical 8uestions and that cannot be in estigated using the intensifiers are used to point up the scientific method. The problem with significant of the e ents or incidents. And arguing based on anecdotal e idence is Material processes and temporal that anecdotal e idence is not necessarily con/unctions are used to tell what is going typical9 only statistical e idence can on or happened. determine how typical something is. Material processes are erbs that show us Misuse of anecdotal e idence is an what happened and what someone do or informal fallacy. what is done. ,hen used in ad ertising or Temporal con/unctions are con/unctions promotion of a product, ser ice, or idea, that show the time se8uence of e ents. anecdotal e idence is often called a testimonial and is banned in some /urisdictions. The term is also sometimes A. Function o Anecdote used in a legal context to describe certain kinds of testimony. Psychologists ha e To Bring Cheer found that people are more likely to Sometimes telling a story /ust makes remember notable examples than the people laugh or brightens the mood. In the typical example. example about fa orite recipes, the woman is sharing a tale with her friends The generic structures of anecdote are. or coworkers about a time that she Abstract . signals the retelling of experienced a disaster in the kitchen. unusual, uncommon or amusing ,hether she tried to boil an egg without inciden water or made fudge that turned as hard as Orientation . introduction or sets the a rock, the other people are sure to ha e a scene good laugh. Crisis . pro ides details of unusual, uncommon or amusing incident To Reminisce Incident . reaction to the CRISIS In se eral of these examples, such Coda . 2OPTIONAL5, a reflection or as the parents on Christmas morning and an e aluation of unusual, uncommon or the elderly couple, people are talking amusing incident about their pasts. They are looking back fa orably on moments in their li es and The language features of anecdote text sharing the /oy of that time with others. are. Using exclamation 2e.g great?, what a To Caution bad day?, a ery strange incident? etc5 In the fire safety case, the speaker is Using of rhetorical 8uestions 2e.g what trying to show the audience what can do you like to do when you make happen if they do not follow proper wrong thing? , oh no, it is a stupid procedures. Sometimes /ust laying out thing, isnAt?5 rules for indi iduals is not effecti e, and 66 Feriyanti Elina Gultom Anecdote Text Vs Spoof Text they need to hear frightening stories of It must be true dangers that can be a oided by following An anecdote must be a true story these regulations. about someone. It might be you, and therefore the anecdote would be written in To Persuade or Inspire first person. If you witnessed the e ent, Returning to the examples about you would write the anecdote in third tutors and tutoring sessions, the speakers person. As with any good story or essay, want the students to know they are there an anecdote must relay the who, what, to help, and that they ha e faced similar when, where, why and how of the 1plot.1 struggles. They want the students to know ,hile there's no need to go o erboard in that there is the possibility of a brighter details, these essential elements frame the future if they put the work in. story. Of course, anecdotes do not ha e to ser e such specific purposes all the time. It must be short They can /ust be part of a natural An anecdote is simply a slice of life con ersation with other people. that illustrates a point, often with wit and Anecdotes and humorous pieces are humor. By connecting the point to a not only /okes, but ex8uisite literary memorable story, narrators can ensure that de ices as well. Their ma/or purposes are listeners will be more likely to remember to stir up laughter, to disclose a truth in a it. An anecdote should not contain any general way, or to describe a feature of a information that is not essential to the character in such a way that it becomes understanding of the story and, as the humorous and at the same time gi es us a ultimate in short7story writing, e ery word better understanding of the character. counts. ,hen writing an anecdote, re eal Anecdotes may also ser e as only the details that matter, and lea e the cautions. ,riters tell their readers about rest behind. the possibilities of future happenings in case they do not follow particular Strong tie-in processes and techni8ues. The anecdote must ha e a strong ending where the meaning of the story is clear. 3on't rely on eiled references or B. How to Write an Anecdote hints at the outcome of the tale. The point should also tie into the rest of the story or Anecdotes are often used in speech if you are using it to lead into speeches not only to entertain with a another thought. Many speechwriters or simple story but also to re eal a greater magaDine articles use an anecdote to begin truth. an exposition on a much longer and more An anecdote is a narrated story that detailed theme. No matter the purpose, an is biographical in nature and must be anecdote that doesn't deli er the point is about a real person.
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