75 5 ^0 e 1 £ / W/19/1^V V ■ RACJM JASjN 5<I Tt- www.maglcval i/alleyxom 3 O o i V i 2 /C Z_C ( _______________________ ■■rt = S T 'V A .L cV u r - ^ 1 ? ' WS-I____________ I- „a - -.vXwin-Ealls,.Idadaho/94th-ygar.:No.■ :52r.:-r—5 :rv—r — ^February 21, -1999 - .$ 1 ,5 0 --- IGOOP MORI> R N 1 N G Deadlinne extendeed Yugoslavia geeets 75-hour reprie>ieve' Chteago Tribune RAMBOUILLET, Franca n ce — . Yugoslavia was wven a 7SI7Shour reprieve on Saturday fromrom any NATO decision at>ouc t>om1wmbing th e country, but W estern■ leader^lea shepherding the Kosovo p< talks here said they had no son yet to suppose Belgr:lg ra d d ' would moke the decision nccneeded -—I n s i d e - toavoidbcingaitacked. I Thc peace talks wererc sup«s ^Looking back, lookingn g ah e a d : ___ .posedjo end_at.noon FreF r e n i^ . The Times-News ta k e» sa s l w k a t '~ cime on Sacurday, buc the six] — — w h a tth e 2 1 st centmyin y m i ^ t --------— nation CcmtBct Group for• formesfon mean forsouth-centra]tral IdahoM Yugoslavia extended thee d<dead* jobs and cconomy inn thtl c first , line until 3 p.m. (7 ajn.I. MSTIM Tuesday. of four special sectionsonsonthe' ' Secretary of S tate Madeled d e to j_____ I^cnnium .-— — :—- ” AJbnght'said'she“3g r t t d r e landy to the extension beca th c Kosovo cthnic Albanianian ^i egates to thc talks stiU haveave not W e a t h e r accepted all of the politi>liticaX Today: R ainlun, snow, aspects of a proposed pe: agreem ent and she wanted m veiy windy,iy ,h ig h timo to try to bring them arou _ 4 ^ 4 ^ 43.Chance.ce of snow If the Serbs rem ain unwilliwillinj ~ * 4 * tonight,lowOW2S. itler work* out In a weight trainingmg tclass a t Kimberly High School,wl. Tbe basem ent gym Is commomonty called ‘the dungeon' by facfaculty and atudenU. to agree to allow u p to 30,00a30,( Pag6A2 Whenftnl,rtlns, water seeps through tha cornconcrete walls and eellsets In puipuddles on th e floor. NATO peacekeepers in Koso r but che Kosovars accepc t political agreement, then NA M a g iq V a l l.EY e bombing of Yugoslavia willrill foi;1 Who needs what low, a senior U.S. offidal indieindicat* ^----------- 1 ecL i « e VaUey Kc h h ( o d dlstrlcU rccenliy reportedI thctheir lotjndfy lists of main- . He said that if both sidesIdes itr tenonce needsts andi estim ated costs to iho Stateu to Board of Education. the conflict coniinue to refuserefi Hero's how irwIO (distxicts say thoy stack up: full agreement to all aspectsectsoC A g e - WemleU: S$5.8 million to Filer $57,965. the accord, “NATO dccisicisioo: $$7.1 million TWtn Fatls: ■$50,000 making is not clear." But,lut, h(* Klfflbeity: $$2 million to $70,000 added, “there is no doubcibt thet For cancer aw areneu: Jereme: $1.6$ million Hanten; $48,500 Serbs understand what wouldwot Wooden beads could be Minidoka County; $1.3$ million Btalne Countymty: $13,500 follow if the Kosovo Albonitlanians Cutieford: $239,133$ 8Uss; ol toast say 'yes’ and the Serbs say' ‘no. ‘no.’ ** looming trend in Magic^c V o U e y $3.1.000 fngtiinn. ' Mountain Home; $174,831$ , The Contact Group contini:Itinued Casela Coimty: •*77.000-$ Murt*i«li: ________$10,000 - talks m th the two delegatitjatio n s_ ‘ : . --. “ “p OLS ........ MHS^ermanf' $$77,000'---------------- 7 ^ ----------- ' for abbui seveh houris aftvcer ithe' noon deadline on Sanirday, s Spc)r11s ICHp ho stotowfdo totaltal reochcs SIOO million with 8 63 orof tho sta te 's 112 school afterward Albright lookahlgl districts rosponOIngling to tho Stato Boortl’s voltmtsryiry ssurvey. Ttw state comin- Hoop.dreaicns: ih e Diet critical attitude towardrd chec D i s t rnets i strugglee to replace DOS to wtilttlo downwn the list, ollmlnstlng Iloms tha t ddon 't pertain to stnKtursI Yugoslavs chat contivstedd ww: ith' gills earned their title,t tt t T. instability or otherliidlng buiidl sofo^ matters like fire safetyfoty codes. Many districts t th e more even-handed anVDi(Voach' B urlejr boys e d g e d I W ^ Included all malntonancimce noods in thoir reports, such1 asa s sIdewolK ropoir or ploy- of Foreign Ministers Hub*[uberc by. four, Hagerm an beat d e t e rriorating i builildings ^ u n d needs. Vedrine of France and RobinRob Sho^onein consolatiosio n , B uhl Tho final report will Iwt dcdelivored to tho Stato Board of Education.Edt CCookofBrioin. tbecochaiimliimen^ w ^'D edo lost, and moi of th e peace effort. more. Itis ByJannfferSaSandmann 1 What’s on tlie list U.S. officials d id not cry CO' allinSports. wrriter __________ * hide^ the facc chere is dtsagrcagree* Ig e s C l- 4 - I . A sampling of Magic Valkalloy repair noods ond eatlm ttedd ccc osts: IJ,menc becween the U.S. aian d K IM B ER L-VLY - Even if I Replacing Wondoll Middletdio school; $6.4 mlTOon. some of ics European allies[ies in Kimbcrly'sdicctiool offidals find H w ' ^ Replacing Kimborly High;h Schooli Annex Building: S2 mllUormon. ^thc negociations, and chatIt wwas F a m il y L IFE enoufih supporxjrt among property ■ X ^ Connecting Mlnico Highh SchoolS near Ruport to city wator.or. lTho school's well lu s f.fully apparent .in conflictii build a new high U ^ m J high nitnito lovdls, andd provfdosp Inodoquato firo protecUoction: SlmTOon. “scatements by Albright ai W here th e re ’s a will: LivUving owners to bu s fn Minidoka County schools lo' mootmo flro codes: school, they aitaren’t sure th e local I Adding omorgency exits fr Ita lia n F o re ig n Minis(<lis te r wills can m ean peace ofo t n u n d couldId jpay for one. I $365,000. Lamberto Dini. I Repairing brick and bulldliIlding facing. Central Bomentary’ SchoolScl in Joromo: ^ fo r old e r fo lk s — a n d th<their Dicn4di resresidents know'the Albright said Yugoslavilavia B $250,000. are of loved ones. feeling. Schohool officials are I Repairing leaking roofs,I, WondeiiM Eiomontary School: $100100 ,0 0 0 . ^would bear “the lion’s share < PagePl Fl on “a Pplan to phase out ' I Now bloachors ot MountantaIn Homo Kigti School, to occomnjmmodato people wlUi dis- responsibility” if there was a the old schocioo) by gradually I ablliUos: $98,000.' fitfinal breakdown in the calks.s . EBut buiU ing Q newBW one, buc it could I An Inspcctor-nxiuestodI repioconwntre, of cool heating systCfstem In Hagonnan's sym: Dini^1 said it would be wronging COi O p in io n take up to 2 0 years; before the . |m i I $66,000. put mosc of chc blame onn (he(1: Id have B com plete I An olectrfcol system upgn:jgnido a t Costierord School: m .O),000. O iSerbs. c Cussln* kids: Foul-moutli Other members of the ContaMl ta a d iild re n sh o u ld h a v e th c Jcrohie Schohool District wonts — ^------------------------------* GlGroup ore Russia and Gennany“ ny-; tonsils washed with soapw p, b u t a new middlei scsdiool and renova* NATO officials have beeb e e n ' thQT shouldn’t go to cour>urt, -------- -tio n s » o ther blr buildings-'The ciis* -— I- Lawmakersrs hope to framene facilities-.- increasing*in, their-readiness-fcts-fo r---------- trict will makeke a fourth attempt • military action since Yugoslaloslav • todoyl editorial says. President Slobodan Milosevicric oon-, P^ ag e A 14 passing a bon>ond issue in M arch. Steep9 finfire e sn ite a at tha bad( of debate arouund property tatax relief Ics problem isrisn’t lack of a tax Kimberlyerly High School building con- Friday confirmed his refusalsol ito' S ection by sectDTION base but lack of allallow NATO troops into Kosovosova of voter support cem prin.principal John Miller. In a fire, By G regory Hahn They’re! hchearing the message afteraft a peace agwm ent. he fear*ars Iatudentfl would topple Into Tlmea-News writer from sttidenlencs and superinten* If] the alliance decide:id c» . Section A SectlorlonD Difficult finanancing oth«other trying toi escape. dents alike,i. lirstrikcsail are warranteeneed, - Weather . 2 Money . .. .1-5 T h ese scenarlarios - across th c .......... BOISE - T h c Lcgishislaturehas • ..Jerome; S c h o o l D istric t Pe I Uicy_-........- - Nation-r.;-.3-7 -Movies ; .. tv .5 - - Magic Valleyy and« statewide ------ fund schools,’^ said Jolm Gamer, ~ long wanted local'sdioolooldlstricts — Superihccndcndent-Jim Cobble told - wilivill begm wich 60 cruise missilessile$ - - - srintendent.of Kimberly baho/West.9-11 CIsssifledled .5-10 ^ P t ^ s o rime a . pressure on the superin to l^ d lc facilities issueues. lawmakers‘s FFriday that his dis- icingbe fired from ships ina th e L c g ts la tu rc tcto help replace School!ol District,.w’hich is working Buc lawmakers arc uiu n d er pres* tricc wos reareadying for a fourth AdVdriadc Sea, aimed ac Yugosla:oslav. Worid .. .12-13 I__ e Idaho’s agingclassrooms; cb - - to prcptcpare a bond Issue to put sure to do something; xithemsdves attempt to passpo: a bond issue. airlir-defense and command>onc*and- Opinion .14-15 S e c t i oIon n t »i keep hopirping tho state will before■e votersvi in May.
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