Executive director's performance scored Kukasch, Shields clash at BRSA m eeting By Audrey Kratz Democratic assemblymen or senators to help maintenance at the plant. BRSA Engineer obscure his lack of satisfactory performance UNION BEACH solve the p la n t’s problem s. Frank Williamson credited the reorganiza­ in operating the BRSA and to prevent further Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority “He prefers to use International Flavors tion with helping to improve the plant’s effi­ scrutiny of his performance.” Commissioner Herbert Kukasch released a and Fragrances and Keansburg as the ciency. In the statement he released Monday, 71-page document Monday night which accus­ scapegoats to divert attention from his own For the first time in several months, he Kukasch answered Shields with exerpts from ed the utility’s executive director, Francis X. poor performance,” Kukasch said. “Not all said, the plant fulfilled its federal en­ newspaper articles, utility progress reports, Shields, of failing to do his job properly. the problems at the BRSA relate directly to vironmental requirements for sewage treat­ memos to former director Paul Smith, letters “Mr. Shields has not performed adequate­ the occasional heavy solids from IF F .” m ent. from the DEP, and letters from the ly,” Kukasch said in a letter to the authority “One thing is certain,” he added. “Mr. The plant met its full requirement to authority’s engineering consultants. and its member municipalities. “Despite the Shields never will require someone to make remove 85 percent of suspended solids from He refuted Shields’ charge of political additional personnel and expenditures, the excuses for him—he is doing a consummate the effluent and 91 percent of biochemical ox­ m otivation by saying th a t he had w orked w ell plant was in poorer shape after two years of job by himself.” ygen demand bacteria. Williamson said 85 with Smith, a Democrat, and BRSA Chair­ his administration.” In the past, Shields has frequently blamed percent removal is required in both cases. man Edwin Newins, a Hazlet Democrat, and “An engineer’s report and correspondence heavy effluents from IFF —the authority’s Shields said he had urged such a had voted for the appointment of another to the Dept, of Environmental Protection largest industrial customer—and excess flow reorganization since becoming executive Democrat, Francis X. Journick, as authority disclose the deplorable condition of the treat­ fro m Keansburg for the p la n t’s odor problem s director two years ago. a tto rn ey. ment plant this year,” Kukasch wrote. “A and equipment breakdowns. Shields answered a memo Kukasch issued "Shields is the one guilty of playing party significant number of large, important treat­ After the meeting, Shields said he hadn’t in May by calling it a collection of “half­ politics," he said. ment units were out of service. This is after read Kukasch’s letter. truths and false accusations.” He said the Cohen denied Shields’ charge that he and two years of M r. Shields’ management, two “Some of the things he brought up are old charges made by Kukasch and Commissioner Kukasch were attacking him to discredit the years of a vastly-expanded operations and things,” Shields said. “...The report read David Cohen, another Holmdel Republican, Holmdel and Union Beach commissioners, all maintenance force, and two years of expen­ tonight says we have improved the plant were “politically motivated with the intention D em ocrats. ding large sums of money.” operations in the past one and a half years, of discrediting him as the executive “He’s trying to unite four commissioners Kukasch, a Holmdel Republican, asked and that’s my administration.” d ire c to r.” against two,” Cohen said. “He is being emo­ why Shields, the municipal Democratic chair­ The authority recently reorganized its per­ Kukasch called Shields’ reply “little more tional. He is trying to hide his inability to per­ man of Hazlet, has not enlisted the aid of sonnel to provide 24-hour supervision and than a succession of red herrings intended to form like a director is supposed to perform.” I n d e p e n d e n t * t V‘ _ a_ -I ‘ Matawan Publicpublic Library SWSpaper Park Ave. & Main St. Matawan, N.J. 077^7 Vol. 9 No. 35 Thursday, July 5, 20 C e n ts / Having a ball . Five-year-old Beth Speidel was one of the many people who turned out Sunday to enjoy ac­ tivities at the annual Holmdel Fourth of July Picnic. (Photo by Dean Bass) A u d ito r to K eyp o rt council: State, tow nships m ull Bethany Road hazards N o te w ill so lv e fin a n cia l ills By Lee Duigon Deitch said the profusion of signs along the HAZLBT road tended to confuse drivers and recom­ will borrow the $100,000 for its current said, the interest rate is 6 percent, and much ‘It was the first meeting I attended that got mended removing some of them. By Judith McGee Feeney The council authorized the payment of expenses from the water capital account. less than it would be for money borrowed results,” said Bonnie Dublin, after township Officials also discussed super-elevation of k e y p o r t " $15,000 in bills which had not been paid at the directly,for current expenses. officials met with State Dept, of Transporta­ the roadway—banking the road to make it The Borough Council voted Monday to June 27 meeting because the borough had “The water capital account does not now Wohlgemuth said he does not expect the tion representatives and Holmdel, Aberdeen, easier for drivers to keep close to the curb issue a $100,000 bond anticipation note to pay insufficient cash. It also paid $66,875 due the h ave $100,000,” he said, “ but in 1976, the council authorized up to $700,000 in bonfis for borough to face another, cash flow problem in state, and county officials Friday to discuss when making the turn. J u ly ’s bills. Bayshore Regional Sewage Authority this October, before the sfcit tax revenues are ways to cut down accidents on Bethany Road Another problem considered by the officials week. that account for water plant improvemjents.” due. jv f, near Cresci Boulevard. was the 35 mph speed lim it posted in Hazlet. The council also authorized the sale of “Those bonds weranever issued,” hfc said. Administrator “ All of our farge fay d charges have been The speed lim it on the Aberdeen side of the bond anticipation notes totalling $40,500 to Wohlgemuth said tje council is issuing the' Ms. Dublin was one of the residents of the paid, '' he said. “We Sro had an unexpected road is 40 mph. 4»ay bills from the construction of Oedar not$ under that authorizatlon-so it can ff a flts area who recently organized a demonstration increase in insurance payments, and had to “I think we need a uniform speed lim it,” interviews set Street Park. present bills, and will then pay the money to protest hazardous conditions on the road, pay the police a 6‘ 2 percent pay increase for Hazlet Township Administrator Robert KEYPORT Joseph Wohlgemuth of Seaman, Seaman, back to the water capital account. after a St. John Vianney student was killed last year as well as this year.” Weigand said. Mayor Richard Bergen said Monday that and Oslislo, Perth Amboy, the borough “These interfund transfers are an im­ there in an automobile accident. “The speed lim it ought to be 30 mph,” said the Borough Council would start this week to auditor, advised the council to issue the proved method in municipal finance,” he Adding to the problem was the loss of keypersonnel, he said. Business Administra­ P. Norman Deitch of the DOT’s Bureau of Raymond Fernandez, another Bethany Road •interview applicants for borough administra­ notes. added. tor Edward'McLane was fired in April, and Traffic Safety Engineering told Hazlet of­ resident. tor. The $100,000, he said, should be enough to Wohlgemuth said the note has a term of Dorothy Walker, tax collector and treasurer, ficials that the DOT would submit a report “in Officials suggested that Fernandez move a The mayor and council met June 26 in cover expenditures until property taxes due one year and can be renewed for five years a couple of weeks” analyzing the road and tree on his property which they said was closed session to discuss the 68 applications the borough Aug. 1 are paid. before a bond must be issued. w ill soon re tire . Wohlgemuth noted that August’s taxes will making recommendations to cut down on its blocking drivers’ vision. they had received. “If it is not enough,” he said, “the council “The council can pay the note next year or be the first to reflect a "huge new school hazards. “If the committee recommends it,” Fer­ “Since then, we have received several can issue another note.” renew it, if it needs to,” he said, “but my advice is to pay it after August, when the levy,” and an increased municipal rate. Deitch also told the Township Committee nandez said, “I would consider it. But it’s one more resumes,” Bergen said. “This is only a cash flow problem,” cash flow problem has been resolved by tax that the DOT would probably approve a re­ of the lesser priorities.” Bergen said the council has selected six Wohlgemuth told the councilmen. “You are m o n ie s .” quest to install flashing blinker lights to warn Officials also discussed the installation of candidates to interview.
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