fat. Qlar Campus 1930 THE MANITOU MESSENGER VOL. XLIII ST. OLAF COLLEGE, NORTHEIELD, MINNESOTA, Tuesday, November, 12, 1929 NO. 10 Observe 400tb PROGRAM FOR BIBLE CONFERENCE Minority Problem Kildahl Will Speak Football Tilt, Society Reunions, Here On November 28 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday evenings at 7:30 Threatens World, Mixer,Traditional Bonfire Mark Anniversary of o'clock. St. John's church. Theme: Pillars of Bethesda. (Bethesda To Give Illustrated Lecturer on is a name for the church, the "house of mercy." The five porches mentioned in John 5, the Onyx, Golden, Green, White, and Purple, are Speaker Declares Norway, Explain Coming College Homecoming, November 9 Small Catechism significant of the five parts of the small catechism). Dr. Ernest C. Festivities. Bloomquist, speaker. C. D. Booth, English Writer, Of significance to those who are in­ Pep Meeting Friday Evening Meet in Joint Conference Chapel: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Dr. Bloom­ Will Address Students Tonight at 7:30; quist, speaker. Talks on South-Eastern terested in the 1930 festivities in Nor­ Ushers in Annual way is the appearance here on Wed­ in Chapel During Week Choir Sings. Dr. Bloomquist is one of the leading ministers of the Augustana States of Europe. Festivities. synod. He has served pastorates in New England, Washington, and nesday evening, November 28, of Mr. Arne Kildahl who will give an illus­ Dr. Ernest C. Bloomquist is at present residing in Illinois. He is a leader in church work among Permission to Develop Not Larson, Hildebrandt, Burns the young people. trated lecture on Norway. The mu­ Will Be Speaker at Meet Granted Balkan Minorities sic and lecture course committee Give Bonfire Pep Talks brings Mr. Kildahl to St. Olaf. Dr. C. A. Mellby Assists in Members to Discuss Work Dr. Roy Waggener to Speak Speaker Appeals to Youth of For a number of years Mr. Kildahl Big Football Game Features Preparing Translation of W. A. A. at Next Meeting at Meeting of Science Club America to Meet Big has been the executive secretary of Novel Mixer in of Catechism. Problems. Normandsforbundet, the International Gymnasium. There will be a regular meeting of The Science club will hold its sec­ League of Norsemen, the object of "The problem of manorities is The three Lutheran congregations the W. A. A. on Wednesday, Novem­ ond meeting of the year in room 501 which is to perpetuate the tie between If any graduates came to North- threatening the peace of Europe and of Northfleld, St. John's, Bethel, and ber 13, at 7:00 P. M., in room 2 in of the Administration building on the Norwegians in Norway and for­ field last week-end expecting to ex­ of the world," declared C. Douglas St. Peter's, will commemorate the the Old Main. Interesting discussions Wednesday, November 12. Dr. Roy eign countries. He has lived in the perience more than a 12 to 7 victory Booth, a member of the Royal Insti­ 400th anniversary of the publication pertaining to W. A. A. will be con­ Waggener, head of the zoology de­ United States for several years, be­ over Concordia in football, a gener­ tute of International Affairs in Eng­ of Luther's small catechism at a joint ducted by Esther Shefveland and Er- partment of Carleton college, will ing a member of the Norwegian lega­ ous round of handshaking at society land, in a condensed talk on foreign Bible conference which begins this ma Hertzfeldt. Important business speak on Oxidation in the Animal tion at Washington, D. C. He has al­ reunions and mixers, and the warmth relations at the chapel exercises Sat­ evening at 7:30 and will continue will be handled at this meeting. All Body. Everybody is welcome. so been the official press representa­ of a real homecoming bonfire, they urday, November 9. Mr looth spoke throughout Sunday evening. All of members are requested to be there. tive for Norway. were demanding more than November under the auspices of .he Carnegie the sessions will be held in St. John's In addition to his official duties Mr. 9's beautiful fall day could give them. Endowment for International Peace, church. Kildahl is deeply interested in To start off the activities, a pep and through the courtesv of Carleton Complete Details literature. He is on the staff of a meeting was held in the gymnasium Dr. Ernest C. Bloomquist of Rock- College Secures college. ford, Illinois, one of the leading book publishing concern in Oslo, and Friday night. Led by "Ras" Rasmus- Condensing his two hour prepared preachers and leaders of the August- he makes a practice of selecting the sen, '31, the bleacher-filled gymnas­ of Norway Tour speech into a twenty mi nite discus­ REV. E. C. BLOOMQUIST ana synod, will be the speaker at the best American novels for translation. ium resounded with cheers and songs. More Information sion, Mr. Booth ably gave a view of sessions. Dr. Bloomquist will talk on He has recently published a volume The pep orchestra played several the political conditions in south-east­ the Pillars of Bethesda as significant Are Made Public on Ibsen. numbers. Joel Stary, '30, and Fred­ ern Europe in their relations to the J. A. Bergh Organizes Two of the five parts of the small cate­ AboutFund Donor When the Norwegian government die Schmidt, '31, mimicked two musi­ status of the whole world chism. Dr. Bloomquist brings to his Ten Day Tour Through Moun­ invited the American editors to visit Bands; Plans Joint Concerts cal Jews in several song novelties. Bible work the fruits of experience Thompson Was Public-Spirit­ "Minorities are familu s of coun­ Norway two years ago, Mr. Kildahl Cully Swanson, assistant football tain District, Trip to Oslo, was one of the official representatives among people of various sections of ed Citizen, Interested in Pre­ tries in a larger country,' stated the Professor J. Arndt Bergh is com­ coach, gave a pep talk, and a trio, The the country. For a number of years Denmark, Germany, Swit­ speaker. Examples su' h as the and he accompanied the party on a pleting arrangements for two bands, Mount Horeb Symphony, made up of he has conducted conferences along servation of Scandinavian zerland, France, England French-Canadians in Canada and the tour of the country. Mr. Herman Roe he announces. The best material will Herman Dahle, '30, xylophone artist, of Northfleld who was one of the the Pacific Coast, and he was one of Culture, It Is Revealed. Planned. negroes in the United States were go to make up a small band of about Arnold Nelson, '31, banjoist, and Gil- the speakers on the program of the cited. "The rights of the minorities group traveled with Mr. Kildahl. "He twenty-two pieces which will be avail­ man Hoghaug, '32, who was featured is a cultured professor-type," said Mr. Lutheran Brotherhood convention held Since the announcement at the Complete and detailed particulars are usually respected, an I the min­ able for college functions throughout on the drums and traps, played three Roe concerning the lecturer. Profes­ recently in Chicago. Dr. Bloomquist Foundation day program of the re­ ority people live at peace with their the winter months. The large band, numbers. of the 1930 Lutheran European tour sor Rolvaag who is also a personal has preached in widely separated ceipt of the $40,000 gift from Mr. and co-nationals." which will be composed of approxi­ A Saturday marred only by a slight were made public this week by Profes­ acquaintance of Mr. Kildahl declares fields, having served pastorates in Mrs. Torger G. Thompson of Deer- Minorities Unhappy mately forty pieces, will prepare for drizzle which fell in the evening kept sor P. G. Schmidt, Mr. Lars O. Haug, him "a very delightfud man." New England and Washington, and field, Wisconsin, President L. W. Boe and Reverend N. M. Ylvisaker, who "In south-eastern Europe the min­ the spring concerts. the alumni busy from the time they being at present in Illinois. has received more detailed informa- orities do not live happily. There are Mr. Kildahl arrived in this country came until the evening mixer was are in charge of arrangements. A Professor Bergh intends to reorgan­ Special music will be provided for tinon concerning the gift and the minorities where there should not be. on October 14, and since that time over. Visits to Ytterboe hall to see descriptive folder containing the in­ ize the two bands into one large band the opening session tonight by the donor. The inalienable rights of man, pre­ has been filling engagements in Can­ sons, brothers, cousins, and friends formation will be off the press within ada and on the West coast. The lec­ which will appear in concerts in the St. Olaf choir. Mr. Thompson, prominent citizen a few days. servation of life and the permission occupied many of the grads during and philanthropist, was born in Deer- ture features Trondhjem and vicinity, spring. The personnel of the two The observance of Catechism Fes­ Stavangerfjord, of the Norwegian- to develop oneself according to one's the forenoon. Others located friends field, Wisconsin on March 19, 1853. and the object of it is to stimulate bands will be printed in a later issue tival Sunday on November 10 officially American Steamship line, will leave nature, are commonly not granted." at Mohn hall, A trip to the old room­ He attended the common schools and interest in the celebration there next of the Messenger when final selections opened the Bible conference when the New York June 28 and sail directly The family as the fundamental unit ing house off campus provided others three terms at Albion College near are made.
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