TOURING NEWS 1 GWTA National Office: P.O. Box 42403, Indianapolis, IN 46242 - Offi ce Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm EST Toll Free: 800-960-4982 Local: 317-243-6822 Fax: 317-243-6833 [email protected] [email protected] Chapter Listi ngs and additi onal info can be found online at: www.GWTA.org www.gotmotorcycle.org www.goldrushrally.org Executive Director Chairman of the Board Bruce & Linda Keenon Ed & Joanne Davis P.O. Box 348, Hunti ngton, IN 46750 1395 Sanborn Road, Yuba City, CA 95993 [email protected]; 260-358-0851; Fax 260-356-3392 ednjoanne@att .net; 530-673-7451 National Event Coordinator Life Member Board Representative Tony & Diane Manry Tom & Barb Johnson P.O. Box 469, Van Buren, IN 46991 401 Lincoln St., Bartelso, IL 62218 [email protected]; 765-934-4696 ridingcouple@fronti ernet.net; 618-765-2661 Webmaster Region D htt p://geociti es.com/gwtaregiond John Hunrath Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, 9265 Amarone Way, Sacramento, CA 95829 South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia [email protected]; 916-682-0734 Region Director: George & Debbie Deskins Rider Education Director 3330 Edmondson Ct. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Don & Judy Coons [email protected]; 615-459-4418 P.O. Box 1164, Rogue River, OR 97537 Board Representati ve: Jim & Karen Quinn [email protected]; 541-582-1403 1368 Jason Circle, Ashland City, TN 37915 habatt [email protected]; 615-792-0546 Education and Retention Director Mike & Carol Brush Region E 12516 Poppleton Ave., Omaha, NE 68144 www.gwtaregione.homestead.com [email protected]; 402-397-4663 Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas Helping Hands Director Region Director: Tommy & Aileen Dossey Dennis & Nancy Seery 1339 Cummings Lane, Texarkana, TX 75501 902 Greenfi eld Court, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 [email protected]; 903-831-4686 [email protected]; 615-542-4935 Board Representati ve: Chuck Gibbs 233 Judson St., Longmont, CO 80501 Region A www.gwtaregiona.org Region F Alaska, Alberta, Briti sh Columbia, Idaho, www.gwtaregionf.org Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania Region Director: JR & Lindy Phillips Region Director: Pat & Marie Beaudoin 960 Ebony Pl., Camano Island, WA 98282 39433 Marne Ave., Sterling Heights, MI 48313 [email protected]; 360-387-3523 [email protected]; 586-532-7724 Board Representati ve: Ray & Floramie Phillips Board Representati ve: Ronnie and Kathe Vaughn 14425 59th Ave. South, Tukwila, WA 98168 100 Ohio Street, Somerset, KY 42501 [email protected]; 206-277-0962 [email protected]; 606-872-7228 Region B Region H Arizona, California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah www.regionhgwta.org Region Director: Steve & Ralphine Andrus Connecti cut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusett s, 2108 Lighthouse Dr., Fairfi eld, CA 94534 New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont [email protected]; 707-429-9547 Region Director: Phil & Sue Rueger [email protected] 100 Allyndale Road, Canaan, CT 06018 Board Representati ve: Charles Horner [email protected]; 860-824-0005 P.O. Box 230, Shingletown, CA 96088 Board Representati ve: Dennis & Darlene Farnum [email protected]; 530-474-4291 75 Farnum Lane, Sebago, ME 04029 [email protected]; 207-787-3435 Region C www.gwta-c.com Region J Illinois, Iowa, Manitoba, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, www.gwtaregionj.com South Dakota, Saskatchewan, Wisconsin Newfoundland, Nova Scoti a, Ontario Region Director: Rick & Kandie Hinrichs Region Director: Kevin Welch 12215 Signal Drive, Omaha, NE 68137 169 Holmes Ave., North York, ON M2N 4M7 Canada [email protected]; 402-578-2368 kevw9@sympati co.ca; 416-229-9378 Board Representati ve: Dave Telford Board Representati ve: Garrie & Eleanor Wayne 2114 S. 88th St., Omaha, NE 68124 147 Wellington St. West Apt. 714, Aurora, ON L4G 3M1 Canada [email protected]; 402-699-1964 [email protected]; 905-727-5272 2 SEPTEMBER 2010 In Every Issue Biker Billy 8-9 Event Calendar 14 GWTA Business Members 5 GWTA Contact Informati on 2 Honda Tech 23 Insurance Talk 22-23 New Member Listi ng 7 2010 RaveNRide 28 Advertiser Listing Add-On Accessories 5 GWTA Departments AIM 4 Educati on & Retenti on 26 Americade 14 Executi ve Director 6 Big Bike Parts 7 Family of the Year 4 Biker Billy 9 Carti er Marketi ng 25 Chapel Australian Bike Tours 20 CIMA Internati onal 14 Features Diamond Gusset 14 Add On Accessories Product Release 5 Lees-ure Lite 25 Bill & Brenda’s Aussie Adventure 16-20 Markel American Insurance Co. 29 Canada Highlights 10-13 Neosho Fiberglass 9 Crosswinds: How to deal with them 24 RoadRUNNER 10 Life in the Days of a Biker 21 Tour King 25 Motorcycle Riding in North Carolina 27 Overnight Parking 25 Send arti cles, photos & changes to: Touring News Magazine, P.O. Box 42403 Canadian members: Beginning April 1, 2009 an additi onal Indianapolis, IN 46242-0403 payment is required annually in order to receive Touring News Magazine in the mail. This additi onal fee exclusively covers the Email: [email protected] extra postage required to mail Touring News to Canada. Touring News is published online 12 ti mes per year and in print 4 ti mes per year for Gold Wing Touring Associati on (GWTA) in the United States of America. The known offi ce of publicati on is GWTA, 2415 Directors Row, Suite K, Indianapolis, IN 46241. $15 of the annual membership dues go toward a one-year subscripti on to GWTA’s Touring News Magazine; however, the subscripti on cannot be deducted from dues. Postmaster: Send address changes to: GWTA, P.O. Box 42403, Indianapolis, IN 46242-0403. Periodicals postage paid in Indianapolis, Indiana and at additi onal mailing offi ces. TOURING NEWS 3 One of my all-ti me favorite shows was (and sti ll is) the Carol Burnett Show. There’s a gal with real talent, class, and brains. She assembled a once-in-a-lifeti me cast and staff who knew the value of good family humor. Anybody can throw around foul language, but it’s a sign of real creati vity and smarts when you can make people laugh without resorti ng to blatant vulgariti es. Genius! I also enjoyed the way Ms. Burnett ended the show with a pinch of the ear to her grandma and a “comes the ti me we have to say so long.” And now it’s the Sullivan’s turn to take their fi nal bow and hand the reins (or reign) over to your new Nati onal Family of the Year, Bob and Pam Beveridge of Region C, Iowa’s Chapter H. Congratulati ons, you two! Welcome to a whole new level of Desti nati on Friendship. Oh, the places you will go! During the Region C FOY interviews, the committ ee gives each couple a chance to ask the panel any questi ons that they might have. The most common questi on is “What Are We Expected to Do?” My response: Your job, in a nutshell, is to keep on doing what you’re doing... having fun and living Desti nati on Friendship. I would also ask you to remember two simple words: “visible presence”. You are the visible presence of GWTA. That doesn’t mean you have to do everything or att end every event, but I would suggest you keep these two words in mind when you’re trying to decide what to wear, when to show up with your medals, what to write each month, and what you need to do to promote and serve Desti nati on Friendship. And I know Bob and Pam will do a great job of doing just that and more. To those who were unable to att end the Region C Rally Banquet and Family of the Year ceremonies, I would like to share our Family of the Year speech, given during the ceremonies. It addresses not just the Families of the Year but each member of GWTA as well: “The Family of the Year Award is one of the highest honors that GWTA bestows. The selecti on process for this award begins as members of your chapter nominate and select a couple or family to be Chapter Family of the Year. Being selected as Chapter W’s Family of the Year was a huge honor for Doug, the girls, and me because this honor was bestowed by our closest peers... by the people we ride with each week, who see your good side and your bad side, who share your ups and your downs... these are your friends and your family. Members should take this selecti on process very seriously. It’s not about who did it last year or who hasn’t been selected Family of the Year yet. The award IS about parti cipati on and involvement in events at the chapter level and at all other levels of GWTA — state, regional, and nati onal. Does the family live Desti nati on Friendship? And fi nally, are they having FUN?! Members, please support your Family of the Year... not only fi nancially, but also by encouraging and honoring them. Some chapters pay their family’s registrati on for state annual events like Fall Follies. GWTA Nebraska and Region C hold special aucti ons to help their State and Region Families of the Year off set some of the expenses incurred while att ending the regional rally, Gold Rush, and other GWTA events. Many states and regions do a GREAT job of supporti ng, recognizing, and encouraging their Families of the Year, and we must CONTINUE to do so, so that others will follow our lead and maintain the traditi on of this great GWTA honor.
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