. FINAL DECISION Energex determination 2015−16 to 2019−20 Attachment 6 − Capital expenditure October 2015 6-1 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 © Commonwealth of Australia 2015 This work is copyright. In addition to any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all material contained within this work is provided under a Creative Commons Attributions 3.0 Australia licence, with the exception of: the Commonwealth Coat of Arms the ACCC and AER logos any illustration, diagram, photograph or graphic over which the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission does not hold copyright, but which may be part of or contained within this publication. The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU licence. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Director, Corporate Communications, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, GPO Box 4141, Canberra ACT 2601 or [email protected]. Inquiries about this publication should be addressed to: Australian Energy Regulator GPO Box 520 Melbourne Vic 3001 Tel: (03) 9290 1444 Fax: (03) 9290 1457 Email: [email protected] 6-2 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 Note This attachment forms part of the AER's final decision on Energex's 2015–20 distribution determination. It should be read with all other parts of the final decision. The final decision includes the following documents: Overview Attachment 1 – Annual revenue requirement Attachment 2 – Regulatory asset base Attachment 3 – Rate of return Attachment 4 – Value of imputation credits Attachment 5 – Regulatory depreciation Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure Attachment 7 – Operating expenditure Attachment 8 – Corporate income tax Attachment 9 – Efficiency benefit sharing scheme Attachment 10 – Capital expenditure sharing scheme Attachment 11 – Service target performance incentive scheme Attachment 12 – Demand management incentive scheme Attachment 13 – Classification of services Attachment 14 – Control mechanism Attachment 15 – Pass through events Attachment 16 – Alternative control services Attachment 17 – Negotiated services framework and criteria Attachment 18 – Connection policy 6-3 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 Contents Note ...............................................................................................................6-3 Contents .......................................................................................................6-4 Shortened forms ..........................................................................................6-6 6 Capital expenditure ...............................................................................6-8 6.1 Final decision ..................................................................................6-8 6.2 Energex's revised proposal ......................................................... 6-11 6.3 AER’s assessment approach ....................................................... 6-12 6.3.1 Building an alternative estimate of total forecast capex ............. 6-14 6.3.2 Comparing the distributor's proposal with our alternative estimate 6- 17 6.4 Reasons for final decision ........................................................... 6-18 6.4.1 Key assumptions ....................................................................... 6-19 6.4.2 Forecasting methodology .......................................................... 6-19 6.4.3 Interaction with the STPIS ......................................................... 6-20 6.4.4 Energex’s capex performance ................................................... 6-21 6.4.5 Interrelationships ....................................................................... 6-27 6.4.6 Consideration of the capex factors ............................................ 6-28 A Assessment techniques ...................................................................... 6-30 A.1 Economic benchmarking ............................................................. 6-30 A.2 Trend analysis ............................................................................... 6-31 A.3 Category analysis ......................................................................... 6-32 A.4 Predictive modelling ..................................................................... 6-32 A.5 Engineering review ....................................................................... 6-33 B Assessment of capex drivers ............................................................. 6-34 B.1 Alternative estimate ...................................................................... 6-34 6-4 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 B.2 AER findings and estimates for augmentation expenditure ..... 6-35 B.2.1 Position ..................................................................................... 6-35 B.2.2 Revised proposal ...................................................................... 6-36 B.2.3 AER approach ........................................................................... 6-37 B.2.4 Trend analysis ........................................................................... 6-39 B.2.5 Driver analysis........................................................................... 6-42 B.3 AER findings and estimates for customer connections capex, including capital contributions .......................................................... 6-75 B.3.1 AER Position ............................................................................. 6-76 B.3.2 Revised proposal ...................................................................... 6-76 B.3.3 Reasons .................................................................................... 6-77 B.4 AER findings and estimates for replacement expenditure ....... 6-82 B.4.1 Position ..................................................................................... 6-83 B.4.2 Revised proposal ...................................................................... 6-83 B.4.3 AER approach ........................................................................... 6-84 B.4.4 AER repex findings ................................................................... 6-87 B.5 AER findings and estimates for capitalised overheads ............ 6-99 B.5.1 Position ..................................................................................... 6-99 B.5.2 Our assessment ........................................................................ 6-99 B.6 AER findings and estimates for non–network capex .............. 6-100 B.6.1 SPARQ ICT expenditure included within overheads ................ 6-101 C Maximum demand forecast .............................................................. 6-109 C.1 AER position ............................................................................... 6-109 C.2 Energex’s revised proposal ....................................................... 6-110 C.3 AEMO forecasts .......................................................................... 6-112 C.4 Demand trends ............................................................................ 6-113 6-5 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 Shortened forms Shortened form Extended form AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator AER Australian Energy Regulator augex augmentation expenditure capex capital expenditure CCP Consumer Challenge Panel CESS capital expenditure sharing scheme CPI consumer price index DRP debt risk premium DMIA demand management innovation allowance DMIS demand management incentive scheme distributor distribution network distributor DUoS distribution use of system EBSS efficiency benefit sharing scheme ERP equity risk premium Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guideline for electricity Expenditure Assessment Guideline distribution F&A framework and approach MRP market risk premium NEL national electricity law NEM national electricity market NEO national electricity objective NER national electricity rules NSP network distributor Opex operating expenditure PPI partial performance indicators PTRM post-tax revenue model RAB regulatory asset base RBA Reserve Bank of Australia Repex replacement expenditure RFM roll forward model 6-6 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 Shortened form Extended form RIN regulatory information notice RPP revenue and pricing principles SAIDI system average interruption duration index SAIFI system average interruption frequency index SLCAPM Sharpe-Lintner capital asset pricing model STPIS service target performance incentive scheme WACC weighted average cost of capital 6-7 Attachment 6 – Capital expenditure | Energex determination 2015–20 6 Capital expenditure Capital expenditure (capex) refers to the investment made in the network to provide standard control services. This investment mostly relates to assets with long lives (30- 50 years is typical) and these costs are recovered over several regulatory periods. On an annual basis, however, the financing cost and depreciation associated with these assets is recovered (return of and on capital) as part of the building blocks that form part of Energex’s total revenue requirement.1 This attachment sets out our final decision on Energex’s total forecast capex. Further detailed analysis is in the following appendices: • Appendix A - Assessment techniques • Appendix B - Assessment of capex drivers
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