• t ' ' the new- Volume 69 Number 29 Tuesday January 23, 1979 Qurham, N.H. Du'i-ham deluged by rain and snow UNH classes were cancelled during the height of the storm, and ~co re~ of car~ went off the at aoout noon. Durham-UNH rtre- road yesterday afternoon as a fighters extinguished the flames massive winter storm enveloped in about 50 minutes. the area, bringing an expected 10 --A tanker truck carrying 7,000 to 15 inches of snow. gallons of gasoline flipped over No serious injuries were re­ on the Spaulding Turnpike in the ported by local and state police, mid-morning, spilling some of its who responded to more than 65 cargo into a tidal basin. State .car accidents. By yesterday police closed the Turnpike be­ evening, the following conditions tween Exit 7 and the Dover Toll existed: Booths and had the tanker pumped --Public works and UNH road dry by noon. crews were at work plowing --A UPS delivery truck was roads and clearing flooded streets. severely damaged when it struck A predicted freeze last night was and broke a telephone poll near expected to worsen already the Field House on M~in Street. treacherous road conditions. The driver escaped injury. -Classes were cancelled at noon -Damage was even more severe yesterday after more than 25 UNH in outlying areas, where coastal professors, tens of staff members flooding closed Route lA in Hamp­ and hundreds of students were ton and forced some families to unable to get to campus. Kari­ flee their homes. Van service was cancelled after The storm brought several in­ 1 p.m. because of the road con­ ches of rain Wednesday night and ditions. Thursday morning in-areas west --Minor flooding of roads and of Lee. The rain changed to heavy campus buildings was reported, snow in the Durham area by mid­ with scattered power failures on morning, while Lee, Rochester -.,,.,..._ campus and throughout the area. and Somersworth reported all --A fire severely damaged a snow. ·~: barn at the corner ,of Wednesday A workman struggles to clear a delivery truck that slammed into a telephone poll ne~r the Hill Road and Packers Falls Road STORM, page 5 Field House on Main Street. The driver escaped unhurt in one of the scores of car ac_c1dents on slick roads yesterday. (Tom Lynch photo) Presidents remain on trustee. hoard By Mike Kelly A bill to remove three Univer­ dent Kasper Marking came to sity System presidents from the the meeting to oppose the bill, system's Boartl of Trustees was as did Richard Morse, -ehairman shot down Wednesday after a two of the board, state representative· hour session of the Senate Educa­ and UNH alumnus Jim O'Neil tion Committee. m~concord), UNH Student Body Senate Bill 17. introduced by President Doug Cox and several Sen. William Sanborn <R-Deerfield), others. was deemed "inexpedient to legis­ The bill called for the reduction late" by a vote of four to one, of the number of University System with Sanborn as its sole supporter. trustees from 25 to 22 ·by the Sanborn is vice-chairman of the removal of the three campus pres­ committee. idents from the Board. UNH President Eugene Mills Speaking in defense of his bill .and Plymouth State College Presi- early in the meeting, Sanborn said he felt the chancellor of the · " University System should · have Pedestrians find the going tough yesterday afternoon as they navigate a slush puddle near power as chief executive officer the Tin Palace. (Jan Brubacher photo) Inside of the system. As it stands now, Chancellor Bruce Poulton can be outvoted on Taylor also named any issue that comes before the board. Sanborn said he saw a direct Gallen renames Morse to Board conflict of interest in the fact that By Mike Kelly . the three campus . presidents Gov. Hugh Gallen has nomi­ partner in the law firm of Taylor will also replace a hold­ served dual roles as chief admin­ nated two people to serve on the Sheehan, Phinney, Bass and over trustee, if she is approved by istrators of their respective University System Board of Trus­ Green, was originally named to the council. Moriarty's term ex­ campuses and voting members of tees. the Board in 1971 for a six-year pired i_n 1977, but he remained on the Board of Trustees. Richard Morse. currently term. the board because of an impasse In comments to a New. Hamp­ chairman of the board, has been · His term expi~cd in 1977, but between Thompson and the coun­ shire reporter last week, Sanborn nominated for reappointment, he r~Ihained on the board as a cil over his reappointment or re­ said, "I think there is a direct and Gretchen Schnare Taylor, a "holdover" trustee, as the placement. conflict there. We have three UNH alumna, has been named as Executive Council refused to ap­ Taylor is co-owner of Taylor people who are setting their own agricultural representative to the prove four nominees chosen by Farm, a dairy, and operates a pay." board, replacing Joseph Moriar­ then Gov. Meldrim Thompson. wholesale yarn business. To Vermont invades Snively Arena to­ Although the Board does deter­ ty of Lee. "We did not approve the gover­ serve as agricultural r~presen­ morrow night for a key game a­ mine the salaries of the presidents, The governor submitted the nor's choices primarily because gainst the Wildcats. Page 20 tative, a nominee must pe a several people appearing in op­ nominations to the Executive Morse is a good man," said Mrs. working farmer. position to the bill- - including Council for approval on Jan. 17. Dudley. She said she was happy With the appointment of Taylor Campus Caiendar ... .. ..... page 5 Mills and Morse - assured the State political observers expect to see him renominated, and ad­ to the board, and the reappoint­ ;\'otices ... ... ... ... .. ... page 4 committee that the three admin­ both nominations to be approved. ded that his election as chairman ment of Morse, the number of Editorials, Letters . .. .. pages 10, 11 istrators refrained from voting Council member Dudley by board members Cin 1977) holdover trustees will be reduced Arts . .. ......... ... pages 12-1.t on any issues related to their Dudley, of Durham, said yester­ spoke well of him. ·from four to two. - Classifieds ..... .. .... .. page 15 salaries. day that the nominees prospects · Morse has also served as Comics . .. .. ... .. .. page 16 The remammg holdover Sports . ...... ... .. pages 18-20 for approval "looked good " at chairman of the board's Finance trustees are Sen. D. Alan Rock this time. and Budget Committee and its (R-Nashua) and former chair­ SENATE BILL, page 17 Morse, a UNH alumnus and a Personnel Committee. man Philip Dunlap. PAGE TWO THE NEW-HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY JANUARY 26, 1979 News .Briefs-- Women's group conflict rages on WUNH returns WUNH radio returned to the air Wednesday night at 7 p.m. -by Pam Dey group wants to "unmer.ge.'' to lobby for Title XX money. Dusek after being off for two days. The conflict between Durham In 1978. DWHE voted not to re­ said Tue~day, "I at no time ac­ "We've been having problems, not with our transmitter but women for Higher Education new Title XX funding, the current ' cepted Title XX funds." with our radio relay link between the Memorial Union Budding <DWHE> and DWHE director funding ends in June. DWHE has accused Dusek of and the transmitter on Beech Hill Road," said Dave Coldren Barbara Dusek rages on. "With Title XX we lost control irrational, inconsiderate conduct WUNH general nm nag er. DWHE called for Dusek 's res­ of our organization. We are look­ towards advisees and of acting Coldren said ad 1ustments were made on WUNH's· MUB anten­ ignatiOn Nov. 7, 1978. Dusek re- ing for funding less constraining against the philosophies of the na to get it in line \\·ith the antenna on the transmitter. fused to resign. · - and more consistent with DWHE organization. "We're in the middle of a stop-gap situation," said Coldren_. DWHE does not have the power philosophies," said a spokes­ DWHE members stated in a WUNH's sig~al still isn't strong enough, he said. To find out 'to fire Dusek. woman at a Tuesday news confer­ letter to the WHE governing why someone must climb· the station·s . tower to see if the .The organization, formed to aid ence . council, "She obviously views this t~an.smitter's antenna has been damaged or has changed its . low income women attending col­ " We're trying to get off welfare issue (Title XX) as a power a1mmg. · lege, must work through the gov­ just like the women who come struggle between her and the "We don't anticipate going off the air again," said Coldren. erning council of the statewide here," said DWHE's regional members of DWHE for ownership "but this is one of the problems caused by the lack of ex­ Women for Higher Education secretary Joanne Simon. of DWHE. She views herself and perienced engineers." - <WHE>. DWHE members claim Dusek the organization as if the members WUNH's chief engineer, Mark Ward and associate pngin(;'Pr, WHF, withhPld ~ dGcision on didn't proper ly rcp1 c;:,tut the are separate from the organiza­ Doug wnne nave Jett the station because they graduated from DWHE's request pending further group. tion." school. investigation. When Dusek was hired, it was Simon h~s filed a grievance WUNH suffered a five-day shutdown the last week of Novem­ Dusek remains the state's Dur­ understood she would support the against Dusek. No decision has ber because of a transmitter failure.
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