Approved IHSAA Wrestling Weight Management Assessors (Updated on 29 September 2008) Assessors Listed Alphabetically by Last Name Assessor Name Affiliation Adams, Roy Milan H.S. Albert, Troy Fremont H.S. Alexander, L. Blair Beech Grove H.S. Alexander, L. Blair Center Grove H.S. Allen, Jonathon Connersville H.S. Ambler, Brent West Central H.S. Andersen, Corina Lafayette Central Cath. H.S. Anderson, Trudy Muncie Central H.S. Angersbach, Charles North Montgomery H.S. Antinori, Amanda Bedford North Lawrence H.S. Arseneau, Jed Terre Haute North H.S. Arvin, Grace Huntington North H.S. Atkinson, Bruce Elkhart Central H.S. Badry, Greg Peru H.S. Baer, Joe Sport One-Ft. Wayne Baker, Gary Fremont H.S. Baker, Gregory West Noble H.S. Baker, Tom North Central (Ind.) H.S. Barill, Erin Speedway H.S. Barkow, Keith Northridge H.S. Barley, Ryan Tipton H.S. Barnes, Darrell St. Vincent Sports Medicine Barr, Sara Hamilton Heights H.S. Baugh, Darren Columbus East H.S. Baumann, Dan Evansville Community Schools Bayci, Mike Kankakee Valley H.S. Beach, Jennifer South Vermillion H.S. Beach, Kevin Yorktown H.S. Beamer, Dan Corydon Central H.S. Beasley, Nancy J. Crawfordsville H.S. Beehler, Brittany Columbus North H.S. Beer, Jeff Midwest Health Strategies Beer, Jennifer Whitko H.S. Behling, Matt Bremen H.S. Bennett, Mary Indiana School for the Blind Benter, Melissa Franklin Central Berenda, Amanda North Newton H.S. Berg, Tricia Terre Haute North H.S. Berkey, Willie Northridge H.S. Bernfield, Laura Twin Lakes H.S. Bertrand, Marie-Josee Brown County H.S. Bienz, Matt Indiana PT/New Haven H.S. Biggs, Brandon Replay Physical Therapy Black Jr., Ray Madison Consolidated H.S. Blackburn, Tom DeKalb H.S. Blair, Julie Andrean H.S. Blood, Mike North Montgomery H.S. Bodensteiner, Jennifer S.B. Riley H.S. Bollenbacher, Rita Jay County High School Bolze, Thomas Glenn H.S. Boone, Teresa Muncie South H.S. Boswell, Jodi White's Residential & Family Botka, Emily S.B. St. Joseph's H.S. Bower, Chuck Elkhart Central H.S. Boyer, Kurt Hagerstown H.S. Brackney, Randy Warsaw H.S. Branam, Corey Warsaw H.S. Braviere, Beth Hammond Noll H.S. Brawner, Tony Main Cross Brennan, Jenny Pike H.S. Brinkoeter, Joanna Brown County H.S. Brown, Cassy Methodist Sports Med., Indpls. Brown, Chad Northwestern High School Brown, Jen Culver Academy Brown, Lacey Brown, Mike Christian Academy of Indiana Brown, Mike Jeffersonville H.S. Brown, Mike Madison-Grant H.S. Brown, Patrick Northview H.S. Brown, Ron Marion High School Brown, Tony Browning, Bill Park Tudor H.S. Bruner, Mark Brown County HS Bryan, Don Northview H.S. Buchholz, Dave Center Grove H.S. Bullock, Andy Monrovia H.S. Bulmer, Brian Decatur Central H.S. Burbach, James Byle, Sandi Zionsville H.S. Caffrey, Erin Edgewood H.S. Callahan, Eric Warsaw H.S. Campbell, Heather Terre Haute North H.S. Campbell, Jeremy New Washington Carlson, Cristen Bloomington North H.S. Carlton, Kacey Jeffersonville HS Carter, Michael L. Southern Wells H.S. Case, Patrick S.B. Adams H.S. Caton, Barbara Evansville North H.S. Cave, Stephen Elkhart YMCA Chamberlain, Lonnie New Palestine H.S. Christensen, Mitch Jeffersonville H.S. Claybrooks, Jamie Star One Rehab Cleary, Mike Southport H.S. Clevenger, Alicia McCutcheon H.S. Clevenger, Jeff Lafayette Jefferson H.S. Clifton, Becky Floyd Central H.S. Clifton, Jan Indianapolis Scecina Clifton, Jan Indpls. Scecina H.S. Clodfelter, Chad Greencastle Physical Therapy Cloud, David Pendleton Heights H.S. Clugston, Jay Sports Med. Instit. Of S. Bend Coates, Kyle Rushville H.S. Coffey, Sharon Culver Community H.S. Cohen, Elyse Edgewood H.S. Collett, Bill Union County H.S. Cook, Lisa Taylor H.S. Cook, Russ New Albany H.S. Cooley, Kathy Batesville H.S. Cooley, Timothy Indiana Physical Therapy Coon, Chester Delta H.S. Coopes, Tom Vincennes Lincoln H.S. Cornelius, Elizabeth Bloomington North H.S. Covington, Roberta Muncie Central H.S. Cowell, Dan Culver Academy Cox, Bobby IHSAA Coy, Brad Franklin H.S. Crabb, Larry Twin Lakes H.S. Terre Haute South Vigo High Crackel, Brad School Craft, Wiley University of Indianapolis Crawford, Rodney Jasper H.S. Crock, Richard Indiana School for the Deaf Crock, Richard Indiana School of the Deaf Croneu, Cherri Madison Consolidated H.S. Crousore, Brett Lawrence North H.S. Cruck, Richard Indiana School for the Deaf Crump, Barb Indiana School for the Blind Crump, Barbara Indiana School for the Blind Cummings, Joshua F.W. North H.S. Cummings, Julia St. Clare Medical Center Cunningham, Bruce North Newton H.S. Cunningham, Patricia Gary Lew Wallace H.S. Daniel, Martin Blackford H.S. Dausman, Jeff Indpls. Scecina H.S. Davis, Brian Lake Central H.S. Davis, Greg Western H.S. Davis, Marcus Franklin H.S. Davis, Sam Triton H.S. Davis, Sandy Tell City H.S. Davis, Sandy Tell City H.S. Dawson, Daniel P. Day, Andrew Northview H.S. Dean, Tamara Jimtown H.S. Deckard, Royce Bloomington South H.S. Deible, Kristin Plymouth H.S. Deters, Rob North Posey H.S. DeTurk, Todd F.W. Northrop H.S. Dewolf, Marie Bloomington Hospital Diaz, Chris Mt. Vernon H.S. Diehl, Robert Terre Haute South H.S. Dillon, Mike Owen Valley H.S. Dilts, Dennis R. Warren Central H.S. Doan, D.L. Caston H.S. Dobson, Sid Portage H.S. Doherty, John Munster H.S. Drake, Matt Andrean H.S. Drake, Tom Hagerstown H.S. Driskill, Kevin Monroe Central H.S. Driskill, Kevin Monroe Central HS Drone, Kim Winamac H.S. Drudge, Tim Carmel H.S. DuBois, Tim North Miami H.S. Duke, Heath Marion H.S. Dunagan, Joe Cloverdale H.S. Dunagan, Joe Glenn HS Dunkin, Candice Sport One-Ft. Wayne Dunkirk, Kirk Sport One-Ft. Wayne Dygulski, Larry S.B. St. Joseph's H.S. Ebzondo, Mark South Bend Adams H.S. Efthimiou, Nick Howe Military Ehle-Fails, Christina F.W. Snider H.S. Ehrman, Greg East Central H.S. Emmert, Burke Fishers HS Emrick, Chris Pike H.S. Errett, David Martinsville H.S. Ethemien, Nick Lakeland H.S. Evanich, Tom Logansport H.S. Evans, Kent Franklin Central H.S. Ewing, Heath Indiana Physical Therapy Fagan, Ryan Oak Hill H.S. Fagan, Ryan Oak Hills High School Fakes, Todd Monrovia H.S. Fakes, Todd Monrovia H.S. Faurote, Sharolyn M. Bellmont H.S. Feltz, Stacie Cambridge City Lincoln H.S. Feltz, Stacie Centerville H.S. Feltz, Stacie Knightstown H.S. Feltz, Stacie Shenandoah H.S. Fields, Kevin Greensburg H.S. Finken, Nick Wawasee H.S. Fisher, Jerry Danville H.S. Fledderman, Eric Central Indiana Orthopedics Fleming, Dave Warren Central H.S. Fleming, Rita Providence H.S. Flinn-Smith, Marnee Michigan City H.S. Foster, Anna Bloomington South H.S. Foster, Beth Franklin County H.S. Foster, Glen Indian Creek H.S. Fox, Dan Sport One-Ft. Wayne Franciosi, Jeff Noblesville H.S. Fraze, Dwight New Castle H.S. Freel, Jeremy Winamac H.S. Friedt, Rosie Bellmont H.S. Fry, Paula North Putnam H.S. Funk, Nathan Edgewood H.S. Furney, Ray Lawrenceburg H.S. Gall, Jeremy Maconaquah HS Garber, Richard Huntington North High School Gard, Valerie Jennings County H.S. Gardner, George South Dearborn H.S. Garr, Charles Lagrange, IN Garr, Lori Lagrange, IN Gastineau, Greg Hamilton Southeastern H.S. Gatewood, Eric Ivy Tech Comm. College Gehlhausen, Ruth Turkey Run H.S. Geisman, Beth Sport One-Ft. Wayne Gerig, Greg Methodist Sports Medicine Giannini, Alexandra Terre Haute South H.S. Gilliland, Ed LaPorte H.S. Gonzalez, Annette Indiana PT/Eastside & Garrett H.S. Goodman, Mark Health Strategies Gorman, Paul Evansville Reitz H.S. Goshorn, Marianne Elwood H.S. Goss, Clifford E. Sport One-Ft. Wayne Grant, Jon St. Vincent Grant, Keith Indian Creek H.S. Grater, Anthony McCutcheon H.S. Graves, Scott Columbia City H.S. Gray, Holly Highland HS Green, Michelle Penn H.S. Greene, Michelle Penn H.S. Grimaldi, Jack Alexandria H.S. Gruenloh, Tom Norris & Love Ortho. & Sports Gusler, Regan Corydon Central H.S. Hall, Chris Lake Central HS Hall, Gary LaVille H.S. Hall, Shannon Paoli H.S. Hamersly, Scott Methodist Sports Medicine Hammel, Cary White's Institute Hamner, Joseph New Washington H.S. Handley, John Progressive Health Hanneman, Amy Whiting H.S. Hannon, Aaron Paoli H.S. Harben, Kevin G. Lawrence North H.S. Harding, Steve New Palestine H.S. Harmon, Bob Castle H.S. Harpp, Jeffrey Highland H.S. Harreld, Jake Fishers H.S. Harrell, Jeff Christian Academy of Indiana Harrison, Laura Lafayette Rehab Services Hart, Joey Turkey Run H.S. Harter, Ryan Bloomington South H.S. Harthcock, Adam Evansville Bosse H.S. Hasseman, Bob Franklin H.S. Hatcher, Matthew Hatzikostriks, Alex Andrean H.S. Hayes, Sue Merrillville H.S. Hazelwood, Melissa Northview H.S. Heater, Garth Triton H.S. Hedden, Wayne Winchester Comm. H.S. Hehe, Gabe Mississinewa HS Hehe,Gabe Mississinewa H.S. Heilger, Jason Bloomington South H.S. Heldt, Mary North Posey H.S. Helm, Daniel C. Pike H.S. Hemenway, Stephanie Elkhart Memorial H.S. Hensley, Carl Portage H.S. Herod, Kevin Randolph Southern H.S. Herod, Kevin Rushville H.S. Hertel, Michelle Harding H.S. Hickman, Ken Rensselaer Central H.S. Hickok, Richard Mitchell H.S. Highley, Donna Northfield H.S. Hildebrand, Dan Huntington North H.S. Hildebrant, Chris Hill, Patricia E. North Vermillion H.S. Hilyard, Scot Lake Central H.S. Hilyard, Scot Lake Central HS Hinkel, Dave Portage H.S. Hirschelman, Bob Sport One-Ft. Wayne Hirschelman, Robert F.W. Elmhurst H.S. Hisey, Donna North Miami H.S. Hoagland, Kariel Hockaday, Angela Northview H.S. Hofer, Herb Valparaiso H.S. Hofer, Mark Fairfield H.S. Hoffer, Christina Body Rite Hoffman, Jason Sheridan H.S.
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