«, SCHOOL SPIRIT THE VOICE OP • i * IN ACTION AD MERCYHURST Published at Mercyhurst* College, Erie, Pennsylvania {.• • •• •Uk. VOL. VIII FEBRUARY. ?1937 NUMBER FIVE Bishop iGantion f Visits tMercyhurst Press i Night J felt Delight" by the assembled Spring Prom Ordinary of Local Diocese Is students, Miss Pauline O'Laughlin His Excellency And Senior Invitations Guest of i College • . addressed "His Excellency, and in H Class Are Entertained Is Held By •teSP Students 1 m a simple and sincere {manner our 8 2 At Dinner lAre Issued joy fat his presence and our wish to celebrities, ' in ^particular £to Sophomores 1 It was ] a solemn ceremony in that his J New Year I would prove President Theodore Roosevelt. At which some two hundred students spiritually successful.^ She {invited the close of the program the whole Faculty Members and Heads attired in academic cap and gown him to play with us the enchant­ company proceeded to the Chapel Elba Armstrong, Prom Queen of College Clubs- And were formally presented to a Bis­ ing gamegof IMake-Believe. Miss of Christ the*!King where Bishop And Her Court Reign Over Classes Will Attend hop in a crimson cape, on the af­ Didynia Mathieu spoke enthusias­ Gannon officiated at Benediction Colorful Arranged Banquet ternoon of January 19th in the col­ tically and lovingly of the litera­ of the Blessed Sacrament. ,?: Dance Program lege foyer. •HEpilBlljB flar'lH ture of Dante.lShe concluded her I The Community Room was the Soft lights, glamorous gowns, The Sisters of Mercy have ex­ Bishop's Day is one of the most address with a I beaut iful I prayer scene of a formal dinner attended beautiful as well as the most gra­ of Dante's which she recited in her lovely ladies and chivalrous tended invitations to a. Press by the Senior students. Guests of knights—all these united to make Night dinner to be held in the cious of Mercyhurst's many 'tradi­ native Italian. * The j Mercyhurst honor included His Excellency, Bis­ tions. Although His Excellency, College Glee Club, under the!di­ the Mercyhurst annual mid-winter state dining room of the College hop Gannon; the Bishop's secre­ Prom not only the largest, but on Tuesday, February 16th at the Right Reverend! John Mark rection of Mrs. Maude Wilbert, en­ tary, the Reverend Alfred M. Wat­ Gannon, Bishop ofS Erie, is ever tertained with several selections, fi also one of • the most successful 7 p. m. Those invited to attend son; the Reverend Raymond r Mc- ever held. '?The Sophomore class are Miss McKee, Miss Hyacinth welcome at Mercyhurst gby virtue Bishop Gannon was introduced Quillen, Chancellor of -the Erie of his office as Chancellor of the members, under the interested Yaple, and j Miss Margaret Phalan by the Reverend James M. Powers, diocese; the Reverend Aloys Dur­ leadership of Miss Eugenia Andre- of the Times,& Mrs. Timmy Mit­ College, it has seemed well to set Chaplain of Mercyhurst College. ing, Professor of German at Mer­ ( aside one day in the school year to covitch, spared! no effort to make chell and Miss Jeannette Battel 1 of His Excellency jj recalled | for us cyhurst College; and the Reverend the entertainment a most enjoy­ the Dispatch and Mrs. E. A. Kane be most'especially his day, when other receptions at which,^instead James M. Powers, Chaplain at it is our privilege to become more able one. of the Lake Shore Visitor. Repre­ of receiving College Seniors laden Mercyhurst. The table was at­ The climax of the evening came senting the faculty will be Miss particularly acquainted with a bis­ with traditional dignity, grave tractively decorated&in a color hop. when the secret of the Prom Rita Tierney, head of Mercyhurst Juniors, staid Sophomores, and scheme of yellow and orange, with Queen's identity was revealed and athletics, Miss Ruth Whalen, di­ A program in the auditorium frightened Freshmen who "flut­ slender candles, hoses, iand smilax Miss Elba Armstrong ascended her rector of home economics, Miss followedtthe formal reception. Af­ tered like butterflies — or bumble­ forming the centerpiece. throne to be crowned by Little Didynia Mathieu, of the Italian ter the singing of "With Heart­ bees," he was himself presented —Margaret Gould Thompson, '38 Miss Jay Gould. Waving palms department, and Miss Beatrice provided a pleasing setting for Mulcahey, director of dramatics. the Queen, who was gowned in The President of each class and Edward L O'Brien Discusses Recusant Poets black chiffon velvet and who wore club in the college will be in at­ a tiara of gardenias nestling in tendance. They are Betty Taylor, Reformation period, have ex- her dark curls. Senior class president, Marie Short Story Authority Speaks pressed those ideals fort which Informal Talk Centers On The Grand Promenade, led by O'Malley, Junior class president, On Hidden Period In they died in poetry of unusual -•- Criticism of Narrativ the Queen and her court, brought Eugenia Andrecovich, Sophomore English History J depth and beauty, ourMr. KJO'Brie unenu •: Literature the delightful evening to a close. class president, Eleanor Ries, selected three of these poets for —Edith Regan, '88 Freshman class president, Eleanor Edward J. O'Brien, short story special discussion—Blessed Philip cism of the short story, and dis­ :-o-: O'Sullivan, Editor-in-chief of the Howard, Blessed Henry Walpole, cussed this form of literature anthologist and critic,, addressed ^ "Merciad", Mary Oiaiola, Prefect S. J., and Blessed Robert South** with charming frankness and ab­ SO DALITS NOTES jthe students of Mercyhurst on of the Sodality, Anne Fox, Presi­ well, all martyred in 1595, and sorbing interest. The ideal of the February 1 in the fifth lecture of dent of Student Council, Martha quoted excerpts from a poem of short story, as expressed by Mr. Mercyhurst" has already taken Mary Kettering, President of the the current series. Speaking on the each—"Eternal Exile," "A Prison­ O'Brien, is to reveal character, active part in the newly organized Sociology. Club, Edith Regan, Pres­ Recusant Poets, Mr. O'Brien er's Song," and "New Heaven, with sympathy and understanding, Speakers' Bureau of the Erie So­ ident of Book Lover's Club, Mary opened to us an hitherto unknown New War." The lives of these and to "show the shadow of the dality Union, an organization Lou Burd, President of Pegasus period of English literature. great martyrs, whose very poems Divine behind it, transfusing it and which has on record the names of Society, Anne Morin, Vice-presi­ In beginning his subject, Mr. were a I testimony to sufferings those who volunteered or who dent of Janus Club, Marjorie Alge, O'Brien gave a brief sketch of the endured with much fortitude, are illuminating it." were appointed to speak on one of President of the Roost Club, Mar­ life and work of Louise Imogen an inspiration to poets of all ages. Mr. O'Brien left us with a new the topics selected by the Catho­ garet Ann Mooney, President of Guiney, who introduced the Re­ interest in the short story. Now lic Truth Committee of the Central the Math Club, Jane Hurley, Pres­ cusant period to modern students After the lecture, Mr. O'Brien that we have his comments on the Unit. To represent Mercyhurst, ident of the Athletic Association, of literature. Mr. O'Brien is carry­ gave a delightfully informal talk outstanding writers of our own the faculty selected Miss Edith Ida Moore, President of the Phy- ing on her task of arousing rec­ to a small group of short story time, we look forward with pleas­ Began, who chose as her topic lomeletic Club, Margaret McMa- ognition for these writers through enthusiasts. Mr. O'Brien has all ure to his latest anthology—the "Our Lady of Lourdes," and Miss han, President of the 0. G. A., an appreciation of their poetry. the "inside information" on the 1937 edition. $ ' W Helen Gowans, whose subject is Katherine Lechner, President of The Recusants, martyrs of the conception, presentation and criti- I —Margaret O'Sulllvan, '88 "Atheism." the S. 0. S., a Representative of Our representative to the Sym­ Sorores Togatae, and a Represen­ LE CERCLE FRANC A IS posium, which this year will take tative of the International Rela­ SOCIOLOGY SB1TS FORD-ALLEN the form of a debate, is Miss tions Club. Le Cercle Francais s'est reuni Eleanor O'Sullivan, who will speak Simultaneous with the second On Saturday, February 6, the —Marjorie Alge,f'37 le 22 Janvier pour presenter un on "The Claims of Christ." The semester came new courses, new marriage of Natalie Ford and Paul programme litteraire. Erie presentation, to which all are :-o-: books, and a new Club for the So­ Allen took place in the chapel of invited, will be February 28, at ciology Department. Mile Edith Regan a donne une Christ the King. The Reverend Villa Maria College. ' CX G. A* Alumnae The new courses include Psycho- causerie sur la Renaissance en James Powers, chaplain at Mercy­ —•Helen Gowans, '38 | Speak at Initiation pathology, The Family and The France. Mile Ruth Naomi Hays a hurst, officiated. >o State. Earnest interest in 6 these recite une epitre de Clemente Ma- The bride, who was given in rot, intitulee A* Son Ami Lyon; new courses was manifested even marriage by her father, wore a Tea*Dance ] Follows yj; On Friday Evening, January 15, Mile Marie Jeanne Whitcomb, une by those who are not Sociology white satin dress and a tiara ef­ the O. G. A. welcomed thirty new piece de vers, Cassandre par Pier­ Mid*Year Prom students proper. fect veil with chin strap.
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