Shopping Map of Salado, Page 4C Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XXXVII, NUMBERV 39 THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Chamber honors citizens Answering the BY TIM FLEISCHER call to service EDitOR-in-CHIEF It wasn’t until her final BY TIM FLEISCHER comment that you might EDitOR-in-CHIEF have guessed about whom Maurine Nathanson was Soldiers have a call to talking when she named service, not just at home Tommy Prater as the but abroad as well, Lt. Col. Salado Chamber of Com- Michelle Donahue, com- merce Citizen of the Year mander of the Muleskin- during the Jan. 8 Chamber ner Squadron of the 3rd Awards Banquet at Tenroc Armored Cavalry Regi- Ranch. ment (3rd ACR) told the “If you want the job to nearly 200 people gath- get done, and the project to ered for the annual Salado Lt. Col. Michelle Donahue succeed, put this person in Chamber of Commerce was the keynote speaker charge,” Nathanson said. Banquet Jan. 8. at the Salado Chamber of “This is a person who vol- Saladoans gathered to Commerce banquet. unteers for many things, celebrate the successes of the Chamber and learned and is the first one there, tors, including Vice Chair about the success and du- the last to leave, and works Melanie Kirchmeier, Her- ties of the soldiers of the harder than anyone. mann, Claire Hartman, 3rd ACR, which is the ad- “This person has many (L) Maurine Nathanson presented (R) Tommye Prater with the Citizen of the Year. Dave Swarthout (elected opted regiment for the Vil- mouths to feed, and not all to a three-year term after since,” Charbonneau said lage of Salado. are human. This is a per- fulfilling an unexpired of Paulette Chandler. “Ev- The Regiment has a his- son who is always upbeat term on the board), Kaye ery day is a new beginning tory dating back 148 years and laughing, and ready to Coachman and Jennifer and new adventure with with its soldiers fighting in help friends and family,” McFarland. These will be someone that I am proud 11 major conflicts. “One- Nathanson added. joined by new directors, to call not only an ambas- third of our soldiers are The possibilities began including Larry Prellop, sador but my friend.” now deployed in Afghani- to narrow with these clues: Johnny Shipman, Larry stan, Egypt and Cuba,” she “Spends a lot of time Wolfe, Dave Broecker and said. with numbers.” CHAIRMAN’S AWARD Ron Cunningham. For the past 13 years, “Drives a small car, but Dave Hermann present- “These are the folks the soldiers have sacri- then is a small person.” ed the Chairman’s Award who will be taking the ficed with the Afghan peo- “Loves QVC, but also of Excellence to Dave and partnership of the Cham- ple. “We have trained the shops Salado.” Pat Broecker. ber and Village that began Afghan people to combat Nathanson then told the “This year’s recipients in 2014 and go forward the Taliban in their efforts audience of almost 200 moved to Salado in 2004,” with it,” Fleischer said. to disrupt the elections of gathered that the recipient Hermann said. “In 2009 “We will be the ones who December 12, 2013.” has been married 30 years they opened their business make the mistakes, lots of They have worked with and has two children and Tim Brown was added to the Salado Chamber Hall of in Salado. them, as we cobble togeth- six provincial governors to three grand-children. Fame. Debbie Charbonneau presented the award to “They have been active er this new way of doing help train their troops to Nathanson then nailed him. in our community includ- business. We won’t be able combat insurgents in Af- it down to just one when ing her being President of to do it without your sup- ghanistan. she said. “This person the Ladies Auxiliary for port.” Serving in the military has been the chairman for three years,” he continued. “We need you to con- during the deployments many years of the largest “They are both Lions and tinue as members of the abroad has been about and most successful fund they spearheaded the Sal- Chamber and as volun- building relationships. raiser in Salado, Christ- ado Lions brisket bingo in teers for the Chamber,” The same holds true in the mas in October.” early 2014.” he added, “so that we can states, according to LTC The Broeckers stepped build on the work of Deb- Donahue. She told the HALL OF FAME out in public to support the bie, Kerry and Megan and concept of the city admin- audience that she and her The Chamber of Com- multiply their efforts by istrator. “As you may re- husband LTC Patrick A. merce adds names to its adding our own to them.” member not everyone was Donahue are both proud Hall of Fame each year of “Frankly your dues are in support of this concept,” Military Brats. “This is those citizens who have more important now than Hermann said. our first time in Texas,” done a great deal over the ever before,” he said. “It “They also led the she said. “I have never years to positively impact will allow us to leverage charge on the Salado cam- seen such a great relation- the community. Dave Hermann, 2014 Chairman of the Salado Cham- those dollars in ways we paign for passing a sewer ship between the military This year, the Chamber ber of Commerce, honored Pat and Dave Broecker never could before.” bond,” he added. “They and the community. I un- added the name of a sixth with the Chairman’s Award for Excellence. “When this happens, it had help and folks that felt derstand why Fort Hood is generation Bell County will bring more sales tax the same passion but they called The Great Place.” native whose ancestors revenues, higher commer- were out front ... talking to The relationships be- “entered Texas during the cial property values and people, leading the charge, tween civilians and the days of the Republic and the inherent property tax- overcoming their objec- military must extend be- settled in what is now Bell es within them so that our tions, all while handling yond the time of service. County in the late 1840s,” Village government can the toughest time of any- “As soldiers transition out according to Charbon- do its job,” he said. “The one’s life in saying good- of military, we need to neau, who presented the Chamber and community bye to a loved one…. and make use of their skills. award. are symbiotic in nature. all with grace and compas- They joined the service to The Hall of Famer And I know I am preach- sion.” have an impact and they holds a Bachelor of En- ing to the converted. You The Broeckers continue will have an impact in vironmental Design and came out on a cold Janu- to serve by Dave’s filling your business.” Master of Science in Land ary night to celebrate the an unexpired term on the Following LTC Dona- Development degrees success of Salado in 2014 Chamber’s board of direc- hue’s remarks, outgoing from the College of Archi- and to look forward to a tors term and in other civic Chamber Chairman Dave tecture at Texas A&M. brighter 2015. duties. Hermann honored the di- “He has been an inde- “It will be brighter if Following the awards rectors leaving the board: pendent designer build- we take to heart the words Paulette Chandler is the Ambassador of the Year, presentation, longtime Allyn Crain, long-time er and consultant since of Ben Franklin,” he said, awarded by Debbie Charbonneau. Salado resident Bill Hall treasurer Eldon Miller, Jon 1976,” she added. Some (PHOTOS BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) “‘We must hang together, gaveled a live auction of Moore, Ryan Hodge, Kris- of his local projects have or most assuredly we will Gov. Rick Perry to the hours in 2014 for a value just three items that raised ti Jarvis and Liz Wolff. included the 1989 securing all hang separately.’ Let’s Texas Transportation of $53,118 based upon the almost $5,000. Don Ring- Incoming chairman of the Salado College ru- hang together during this, Work Group, “tasked with volunteer hourly rate of ler was the high bidder Tim Fleischer recognized ins, moving the Scotts Ho- our Salado revolution.” defining a long range vi- $23.40 per hour. at $2,000 for a Cooking the continuing direc- tel from Lampasas to Sal- sion for the Texas Depart- “What a difference they Class for up to 10 people ado where it now serves as ment of Transportation.: made in Salado last year,” with food and drink do- The Veranda, moving the Aldermen consider In 2008 he was present- Charbonneau said, “driv- nated by The Range Res- William Reed log cabin to ed with the TXDOT Road ing the trolley, working taurant. Claire Hartman Salado where it now serves itinerant vendor rules Hand award for improving at the visitors center and was the high bidder at as the Visitors Center and Salado aldermen will Aldermen will also transportation in the state. worked at special events.” $2,100 for “Blow Your the recent restoration of consider at their 6:30 ratify the appointments to “He has been recog- The Ambassador of Own Beer Mug Party” at the Robertson Plantation. p.m. Jan. 15 meeting a re- fill the vacancies for the nized statewide as an in- the Year “has given a lot Salado Glassworks that “He was appointed by vamped ordinance regulat- Village Secretary and the fluential voice in devel- of time to the Village of will include food and Gov.
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