The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 18, No.2, Apr/May/June 1980 ·THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOLUME '18 NUMBER 2 APRIL-MAY-JUNE 1980 .... bl.h.d., ARKANSAS GENEUOGICAL soaE'n. Inc• .. 200 "A" STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72205 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Of'f'lCERS DIRECTORS T. O. Hamaker. Presiocnl Mrs. Wanda Aldridge, P. O. Box 184, Dyer. AR 72935 p, 0, Box 0, Magnolia, AR 71753 Mrs. Harold Alspaugh, 1016 Highland. Magnolia, AR Ms. Margaret Hubbard, Vice President 71753 Rt. 6 Box 238. Hot Springs, AR 71901 Russell P. Baker. 322 Laurel St., Mabelvale, AI Mrs. Gerald B. McLane. Treasurer 72103 ]12 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 71901 Mrs. C. G. 8all. 4209 Fox Hill Rd .• North Little Mrs. Haylc P. Hol11s. Recording-Sec. Rock, AR 72116 628 Banner St,. Camden, AR 71701 Mrs. Kathleen Strickland Bell, 1250 Chestnut St., Mrs. W. E. Fullenwider, Corresponding Forrest City, AR 72335 Sec .• 523 E. Union. Magnolia. AR Miss Jeania Moore Burns, P. O. Box 353. Alma,"AR 71753 72901 R. W. Dhonau. Historian Mrs. B. R. Cole. Rt. 3 Box I, Alma, AR 72921 4410 Lee Ave .• tittle Rock, AR 72205 Marion S. Craig. H. D., 500 S. University - Suite Mrs. Wanda G. Arno, Herald 307, Little Rock, AR 72205 1421 N. University Apt. 5-326 J. B. Lemley, 1120 N. Detroit Ave., Russellville, 'Little Rock, ArkanSAS 72207 AR 72801 James L(~n Morsan, Parliamentarian Mrs. Sammy Mullis, P. O. Box 684, Monticello. 314 Vine St., Newport, AR 72112 AR 71655 '. Mrs. Larry P. Clark. Assistant Vice Miss Virginia Wright. P. O. Box 726. Camden, AR President, 1211 Biscayne Drive. 71701 Little Rock, AR 72207 Mr$. Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia), Editor 4200 "Alii St., Little Rock, AR 72205 NOTICE! NOTICE I NOTICE I ARKANSAS HISTORY COMMISSION OFFICE: PRESENT ADDRESS: O:.E CAPITOl. ~1ALL (Large Building directly back of the present Arkansas State Capitol Buiiuing, (2nd Floor, Open 8-4 every day except Sunday and Holidays). CENSUS, OLP NEWSPAPERS, CARD .FILE, BOOKS, ETC, (Please make a note, , , ,they have moved 1 1 1 1.1')' Mrs, Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) 4200 "A" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 (Editor) ~ CONTENTS pAGE NOTES FROM YOUR EDITOR. , , , , .... , .... , ... , . , , , , , , . , , , .. , , , , , , . , , .... , , , .. , ,79 BOOK REVIEWS ... , , , . , , , .. , , .. , , , , , . , , . , , , , . , .. , , , , , , , , . , , , , .. , , , , , , , , , , , ,. ,81 HIRAM LEBOW 6. SARAH BLEDSOE FAMILY,.", '" " .. '" "" "', .. " .... , "".".83 BETHLEHEM CEMETERY - Clark County, Arkansas"",',.,"""""', .... ".,' ,85 UPPER CEMETERY - Monroe County, Arkansas"",., .... ,""', ... ,', .. ,"",. ,94 WHITE CHURCH CEMETERY, Smale, Monroe Co" AR""""", .. "" ".,' ',." ",96 TAYLOR CEMETERY (Between Moro 6. Brinkley (Monroe 6. Lee Co., AR." "",.,,100 GARRETT CEMETERY, (Between Moro 6. Brinkley)""" ... ,.,' "" ,,"""" ,.,101 OLD MORO CEMTERY, Moro, Lee Co" AR."", """,.", , .. """""." ,',. ,101 HAWKINS CHAPEL CEMETERY, South of Moro, Lee Co" AR",. ' •.. , .. , .. ,."",,101 OAK FORREST, ARKANSAS CEMETERY, East of Moro, Lee Co" AR" .. "" """,,102 ARKANSAS BOOKS OF GENEALOGICAL INTEREST (CSA1911 Census), ... ", ""'" ,,103 LITTLE ROCK BIRTH & DEATH RECORDS (1871-1903), ... ", .,', ... '.,', .... ," ,,104 ALEXANDER McKINNEY FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS,.""",., ... ".""" """.", .112 INDEX TO SOURCES FOR ARKANSAS CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS", ....... ,"',.,,'" ,113 OLD CEMETERY ALABAM, Madison County, Arkansas, .,',., .... ,"', " .... ", ... 114 RECORDS AVAILABLE FROM ARKANSAS DEPT. OF HEALTH DIV, OF VITAL RECORDS ... ,118 PIKE COUNTY ESTATE RECORDS" , , , .', , , , , , , , , ... , . , . , .. , , , , , . , , . , , , , .. , , , , , , .119 RECORDS FROM DORTCH-BAILEY FAMILY BIBLE,.", "'" "'" ,., .. , """""".122 QUERIES ... , .... , . , , .. , , , , , , , . , , , , : . , , , , , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , .... , , . , , , , , ,123-150 TILFORD SCOTT HOGGATT FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS"""",."",.,."",." ,.",127 FREDERIC,K LIN~KS-1795.,.", ... , ,I, • , ••• , , • , , , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , ••••• , , , , , , .132 BOWLAN-COLE-GAGE -WEBB BIBLE RECORDS, ... "." .... """"",."" .... , .. ,137 GEORGE A. HUBBARD BIBLE RECORDS"""""", ... """""."""".,.", ,138 McGRAW (McCRAW) CEMETERY, Northern Pulaski Co" AR",."",., .',.""." .. 139 JOHNSON CEMETERY, Northern Pulaski Co" AR.,.""""""", .. ,." .. "., .140 INDEX TO SOME POLK COUNTY, ARKANSAS MARRIAGE RECORDS" ....... ,""",.,' ,147 CORRECTIONS FOR VOLUME 18 ANCESTOR CHART VOLUMES (Chart 11193).", .... ",147 ENGINEERS TO PLAT CEMETEkY-1942 BLYTHEVILLE, Arkansas""""""""", ,150 Neither the Editor, nor the Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc: •••WIle any responsibility for information or material shared by the contributors. Correspondence concerning any article should be addressed to the author (address is listed either at the beginning or end of their article). Correstions will be made, 8S soon as possible, if our office 18 noti­ fied, and proper correction is given). Mrs. Mario B • . Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) Editor. COPYRIGHT J 980 - ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 4200 "A" Str'eet Little Rock. Arkansas "12205 -79- NOTES FROM YOUR EDITOR DEAR MEMBERS AND READERS OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN: Just how proud can any EDITOR (or anyone else) be of 1500 people I III By the mailing date, which was about February 15th 1980, almost 1300 of our members had already paid their 1980 (or more) Membership fee ... WITHOUT EVEN ONE STATEMENT (or invoice or bill) being senti That is a large statement alone, but when anyone would stop to think, just how much TIME, POSTAGE, ENVELOPES, the Society was helped. When the metal plates are all correct (spelled exactly correct, with the EXACTLY correct address, and zip code) and in the proper zip code spot, in the file cabinet ... then your EDITOR is in business to send your Quarterlies, fast as possible to your mail box. The special members who need a small reminder, really cause your EDITOR problems .... first there is no time to send reminders ... all the time needs to be spent, trying to get enough Quarterlies printed for a number (not yet decided ... when the printing must be started... then the paper, ink, and many other supplies run short, and the excuses the various companies come up-with are some-time unbelieveable. Your EDITOR was formerly a salesperson (and some of those excuses were already ancient when our ancestors were youngl) ANYWAY when the paper is somewhere between the forrest and 4200 "A" Street, all excuses are of no value I Well then, the reminders finally are sent, so we can get in condition to send the June issue (all metal plates need to be in correct order, for the next mailingl) SO each day a few come in the mail, then time out to check the address, and file card, take it from one drawer to another (and place it in the correct order in the current file) and find a Quarterly, and envelope this time and postal stamps, and then a mail boxll I Meantime, we have sure run short again (3rd time now and a reprint is necess­ ary again). The Multilith machines are great, and wonderful, but they will only print one thing at a time I So whether ·the reprint comes first or the new Quarterly comes first I So to those who do pay before the 1st of the year are very important members in many ways. Now on the 8th of May 1980 almost 1500 plates are in the correct order, and only enough paper for 1000 to be printed, which have been done ... and the paper truck is fooling around againl and your EDITOR is leaving on the "SONG OF NORWAY" Ship, Saturday (with a two way ticket) so maybe everything will get squared away by the 18th of May. Try to remember WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSARY TO MOVE I I I Let us know firstl We will hold your Quarterly until you know your correct address! Postage is terrible (and return postage is terrible terrible). REMEMBER ALSO - do not even expect you Quarterlies until after the 15th of MARCH, 15th of JUNE, l)th of SEPTEMBER, 'and' 31st of DECEMBER. Our index for the entire year is always included in the December issue and therefore takes a bit of doing to get that indexed and then typed). But you can pay your lY8l Membership anytime (never to early to renew ... REMEMBER $9. now and we never know when we will need to increase ... postage increase, paper. ink & many other supplies never stay the same), 20 May 198011! I! I There is sure not enough time or paper to tell all of .you WHAT A GREAT TRIP your Editor has just returned from ..... She along with 35 others from Little Rock, Arkansas (traveled together). This made a total of 1063 paid guests and over 400 staff members on this large ship. There was not one thing left undone. which could have possibly made our trip more enjoyable. We all returned with thoughts of how we could spare another 8 days and gather about $1200 dollars ... may not be as hard to decide this next timell! You will need to make a beautiful trip like that'to ever understand. You already know how your Editor tries to get enough ~alue from a dollar ... this time there were no complaints I I! Back to EARTH and our Arkansas Family Historian! Enough paper is now on hand to print our other 500 issues and our favorite printer is hard at work. By the time the covers are all addressed, he will have the additional issues well under way. Be very thankful when you do receive your Quarterly, as it has been a chore this time. Share your copy with others, but be sure it is returned to you .. one copy is $2.50 and there are not many extras, especially with many requesting to become members with each mail. Once again please do not expect your Editor to answer any mail ... all mail with money (for various publications, etc. are handled soon as possible, and with the heavy load of requests for newmemberships, and other requests (many too many to mention here) time is really something 1 After you have read your Quarterlies (from cover to cover, as many of you keep telling us) you know about as much as your Editorl When volunteer help does come, all that time is spent, trying to assemble material, in preparation for mailingl -80- THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL ~;';IENCES HISTORY OF MEDICINE/ARCHIVES FROM: Max Baker, Ph. D. (Please refer to the information in the Volume 18, Number 1, January, February, March, 1980, Arkansas Family Historian, page 3).
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