VOLUME 22, NO 2 WINTER, 2002 A journal of fact and opinion QUACKERY CREATIONISM AURAS WA TER DIVINING GHOST TOURS the Skeptic Contents Vol 22, No 2 Winter 2002 ISSN 0726-9897 Regulars Editor ■ 3 – Editorial – Matters for Concern Barry Williams ■ 5 – Around the Traps ■ 61 – Forum Contributing Editors ■ Tim Mendham 63 – Letters Steve Roberts ■ 70 – Crossword Technology Consultant Features Richard Saunders ■ 7 – Bogus Blood Tests – Cheryl Freeman Chief Investigator ■ 8 – TRD-CRT Breast Screen – Cheryl Freeman Bob Nixon ■ 11 – A Dutiful Mind – Martin Hadley ■ 15 – Ghost Tour sans Ghost – Karen Stollznow All correspondence to: ■ 20 – Playing the Man – Mark Newbrook Australian Skeptics Inc PO Box 268 ■ 23 – Psych’s Crackpot Geniuses – John Malouff & Nicola Schutte Roseville NSW 2069 ■ 25 – The Null Hypothesis – Ludwig Krippahl Australia ■ 26 – Poesy: Diviner’s Intervention – Jim Wilshire (ABN 90 613 095 379 ) ■ 27 – Lead Balloon: Two Wins for the Good Guys – Richard Lead Contact Details ■ 30 – Good Word: Words of Confusion – Mark Newbrook Tel: (02) 9417 2071 ■ 35 – Ready for Battle – Richard Saunders Fax: (02) 9417 7930 ■ e-mail: [email protected] 38 – Dowsing for Dowsers – Rosemary Sceats ■ 42 – Reminders – Sir Jim R Wallaby Web Pages ■ 44 – Barking up the Wrong Tree – Anon Pro Tem Australian Skeptics ■ 47 – Perception of Auras – Kirk Straughen www.skeptics.com.au No Answers in Genesis ■ 50 – Obituary: Stephen Jay Gould – Barry Williams http://home.austarnet.com.au/stear/default.htm ■ 51 – Review: So Bad it’s Very Good – Barry Williams ■ 54 – Review: Intelligent Design - Not – Colin Groves the Skeptic is a journal of fact and opinion, ■ 56 – Review: Glossy Propaganda – Colin Keay published four times per year by Australian Skeptics Inc. Views and opinions expressed ■ 58 – Review: The Universe Around Us – Rob Hardy in articles and letters in the Skeptic are ■ 60 – Review: Good in Parts – Peter Bowditch those of the authors, and are not necessarily ■ 66 – Notice: National Convention those of Australian Skeptics Inc. Articles may ■ be reprinted with permission and with due 67 – Notices acknowledgement to the Skeptic. Editorial consultants: Skeptics around Australia Dr Stephen Basser (medicine) Dr Richard Gordon (medicine) Dr William Grey (philosophy) New South Wales Queensland Western Australia Australian Skeptics Inc Australian Skeptics (Qld) WA Skeptics Prof Colin Groves (anthropology) PO Box 268 PO Box 6454 22 Esperance Street Mr Martin Hadley (law) Roseville NSW 2069 Fairfield Gardens QLD 4103 East Victoria Park WA 6101 Dr Colin Keay (astronomy) Tel: (02) 9417 2071 Tel: (07) 3255 0499 Tel: (08) 9448 8458 Fax: (02) 9417 7930 [email protected] [email protected] Dr Mark Newbrook (linguistics) [email protected] Qskeptics eGroup Dr Andrew Parle (physics) (To subscribe send blank message to: Tasmania Prof Ian Plimer (geology) Hunter Skeptics [email protected]) Australian Skeptics in Tasmania Dr James Popple (law/computer sci) PO Box 166 PO Box 582 Waratah NSW 2298 Gold Coast Skeptics North Hobart TAS 7000. Dr Alex Ritchie (palaeontology) Tel: (02) 4968 9666 PO Box 8348 Tel: (03) 6234 1458 Dr Steve Roberts (chemistry) Fax: (02) 4952 6442 GCMC Bundall QLD 4217 [email protected] Mr Roland Seidel (mathematics) Tel: (07) 5593 1882 Victoria Fax: (07) 5593 2776 Northern Territory Branch correspondents: Australian Skeptics (Vic) Inc [email protected] Darwin Skeptics ACT: Mr Peter Barrett GPO Box 5166AA PO Box 809 Darwin: Mr Simon Potter Melbourne VIC 3001 South Australia Sanderson NT 0812 Gold Coast: Mr John Stear Tel: 1 800 666 996 Skeptics SA Tel: (08) 8932 2194 Fax: 03 9531 6705 PO Box 377 Fax: (08) 8932 7553 Hunter: Mr Michael Creech [email protected] Rundle Mall SA 5000 [email protected] Qld: Dr Linda Shields Tel: (08) 8272 5881 SA: Mr Allan Lang ACT Fax: (08) 8272 5881 Borderline Skeptics Tas: Mr Fred Thornett Canberra Skeptics [email protected] PO Box 17 PO Box 555 Mitta Mitta VIC 3701 Vic: Mr Grant Stevenson Civic Square ACT 2608 Tel: (02) 6072 3632 WA: Dr John Happs [email protected] [email protected] Page 2 - the Skeptic, Winter 2002 Editorial Matters for Concern We cannot help but be confused by uncritical political, public and media extremely vulnerable to manipula- the mixed signals we receive regard- acceptance of preposterous claims tion. Further, she recounts the pres- ing the status that ‘alternative medi- made for much of alternative sures she felt to conform to societal cine’ receives in our society. In this therapy, that this will be the out- expectations brought on by our un- issue, we see the welcome news, come. critical acceptance of suspect claims. reported by Cheryl Freeman, that a It is also curious that, while the We reproduce her letter here with naturopath in NSW has been con- media are full of stories about the her gracious and courageous permis- victed and fined for using highly imminent collapse of medical indem- sion. We challenge anyone to be dubious techniques for diagnosing nity insurance schemes and the unmoved by her story. disease, while we also should be con- threat that poses to orthodox medi- cerned by her report on the seeming cal practice, we have heard nothing Susan’s letter indifference of the regulatory au- of any similar concern in the alterna- I have considered myself a skeptic thorities to the proliferation of tive field. Could this mean that al- ever since I can remember (Sunday equally dubious methods of scanning ternative practitioners are better school days), however I still could for breast cancer. insurance risks than orthodox prac- not avoid becoming a victim of the We read Richard Lead’s report titioners? Or could it mean that al- power of the guilt and trickery used that substantial amounts of taxpay- ternative practitioners are rarely by promoters of alternative cancer ers’ money is being awarded to five covered against malpractice law treatments. alternative health associations to suits, with the accompanying risk to enable them to establish national anyone who has been maltreated, My 12 month old son was diagnosed registration systems. We hear of that they can never gain reasonable with a very rare form of adult liver universities setting up research pro- compensation? We have little doubt tumour. We started the process of grammes to determine the validity of which is more likely to be the correct chemotherapy and operations that various “complimentary” methods, answer. were available through the paediat- but we also read of universities offer- That there are unscrupulous char- ric oncologists, even making use of ing degree courses to practitioners of latans peddling dangerous nostrums the best liver transplant surgeon those systems, before the results of to the unwary can hardly be denied. who happened to be in Brisbane at the research are known. Unfortunately, such is the status of the time. These magnificent sur- If this money and research serves official concern (or unconcern) about geons and specialists kept our son to winnow the wheat from the chaff such practices, that we cannot be alive and improved his health for of this contentious field, with the confident that anything will be done some time. The inevitable occurred result that viable techniques and about them. of course, the tumours returned and treatments become part of main- We recently received a letter (to I began my journey of accepting the stream medicine while the remain- the Skeptics web site) from a approaching death of my son and der is consigned to the dustbin Queensland mother, Susan Malone, learning to enjoy every moment of where it belongs, then these are who had experienced just such dan- his life. worthwhile activities. But we are not gerous advice from an unscrupulous at all confident, based on the current practitioner, at a time when she was the Skeptic, Winter 2002 - Page 3 Matters for Concern A little before this time I was ap- came upon me, so I decided to throw that the same church organisations proached by well-meaning friends out the potion, but to continue to tell have been involved in the covering and relatives about a ‘naturopath’ friends and family that I was giving up of criminal offences perpetrated who, I was told, had ‘cured many him the doses. Why didn’t I think of by some of their clergy against chil- cancers’. Even though my skeptical that idea before I parted with the dren, means that their position in mind didn’t want to believe this, as $150? any debate on ethics must be in con- a mother of sick child I was made to siderable doubt. feel guilty that I wasn’t trying every- My son died, as expected, a few This is not to suggest that any thing possible. I thought I’d have months later and it still makes me organisation should be held to nothing to lose, while at the same angry that quacks can so easily take blame, morally, for the actions perpe- time keeping everyone around me money from people in vulnerable trated by some of its members happy and satisfied (apparently situations. Why does our Govern- (though it might still attract legal quite a common reaction of parents ment let these practices continue? sanctions). Paedophiles can be found of terminally ill children) so I reluc- Surely anyone with even the small- in many different occupations and tantly and cautiously rang for an est degree of intelligence can see they are often expert in hiding their appointment. I was surprised that through the validity (or lack) of nature. Further the whole issue of he practised from an office in among these practices. I still wonder today child sexual abuse, which must hor- respectable Brisbane medical spe- if his young assistant really be- rify any decent person, is an area cialists ‘on the Terrace’.
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