EU n Addr f th ltv Abl, fr trn f Gvrnnt rv. Cnd. OE EAE, Chf Commissioner of Lands and Works. Lands Works Office, 14th January, 8. RETURN OF GOVERNMENT RESERVES. FROM OFFICIAL MAPS. LOCATION. PURPOSE. ACREAGE. ESTABLISHED. WITHDRAWN. REMARKS. I Sooke, Section 16 110 Esquimalt, Section 98 340 Metchosin, Section 20 100 Lake, Section 42 S C+ 90 Do. Section 74A (part in Victoria) 330 Suitable for a Public Park. South Saanich, R. 1 W., S. 7, 8, 9 484 Do. R. 2 W., S. 7, 8, 9 Do. R. 4 E., S. G, 7, 300 Adjoining the Indian Reserves. 'North Saanich, R. 1 W., S. 4, 5 320 There are Indians on the Saanich Reserves. Do. R. 2 W., S. 4, 5 Do. R. 1 W., S. 15 73 Shawnigan, R. 5, S. 18, 19 146 Do. R. 9., part of S. 3 and 4 - 0 Cowiehan, R. 7, S. 9, 10, 11, 13 500 • Comiaken, 11. 5, S. 7, 8 8, 214 Do. R. 6, S. 8 aS . Somenos, R. 3, S. 9, 10 200 Cedar, R. 4, S. 29 100 . 5- -4 -- Cranberry, R. 7, 8, S. 5, 6, 7 600 0 jr Mountain, R. 8, S. 2, R. 5, 6, S. 13, 14, 15 . 700 Comox, S. 4 166 New Westminster, opposite II E. Camp rfc-!2 .100 Indian Village. _Poplar Island, Fraser River a Small Island, North Arm 16.8 Reserve (lot 32; adjoining, to) New Westminst 76 Re erve ad'oining lot 34, New Westminster ... 522 0 Entranc ke-Uarban.c..-- Military 15 Commands the entrance to Spoke Harbour. Bentinck Island 50 Williarb's Head, Pedder Bay 11 Suitable for a Battery. )Albert Head do. 93 Commanding the Royal Roads. Fisguard Island do. 2 Entrance to Esquimalt Harbour. Esquimalt Naval Station Naval 7 Occupied by the Imperial Government. Naval Hospital Grounds do. 8 do. do. do. Brothers' Islands and other small islands Military 5 Trial Island do. 35 Chain Island do. 4 These Islands are of little agricultural Chatham Island Naval or Milicary 170 value, but might at any time become North part of Discovery Island do. do. 95 of great defensive importance. Darcy and adjoining Islands do. do. 200 I North West of Sallas Island do. do. 0 4> J South of English Bay, Burrard Inlet Naval 88 North of First rr, do. 4 a }Commaig entrance to Burrard Inlet. South do. do. do. 0 North of Entrance to Port Moody do. 0 }Commanding entrance to Port Moody. South do. do. do. 2 Mouth of North Arm, Fraser River do. 2 South West of S Island do. 20 t }Commanding entrance to North Arm. South of Mouth of North Arm do. 75 ,2.8 OM AMIAY CAS. (Marked Permanent.) Oyster Ihrbour, V. I., near Stuart's Channel 00_ North of Departure Bay 240 Nanoose Harbour 40 . East Coast of Vancouver Island. Qualicum Bay and River 0 Baynes Sound 280 White Bluff, near Comox 84 Oyster Bay 220 Mouth of Discovery Passage. Menzies Bay 286 tieymour Narrows. Granite Point 424 Campbell River 26 In Discovery Passage. Cape Mudge, Discovery Passage 20 Yaculta Village. Chatham Point 82 West of Nodales Canal 480 West part of Thurlow Island 2440 Salmon Bay and River 44 Johnstone's Straits. Hardewick Island 240 Yon( Island 20 Adams River 600 Beaver Cove 0 Cormorant Island, West part of 280 Waddington Island 20 Port McNeil 22 Broughton's Straits. Beaver Harbour, East of Fort Rupert 2 Do. West do. 60 Part of Flous Island 268 Vargus Island 24 Clayoquot Sound. Cape Beale 00 Village Passage 0 Barclay Sound. Site for Lighthouse, Deana Island 40 Crrd frrd 4,62 00 EU O GOEME ESEES.—Cttd. OM AMIAY CAS. — Cntnd. LOCATION. PURPOSE. ACREAGE. ESTABLISHED. WITHDRAWN. RENIARKS. BrOilght forward 54,632 East of Cowichan Lake 800 Head of Alberni Inlet. West of do. 320 Near Stamp Harbour 40 Chesath Near Alberni Settlement r 20 Lomass River. Lomass River 380 Above head of Alberni Inlet. Opochesath 280 Great Central Lake 600 Village, Quoin Shelter, Double, and adjoining small Islands 750 Barclay Sound. Near Ship Channel 0 Prett Nook 00 King Island 300 On Coast, South of Barclay Sound. Helby Island 200 Near Natinat Lake 26 Bartlett Island 200 Clayoquot Sound. Blundell Island 0 Wakeenuenis Island 60 Echichits Island 60 Peninsula opposite Templars Channel 4000 Race Rocks Lighthouse 1 Straits of Georgia. ^ South of Saturna Island 1200 — South part of l'ender Island 310 Baltinac Island 20 — North of Denmans Island, including Cape Logo 1080 South of Denmans Island 20 Point Grey, New Westminster 44 North of Entrance to Burrard Inlet. Atkinson Point 00 Passage Island 0 --- East part of Hornby Island 80 Lumbo Island 20 South East of Bowen Island 00 206 N. B.—These reserves made by marking their position n the Chrt hn n pbl ff, bt nt nrl Gzttd. (Infrtn fr . W. r, E. h bv ntt r pprxt nl, bn lltd fr th Adrlt Chrt. OM GOEME GAEE ht bn f vr 4000 t Sptbr 86 Untl frthr nt At jntn th Obrvtn Inlt l - Sth nd Wt f Crn nd 0th brr 8 11 Sn nvd t Ctr rd [b 6 Chltn ll 0th At 82 77 71 dt t llt ntt Uppr Ktn 200 26th Mrh 868 t l 86 l S nd f xtndn 4 l Kn rr vr 640 4th Aprl 86 6 nth fr dt On l r [ 8 r l Svn rr • 20 0th vbr 6 Untl frthr nt l n h d f Ahrft d r Arr 260 8th n 86 )7 71 l n h d f Clb vr Ktrnhlrn nr Sn vr Qn l f rl Chrltt Ilnd 2th br 6 2 l b fr hr ntr rt f rth-t prt f Qn Chrltt Ilnd Lake. nldn rdr Ilnd 11 17 11 Wl nd t ll Ilnd n rth Ct 6400 11 , t Inlt nr th vr n St 2880 2nd br 86 l b l Wddntn h hl f Qn Chrltt Ilnd nl- dn ll lnd th Sptbr 86 t nn rvtn rvd bn tprr Ctl vr 0 2nd brr 864 Untl frthr nt tn Indn rv & t 6 G 1 Shtr ppt rt prt 20 6th M 864 l fr th f rvr b rth f Grt Onn 6400 th n, 864 0 r l Mtlhhtl 2000 0thSptbr864 0 l b l rnd Mn nt Mth f Sd Cr 60 26th brr 80 bl & bv th b Qnl ( 20 77 77 Extndn 2 l trd r b l Do. r 20 l fr (2 2000 Sth-t f Do. r l Cr ( 2240 r t l r Mth f htnn Cr 60 2nd n 86 mm l b -1f l Spnn rd bv Yl 5 th n 86 rd Apprh rnb Gr nd Sll Ilnd Qn [rn Ct Chrltt Ilnd 22nd nr 86 rv xtnd l nlnd rnd t- r Old rt Alxndr rr vr 480 th Mrh 86 4 l b I l Wll Mntn 2800 2th At 86 20 r l Wt nd Et f Knht Inlt 820 24th At 80 E d 4480 W l b 2 l 840 d f l Chnnl E 2 fr ld f S t Sln ntr Ar ll Cl rd Sptbr 86 • rrl pd b Cpt C nbl brtn 260 2nd nr 86 Untl frthr nt 4 l ln hr l b Mn Point, Mtlhhtl 24th July, 1863 A rd f l fr Mn nt vttn Ilnd 20 II II II II xtndn t t f Chpn n Chth Ilnd II II 71 11 Extndd t 0th Sptbr 84 ll Ilnd 20 l• II ht bn f Clb vr 640 2th brr 82 77 11 r th f th Cndn f l- Et nd f El 640 f Cpn Srv Crnn S. 8 nd Shl rv 00 8th l 82 " + tr Stn 8 d 4 Crrd frrd 4 RETURN OF GOVERNMENT RESERVES.—Coatinar,/. FROM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE.— Continued. OCAIO. UOSE. ACEAGE. ESAIS„E. WIAW. EMAKS. Brought forward ..... 4, Sth f rrrd Inlt n St 0 n St f tn. Qnlth d. ....... ,... 2 8th n, 68...... Untl frthr nt l ln rr, thn E. t Qnl. [ld f Snd d. 600 th n, 82 , 77 i Arnd th Sh vr. Ot Off ll, 4 l pt d. 80 8thSptbr,862 77 /7 d.. l ln d, nd r th ll, ntn f rth nd Sth Ar, rr . d. r tn lt 600 Clntn. n St f Grnvll d. 04 rtht rnr f Shhp d. 600 2th At, 86.. 71 n St f Sr, 2 l b ?. l. 0.66 MEMORANDUM.—This ttl n nl b ndrd as n pprxtn, th rv nt bn rvd, nd th ntt bn lltd fr Chrt f ll l, r ttd fr prtlr f drptn n th Gztt nt. Kdr Ilnd Cl 20 t At, 868 ... Untl frthr nt On f Qn Chrltt rp. Adjnn Qn Chrltt Cl C. 20000 th Aprl, 868 lt br, 868 Et nd rth f Cl Cpn l. n Snd ( • 6000 2th M, 868 lt Mrh, 86 • Sth nd Wt hr f n Snd (2 ... 6400 24th M, 86 th Aprl, 80 ... rrl hld b d, ll, & C., n Snd ( 2thSptbr,868 Untl frthr nt 2 l S. E. f Cx. n Snd (4 6000 lt M, 868 t vbr, 868 Cnn t Mpl nt, . r n rbr 000 0th vbr, 68 Untl frthr nt rtht hr f rhtn Strt 0000 6th Aprl, 86 t M, 80 r t. Ml 8 . trd l d. rt f Mrb Ilnd, btn Md nd Mthll rbr th l, 86 2 r fr dt ..
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