University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Business in Nebraska Bureau of Business Research 1967 Business in Nebraska # 275 - August 1967 Dorothy Switzer University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bureau of Business Research E. L. Burgess University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bureau of Business Research Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bbrbin Part of the Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations Commons Switzer, Dorothy and Burgess, E. L., "Business in Nebraska # 275 - August 1967" (1967). Business in Nebraska. 35. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bbrbin/35 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Bureau of Business Research at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Business in Nebraska by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. , I I , , f I u • s o • I I A s A • I • S BUSINESS----.,'V>-._ .. -.-IN NEBRASKA Prepared by che Bureau of Business Research, College of Busine •• Administration SURVEY REVEALS GROWTH IN EXPORTS OF NEBRASKA MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS Not only i. the voice of the Nebraska to\lri.t heard in r",r away Althol,lgh the dfecu. of the Kennedy Round Agreements upon .pe. land. this 'Wllmer, but .110 the voice of the Nebra.ka induurialilt cilic .egmenU of industry and upon individ,,*,1 manufacturer. are who. if not precisely hawking hh ware. In foreign market place" a. yet lome what unpr edictable. Nebruka industrialist. are fully i ....uredly making him.elf heard in di,tant cities where he ener- aware that .ince the tarHf reduction. agreed upon apply to all getically PUrlUei new outlets for hil product.. indu.trial nationl, they are likely to find them.elves with new and Recent attempt. to reach a number of the .tale'. leading manu- unexpected competition in the US. market aa well al abroad when factureu by telephone have been futile becau.e the executive. are the final reduced rate. become effective. For thil rea'On a num- in foreign counttie ••eeking to expand their export bu.inel. and ber of Nebra.kan. have found it expedient to 10 ovenea. to evalu_ al.e'ling the po'lible effect. of the Kennedy Round Agreement. ate foreign competitive product. and t o attempt to di,cover how on their future operationa. To cite one example. the prelident of their nlpectiye firm. may expect to fare under terml of the new a Nebra.ka machinery company that hal been in the export buai- agreementa. nell for many year. indicated in April that he planned to go to Whatever the .pecilic objectives or their foreign travel Nebra.ka Canada to develop new bu.ine •• thi ••ummer. EHorta to reach manufact uring executive. are on t he moye _ Or a9 One of them him laat month di.cLoled that he had gone not only to Canada but laid. "on the prowl." allo to Central and South America. was on hi. way to Europe. and 1967 Survey of Nebralka Export. before returnlna home would abo vilit A.ia. In an e(fort to "get In a ncent luryey of a lample of the Itate'l manufacturer. by the jump on hi. competitora," a. an a •• latant put it. (Continued on page 4) TABLE 1 EXPORT SALES, IDENTICAL NEBRASKA MANUFACTURERS SELECTED YEARS 1960 1961 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 Firm. 1960-66 Total Export Sale. $1.759.003 $3,538,374 $4.ZI-I. 884 $5.707. 770 $5,734.49Z , 7,Z4Z,Z7Z" , 8.37Z.880 $38,569,675 Average per Firm 179.000.14 168,494.00 ZOO.708. 76 Z71.798.57 Z73,071.04 344.870.09 398.708.59 1.836,651.19 Percent Chanae - 5,9 19,1 35.4 0.5 Z6.3 15.6 Ill.7 Z9 Firm. 1961-66 Total Export Salel 4,ZIO,749 5.Z37,472 6,ll8,430 6,581,49Z 8,l53,195 10.l75.397 40.776.735 Average per Firm 145.198.Z4 180,60Z.48 Z 14.4Z8.6Z ZZ6.948.00 Z84.59Z.93 354.3Z4,03 1.406.094,31 Percent Change Z4.4 18.7 5.' Z5.4 Z4,5 144,0 31 Firm. 1961-66 Total Export Sale. 5.366,31l 6 .45l,375 7.081,465 8,977,199 11 ,000,843 38.878.195 Ave r age per F irm 16 l,6 15. 54 195,5Z6.5 1 l14,589.8 4 Zn,016.13 333,358.87 1. 178.IZ7.IZ P OI r eent C hange ZO.l .., Z6 .8 U.5 105.0 36 Firma 1963-66 Total Expor t Sale. 6,475.505 7. 151.304 9. 103.576 IL.ZZ8.317 33.958.70Z Average per Firm 179.875.13 198.647.)3 Z5Z.877. 1 1 311.897.69 943.Z97.Z7 Percent Change 10.4 Z7.3 Z).) 73.4 40 Firml 1964-66 Total Export Salel 7 ,759,l 33 11 ,695,317 IZ,0 73, 97 1 3 1.5l8,541 Ave r age per Fir m 193.980. 8Z Z9 2:.38).4Z ) 0 1.849.Z7 788.Z13.5Z P e r cent C hange 50.7 1.Z 55.6 44 Firml 1965-66 Total Export Sale. 11,768.0l6 IZ.19Z,874 Zl.960.900 Average per Firm Z67.455. 13 Z77.ILO.77 544.565.90 Percent Change 3.6 1.6 Source; Bureau of BUlinea. Relea r ch maillurvey. 1967. M E • • u R N • N E • R • s • • • u • N E s • month, ;1 refle cted in the decline. indicate d for June '. ret ail Balea -Busi ness Summory- • the lirat decline .inee May, 1965 . Total June lales fo r the a tate May'. doUar v o lume o f bUline •• in Nebr;uka increased 3.8" were down Z.O ,," (rom June, 1966 and down 13.7,.. a .. uonally adju.t­ from May. 1966 and 5.6" f rom April. 1967. The U.s. dollar volume ed f rom May. 1967 . All report ing ciliea and countiea declined inere.ued 6.7" fro m May. 1966 and decrealed 0,1 " from April. fro m the previou. month and a ll but nine were below their year­ 1967. From May. 196b Nebruka'. phy a h;aL vo lume of bUline .. ago level• . The ltate hard good. total declined 13.5,. from a yea ... ;nere.led 4.9'Ao and the U.s. incre.ued 5.0.,.. From April, 1967 the ago In cont rast wHh the 42," jump repo rted. for May. The 2.6'l'o phy.ical volume in NebraRka increaled 2.lfo while the U.S. de· increau! In ,oft gOodR i. primarily the re.ult of increuea in the c1ined 0.6". All of Nebraska'. economic Indicat Or!, excludi ng. food lIore. categoric, . Complementing the.e increa.el were conlt r uct lon activity, increa.ed fro m tho! year·ago level. a teady increaaea in apparel and drug atorea i n ne arly a ll the re. May'a lu rge o f r e t ail " be at the tax " b uying, r efe rred to last porting cltle. and countiel. All figurea on thil page are adjulted for lealonal c ~ngel, .... hich meanl that the month·to·month r atiol are rela t ive to the normll or expected c ha ngel. F i gu rea in Chart I (except the fint line) are adJulted .... here appr opriate for price cllangea. Ga.o line lale. for Nebr a.ka a r e fo r road u. e only : for the United State I they are production In the previou. month. E. L. BURGESS I. EBRAS K A and th e UNITED TATES n. PHYSICAL VOLUME _ Nebr. " C~nge from " Change from Same " Cllange from c::::::J U.S. 1948 Average P receding Month Month I 191.7 lIO.5 activity 197.8 208.4 194.8 208.6 190.6 209.2 185.2 201 . ) 194.2 209.6 189.1 2 1).'1 206.7 214.6 198.6 216.) 192.8 2 11.6 195.1 216.2 111. R E TAIL SALES for Selected Citiea. Total, Hard Good., and Sort GOodl Store •. Hard GOodl include automobile. building material, furniture, hard .... are, equipment. Soft Good. include food, guoline, department, c lothing. and milcellaneoul Itorel. Per Cent of Same Pe r _,:,~n t "of JUN Ir e nl 0'_~am e Per Cent _01 JUN Month a Year Ago Preceding Month a Year Ago Preceding Month No. of Month No. of S oft Soft H", Reportl Total H", City Reportl Tot al Cood. Good. Total City Cood. Good. Total THE STATE 890 98.0 86.5 102.6 86. ) Fremont 30 99. 2 100.7 97.9 89.8 F a irbury ,. 9).6 89.'1 9 7.0 70.7 94.8 8 1.9 lOS .) 88.0 NorfOlk 35 81.1 19.0 9 4.0 76.6 OmLincoln... / .. 99.'1 92.3 105.2 81. 7 ~collib luff 38 92.4 88.4 95.8 82 .7 .. Columbua Grand Illal d l< 90 . ) 16.8 IOZ.4 70.7 Z8 100.6 8).4 11 6. 1 85 .2 Ha l tingl H 88.0 80.1 94.8 n .4 McCook ZO 92.4 84.'1 100.9 81 .8 North Plalte ZZ 9 1.5 n.o 105.2 19.4 York 1I 92.6 89.1 96.) 76 . 1 JV RETAI L SALES Other CiHe. and Rural Countiel V RETAIL SALES, by Subgroup., for the State and Major Oivi.ions Per Cent of Per Cent of Per Cent of Same Month a Year Ago JUN No.
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