Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2021 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareen with Becoming Kareem Little, Brown and 2017 Obstfeld, Raymond Company 1994 Ackerman, Karen Leaves in October Atheneum 1991 1988 Adler, C.S. The Cat That Was Left Behind Houghton Mifflin 1981 2019 Alexander, Kwame Booked Houghton Mifflin 2014 X 2017 Alexander, Kwame The Crossover Houghton Mifflin 2014 1989 Alexander, Lloyd The Illyrian Adventure Dutton 1986 2022 Allen, Kate The Line Tender Dutton Children’s 2019 Books 2001 Almond, David Skellig Delacorte 1998 2004 Alphin, Elaine Marie Ghost Soldier Holt 2001 2010 Amato, Mary The Naked Mole-Rat Letters Holiday House 2005 2006 Anderson, Janet S. The Last Treasure Dutton 2003 2019 Anderson, John David Ms. Bixby's Last Day Walden Pond 2016 2011 Anderson, Laurie Halse Chains Simon & Schuster 2008 X 2003 Anderson, Laurie Halse Fever 1793 Simon & Schuster 2000 2013 Angelberger, Tom The Strange Case of Origami Yoda Amulet 2010 2010 Applegate, Katherine Home of the Brave Feiwel & Friends 2007 2015 Applegate, Katherine The One and Only Ivan HarperCollins 2012 2021 Arden, Katherine Small Spaces G.P. Putnam’s Sons 2018 2002 Armstrong, Jennifer Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Crown 1998 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2022 Athaide, Tina Orange for the Sunsets Katherine Tegan 2019 Books 2020 Atkins, Laura & Yogi, Stan Fred Korematsu Speaks Up Heydey 2017 2014 Atkinson, Elizabeth I, Emma Freke Carolrhoda 2010 2012 Auch, Mary Jane One-Handed Catch Holt 2006 2005 Auch, Mary Jane Ashes of Roses Holt 2002 2017 Auxier, Jonathan The Night Gardener Abrams 2014 2021 Auxier, Jonathan Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster Amulet Books 2018 1988 Avi The Fighting Ground Lippincott 1987 1994 Avi Nothing but the Truth Orchard 1991 1999 Avi Poppy Orchard 1995 2001 Avi Poppy and Rye Avon 1998 1993 Avi The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Orchard 1990 1999 Bachrach, Susan Tell Them We Remember Little 1994 1991 Ballard, Robert Exploring the Titanic Scholastic 1988 2007 Balliet, Blue Chasing Vermeer Scholastic 2001 X 1998 Banks, Lynne Reid The Indian in the Cupboard Doubleday 1981 1997 Banks, Lynne Reid The Mystery of the Cupboard Morrow 1993 1989 Banks, Lynne Reid The Return of the Indian Doubleday 1986 2015 Barrow, Randi Saving Zasha Scholastic 2011 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2007 Barry, Dave & Ridley, Pearson Peter and the Starcatchers Hyperion 2004 2011 Bartoletti, Susan Campbell The Boy Who Dared Scholastic 2008 2013 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Anything but Typical Simon & Schuster 2009 2015 Bauer, Joan Almost Home Viking 2012 2002 Bauer, Joan Backwater Putnam 1999 2014 Bauer, Joan Close to Famous Viking 2011 2003 Bauer, Joan Hope Was Here Putnam 2000 2001 Bauer, Joan Rules of the Road Putnam 1998 1996 Bauer, Joan Squashed Delacorte 1992 2005 Bauer, Joan Stand Tall Putnam 2002 1988 Bauer, Marion Dane On My Honor Houghton Mifflin 1986 1990 Bauer, Marion Dane Touch the Moon Clarion 1987 2005 Bauer, Marion Dane Runt Clarion 2002 1991 Bawden, Nina Henry Lothrop 1998 1996 Beattie, Owen Buried in Ice Scholastic 1992 1990 Beatty, Patricia Charley Skedaddle Morrow 1987 2020 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Black Cloak Disney-Hyperion 2015 1991 Bellairs, John The Eyes of the Killer Robot Dial 1986 2018 Bertman, Jennifer The Book Scavenger Henry Holt 2015 2021 Bigelow, Lisa Jenn Drum Roll, Please Harper - HarperCollins 2018 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2010 Bingham, Kelly L. Shark Girl Candlewick 2007 2008 Birdsall, Jeanne The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Knopf 2005 Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy 2019 Black, Holly & Clare, The Iron Trial Scholastic Press 2014 Cassandra 2000 Blackslee, Ann A Different Kind of Hero Cavendish 1997 1990 Blackwood, Gary Wild Timothy Atheneum 1987 2001 Bloor, Edward Tangerine Harcourt 1997 2009 Blume, Lesly M. M. Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Knopf 2006 Somerset Sisters 2003 Bodett, Tom Williwaw! Knopf 1999 2020 Bowling, Dusti Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus Sterling Children's 2017 Books 2017 Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker The War that Saved My Life Dial 2015 2014 Bragg, Georgia How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Walker 2011 Awfully Famous 2003 Bridges, Ruby Through My Eyes Scholastic 1999 2021 Brimner, Larry Dane Twelve Days in May: Freedom Ride 1961 Calkins Creek - 2017 Highlights 1990 Brittain, Bill Dr. Dredd’s Wagon of Wonders Harper & Row 1987 2012 Broach, Elise Masterpiece Holt 2008 2008 Broach, Elise Shakespeare’s Secret Henry Holt 2005 2022 Brosgol, Vera Be Prepared First Second 2019 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2018 Brown, Don Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina and New Houghton Mifflin 2015 Orleans 2008 Bruchac, Joseph Code Talker: A Novel about the Navajo Marines Dial 2005 of World War II 1988 Bulla, Clyde A Lion to Guard Us Crowell 1981 1994 Bunting, Eve Is Anybody There? Lippincott 1988 2012 Burg, Ann E. All the Broken Pieces Scholastic 2009 2019 Burg, Ann E. Unbound Scholastic 2016 1991 Byars, Betsy Cracker Jackson Viking Kestral 1985 1988 Byars, Betsy The Cybil War Viking 1982 1989 Byars, Betsy The Not-Just-Anybody-Family Dell 1987 1997 Byars, Betsy Wanted… Mud Blossom Delacorte 1991 2022 Callender, Kacen King and the Dragonflies Scholastic Press 2020 1997 Calvert, Patricia Bigger Atheneum 1994 1996 Campbell, Eric The Place of Lions Harcourt 1991 2009 Carbone, Elisa Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Viking 2006 2004 Carbone, Elisa Storm Warriors Knopf 2001 2012 Carmichael, Clay Wild Things Front Street 2009 1992 Carris, Joan Hedgehogs in the Closet Lippincott 1988 2020 Cartaya, Pablo The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora Viking 2017 2011 Cassidy, Cathy Scarlett Viking 2006 2016 Cavanaugh, Nancy This Journal Belongs to Ratchet Sourcebooks 2013 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2021 Cervantes, Angela Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring Scholastic Press 2018 1995 Choi, Sook Nyul Year of the Impossible Goodbyes Houghton Mifflin 1991 2018 Chmakova, Svetlana Awkward Yen 2015 2006 Choldenko, Gennifer Al Capone Does My Shirts Putnam 2004 1999 Christian, Peggy The Bookstore Mouse Harcourt 1995 1988 Cleary, Beverly Dear Mr. Henshaw Morrow 1983 2012 Clements, Andrew Extra Credit Atheneum 2009 X 1999 Clements, Andrew Frindle Simon & Schuster 1996 2001 Clements, Andrew The Landry News Simon & Schuster 1999 2004 Clements, Andrew Things Not Seen Philomel 2002 2015 Close, Chuck Chuck Close Face Book Abrams 2012 1990 Cochran, Barbara I Am the Universe Atheneum 1986 2012 Cochrane, Mick The Girl Who Threw Butterflies Knopf 2009 2006 Codell, Esmé Sahara Special Hyperion 2003 X 2012 Cody, Matthew Powerless Knopf 2009 2016 Cody, Matthew Will in Scarlet Knopf 2013 1998 Coerr, Eleanor Meiko and the Fifth Treasure Putnam 1993 2007 Collins, Suzanne Gregor the Overlander Scholastic 2003 X 2011 Collins, Suzanne The Hunger Games Scholastic 2003 1988 Conford, Ellen Seven Days to a Brand New Me Little, Brown 1981 1996 Conly, Jane Crazy Lady! HarperCollins 1993 1989 Conly, Jane Racso and the Rats of NIMH HarperCollins 1986 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 1993 Conly, Jane R-T, Margaret and the Rats of NIMH HarperCollins 1990 2018 Connor, Leslie All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook Katherine Tegen 2016 2020 Connor, Leslie The Truth As Told by Mason Buttle Katherine Tegan 2018 2011 Connor, Leslie Waiting for Normal HarperCollins 2008 1992 Conrad, Pamela My Daniel Harper & Row 1989 1989 Conrad, Pamela Prairie Songs Harper & Row 1987 2002 Cooney, Caroline Burning Up Delacorte 1999 X 1995 Cooney, Caroline Flight #116 Is Down Scholastic 1992 1993 Cooney, Caroline The Face on the Milk Carton Bantam 1990 1995 Cooper, Susan The Boggart Macmillan 1993 1998 Cottonwood, Joe Quake! Scholastic 1995 2008 Couloumbis, Audrey The Misadventures of Maude March, or, Scholastic 1995 Trouble Rides a Fast Horse 1996 Coville, Bruce Jennifer Murdley’s Toad Harcourt 1992 2021 Craft, Jerry New Kid Harper - HarperCollins 2019 1998 Creech, Sharon Absolutely Normal Chaos HarperCollins 1995 2006 Creech, Sharon Granny Torrelli Makes Soup HarperCollins 2003 2007 Creech, Sharon Heartbeat Cotler 2004 2004 Creech, Sharon Love That Dog HarperCollins 2001 2019 Creech, Sharon Moo HarperCollins 2016 2005 Creech, Sharon Ruby Holler Cotler 2002 1997 Creech, Sharon Walk Two Moons HarperCollins 1994 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award Cumulative List 1988-2022 Updated 4/6/21 Winner Year Author Title Publisher Copyright 2007 Cummings, Priscilla Red Kayak Dutton 2004 2002 Curtis, Christopher Paul Bud, Not Buddy Delacorte 1999 1998 Curtis, Christopher Paul The Watsons Go To Birmingham Delacorte 1995 1997 Cushman, Karen Catherine, Called Birdy Clarion 1994 1999 Cushman, Karen The Ballad of Lucy Whipple Clarion 1996 X 1991 Dahl, Roald Matilda Viking 1988 1989 Dahl, Roald The BFG Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1982 2000 Danziger, Paula P.S. Longer Letter Later Scholastic 1998 2022 Day, Christine I Can Make This Promise Harper 2019 1992 Deaver, Julie Say Goodnight, Gracie Harper & Row 1988 2022 Dee, Barbara Maybe He Just Likes You Aladdin 2019 1999 DeFelice, Cynthia The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1996 2005 DeFelice, Cynthia Under the Same Sky Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2003 1993 DeFelice, Cynthia Weasel Macmillan 1990 1996 Deuker, Carl Heart of a Champion Little, Brown 1993 1993 Deuker, Carl On the Devil’s Court Little, Brown 1988 2002 DeYoung, C.
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