Health & Fitness Journal of Canada Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation Copyright © 2013 Health & Fitness Program of BC Volume 6 September 30, 2013 Number 3 ! HISTORICAL!PERSPECTIVE! The developing understanding of Human Health and Fitness: 8. The Modern Era Roy!J.!Shephard1! Abstract! suggested' that' American' children' were' much' less' fit' During' the' Modern' Era,' a' growing' range' of' effective' than' their' European' counterparts,' and' this' spurred' treatments' for' acute' disease' and' improved' conditions' development' of' the' President’s' Council' on' Fitness.' at' worK' and' at' home' led' to' a' substantial' reduction' of' National' and' international' competitions' were' marKed' mortality,'particularly'in'childhood'and'early'adult'life.' by' a' progressive' improvement' in' athletic' records,' a' The'discovery'of'insulin'also'enhanced'the'prognosis'for' gradual' acceptance' of' female' participation,' and' the' individuals' with' type' I' diabetes' mellitus.' ' Developed' development'of'events'for'those'with'various'forms'of' societies'thus'saw'a'substantial'increase'of'average'life' disability.' However,' there' was' also' a' growing' expectancy,' and' an' overall' aging' of' their' populations.' politicization'of'the'Olympic'Games,'and'for'a'short'time' But' at' the' same' time,' a' progressive' reduction' in' a' rival' WorKers’' Olympiad' served' as' an' alternative' habitual'physical'activity'and'a'resulting'loss'of'physical' venue' for' a' substantial' segment' of' the' worKing<class' fitness' was' associated' with' an' increased' premature' population.'The'blatant'doping'of'many'athletes'marred' mortality' from' chronic' conditions,' particularly' International' competition,' sometimes' with' fatal' atherosclerotic' heart' disease.' The' main' elements' of' consequences.' Beginning' in'Germany,'both' cardiac,'respiratory'and'muscle'physiology'had'by'now' comprehensive'textbooKs'and'professional'associations' been' clearly' established,' and' investigators' were' began' to' develop' a' systematic' and' comprehensive' focussing' their' research' on' how' these' various' body' understanding' of' Sports' Medicine' and' Sports' Science.' systems' were' affected' by' vigorous' physical' activity,' Activity' patterns' of' the' general' population' were' both' in' comfortable' and' in' challenging' environments.'' modified' by' the' introduction' of' paid' holidays.' New' New' methods' of' counting' and' identifying' leuKocytes' sources' of' vigorous' physical' activity' included' various' prompted' an' exploration' of' immune' function' and' the' ball' games,' roller<skating,' ballroom' dancing,' indoor' impact' of' exercise' upon' resistance' to' infection.' There' swimming,' visits' to' National' and' Provincial' Parks,' was' also' a' growing' understanding' of' the' negative' mountaineering,' orienteering,' and' Youth' Hostelling.' effects'of'physical'inactivity'upon'cardiac'health,'and'a' However,' stadia' of' ever<growing'size,'new'forms'of' progressive' acceptance' of' the' value' of' exercise' in' gambling,' movie' theatres,' radio' and' television' ' all' cardiac' rehabilitation.' Physical' educators' continued' to' encouraged' the' adoption' of' a' more' sedentary' lifestyle' rely' on' simple' field' tests' of' an' individual’s' physical' by'most'of'the'population.!Health!&!Fitness!Journal!of! fitness,' but' exercise' physiologists' began' to' develop' Canada!2013;6(3):3L113.' precise,' objective' and' standardized' measures' of' ! physical' function.' Politicians' showed'a'wide'range'of' Keywords:'Acute'infections;'Chronic'Disease;'Doping;' attitudes'towards'health'and'fitness,'but'authors'with'a' Female'participation;'Fitness'testing;'Health'Care;' strong' social' conscience' prompted' improvements' in' Insulin;'Nutrition;'Olympic'competition;'Paralympics;' housing,' working' conditions,' nutrition,' and' social' Physical'Education;'Rehabilitation;'Sports'Medicine;' support' for' the' poorer' members' of' society.' In' most' WorKer'Olympiads' countries' with' the' exception' of' the' U.S.,' there' was' a' ' move' towards' the' introduction' of' universal' state< From'the' 1Faculty'of'Kinesiology'&'Physical'Education,' sponsored' health' care.' The' Western' democracies' University' of' Toronto,' Ontario,' Canada.' Email:' generally' continued' to' deliver' the' types' of' physical' [email protected]'' education' programme' that' had' been' initiated' during' ' the' previous' century,' although' some' instructors' became' increasingly' interested' in' combining' physical' activity' with' music.' In' contrast,' new' totalitarian' regimes' saw' fitness' programming' as' one' more' tool' to' gain' control' of' the' population,' and' their' physical' education' programmes' were' modified' to' maximize' military' preparedness.' During' the' 1950s,' field' tests' Health'&'Fitness'Journal'of'Canada,'ISSN'1920<6216,'Vol.'6,'No.'3'⋅'September'30,'2013'⋅'3'''' Understanding!of!Health!and!Fitness! ! Introduction! activity'performed'under'both'favourable' Previous' articles' in' this' series' have' and' challenging' environmental' explored' the' development' of' our' conditions.' Physical' educators' still' had' understanding'of'health'and'fitness'from' relatively' little' scientific' equipment' at' the' earliest' days' of' pre<history,' through' their'disposal,'and'most'of'them'were'still' to' Victorian' times' (Shephard,' 2011;' relying' upon' simple' field' performance' Shephard,' 2012a,' 2012b,' 2012c;' tests' to' assess' an' individual’s' physical' Shephard,' 2012d;' Shephard,' 2013a,' fitness.' However,' exercise' physiologists' 2013b).' ' The' present' segment' of' this' began' to' develop' new,' sophisticated' and' narrative' covers' a' period' that' we' may' standardized' measures' of' physical' characterize' as' the' “Modern' Era.”' Some' condition,' an' essential' preliminary' to' historians' have' suggested' that' the' monitoring' secular' trends' in' National' Modern'Era'extends'all'the'way'from'the' fitness.' In' Western' democracies,' 1500s' to' the' late' 1870s,' when' politicians' continued' to' show' a' rather' impressionism' introduced' a' “Post< uninspired' interest' in' the' promotion' of' Modern”' form' of' art.' Others' have' linKed' health' and' fitness,' but' stimulated' by' Modernism' with' the' prevalence' of' writers' with' a' strong' social' conscience,' specific' philosophical' views' such' as' most' countries' enacted' legislation' to' Materialism,' Positivism,' and' improve'housing,'worKing'conditions,'and' Reductionism,' or' with' the' emergence' of' nutrition,' and' to' provide' social' support' Enlightenment' philosophers' such' as' for' the' poorest' and' most' vulnerable' Hegel' and' Nietzsche' (Shephard,' 2013a)' members'of'the'community.'These'efforts' who' wrote' about' the' Übermensch,'the' led'to'the'introduction'of'various'systems' final,' “Know<it<all”' form' of' human' of' universal' pre<paid' medical' care' development.' ' However,' for' the' purpose' following'World'War'II.'''''' of' the' present' review,' we' will' focus' our' During' and' following' World' War' II,' discussion' on' the' period' from' the' new' forms' of' medication' progressively' beginning' of' World' War' I' to' the' early' controlled' and' eradicated' what' had' 1960s.' This' is' sometimes' categorized' as' previously'been'fatal'acute'diseases.'This' the' “High' Modern' Era.”' Features' of' High' was' coupled' with' a' decrease' of' fertility' Modern' Life' included' the' mass' rates'in'developed'countries.'The'overall' production' of' goods,' a' widespread' life' expectancy' increased,' and' a' growing' ownership' of' private' cars' and' labour< proportion' of' many' populations' were' saving' devices' (particularly' in' North' now' becoming' old' or' very' old.' Gains' in' America),' the' introduction' of' mass< the' health' of' younger' individuals' were' communication' by' cinema,' radio' and' quicKly'threatened'by'epidemics'of'heart' television,'the'growing'emancipation'and' disease'and'obesity,'apparently'linked'to' political' role' of' women,' the' social' chaos' inadequate'habitual'physical'activity,'and' that'followed'the'financial'crash'of'1929,' there' was' a' growing' recognition' that' an' and' the' flourishing' of' both' Fascism' and' adequate' daily' dose' of' exercise' could' Communism'during'the'1930s.'The'main' both' prevent' and' treat' coronary' artery' features' of' resting' physiology' had' now' disease.'Totalitarian'systems'in'Germany,' been' clarified,' and' exercise' scientists' Italy'and'Russia'saw'fitness'programmes' were' examining' how' body'function'was' as' an' important' instrument' of' social' modified'by'demanding'bouts'of'physical' control,' essential' to' their' military' might.' Health'&'Fitness'Journal'of'Canada,'ISSN'1920<6216,'Vol.'6,'No.'3'⋅'September'30,'2013'⋅'4'''' Understanding!of!Health!and!Fitness! ! Western' governments' generally' growing' size' of' cities,' widespread' continued' unimaginative' physical' ownership' of' cars,' the' inroduction' of' education'policies'inherited'from'the'19th' labour<saving' equipment' at' worK' and' at' century,'although'for'a'brief'period'some' home,' construction' of' ever<larger' stadia,' instructors'showed'an'interest'in'merging' the' appearance' of' new' forms' of' sport< physical' activity' instruction' with' the' linKed' gambling,' the' construction' of' teaching' of' musical' and' dance' rhythms.' enormous' movie' theatres,' and' Towards' the' end' of' the' Modern' Era,' opportunities' to'
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