1111111111111111110 il 26,00 25,60 0 25,60 0 25,30 0 Itn 25.30 0 25,25 0 25,10 0 25,00 0 25,00 0243s 0 24,80 24,65 1 24,35 30 24,10 30 24,10 14th year no. 6 April 9, 1968 30 24,10 24,00 with the law. The board had set 30 2230 April 1 as the new deadline. 20.70 About 800 Feedlot Under provisions of the law, 20,10 feeders are deemed in compli- 1930 ance if they file their applica- 19,20 tion for licensing as directed by 19,10 Permits In By Deadline the board of health. Heble said 80 1930 he expects almost all of the 30 1930 More than 800 applications for 600 applications remain to be feeders to file their applications 1130 18.90 licenses to operate as commer-filed by lot operators and said during this week. 18,90 cialfeedlots, under control the department will start com- provisions to prevent water pliance activities as soon as the After the applications are re- 18,80 ceived, they are checked by res- 80 18,80 pollution, have been received at current applications are proces- ident engineers of the board of p 18,70 the offices of the state board of sed. health and inspections are made 18,60 health, officials say. Under an act by the 1967 Leg- of the sites to determine if there p 18,50 Vern Heble, chief of the waterislature, feed lot operators were The Last Bite is a water pollution hazard. p 18,30 pollution control section of the directed to seek permits from Shelli Lupher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly If it is found there is no ap- p 18,130 board, estimated that the appli- the board of health by January Lupher of Greenleaf, is helped with the last bite of ice parent danger of stream pollu- p 17,90 1, 1968. This deadline, however, cream by her mother at the annualmeeting dinner of caions received covered about tion the lots are licensed. If it p 17.60 was extended by the board to the Farmers Elevator Association of Greenleaf, Linn 1,300,000 head of cattle being appears there is likely to be Q0 17,40 givelot operators and the and Washington. fed in enclosed feeding facilities. stream pollution the engineers p 17,30 He estimated that from 400 to board additional time to comply will direct that corrective meas- ures be taken and will outline ;1011 procedures, Heble said. After the hazards are corrected the Area Land Auction Grosses$425,000 lots will be licensed to operate, One of the largest land sales her mother's side side was DentAn auction of 960 acres of land100 ($269) to Harvey Markley,he added. ever held in the G&G area has Nelson, also a Norwegian im-he owns in Osborne county wasBennington. Heble said feeders have been grossed $425,000, with the pro- migrant. Dent Nelson was aheld in mid -March, but Frisbie Tract 12 - 160 acres for $35,-cooperative in correcting de- 000 ($219) to Ralph Reitz, Sa-fects in their lots and that there drys ceedsto go tofivecharities. prospector and farmer. He decided not to sellit. The land, searched for gold and silver in Here's the summary of landlina accountant. have been few complaints about all of it close to The two tracts which sold for Benningto.in Ottawa county, the West and Alaska before sold at the Nelson estate sale: the requirement of filing appli- 1705 acres, nearly all in settling at Eureka, Kansas, Tract 1 - 160 acres for $51,-less than $200 per acre were thecations for permits. ran and much of it subject where he is buried. 250 ($321 per acre) to Georgeonly ones to contain much He said the board has been to irrigation, averaging close to "Miss Nelson was a quiet andFrisbie, Gypsum. grassland. About 60 to 70 acresreceiving from 50 to 60 applica- $250 per acre. unassuming person," Carman Tract 2 - 80 acres for $26,000of the land purchased by Dontions a day and has been unable Sale proceeds, along with oth- recalls. "She wouldn't have lik-($325) to George Frisbie, Gyp-White, an area Hereford breed-to keep up with themailvol- er funds in the Eunice Nelson ed all the publicity the sale ofsum. er. was in grass, and the Ham-ume. estate, Tract 3 - 80 acres for $22,350ilton purchase had 47 acres of will go to the Asbury her estate is getting." meadow. Hamilton had farmed 1118 hospital in Salina; Kansas Chil- The land sale certainly earn- ($279) to Don E. Montgomery,the tract he bought, as had IrORMER VET DOCTOR dren's Service League; Presby- editspublicity, withfiveof Gypsum. 0. W. SCHWALM DIES Tract 4 - 104 acres for $33,-Darg. terian Home for the Aged, New- the 12 tracts selling for $300 or Darg was one of the auction- ALMA -A former G&G vet- ton;College of Emporia; and more per acre. 100 ($318) to Willis Darg, Ben- erinarian and state senator has a $25,000 scholarship fund for The major buyer at the sale eers for the sale. The other was nington. Bob Perry of Salina. died at Topeka. He was Dr. Os- graduates of Bennington high was GeorgeFrisbie, Gypsum Tract 5 - 160 acres for $32,- In addition to the tracts, thecar W. Schwalm, 78. He was a school, Evan Carman, Mineopo- contractor, who bought four 750($250) to Maurice Mc- , former Nelson home inBen- livestock dealer and veterinar- Cattle lis attorney, said. tracts of land totaling 541 ac-Neil, Manhattan real estate ian in Paxico from 1914 to 1949 Dos nington was sold, to Emmet Miss Nelson died in Septem- res for a gross priceof $172,500.broker. for and was state senator in 1941- ber 1966. She was the last of Tract 6 - 200 acres for $30,-Winans of Bennington 26,00 Altho this averaged well over 43, 30 four children of W. B. Nelson, "This 900 ($155) to Ernest Hamilton, $3700, 25,90 $300, Frisbie declared. 30 an immigrant from Norway. land sale was an exceptional op-Bennington. 30 25,85 25,g The children were Della, Hel- portunity. It's outstanding land, Tract 7 - 160 acres for $25,- 30 en, George, and Eunice. Della much of it irrigated. I'mdisap-600 ($160) to Donald White, 30 26,30 25,5 was the only one who married pointed I couldn't buy more." Bennington. 30 sell- 17,10 hut she had no children. Frisbie had been on the Tract 8 - 185 acres for $60,- Miss Nelson's grandfather on ing end during themonth too.500 ($327) to Frisbie. 17,93 Tract 9 - 116 acres for $34,- 18,65 750 ($213)to Frisbie. 30 18.15 Tract 10 - 80 acres for $26,- 30 Writer Sylvia Porter Covers 000 ($325)to Doris Berkley, 30 18,15 18,5 Bennington. 30 Farmers 17.9) Share Of Food Dollar Tract 11 - 160 acres for $43, 30 P 18.46 The syndicated 18.5 financial writ - a7 er Sylvia Porter Organize To Halt 16,30 covered the P farmer'sshare of the market in Financial P 16.10 a column lastweek, pointing Writer 18,9 out that for Sylvia Grove Dam 15.10 every dollar the A crash program to halt pro- P consumer spends Porter 100 the farmer P gets only 51/2 gress on the proposed Grove 0.93 cents of it, only Reservoir Dam has been start- P about halfas much as he got in P 12.% 1947, ed by people around Silver 16.5 Lake in western Shawnee coun- P These are the tions board serves other U.S. 16,g "brutal facts," ty. @ said Miss workers, or to give farmers a 11,15 Porter, behind the The dam site, which was relo- @ new round new way to unionize on a na- 17,0 of threats of the Na- cated at the confluence of Sol- @ di tional Farmers tional scale., 16., Organization to dier and Little Soldier creeks, @ Withhold Miss Porter then gave several key food products examples of what proportion ofwas originally fundedfor a site from themarket in order to upstream i ili,`, forceThe the food dollar a farmer gets on Soldier Creek just for his product that goes into from the Jackson -Shawnee the final retail item. Heretheycounty line. some comfortto farmers who Albert Glotzbach of Silver thater are: their sidesn, oft efttheen cost 7cLake said that the organization ofgroceries Corn flakes CO ' Sandwich cookies 9cwill hire an attorney to handle good hearing. Whole wheat bread 11clegal matters and initiate a let- Column Miss Porter's 0O'anot only suggested sym- Canned corn 12cer-writing effort. 15c '..,PathY for theNFO effort but White bread The reservoir at the new site 0 Frozen peas 15c for theestablishment of a na- Fresh spinach would control runoff from 260 INA, tionalagriculturalrelations Potatoes 25c2square miles and provide waterTractor Looker I boardat the federal level to Sugar 38cstorage yielding more than 20 Burchard Hinkle of Culver was ane of the many Fresh Milk 50c serve U.S. farmersin the same Eggs, Grade A large 57cmillion gallons dailyat mini- lookers at a new tractor at the recent Salina Farm Ma- - y the NationalLabor Rela- Beef, choice 58cmum usage. terials Handling Exposition. 04' based brigade everysix months. All three brigadeswill maneu- April 9, 1968 ver once a yearin Germany. P ri( Share Up A small complementof sol- prices Chrysler Market diers arrived atForbes MondayBELLEVILLE TO VOTE cadre was ON FLUORIDE farmers Five years ago Chrysler Cor- number four U.S.
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