Under Graduate Course for Sanskrit (Hon.)

Under Graduate Course for Sanskrit (Hon.)

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UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Background/Preamble and Guidelines Scheme of Romanization of Devanagari Script (International Alphabet for Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST)) է ը թ ժ ի a i u լ խ ֻ ֣֔ ձ e ղ յ ն Ⴝզ Ⴝե ai O au / շ֭ ո֭ չ֭ պ֭ ջ֭ k Kh g gh ռ֭ ս֭ վ֭ տ֭ ր֭ c C j jh ց֭ ւ֭ փ֭ ָ֭ օ֭ h h ֭֊ ֆ֭ և֭ ֈ֭ ։֭ t Th d dh n ֌֭ ֍֭ ֎֭ ֏֭ ֐֭ p Ph b bh m ֭֗ ֭֔ ֭֒ ֑֭ y R l v Ო ֭֙ ֭֘ ֭֚ . s h ᭃ֭ ᭄ ֭ ᮰֭ k j .r University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 14 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) List of Courses Core Papers (14) B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit Semester: I C-1 C-2 Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry) Critical Survey of Sanskrit Literature Semester: II C-3 C-4 Classical Sanskrit Literature (Prose) Self-Management in the Gītā Semester: III C-5 C-6 C-7 Classical Sanskrit Literature Poetics and Literary Indian Polity in (Drama) Criticism Sanskrit Semester: IV C-8 C-10 Indian Epigraphy, C-9 Sanskrit Palaeography and Modern Sanskrit Literature Grammar Chronology Semester: V C-11 C-12 Vedic Literature Sanskrit Grammar Semester: VI C-14 C-13 Sanskrit Composition and Indian Ontology and Epistemology Essay Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit DSE-2 Art of Balanced Living University GrantsPage 15 Commission of 142 (UGC) Page 15 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Background/Preamble and Guidelines DSE -3 Theatre & Dramaturgy DSE-5 Sanskrit Linguistics DSE-7 (O R) DSE-8 Environmental Fundamentals of Ayurveda Awareness in Sanskrit Literature Generic Elective (GE) (Any Four) B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit Semester: III/IV GE-1 GE-2 Basic Sanskrit Indian Culture and Social Issues GE-5 Indian Aesthetics GE-7 Ancient Indian Polity Ability Enhancement Elective Course (AEEC) (Any Two) Skill Based B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit Semester: III/IV University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 16 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Background/Preamble and Guidelines AEEC-5 Sanskrit Meters and Music University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 17 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit C-1 Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry) [A] Prescribed Course: Total 56 Credits Section ‘A’ Raghuvaṁśam: Canto-I (Verse: 1-25) 12 Credits Section ‘B’ Meghadutam (Upto Ujjainivarnanam) 12 Credits Section ‘C’ Kirātārjunīyam - Canto I (1-25 Verses) 12 Credits Nītiśatakam (1-20 Verses, 1st two Paddhatis)-M. Section ‘D’ R. Kale Edition. 08 Credits Origin and Development of Mahākāvya and Section ‘E’ 12 Credits Gītikāvya [B] Course Objectives: This course aims to get students acquainted with Classical Sanskrit Poetry. It intends to give an understanding of literature, through which students will be able to appreciate the development of Sanskrit Literature. The course also seeks to help students to negotiate texts independently. [C] Unit-Wise Division: Section ‘A’ Raghuvaṁśam: Canto-I (Verse: 1-25) Raghuvaṁśam: Introduction (Author and Text), Appropriateness of title, Canto I, 1-10 Unit: I Grammatical analysis, Meaning/translation, 06 Credits Explanation, content analysis, Characteristics of Raghu Clan. Raghuvaṁśam: Canto I (Verses 11-25) grammatical analysis, Meaning/translation, Unit: II 06 Credits Explanation, Role of Dilīpa in the welfare of subjects. Section ‘B’ Meghadutam (Upto Ujjainivarnanam) (Verses 1-38) Introduction (Author and Text), Unit: I Appropriateness of title, Background of 06 Credits given contents. University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 19 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit Text Reading Verses 1-26 (Grammatical analysis, Translation, and Explanation), Poetic excellence and Plot. Text Reading Verses 27-38 (Grammatical analysis, Unit: II 06 Credits Translation, Explanation), Poetic excellence, Plot. Section ‘C’ Kiratarjuniyam - Canto I (1-25 Verses) Kiratarjuniyam: Introduction (Author and Text), Appropriateness of title, Background of given contents, Unit: I 06 Credits Canto I Verses 1-16, Grammatical analysis, Translation, Explanation, Poetic excellence, thematic analysis. Kirātārjunīyam: Verses 17-25, Grammatical Unit: II analysis, Translation, Explanation, Poetic 06 Credits excellence, thematic analysis. Section ‘D’ Nītiśatakam (1-20 Verses, 1st two Paddhatis)-M. R. Kale Edition Nītiśatakam: Verses (1-10) Grammatical analysis Unit: I 04 Credits Translation, explanation. Nītiśatakam: Verses (11-20) Grammatical analysis Unit: II Translation, explanation, thematic analysis 04 Credits bhartṛhari's comments on society. Section ‘E’ Origin and Development of Mahākāvya and Gītikāvya Origin and development of different types of Unit: I Māhākavya with special reference to Aśvaghoṣa, 06 Credits Kālidāsa, Bhāravi, Māgha,Bhatti, Śṝiharṣa. Origin & Development of Sanskrit gītikāvayas Unit: II with special reference to Kālidāsa, Bilhaṇa, 06 Credits Jayadeva, Amarūk, Bhartṛhari and their works. [D] Suggested Books/Readings: 1. C.R. Devadhar (Ed.), Raghuvaṁśam of Kālidāsa, MLBD. Delhi. 2. M.R. Kale (Ed.), Raghuvaṁśam of Kālidāsa, MLBD, Delhi. 3. Gopal RaghunathNandargikar (Ed.), Raghuvaṁśam of Kālidāsa, MLBD, Delhi. ֊֐֟᭨֔֊֞ևշ֣ ֆ֚Ჳ֠֗֊֠ց֠շ֞ ռ֬ո᭥֎֚֞֡֒֏֞֒ֆ֠ᮧշ֞֘ շ֣ ᭬օ֐֟օ֟ᮢ֌֞ւ֠֒պ֡֗ե֘֐֭ .4 University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 20 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit օ֚֠֞֒֞֗ ֐ռ᭠ᮤ֘֞ᳫ֠շ֡ ֐֚֞֒᭥֏֗֐֭֐֫ֆ֠֔֞֔֎֊֚֞֒֠ֈ֚֞ᳰֈ᭨֧֔֠֟֊ .5 6. M.R. Kale (Ed.), Meghadutam, MLBD, Delhi. ֐֠֒ ֘֐֞ᭅ ֐֟᭨֔֊֞ևշ֣ֆ պեց֞֌ևց֠շ֞ ֏֞֒֟֗ շ֣ ֆ ᳰշ֒֞ֆ֞վᭅ֊֑֠֐֭ ռ֬ո᭥֎֚֞ .7 ᳒֞֏֗֊֗֞֒֞օ֚֠֗֟ վ֊֞ֈ֊֘֞ᳫ֠֏֞֒֟֗շᭅ ֣ֆᳰշ֒֞ֆ֞վᭅ֊֑֠֐֭֐֫ֆ֠֔֞֔֎֊֚֞֒֠ֈ֚֞ᳰֈ᭨֔֠ .8 9. M.R. Kale (Ed.), Kiratarjuniyam of Bhāravi, MLBD, Delhi. 10. M.R. Kale (Ed.), Nītiśatakam of Bhartṛhari, MLBD., Delhi. ֗ ᳞֞ ֏ֆ֣ᭅ֛ᳯ֒ շ֣ ֆ ֊֠֟ֆ֘ֆշ֐֭ ֟֗֐֔ռ֟᭠ᮤշ֚֞ե᭭շ֣ ֆց֠շ֞ ᭬օ֡ֈᱫ ֘֐֞ᭅ ֘֞ᳫ֠֗֟ .11 ׁׅׄ׃᭠ֈ᳞֠֞᭎֑֛֚֞֟ֆ᭄֞֊ᮧշ֞֘֊֐֧֒ւ֚ե֗ֆ֛֭֟ ֗ ᳞֞ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆց֠շ֞ ֛֟᭠ֈ֠ ֆ֞ᳯ֒օ֠֘ տ֞ ֒֞֐֊֑֞֒֞օ֔֞֔ ֎֧֊֠֐֞։֗ .12 էեᮕ֧վ᳞֠֞᭎֑֞֊֡֗֞ֈ֛֚֟ֆթ֛֔֞֞֎֞ֈׂ׊׈ׇ ᳞֞ յ֐ᮧշ֞֘ ֌֞᭛փ֑֧ ֏ֆ֣ᭅ֛ᳯ֒ շ֣ֆ ֊֠֟ֆ֘ֆշ֐֭ ֐֊֫֒֐֞ ֛֟᭠ֈ᳞֠֞᭎֑֞ ֛֚֟ֆ .13 ׃ռ֬ո᭥֎֞է֐֒֏֞֒ֆ֠ᮧշ֞֘֊֗֞֒֞օׂ֚֠׊׉ ֚᭥֌֞ ֏ֆ֣ᭅ֛ᳯ֒շ֣ ֆ֊֠֟ֆ֘ֆշ֐֭֐֛֞֔᭯֐֠ᮧշ֞֘֊ըչׂ֒֞׊׉ׇ ֎֞֎֢֒֞֐֟ᮢ֌֞ւ֠ .14 15. Mirashi, V.V. :Kālidāsa, Popular Publication, Mumbai. 16. Keith, A.B.: History of Sanskrit Literature, MLBD, Delhi. 17. Krishnamachariar :History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, MLBD, Delhi. 18. Gaurinath Shastri: A Concise History of Sanskrit Literature, MLBD, Delhi. 19. Winternitz, Maurice: Indian Literature (Vol. I-III), also Hindi Translation, MLBD, Delhi. Note: Teachers are also free to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed. University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 21 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit C-2 Critical Survey of Sanskrit Literature [A] Prescribed Course: Total 56 Credits Section ‘A’ Vedic Literature 20 Credits Section ‘B’ Rāmāyaṇa 08 Credits Section ‘C’ Mahābhārata 08 Credits Section ‘D’ Purāṇas 06 Credits General Introduction to Vyākaraṇa, Darśana Section ‘E’ 14 Credits and Sāhityaśāstra [B] Course Objectives: This course aims to get students acquainted with the journey of Sanskrit literature from Vedic literature to Purāṇa. It also intends to give an outline of different shastric traditions, through which students will be able to know the different genres of Sanskrit Literature and Śāstras. [C] Unit-Wise Division: Section ‘A’ Vedic Literature Saṁhitā (Ṛk, Yajuḥ, Sāma, Atharva) time, Unit: I 12 Credits subject– matter, religion & Philosophy, social life Brāhmaṇa, Āraṇyaka, Upaniṣad, Vedāṅga (Brief Unit: II 08 Credits Introduction) Section ‘B’ Rāmāyaṇa Rāmāyaṇa-time, subject–matter, Rāmāyaṇa as an Unit: I 4 Credits Ādikāvya. Rāmāyaṇa as a Source Text and its Cultural Unit: II 4 Credits Importance. Section ‘C’ Mahābhārata University Grants Commission (UGC) Page 22 of 141 PROPOSED UNDER GRADUATE COURSES FOR SANSKRIT (HON.) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit Mahābhārata and its Time, Development, and Unit: I 4 Credits subject matter Mahābhārata : Encyclopaedic nature, as a Unit:II 4 Credits Source, Text, Cultural Importance. Section ‘D’ Purāṇas Unit: I Purāṇas : Subject matter, Characteristics 02 Credits Purāṇas : Social, Cultural and Historical Unit: II Importance 04 Credits Section ‘E’ General Introduction to Vyākaraṇa, Darśana and Sāhityaśāstra General Introduction to Vyākaraṇa- Brief Unit-I 04 Credits History of Vyākaraṇaśāstra General Introduction to Darśana-Major schools of Indian Philosophy Cārvāka, Bauddha, Jaina, Unit-II 05 Credits Sāṅkhya-yoga, Nyāya-Vaiseśika, Pūrva- mīmāṁsā and Uttara mīmāṁsā. General Introduction to Poetics- Six major Unit-III Schools of Indian Poetics-Rasa, Alaṁkāra, 05 Credits Rīti, Dhvani,Vakrokti and Aucitya. [D] Suggested Books/Readings: ֎֔ֈ֗ի֌֞᭟֑֑֧֚֞ ᭭շե ֣ ֆ֛֚֞֟᭜֑շ֞թ֟ֆ֛֚֞֘֞֒ֈ֞֟֊շ֧ ֆ֊֗֞֒֞օ֚֠ ֎֔ֈ֗ի֌֞᭟֑֑֧֞֗ ֨ᳰֈշ֛֚֞֟᭜֑ն֚֒ե᭭շ֣ ֟ֆ֗֞֒֞օ֚֠ ᮧ֠֟ֆᮧ֏֞չ֑֚֫֔ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֛֚֞֟᭜֑շ֞թ֟ֆ֛֚֞֒֞վ᭭և֞֊֠ᮕ᭠և֞չ֞֒վ֫։֌֡֒ ի֐֞֘եշ֒֘֐֞ᭅխ֚֟֙ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֛֚֞֟᭜֑շ֞թ֟ֆ֛֚֞ռ֬ո᭥֎֞֏֞֒ֆ֠էշ֞ֈ֐֠֗֞֒֞օ֚֠ ։֞֗᭨֔֏֟ᮢ֌֞ւ֚֠᭭շե ֣ ֆ֛֚֞֟᭜֑շ֞է֟֏֊֗թ֟ֆ֛֚֞֟֗᳡֑֟֗᳒֞֔ᮧշ֞֘֊֗֞֒֞օ֚֠֞֒ A.B.

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