BUill dime c ,878 Student PubllcaUoni Inc. Iowa City's Mornln Tuesda June 26 1 7 Two race discrimination charges TWIN PACK filed against Woodfield ',s ' By NEil BROWN Commission monthly meeting Monday could take no action at this time. She said jeopardy when you do something like Edlfor night, however, Zukrowski confirmed that, following a fonnal complaint, an that." that Morris had filed a formal complaint. investigation is made and a report is AMBROSE said Monday nigbt that he · Two charges of race dlacrimlnaUon Morris said he will contact state given to the commission for a decision on would not be intimidated by any threats, were filed agaInst Woodfield's bar representatives of the NAACP to whether a human rights violation 0c­ which be said were made by crowd Monday with the Iowa City Human determine if the organization will take curred. The process, she said, could take members Saturday night and ignored by RIghts Comrnlsalon. any formal action. as long as six months. the police. "They were out there · Robert Morris, a representative of the Zukrowsltl also admitted that many Morris suggested that boycotts or legal threatening me then. Who's the police regional office of the NAACP, fUed one of persons called In Infonnal complaints to picketing mlght be used to protest worried about? Them. I think the crowd Iwo formal complaints against Harry the commission Monday. Ambrose's policy until the city decides could have been dispersed. I don't think If Ambrose, owner of Ihe IocaJ dlaco. Iowa City police were called to whether to take action. it had been other people, another race, it The complaints charge that Ambrose Woodfield's at approximately 10:30 "I think an economic rope can be put (the crowd outside) would have been dl.scritnlnated against blacks attempting Saturday night after a large crowd had around Woodfield's neck and they can be allowed," he said. to enler the bar Saturday night by gathered In front of the bar' 8 entrance. strangled," Morris said. Ambrose said he was not aware that requiring them to ahow three Iypes of Many of those In the crowd complained fonnal complaints had been fil~ against personal Identification with pictures. that the bar'S doonnen were refusing to HE SAID there was a "blatant display him and he said he had not lieen c0n­ Robert Martin, a fonner Woodfield's let blacks in the bar. The police took no of racism" at Woodfield's Saturday tacted by anyone from the Human Rights employee, flied the second complaint. action, and there was no violence. nigbt, and that angry citizens mlght Commission. Both Morris and Martin said they were at retaliate. He reiterated that he was cracking Woodfield's Saturday night and wit.. AMBROSE, who had called the police "If this was Detroit they'd have had down on permitting minors, and said nelJlled doonnen permitting whites Into to disperse the crowd, said he Instructed gunfire at the backdoor that night. I don't reports that five white 17·year-olds were E. the bar with little or no Iden­ his doormen to crack down on allowing think anything like that Is going to in the bar Saturday night were false. tification, while demanding that black minors in the bar and he said he did not happen," Morris said. Bul he added that Martin agreed that Ambrose might be patrons produce three lOs. discriminate against blacks. , someone might try to vandalize Wood· in some danger, but said he Is only Approximately 15 persons appeared at field:s or confront Ambrose. concerned that the action against CITY CIVIL RIGHTS Specialist Sophie the Human Rights Commission meeting "There's some guys up here from well· Ambrose be done legally. Zukrowskl said city law prohibits her to discuss the Salurday night incident known gangs In big cities," Morris said. "It isn't a matter of one man or' one from naming complainants or dlacusaing and determine what action could be "He just doesn't realize what he's doing establisbment, ii's passing down a rule The Oaily IOW llnl~iI~"" lonnal charges. At the Human RIghts taken. Zukrowsltl, said the commission bere. You're putting you're own life in that's wrong." Robert Morris City okays bus Writers question Taft's press ban By STEPHEN HEDGES of a personal conflict. But the Burlington I think Johnson, by catering to this sort of UI were also closed to the press, but Stalt Writer editor did not agree with the seminar'.s thing, helps to contribute to a more Johnson said the press policy has never 20Z· route changes, but press policy. closed society. been strict. State political writers scheduled to "If I were there it certainly wouldn't be Flansburg, while not approving of the D·CON address the UI Taft Institute of Govern­ closed to the press, and I wouldn't feel "I REFUSE, as a matter of principle, policy, said he understood Johnson's men.t Seminar this week question the any constraint to give up my freedom," to talk with a politician if it isn't for the reasoning. 'MOUSE· not fare hike session's policy banning press at­ he said. "I don't give up my credentials record," be said. But Flansburg By ROD BOSHART move. tendance. as a newspaperman." pointed out Johnson's right of academic "He's there to teach the people," be StaffWrher The seminar's director, UI political freedom. said. "He's dealing with reality." And FE that reality, Flansburg added "is that NEUHAUSER said the state has science Prof. Donald Johnson, closed the A NUMBER of Iowa politicians, in­ , "You're screwing around with the MICE The Iowa City Council Monday penalized cities in the past for ef· meetings to the press, stating that cluding Gov. Robert Ray, Sen. John politicians might have strategies or approved route revisions and ficiently operating their transit classroom and the interests of academic notions they want to keep secret. I've politicians speak more freely when the Culver and First District Rep. Jim freedom," he said .. "It seems 10 me that l!Chedule changes expected to cost systems by withdrawing assistance press is not present. Leacb, addressed the seminar last week. found that most things politicians wanl to that's where Johnson should have made keep secret are not worth knowing the city bus system $76,720, but it did and allocating It to cities with "I wasn't at all aware that the thing his stand - that a teacher has a privilege not approve a proposed 10-cent fare struggling systems. She said this is a Pete Smith, Culver's press secretary, anybow." was closed (to the press)," said said he was not aware ot the press policy, to the classroom." 3ge increase along with the changes. "Catch-22" that bas victimized the Burlington Hawk Eye Editor John The changes In the transit system, city In the past. and an aide for Leach said that Leach Politicians do speak differently when JOHNSON SAID he syinpathlzes with McCormally. "I can't see wby it would "was not aware that It was closed to the proposed by transit Manager Hugh "As long as it's that way, I'm need to be." the press is absent, Johnson said. the press. " Reporters are like Mose and City Manager Neal Berlin reluctant to raise the fare," she said. press." "People are more candid. I've noticed professors," he said. "They feel like they at Monday's Informal council "I wouldn't say I'm absolutely McCORMALLY, along with James "It surprised him that It was," said that when the press is present the should have access to everything. meeting, are to go into effect by late against the fare increase but I would Flansburg, a political wriler for the Des Ann Haskell, Leach's press secretary. "I politiCians give very stock answers. " Johnson added that he might open the August. say we should wait until we're In a Moines Register, and Frank Nye, don't believe that he would've minded a next seminar to the press "and see how Under the changes, the city transit little more desperate sitl1$tion," associate editor of the Cedar Rapids bit if there was press there. Generally It JOHNSON said that the Taft Institute, that works." system will be expanded to 1. in· Neuhauser said. Councilors Carol Gazette, are scheduled to speak to 29 Is jusl assumed a lot of the time that which sponsors the seminar, recom· "I don't want to make a freedom of the divldual routes (seven round trips) deProsse, Clemens Erdahl and • Iowa high school social studies teachers members of the press, If they're in­ mends that the seminars be kept as "a press issue about It," Johnson said. "I from the present 12, Mose said. The David Perret were absent. on politics and the press on Wednesday. terested, are there." scho~rly session of talks, and that the think the whole business has kind of been new scbedule modifies lOme of the Forty percent of the estimated Nye is ill and will not attend the Flansburg said he was also unaware of actual classroom discussion Is to be kept unfortunate and that possibly in the existing routes and adds several new $76,720 increase in operating ex· seminar, and McCormally said Monday the press policy and that "it suggests to off the record. ' I future I'm just going to teU people that routes to recently developed areas in penditures is expected to be paid by that he probably will not appear because me why politicians get away with things.
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