E494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 3, 2008 HONORING DAVID ALEXANDER The noble Congressman spoke for all of us. proven track record of keeping America safe.’’ PATERSON In his short address after the official President Bush is misguided: the use of swearing in, Governor Paterson went waterboarding and other tactics neither straight to the issues that could define his HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL administration: the need for jobs at a time of strengthens our national security nor improves OF NEW YORK economic crisis; the necessity to improve our intelligence capabilities. The United States IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES education and reduce its costs to the tax- does not need to disregard human rights in Thursday, April 3, 2008 payers, students and their parents; the need order to keep our country safe. for improved health care; and the impor- There is no doubt in my mind and I want to Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, today I tance of equity in society. make it clear, waterboarding is torture. Some would like to recognize the historic governor- To get things done Paterson will need all call this practice ‘‘simulated drowning.’’ In re- ship of David Alexander Paterson, who at the of the goodwill he can get from his col- ality, waterboarding is drowning. The victim age of 53, has become the 55th Governor of leagues in government and from those whose experiences the same struggle, panic, swal- the great State of New York. Mr. Paterson is taxes pay the bills. With the national econ- omy in a tailspin and with the state facing a lowing, vomiting, taking water into the lungs, New York State’s first Black Governor. I would and inability to breathe. This inhumane prac- like to again wish New York’s new Governor gaping hole in its budget of about $124 bil- lion, fiscal prudence without sacrificing tice can cause severe psychological trauma well, and support his efforts on behalf of the quality of services and help for those who for years. After World War II, the United great State of New York. I would like to enter need it the most must be a number one pri- States convicted Japanese soldiers of war this March 25th editorial from the CaribNews ority. The Governor, Senate and Assembly crimes for waterboarding American and Allied entitled ‘‘A Breath of Fresh Air in Albany’’ into must work closer together, something that prisoners of war. This method is also banned the RECORD. didn’t happen at all during Spitzer’s 16 by the Geneva Convention, which was signed months in office. BREATH OF FRESH AIR STIRS ALBANY—GOV- by the United States. ERNOR PATERSON TAKES OFFICE AS NEW Paterson recognized that hard bit of re- The CIA recently admitted to using YORK’S CHIEF EXECUTIVE ality and it was an important message which waterboarding and the Bush Administration ‘‘I am David Paterson and I am the Gov- he sent when he lamented, rather briefly, ernor of New York State.’’ about the absence of the cooperation in re- has refused to ban intelligence personnel from With those words and many more, David cent times. And he did it without holding up using this technique in the future. It is abhor- Alexander Paterson, decisively assumed the Spitzer to ransom, so to speak. An important rent that this White House would soil the rep- mantle of office as the Chief Executive of signal was sent to everyone when some utation of this great Nation as a beacon of America’s most influential state at the age former governors, George Pataki, a Repub- freedom and a champion of human rights by of 53 years. lican, and Hugh Carey, a Democrat made a With the State’s Chief Judge, Judith S. point of being present and Paterson went to allowing the use of torture in the same manner Kaye, administering the oath office, the great lengths to recognize them and others as brutal dictatorships. grandson of Caribbean immigrants was who can make a difference in the weeks, The Army Field Manual interrogation tech- sworn in on Monday as the 55th Governor of months and the two and a half years he has niques produce dependable intelligence with- New York and the third Black head of a left to complete the four year term. out resorting to torture. General David state government in the more than 125 years Standing alongside the Governor were his Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, after America’s Reconstruction era. wife and children, his parents, Mr. & Mrs. wrote: ‘‘Some may argue that we would be It was truly a historic moment, filled with Basil Paterson, people known for their grace more effective if we sanctioned torture or other symbolism, pageantry and realism. Few, if and integrity. Their presence sent a message anyone present in the legislature, who about the value of family, something to expedient methods to obtain information from watched it on television or who listened to which the state’s chief executive alluded the enemy. That would be wrong. Beyond the the ceremony on the radio would forget the when he sought to tell New Yorkers some- basic fact that such actions are illegal, history class act that unfolded in Albany, the State thing about himself and the role Harlem has shows that they also are frequently neither capital. played in his life. useful nor necessary.’’ Paterson’s rise to the most powerful posi- In his letter, Rangel, a long-time friend of Torture is ineffective and inhumane and it is tion in state government was swift as it was the Paterson family, reminded the Governor time that the intelligence community put an stunning and despite the unusual cir- that as he faces the ‘‘great challenges’’ cumstances which led to his ascension—the end to the use of barbaric practices. If the which are ahead of him and the state, ‘‘you United States continues to condone torture, forced resignation of Eliot Spitzer after he are not alone. Count me among the many became embroiled in a lurid sex scandal in- New Yorkers who wish you well and stand we put our men and women in uniform at risk volving high priced prostitutes—it was clear ready to support your efforts on behalf of the of having the same interrogation practices in- that the transition had occurred smoothly great state of New York.’’ flicted upon them. and that Paterson, a legally blind person, We wish to join the choir and sing the cho- Torture is a crime against humanity and un- was and is in charge. His presence at the rus, not simply with voices and lyrics but acceptable under any circumstances. Any na- helm is a sharp reminder of the changing with sincere action. times in which we live. Who would have tion that tortures or tolerates torture is not truly Yes, there are difficult days ahead for most free. imagined a mere few years ago that in the people in the country. But with determina- first decade of the 21st century, the United My State of Minnesota has a proud tradition tion, clarity of thought and his noted sense of fighting for victims of torture both at home States would be on the verge of electing a of humor, not to mention his decency we are Black man, Senator Barack Obama of Illi- confident that the Governor and indeed the and abroad. Former Governor Rudy Perpich nois, or a woman, U.S. Senator Hillary Clin- state will succeed. helped to found the Center for Victims of Tor- ton, a Democrat of New York, as the next f ture—a world renowned center for the treat- President of the country or would have a ment and healing of torture victims. When the Black person with Jamaican and Grenadian SUPPORT FOR OVERRIDING THE Center opened in 1985, it became the first of roots occupying the Governor’s mansion in PRESIDENT’S VETO OF H.R. 2082 the Empire state or another Black as the its kind in the United States and only the third chief executive of Massachusetts. treatment center in the entire world. Today. It was not only pride that filled the hearts HON. BETTY McCOLLUM with centers in the Twin Cities. Sierra Leone of New Yorkers everywhere. It was also a OF MINNESOTA and Liberia, CVT is helping thousands of tor- sense that a decent human being who had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture survivors from 60 countries. fought against the odds caused by his dis- Madam Speaker, the reputation of the ability and spawned by the ubiquitous na- Thursday, April 3, 2008 United States has been profoundly damaged ture of prejudice had prevailed. U.S. Congressman Charles Rangel, Chair- Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Madam in the eyes of the world as a result of the man of the House of Representatives’ power- Speaker, I rise in support of overriding the failed policies of the Bush Administration. First ful Ways and Means Committee, and an icon President’s veto of the Intelligence Authoriza- the world saw photographs of Abu Ghraib, on Capitol Hill and in Harlem summed up tion bill (H.R. 2082). President Bush vetoed then discovered that the U.S. practices ex- the situation well in a ‘‘Dear David’’ letter this important bill because of a clause that traordinary rendition, and now knows the to the new Governor when he said: ‘‘You holds the intelligence community to the same President of the United States approves the have defied expectations, compiling a record standard as military personnel by banning the use of torture. Torture will be a stain on Presi- of accomplishment as a member and leader of the New York State Senate.
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