THE KENYA GAZETTE C Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) -- -- .- - -- - - -- - -- ---- Vol. XCI-No. 8 NAIROBI, 24th February, I989 Price Sh. 8 - CONTENTS GAZE'ITE NOTICES ~ GmNm~c~~--(Contd.) I Public Service Commission of Kenya-Promotions, I The Registered Land Act-Issue of New Land TiUe etc. ..................... 210 / Deeds, etc. .................. 222-223 I The Government Lands Act-Appointment of Customs and Excise Department--Sale by Auction 224-226 Principal Registrar of Government Lands ... 210 Probate and Administration ............ 227-247, The Land Control Act-Appointment of Land Control 249 Board Members ............... 211-217 The Companies Act-Members' Voluntary Winding-up 247-248 The Sisal Industry Act-Appointment of Board Chairman, etc. ............... 218 Loss of Policies .................. 248 The Pyrethrum Act-Appointment of a Member Local Government Notices ............ to the Pyrethrum Board ............ Change of Name .................. The Agricultural Finance Corporation Act-Appoint- ment of Director of Agricultural Finance Cor- Power of Attorney ............... poration .................. Closure of Private Roads ............ The Agriculture Act-Appointment of a Member of Kenya Sugar Authority, etc. ......... The National Assembly and Presidential Elections Act-Withdrawal of Election Petition ...... The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act- Approved Institution ............... The Advocates Act-List of Advocates who have obtained Practising Certificates for the Current SUPPLEMENT No. 8 Year, before 1st February, 1989 ......... Legislative Supplement The Advocates (Admission) Regulations-Admission3 LWALNOTICE No. Liquor Licensing ................ &The Banking Act-Exemption ...... The Land Acquisition Act-Withdrawal . 45-The Exchange Control (Specified Currency) Loss of Local Purchase Orders ....... (Amendment) Order, 1989 ......... 210 THE KENYA GAZETTE ADDBNDUM KHAMASI SlllvoGo, to be District Oëcer, Narok District Rift Valley Province, with esect from 5t11 October, 1988. , THOMAS MABERA MOCHA, to be Distdct Oflker: Kirinyaga IN Guttte Noticy Nos. 360 and 361, dated 271 January, District, Central Province; with esect from 20th October, 1989, <dd t11: followmg plots : 1988. ' Axnu w AI-BBRT OMONDI M ONDOH, to be Distrid Ofcer, Twita SCHBDULB Taveu Distrkt, Coast Province, wiG csect from 17th October, 1988. KAROZJ Ooxo, to be Distzict OKcer, M andera Digtrict, North- 'Approx. Xrzl Eastern Province, with esect from 5:11 October. 19:*. Patcel Ne. Registered Owaer to acquired JOBL KleKoscœ SIGEI tto be District Ofhcer, M ander* Dise ct, in Sewlrez North-a stern Provmce, with elect from 5*. October, 19*:. Juuus RIUNGU M UGwIKA, to be District Oëcer. Mandera Distzict, Nortlz-G stel'n Province, witâ esect from 1:t Nole- klakuerti/unoa/ j54 James Kiio M a 'xlnd.i 3.77 mber, 1988. Makueni/ Unoa/553 Kiswii Kanyele 7 .3 8 Makueni/ Unoa/ ! Peter Munyua Ndtè-o 24.7 DANIEL KIPKOECH SUMBEIYwO, to be Distlict Omcer, Kd1'l Makueni/unoa/zs M akenzi Kanyr'; 1 8.6 District, Coast Province, witil esect from 1:t Novembet, 1988. Wlrsox OBIERO OGETG, to be District Oëcer, Nandi Distrkt, Rift Valley Province, with esect from 19th October, 1981. CORRIGBNDA FaAxcls SAMUBL KAZUNGU, to be Distdct OEcer, Taita Taveu DistHct, Coast Province, w.1t.: esect from 19t11 October, 1988. IN Gwzette Notice Nos. 445 and 446 of 3rd February, 198 9, DENIS S'IO HEN OGOLA, to be Distdct OKcer, Taita Taveta Plot No. 10426/ ! ; area 108.0 hectares should read 10426/2 Distdct, Coast Province, with esect from 17th Nomember, and 20.25, respechvely. 1988. JosHuA AGGREY ODHiAMBO LBLo, to be District Omcer, M eru District, Pzastern Province, with esect from 26th September, IN Gâtvtte Notice No. 475 of 3rd February, 1989, the date 1988. should read 71 day of M arch, 1989, m'stead of 2nd day of JAMES M AINA KANYONYO, to be Distdct Oëcer, Meru Distrkt, M arch, 1989. Eastern Province, with esect from 17t11 October, 1988. PETER Cm lu-ss Owmo OMoto to be District Omcer, Meru District, Eastern Province, m th esect from 7rd November, 1988. BeNsox Ol-uocft OoUNoo, to be District Oëcer, M eru District, Gm rre Noencs No. 807 Eastern Province, w1t.11 esect from 14t11 Novembers 1988. DAtml EDOY EKIJAM, to be District Oëcer, M enz District, PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION OF KENYA Eastern Province, with esect from 18tl1 November, 1988. Lucv NolNoA MUSAU (MIss), to be District OEcer, Mselu PRoMoenoNs District, D stern Province, w1t,11 esect from 10th M arch, M MNA KARIUKI. to be Deputy Secretary, M inistry of Natiorml 1988. Guidanct and Political Asalrs, with esect from 1st punt, 1988. BBNJAMI'N Bsrrs Bou , to be Under Secretary, M inistl'y of Dated the 16th Febnzary, 1989. Nation.l Gtlidance and Political Asairs, with esect from . 1st September, 1988. W ILLIAM CHEMIMOI KIPSANGA, to be Senior Sllperintendent Of By Order of the Commission. Police, Oëce of the President, with elect from 1st Tanuary, 1988. EDwARD HENRY Ku slzrsu, to be Senior Supelintendent of W. K. K. KIUATJAT. Police, OKce of tlle President, witlz esect from 1st February, saretary. 1988. EMMANa L DAvln CHITI MWACHITI, to be Senior Superztendent of Police, OKce of the President, with efect from 1st M arch, 198:. Gm rre NX ICE No. #0# PosTlNcs W lLsoN ADAP CHEPKwONY, to be District Comml%ioner. Turknna THB GOVERNM ENT LANDS AG District, Rift Valley Province, V:II eseect from 91 Stptember, 1988. çcap. 280) DAvm OKtrre Ov(>o, to be District Oëcer, Turu na Dltrict, AzeoiwrM%,m' oF M NCIPM, RBqts'rikG o, Rift Valley Province, witll esect from 51 luly, 1988. GOU RNMENT LANDS IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred b/ section 94 of ' W ll-sox M wo'ne LlToI.B, to be District Oëcer, 'rurkana the Govermnent T>nds Act, 1, Daniel Toroltich lrlp Mo iy District, Rift Valley Province, with esect from 19th February, 'President and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of 198# ' ' the Republic of Kenya, appoint- W ILBRED KIPNG'ETICH SloBY, to bt District Oëcer, Turkana District, Rift Valley Province, W,.II esect from 25t11 February, 1988. FREDRICK RUPOLP SANDBSH OxyAxGo YUSA Hâq fwnl. to bo Dlstrict Oëcer, 'furkana District, to be tbe Principal Registrar of Goyernment Lands, W G eErgct Rift Valley Provlce, witll eJect from 9* September, 1988. from tlle 19G January, 1989, and cancel tie appointnxnt of Jo> s'roe W EsoNGA, to be Diskict OKcer, Turkana District, John Edward W amugtmda M uriukp. ltift Valley Province, V t.II esect from 28th October, 1988. Boà&vsN'rtru M teoYs A'I- NG'A, to be District Oëcer, P-mbu District, Bastern Province, with esezct from 71 October, Dated the 16th Febru'try, 1989. 1988. W ILLIAM OuKo YlMBo, to be Distdct Oëcer, Baringo District, D. T. *k*p M Ol, m ft Valley Province, w1t11 tsect from 13th September, 1988. Frezldelt/. .Douorxs M AINA M IANO, to be District Oëcer, Samburu Dis- trict, Rift Valley Province, with elezct from 27th August, 19::. *G.N. 3019/ 19%. 241 February, 1989 THE KBNYA GAZRW E 314 GAzerre No'rlcs No. 8* THE LAN D CONTRO L ACT fcap. 302) APPOIN'rMENT ()F LAND CONTROL BOARD M EMBERS IN EXERCISE of the powers coatkrred by section 5 of the Land Control Act, the Minister for Lands and Housing appoints the persons Ipamed in the second columa or tNe schedule to be members of the respective land control boards specifled iI1 the first column and revokes the appointments of the persoas named i n the third colunll). SCHEDULE W ESTERN PltovlxcE Busîa D/.î./r&'r District Commissionel Asst. Agricultural Oflker* Counclllor Rafael Oklsai Councillor Philip Odudi Adom e* Counglllor Karani Jesuni Councillor Justus lmo* Paulo Irario* Dlivislonal ACog-èoicpuelrtautriavle EOx mtecnesrion Oflicer Julius Olungur* John Ochula* lJ kasilon Odeje Justus Etyanga* Forysdeprljc kP aMpatlr uEnsgeam eImolait Ellud O bukul Milka E titi (M rs.) Herbert Etyang Athanas Oluku Ka.kalnega Dk'.ç?r,fc./ District Comnaissioncr Coullcillor Hudson K. Lubanga* Veterinary Om cer Divîsional Extensfon Omcer Katan Alfayo* Councillor Javan Opati Malandq Councillor Erasto Obondo Liyal Natlan Chungulits' M usa Kibisu ' Iteuben Kagai Zebedayo Obindi Keran Alfayo (Mrs.) A bner Chagara Kadasia M udasia Reuben M ugesani Dislrict Commissioner District Oflicer' Divlsional Extension Om cer W illlam Ownotisi Alwang'a? Social Development Assistant Joseph Ong'ay-l* Councillor James W andalo Omukhulu Councillpr Christopher Naminde Rose Atleno Ostlndwa (Mrs.) Henry W afula James W ebure W illiam Anungo Oadako Fanuel M ukolwa W amukowa W ilson L. Otito Andayi M umias Divisional Land Control Board District Com missioner Vsterinary Omcer ?Mumias District Oflicer* Dlvisional Extenslon Oflicer Sapl Ndundo* Councillor W aziri Omollo Wllliam Mumbo* Councillor Francis Odanga CMhristoptter Waluchari Lubangal't W illiam Am bani Busa Slltandit! Joshua Ong'wenl ep J'amllz M6càlot'p Pamela Keya (Mrs.) Wllliam Kuslmbat'y Henry Nanbaka Harun Chitechi Alois M ukamani Ltlgari Divisional Land Control Board . District Commissioner District Oflicers ' Ajsistant Agricultural Omcer Councillor Jared Ayukul'l- Dlstrict Settlement Offlcer Habil Gathirwatt Counciilor l-ornah E. Ndeya (Mrs.) Nelson Mudanya Sandelt Councillor Francis M asinde ' Ben S. M arko Benjamin B. Kigen Richard L. M akaya Timonah G. Onzere Reuben K . Liroya G ladys Ongayi G abriel M . K agochi . Hamisi Divisional Laad Control Board Distrtct Commissioner Dfvlslonal Agricultural Oflicer Ibrahim Gasetwa* VCoeluenrcinilaloryr ORAalaceb r Willipgton Mwondi SRaelvo.m Hee Ezrnogno kMe u(lMemrsa.)** Councilor Frgderick Blnayo John Buyoywa* Deina Shilingj Councillor Thomas L. Sitam banga* Ex-senior Chiet- Hazron Buyoywa Councillor Paul Magagat'! John Madete Joash Agudat!- Svilson M tllinya Benjamiq Amachett Charles Chemci z12 THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th Pe lxlxry, 1989 Kabras Divisional Land Control Board . District Commissioner Veterinary Ofxcer Councillor Jacob Mukaramoja't'r Divisional Extension Oëcer W ilson M umasi* Counciller Edward M uclaiti lndai Ben Mukonesi* Councillor Shem M usee M oses Kataka* Alfayo M usungu Everlyni Onjung'a (Miss)* Christopher Koki Dickson Ngang M agokhatt John M usina Tom Namutahi Tindil'l Sarah Benchi (Mrs.) Jacob K arang'a George Burudi Fred Butalanyi Khwistro Divisional Lemd Control Board .w.
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