Page Fourteen THE COCONINO SUN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1919. J IIIIHIIIM I" I"" IHIIHimlHIIIIM Mil imilimiH.lmillfinilllMMlllMIMIMIII IIIMIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mil MOTOR TRUCK GREATEST HE WAS IN IT AN INFALLIBLE HELP FOR THE FARMER IN SELLING HIS GOODS Wife: "Where were you with your t "There goes another married manl" coat last night j John? It's in a ter-- said a girl in charge of a 'candy "From the farmer's viewpoint, the rible mess." counter. motor truck is becoming one of the AUTOMOBILE Hubby: "Yes, dear, I let it fall when "How do you know?" asked the pe- - NEWS greatest aids to rural commerce," says coming home from the club." Z. A. Bissonnette, local distributor for tite cashier. "Couldn't you keep hold of it?" "He used to buy a three-poun- d box p)ttiHMMMHIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMtHMMItlMHMtMIUHMMIIMMMMIIIIMtMIMmUtHltllllltl iiiimiium VT Republic tracks. iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmniiiiinniiiiiHiiiiHHiiiimmHiHmHmPI the 'Surc, I did, my dear; butkI was of .candy twice a week, and now ho "The may take advantage of it-- ' wVipp) fanner " WHEELS SELDOM fected and tho wirn who AIR IS VERY CHEAP: n buys half a pound once a month!" GET ANY ATTENTION entirely practicable motor market conditions by means of the foMhe i. FILL UP YOUR TIRES motor truck. He may get "his matket In Euiope, second-grow- th where no report in the morning, and within a The modem automobile wheel is hickory was available and no which QmIHUIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIII Hill IIIIIMI IMIIIIIIM.,111....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , .,IMI uffl hardest-working-par- The frequency with motorists few hours, depending on his distance among the ts of other wood efficient con- for wheel inquire of tire dealers concerning the from the market center, he may have the car, and yet so well has it been struction at hand, who wheels became best gives trouble, method of keeping a tire in the his hogs or other live stock in the I perfected that it jarcly standaid and still ate. Here in this best shape has prompted Z. A. and tho average car owner is almost countiy, with our supply hickory, hands of the buyer, whereas, wero he of of the Reliable Auto Spring to wait a day because of in- CATTLE FOR SALE oblivious to anything except its mere we early abandoned the crude wire required yet, strange as may & Supply Co., distributor of Norwalk sufficient market, facilities, he might i S existence. And it wheels of the eaily days and switched and Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup margin profit. seem, it looks as if we were on the to wood. tires, lose a measurable of to invariably impress on tire buyers "The farmer's greatest gain, how- ! The Merritt Craig Cattle verge of someehange in the wheel As a matter of fact the modem . and Ranches be tho importance of proper inflation. ever, is in the saving of time. If he field, though it is not likely to tho wire whcpl has certain undoubted is some au- "Air the best possible tonic for is within a few miles of his trading complete revolution that jpoints of superiority over its wood a I to imagine. tire," Bissonnette holds. "Most of center, he may take Jn.a load of farm thorities seem i rival. The wire wheel is somewhat the principal See the present time in use causes fcof tire troubles products and return in' time to do the Wheels at stronger in resisting shocks than even will be eliminated iP tires are kept day's work. He is saving horses, or may be divided into four major the best wood wheel. too, steel-spo- The latter, properly inflated. Repair shop statis- releasing them for other purposes. Wood, wire, disk and ke I classes: it is claimed, with continual service tics show fully aH becom- wheels. The latter type is prac- that, 75 per cent of "The Arizona fanners are R. KIDD F. E. BROOKS becomes somewhat distorted, a condi-- i tire troubles are directly due to insuf- ing more and more converted to the J. or tically confined to motor-truc- k con- tion which increases tire wear. The struction, but can not be entirely neg- ficient inflation. gospel of motor tracks and improved wire wheel, supported at the rim by a "How much air to put in a tiie puz- highways. Many rural communities lected in any comprehensive view of greater number of spokes, is not liable zles" wheel situation. a good many motorists, though are organized to work in conjunction the I to this distortion trouble. The predbminating type of wheel at this should not be the case. An easy with municipal bodies for the promo- RjHI.MIMMI,MIIU.MIHHIIItlIIMIIIIHHlll.llllllltllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIfllllWllllflllUIIIIIIIllllll,HMIMHfn the present timers the wood wheel, I A further point of advantage now way to remember how much air a tire tion of truck sytsems for tho short made of secondJgrowth American claimed for the wire wheel is that the should have is to fix in mind the fact hauls. hickory. There il no real cause for j metal more easily dissipates the heat that the proper amount of pressuie "Many persons believe the short engendered by running. Wood is un increases in the ratio of 10 pounds haul by rail soon will be a thing of complaint against tUp service rendeied ' type although many doubtedly a poor heat conductor and to each half inch of increased size. the past. The railroads, it is said, are by this of whel, one." academic flaws are picked in it by ex- steel is an excellent The wire Starting with a tire the pres- not desirous of .retaining 'this business wheel never gives annoyance by de- - sure should be 60 pounds. and they prefer to give it over to the perts who favor other types. Until I recentlv it was assumed that failure veloping squeaks. Bjit the wire wheel "The following table shows how the motor truck systems when it is feas- second-growt- demands a considerable amount of proper degree of inflation increases by ible to do so. of the supply of h hick- good half-inc- ory would eventually,' compel our auto care to keep it in condition. The 10 pounds with each additional h "Thus ..the shipper, the consumer ' - -- makers to switch to another enamel must be watched, and when- in size: 3 inch tire, 70 pounds; and the 'dealers benefit by motor Lumber (o. wheel c occasion-- fhptaff type. Recent government forestry ever it lacks off, as it does i 80; 4, 90: 5, 100; 5',4, 110; transportation without incurring the figures, however, sccmto show that ally, the spot must be painted over, 6, 120." enmity of the rail interests. It is said we have a supply of this wheel mate- or else moisture will cause rusting. How a tire suffers when inflation is the motor transport charges are less some time. This is particularly dangerous around insufficient was described by Bisson- than those of the railroads for the rial sufficient to last for, nette, This being so it is scarcely likely that the nipples where the spokes join the who explained that most of the short hauls, the producer and the buy- any other type of wheel will oust the rim. Wire wheels must be kept clean bending action in a tire takes place er saving money thereby and at the Manufacturers wooden wheel from its position of pre- if they are to continue to be an orna- in the side walls, the thinnest part of saihe time avoiding time wastage Mich eminence in the Amencanmotor-cn- r ment to the car.v The mud must bi a pneumatic tire. as obtains where transportation inde- rigorously cleaned out from between "If a tire is run insufficiently in- pendent on the railroads. .industry. ',' every ARIZONA SOFT PINE gener- the spokes after run. flated," he added, "the kneading and "The short haul is intended for While the wooden wheel is bending action is increased as the'tile shipments of from three, ten ally efficient in service, occasionally Car owners using wire wheels five,or equip- bends sharply at every revolution and miles to longer distancos if possible, this type has been known '.to go to should give these parts of the Wire ment a thorough inspectipn once every each time it strikes an obstruction." it is said, to 125 miles." pieces under excessive strains. o wheel advocates claim thatfthis can three weeks or oftcner to sec that no LUMBER never happen with their favorite type. spokes are loose or bent, and that no 18,000 ARMY TRUCKS CAN YOU NAME THE WIVES? The commonest failure of SAvooden rust has formed around the nipples. PARCELED OUT BY U. S. wheels is the development of annoying In one type of wire wheel a serrated Hs. What name do you think would best squeaks. This trouble may bereme-die- d drive is used and these serrations 'More than 18,000 trucks and cais suit the wife of a civil engineer? Why by driving wooden wcdgesirinto must be kept perfectly clean. If niclw out of the army surplus of 38,000 ex- Bridget, of course. Yes, you have the spiders where the spokes have.be-com- e should develop in the serrations there isting when the armistice was signed guessed it. Now, see if you can't Most Modern Saw Mill, loosened. Car ownersrequent-l- y will be difficulty in mounting the have been transferred by the war de- guess an appropriate name for the neglect to give due attention to'tho wheel. Should rust form on the driv- partment to other government bu- wife of Planing Mill and Box hub bolts of their wooden wheels.
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