I,, v &- Agga AMPFA -. 7 - 1--5.-' -:,2-, L i,_,_„ 1,2.!ri,tr -?if:..,0„ - - tk'',- -_ *fiC ... -, 1 -L '11'-Ir 1 14 3 01". E 242 -« - .,, 7'' 7: \ 2 4'.illililifillilbi . - - ,1 '1'.3-2 , [ 18....INg.. 4 L- hir Z 2:-183 13<2-' - t,r; ,, ' 1,-.-r, - '. <- v --1-7r .*0*+,_ ..T , . - 11 - ' - . I =, - -ill-- - T - --i --» EL - -6-_ ' 'e -lib.'' ,9 Vol. 14 No. 18 PACKARD ELECTRIC DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION July 13, 1953 Two Employes, One A Packardite For 27 Years, PaCkard's 69 Blood Donors Are Awarded More Than $2000 For Suggestions Two employes, one of whom has been with Packard for 27 :. ---- -* ,-r...,- Mark Best Effort Of Year ?11 Sixty nine employes, only one ahort of Packard Electric's quota, C%:21:hsluttiet;2 42}I")yect =st.pi frrint:Zinu e tiTriahwu rt: 1 , lf# ;*4 gave pints of blood at the Red Cross Bloodmobile in Warren on Lewis, Dept. 550, and James I. Moore, Dept. 613. : 1 June 25 and 26. Although falling short of the quota, this showing Lewis, a tool and die maker, observed that considerable time 1 represented the best blood-donation effort of the year by Packard was being spent in Plant 4 in trimming wires which were protrud- employes. ing from eyelets. FIe recommended a longer eyelet which would A sudden downpour of rain at 3:30 P. M. on June 26 may have I prevented Packard from attaining its quota. At any rate, a total but one-thirty secondth of an inch, it provided Lewis with an ' of 15 persons, all of whom had made appointments to donate blood, permit enclosing all the wires. Altah i.dh t e$ 1 Ce amounted to - failed to make an appearance. A native of England, Lewis began .L· · The next opportunity for Pack- E '. -/4. < A < « tEfpfrerviDLyNdon 1 y,Dgesttl ardites to give their blood will be on 4 July 29, 30, and 31 when the Blood. 1 award of $50.00. Making his home at Bowen And Loveless 3-YVVV'V\/\/' mobile will be in Warren at the 819 Meadowbrook, Lewis is the father 1 American Legion. Packard's quota - of two sons. He will retire from __h _ Retirements Result In - "'- Packard in October. 0 E.U' L · will again be 70 pints. With the polio season now in high James I. Moore, a press operator, made four previous suggestions which - " p - , _ · t- gear, great quantities of blood are Supervision Changes had been rejected. This time on the 61 '1; vitally needed for the production of fifth try, his suggestion was accept- 1 gamma globulin, used in the fight Or·ganizational changes in Depts. against polio. GG has been used with 551 and 650 brought about by re- Hised, bringingidea eliminatedhim an awardthe necessityof $987.70.of q .,„i,Uilli, apparent great success in Alabama tirements of two foremen have been and North Carolina during recent announced by L. L, Sudranski, plant a lacing operation to secure the leads polio outbreaks. engineer. on machine wound stators. -/Ill.i. .4. Moore has been with Packard for James Moore The need for blood in Korea re- Effective July 1, Harry Bowen, for- d '0 four years and lives at 540 High St. mains as critical as always, despite mer electrical foreman, Dept. 551, re- the hope for tired under the provisions -· .27 -- 1 1 1161 1,41 N. E. The father of a daughter, age 340,000 an earty truce. of the - ...,p; ' 0 9 f 12, he is a native of Uniontown, Boys Enroll More than 454 pints of blood were administered to people in Trumbull - Other recent suggestion winners County in May, yet only 352 pints In Fisher Body Guild were collected from the county. The Iiiiiiiiiik< 24 ,wF ,Ii,I,9I#P lllUNI are first 48 pints of blood collected dur- , * t.k· = igizi Noine Dept. A,carti Over 340,000 American boys, many ing any blood-dr ing period are 1, · 4 $7 Clarence A. Blair 552 $100.00 of them sons of GM employes and sent directly to the government for John (i. lirrk 305 10.00 GM dealers, enrolled in the 1953 Arthur Lewis use as the Office of Defense Mobil- ve Ileri, irer S. Lee 56 23.00 model-car competition of the Fisher ization sees fit. The remainder is Donald T. Morris 532 10.00 Body Guild, sent to a pool in Cleveland which 18 Cly,le E. Stewart 312 10.00 All models entered will be on dis- provides blood as needed in this area. Attendance Prizes William R. 1.eis 652 40.80 play in the General Motors Building, Raymond K'. Ilenry 652 SO.00 Detroit, until August 23. ( Will Be Given Away James Plielpa 652 25.00 Sixty-five thousand dollars in cash, ./. Bowen Loveless Raymond (Niud, 552 10.00 university scholarships and crafts- Packard Boys' State Edward W. I](,ing 551 23.00 men's tool chests will be awarded At The Family Picnic winning model builders. Public school 1,2,„1 S. Mar<,1 551 23.00 Delegate Is Ki#inen .-p- .I Nicliolam Renato, Jr. 652 12.50 arts instructors, experts from the GM Although all Packard em- styling section and members of the Dale E. Swal, 632 12.50 Guild technical staff will judge the Packard representative to the 1601 41 j f ploves and their families who J: ine Fre·nian ,1.631 23.00 models. Judging will begin July 13 annual Boys' State Convention this 1*4 attend the annual family picnic Jcilin Kordek, Jr. 632 25.00 are certain of a good time, 18 or before and will be open to the year was John R. Killinen, 17 year ..-0 employes will Merle 1,. Vambinder 632 25.00 public. leave the picnic Continued on Page Eight Continurd on Paire Eight ofold 17HardingWarrenHighhighSchoolschooljunior.delegates,one 0; ' -' .4-LL even more satisfied than the -M#i rest. That is the number of Killinen spent 10 days at the Boys' prizes that will be given away Retirees Presented Portfolios At Luncheon as attendance awards at the af- Packard. --3- ././. fair which will be held at Con- :$„... 1,- - D e s i g n e d to Myers Haberstroh neaut Lake Park, Pa., July 31. -'.t „ teach outstanding General Motors' Pension Plan. Ef- The top prize, which was announced J , /9- high school boys fective on the same date, Russell earlier, is a Frigidaire Automatic -9 :' :.'* sys- ..1 114 the practical Myers was made Washer, which is now on display at .. 7 '49 responsible for the , ''11, 1 4, / , - I -1 tem of govern- electrical section of Dept. 551. Plant 6. The second prize is a 21-inch k #Alhi . 1.- 1 ment, Boys' State • f. , » . " 6 , , '4'., 1, - - - 9:3; . ., t., /::.: is sponsored by Harry Loveless, former foreman, currentlyR eron displayMower,in the employes'which is , .,4 h -fy!,1 - 1- . 4 4 the A m e r i c a n k --'-'/ Plant 6 Tool Crib, was also retired under the provisions of the General locker room in the basement of the , Legion. A mock = 1 00.*4 Administration Building. A Supreme . Ke . state is set UP Motors' Pension Plan effective the outdoor play gym now on display at .%1 - g- . _ same date, after almost 21 years of Plant 7, is the third prize. These " * . .b ' 194 withstate, ccounty o m pand l e -t e, service. three top awards are being displayed . «, . city governments. I t.:6 At the same time, Henry J. Haber- . 1- .' . in each of the three areas for one . ./WA.·.' . After a vigorous stroh was made responsible for the week. 11! / ..4 and all-encompass- Killinen Dept. 650 Tool Crib Other prizes which can be won . ...,1 · 11' ing political campaign for offices, Bowen, 68, was first employed at only by employes attending the picnic · an election is held after which the Packard in August, 1927, as an elec- include a pair of Sampson outdoor , representatives ( there were 915 this trician. He was named electrical or indoor folding arm chairs, a Dom- . year) make laws and put them into foreman in 1936. A native of Warren, inion coffee percolator, an Ecko Hi- -:/Ntr - j . I . bi effect. Bowen attended North Bloomfield Speed cooker, a Hoover steam iron, A letter received by Packard last High School. He is married to the a Philco table model radio, Model week from Killinen read in part, "I former Anna J. Newberry, of Warren, No. 560: a cannister set, a Telechron greatly appreciated the wonderful and they have three daughters. % 4- . clock, a set of dishes, a Sunbeam . p opportunity of attending Buckeye Loveless, 69, first became associat- cooker, a Casco heating pad, a SS'*fqf Boys' State, and I sincerely believe Dominion waffle iron, a ,»i ' 1,< *f ed with Packard in August, 1932, popcorn it was one of the most interesting when he started in the Rotor Depart- popper, a pair of Aladdin Lamps, a -- * 4. , and valuable experiences of my life ment. He was named foreman in the ,¢-1 hair dryer and a Hamilton Beach Through this program I learned Tool Crib in 1942. He is married and mixette. - _7--lk U) much about the common functions of has four children, three girls and a Final plans for the day's outing 4#. government that I am sure will be boy. The Lovelesses make their home are nearing completion. Picnic gen- very beneficial to me both in school at R. D.
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