TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 19»i! PACK fnXTEBN ATeraje Daily Net Prem Run i^anrbpstrr fanning igrtatb - For. Um Week Roded ' dime SI. u m star of thfr ^aat, Royal Blaek Ths tUv,-Josepb-I'--fltack,.pa»- iaitalMt8d-.t<i-.tum.iiglii..'lnco- a . pri:.. tdr of St. Patrick's Church. East S^ven Acts. vate driveway. .The dri-yer ;©? the 12.701 A b o u t T o w h Preceptory, will meet Thursday ■pickup truck, Roger A. Niadei|U, at 7 p.m. in Orange Hall. Hampton, will be guest speaker st Member ef .tlie Aadit the opening meeting of the Cath­ ForlORMSho^ 28, Hartford, was unable to stop You Should Know... when Ktihne cut in front of him Boteea ef dreedoUea __ first nrtetin* of tfns St. The midweek service will be" olic Graduates Club of OreaterJ FUNERAL HOME Hsrtford tomorrow at 8:15 p.m ; an-"’.the tWo veliloles collided, po­ MotoSt*., Circle w ill' he held ; held tomorrow at-7:30 p.m. at the Bob Halprin of Bast Hartford lice said. ■Wednesdkji,at 8 p m. s t the home j Covenant Cftngiegallonal Chureh. In at. Justin's Church hill, Hart­ Mae M. Vennard .and his Dixieland 9and, add aeven Kuhnis was charged.with making of Mrs. Patfiels Bolduc, 153 Brook- Choir practice at 8:45 p.m. will be ford. Father Stack has been on th e ; rofessional vaudeville a,$ta will ail improper right turn from the FUNERAL VOL. LXXVII, NO. 290 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWo SECTIONS) field-St. , 1 followed by a .social. faculty St. Thomaa l^tfmlnary j The smiling eyes shd hearty go presentisd by the Req Men's left lane. His court date is Satur- “-V - ——\ I and la active In the National Conn-1 laugh that greet you as you enter Lodge Manchester High day. SERVICE lainne Lodge, No. 7if>Knighls of 1 The Early .Storv (ircle of the ell of Chrlatiana and Jews and the: the office at Town Court belong School-^ auditorium Wednesday Kuhne's,4;ar was towed from the Walter N. PythisA will resume Its regular: South Melhodisl WSC.S will meet Catholic 'Art Assn. , to Mrs. Mae M. 'Vennard, assIsUnt night. Sept. ,17. scene^ by a wrecker operated by Leclerc, meetings, starling tomorrow si 8 tomorrow iiinrning at 10 o'clock clerk of the court. ^ The second annual variety afiow Stewart Johnston, M, of 3 'Munro Director U.Sl May Offer p.m. In Orange Hall, riuring al the church. Manchester llallsn - American' Mae has long been active In of tlje Miantonomnoh Tribe, No. 58, SL As he towed the car east on Chinese CohMhue July and August the officers met; Society will hold an officers' meet-1 public affairs. She has held the,, Improved Order of Red Men Center St . Johnston told police, a Coil Ml 9.5869 to pay necessary bills and sick, Myles McUonoiigh. son of Mr. Ing tomorrow al 7:30 p.m. at tHei assiatant clerk's post' In the red (TORM) will have as its master car approaching him went through . 23 Main Street, Manchester Giina Chance benefits. | and'.Mrs, Henry S. McOonough, of I clubhouse. | brick building housing the Police of ceremonies, Ladd Lyon, inter­ the red light at-W. Center St. and Bolton, and Eugene K Mastran- Department and Town Court on nationally-known entertainer who forced him to swerve his truck to - r i 'e M>s. Ella S. Gallant, w-orthy gelo, sun of, Mr and Mrs. Pascal Ladles of St. .lamea' will hold: E. Middle Tpke. for three years. has appeared several -tlm8s at the the right. Ktibne's car stiiick the To Get IslanSsi matron of Temple Cliapter, Order Masliangelo, both Air I'oice flQTC their annual food and rake safe | "Reania and reama of paper ralladium in London and New fire hydrant on the comer. Police of the Eastern Star, la attending cadets, are allending foiii weeks j riuiraday al Hsle's Department, work," la Mae's personal Job de­ York's Radio City .Music Hall. estimated the second accident WINDOW SHADES By WARREN ROONtS JR. the triennial convenlion in Phila- of smnmei limning at PlplUbiirgh ! Store ■ beginning al 11 am For, scription. "Actually, this means Among the featured^'acts will be damage to be minor. No arrest: Washington, Sept. 10 (JF)— delphla this week. j Air Korce Base. N. Y. .Mrfkjnough ! food pickup, donors are asked to, complete charge of fjmall Claims singers, dancers, acrobats and a was made. 1 ' On Quemoy Beach will he a senior al Trinity Crttlejfe and Civil Claims Court. I'm re- magician, as well as a special sur­ LONG WEARING The United States apparently 'contact Mrs, .Jerome Walsh, 38 is offering Red China a chance Manchester Emblem Club will and .Maslrangelo will be -a .senior i Gerard St,, or Mrs. William C. | 'sponslble for entering and assign­ prise act. meet tomorrow night at the Elks • at Ihe llniversity of .ronnecticul. INTERSTATE CLEANTEX I Collins, 83 Coburn Rd. j ing cases for hearing. Isaiilng The show, which will not be fol­ By BPENOrai MOOBA f was the third sucli' wafntng this to gain eventually through jm- Home for a business meeting at Jiidgmenls and the e x e c ii 11 o"n lowed by dancing as It was a OfVE HER Made to Order tience and peaceful negotia­ 8 o'clock. The meeting will he . .Miss .Indy Slalnlei. daughter of $ 2 - 2 5 Taipei, Formosa, Sept. 10 week from the Reds), thereof." year ago, will begin at 8:80 p.m., With Tour Rollers , Supply Uiw Halted preceded by a potluck at 6:.30 «i Air and .Mrs Frank Stainlei. Tl Manchester F.inblem Club will, "I'll, never forget one case that CHRISTIAN DIOR {JP)—^The Nationalist accused tion what it ha.8 sought fruit­ hold a rummage, sale Thursday; an hour after the doors open. It was the second straight day lessly through force—the off­ the Elks home, under the rliaii- Keeney .SI . and Miss .lune Fedora, was scheduled for hearing In small AVAllJiBLE AT FULL LINE OF CUSTOM the Chinese Reds today of de­ that -inclement weather in the manship of Mrs. Helen Griffin daughter of Mr and Mrs .loseph from 0 am to 1 pm. al 505 Main , claims court," .Mae aaid, "A local shore islands in the Formosa SI, I VENETIAN BLINDS liberately shelling the civilian Formosa Strait halted movement Fedora. 03 Ollvei ltd. will enter hmider was being aued for dam- I Driver Arrested WELDON’S SHOP population of Querhoy. of ammupition and other supplies Strait. St. Mary's Guild will meet New Brilain Slate Tearhva ttol- agea incuried by a properly own­ Ml If Peiping selies the opportun­ Thursday at 11 a in. in the parish'’ lege tomorrow- as freshmen They The adult choir of St .lames' MAIN STREET ■rhe offshore island was still cut under U.S; naval escort to the be­ er, The, owner had to break Into After Accident off from supplies by Ibad weather leaguered outpost. ity, It could spell a rtew era In house. Membera will bring Iheir will niaior In elementary leaiilihg. Church, directed by Ralph .Ma'- part of hia house from the out­ '55 flood, Mae said ahe drove many E. A. JOHNSON U.S.-far ICast relations. own sandwiches. I'pffec and des-, , carOne will resume weekly re-, side to release, an .animal th,tl had after a night long Red artillery In ’Taipei, sharp resentment was hearsala St Ihe chiirrh tomorrow’ : people around A partially isolated bombardment. stirred by thfe proposal of Sen. Tliat era might- be marked by sert will be served by Mrs. Clnvtnn M.'ini liester Association for the been hiiill-ln' when lh«< house was , Manchester, trying to get them ■William R. Kiihne, 18, of 34 Lih- Allison, Mrs. Wtlltam Greenhaigh Help of rtetaidod (’hlldien will al 7;45 pm New members sre rn- j erly St,, was arrested la.st night PAINT GO. The heaviest bombardment was John Sherman Cooper (.R^Kyi that deflated U.S. prestige, and is fear­ erected. The animal was trapped ' out of the area and to their homes trained on Quemoy’s Satfio Beach, the United States persuade the ed by some U.S. officials. But, as and Mrs. Claude Porter. meel Thursdnv al Ihe Biiii'e (Vii- (ouragerl to aMrnd. between the bathroom flooring and' in other parts of the Stale, rut after an accident in which his car HARTFORD lei si 8 p in for an Imporlant busi­ I was badly damaged. Later, as his 723 Main St.. Tel. Ml 9-4501 the island’s best landihg point. No Nationalists to wUhdraw from the even some In the Stale Depart­ Ihe only way he,could be removed off by washed-out bridges. "One I enr wa.s being towed from the supplies are known to , have Quemoy and Matsu Islands during ment say. It might also mean an ness meet ing ftlhboiis Assembly, Calhnllc was lo cut into the house from -Marine officer. " Mae remembered, SCHOOL OF MUSIC Ladies of Columbus, will hold a ! .scene, police said, tlie wrecker tow- reached the beaieged, island since the projected U.S. diplomatic talks end to, carping criticisms from neu­ the outside." was trying lo gel north of Man- j ing it was" forced to swerve to Red shells blew up an ammunition with Red China.'' tral nations and even some U.S. NewjJort, R. I„ Sept. 10 (/P) Newport, R. I„ Sept. 10 (/P) The weekly meeling of Ihe Man- jcalereil dinner at tlie K of C Home "There wasn't any tloiihl as lo ( hosier to his home.
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