, , ~ Browns )Be Team ~ilwaukee .Serving the State The Weather " - The otto!'!. University of Iowa Cloudy with little elwlp \ " It Milwaukee will ' In tempera ture toda,.. or league city 1\ . Campus and Ul"hU,. eolder ThUl'llday. )ut again but this JIl&'h today, 28: low. ZO. t. Louis Browns, Iowa City Hl&'h Tuescby, 84; low, 26. lIon Braves, who owan , move into thaI N MUnicipal Sla • • Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Wednesday. Dec. 24, 1952 - Vol. 97. No. 64 the Braves own ranchise," an in. but the ~rown$ within two-three 11 10 the works, ovon's president) cord tor Milwau- j lIe he can dispose lIe in St. Louis, t, But he has been certain Mllwau. e u se II months now." e• ·w \ agues, at their 1ix, Ariz., recent. I ma.kiog it reJa· switch a major Last Removed Enemy Troops to another oltv. to Mil w ~ ukee , r~q ulre ex Ulnsive From Battered (hopped Up !Ilg huge pa)­ crlca n association , he Braves. French Sh,p BEIRUT, LelJanon (A')--Sklli!ul By Artillery READY Levantine boatmen removed the ( (.4') - Archie last of the passengers and crew of SEOUL ('Wednesday) (JP)- AI­ Monday official. the wrecked French lwer Cham­ By Anna Blake Mezquida Hed artillery, firing in roarinc bar­ State Athl ~tlc pollion Tuesday after 16 or more rages, chop~d up a Chinese Com­ thl\ t the newly had perished in frenzied attempts avyweig/lt cham· I know. For I have seen it in the munist battalion attack on the to ! i g h t their 'Way to shore ~l. N0W fa ith ;s substance 01 the western front In the predawn defend his HUe throu$h raging sur!. ' ) things not seen: \ East- ~r pin if the Bri· Some died in leaps into the sea hours ot the day berore Christ· ~ shot. Manager after hours of horror aboard thlt . The very young know this l And north ond south and mas. \ told Bob Crls­ listing, broken hulk of the 12,546- But before the A llied big guns an of the com· ton vessel and others were lost In 'he very old; west, , mark its beam; ore is willing ' to • routed an estimated 750 Reds, UN the capsizing of a liieboa t before , They grasp ;ntangibility" S pright And in spme ugly spot where I N'ew York next the rescue operations slarted to troops and Communlsts fought [, (Daily Iowan Photo b , Tom Coa_IDS) click. • sheen- think least bloody, hand-to-hand action In the frozen bunker and trench outposts CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONOE A YEAR but you cl\n stretch it 16 Bodlejl Found The song, the dream, the To find a star, I foflow its ~ a. UUle it you I'd a head start In opening presents. GeUlnl' the Exactly how many died may not Of T-Bone Ridge. Jump on Santa. are Ellen Glasgow, who will be two y.ears old on be known for days, But 16 bodies, miracle Foretold. white gleam. "Reports from the division hold­ New Y'e1Ll"S day. brother Jimmy, 3, and big brot.her Danny, 4. broken by the offshore rocks and ing T-Bone RldiC said our artil­ Their fatheT, Bruce GlasC'DW, graduated from the SUI coUere of lery almost completely destroyed stained by fuel oil (rom the Even to Heartb,,~ak Ridge the If died not on Judea's hills, , HOEK . commerce In lst9 and Mrs. Glasgow from the coUege of liberal liner's ripped tanks, have been the first wave of Chinese," an -:ftll ,ON arts in 1948. GlaSI'OW Is employed In an Iowa City plumbl~ and recovered. Observers on the beach Three Kings tide; know; eighth army slaff offlcer said. ltutl.nl" firm. The family lives at 112 S. Summit st. estimated 3Cl we.l·okilled.-J () irom Artillery Open Dud iliNeNe •• ! e Down years thgi, shadows If did not show me where f1e the overturned lifeboat and 20 The ballle opened with an <lrlll­ AFamiliar Job -- mo ng the swimmers. lengthen on 'he lond; • loy, ,hen dim.­ lery and mortllr duel at. mldnlght. I Harbor craft and sur[ ,boats co- . The song ;s heard, and still a For still on slorless nights I Three hours later the Chinese ! ij;j. stormed tho outlying approaches of Sk in the rescue. -d t A · I , light shall goide, watch its glow, 'I'-Bone Ridjc aod piled into th _ 11:00 A.M. P 5 resl en : urlO , ee t h~ ' ~~;~\ri;O!~\lap~;~iL :~~: And your hil/ the march­ And by its brightness find forward trenches and bunkers. ;MAS SHOW · Champollion, which snapped in on There Alli ed troops fought the stack after ing star will stand. my way to Him! Reds hand-ta-hund. Ne w I Frene h Pre m I er b:~~~d~~r Il~;.g le The staft ofticer said that, 31- . PARIS (JP)- President Vincent --:-. , 328 Persona Aboard thougl1 the Chinese r ached Allied Auriol WBS back at a familiar job stabIllty before, beLI~g brought She broke on sand and rock positions, the UN troops were nol Tuesday night-trying to tind ;l down by converglOg attacks, from miles south of this city at 2 overrun. new premier for Franae. r.lght and left an~ the d.efectlon of Monday with 3ilS persons . part of his coahtlOn majority. of them Christmas Fanatic Char." It was the ~Ird t~me thIS yeu- The franc sagged and the pl'ice Holy Land. The UN eommalld headquart.ers and the 18th lime SlDce the w~r of gold climbed. communique relen cd ln Tokvo that the President of the llepubhc took off 40 persons said "Canatically charging enemy has been called on to perform his It took 415 francs to buy a the liner's master, Capt. troops in estimated baltl\lIon constitutional task of picking a Tuesday on the blac,k through waves that strength tried to punch 0 hole in man commanding evcn a precal'- though 390 were enough across a rocky shoal Allied lines on the western sector ious majority 1n parliament so as most of Pinay's smashed white upon a beach of the Korean tront early today." to give the ~ountry a government, administrati,on. than a quarter mile away. It addcd: , " l'llJay resigned early Tuesday (Picture on Pan 3) , Al1tome Plnay, the conservatlvfe morning when Foreign Minister "UN Lorces stood thelr ground little leather merchant from S_ Rob ert Schuman's Catholic Repub- • and th.rew back the hostile chargc a ftcr a sharp clash." Chamond, Was out. He had gl~en Ii can party (MRP) decided to ab- the nation nine months of relatlve stain on the iirst of three confi- McGranery Orders The aUack was the biggest since ,08 OA_70011 the assault two weeks ago on Blll r UP8 ''II · '' and LHtle Nori Hills, also on the '10 of SUI Faculty ~~~~~ ' s ~~~; b~ndg~~.nnection with FBI to Investigate or UBBaTf . For 15 hours, Auriol refused to western Iront. OIAI/' T-Bone Hill lies northwest of Chorwon, Lbe sector or some of IT N-ZWS - To Attend ~ Meeting ~~eCs ~:~ke~!~~tf~~iI~:aS .Y. Dock Rackets Ten StrI faculty members WIll abandoned hope of bringing , the fiercest <lcUons ot J952 , It lies attend a national speech conven~ waning sections of the majority WASHINGTON (JP) - Atty. Gen. along the ancient invasion route lion in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 29 together and persuadini Pinay ~o ames P. McGranery late T~sday to Seoul. through 31. stay on. order~d the, F~I to make a ~ull Loudlpeaken Used For days, Chinese loudspeakers Representa~ives of the speech MRP members pulled the scale mvestJgatlon ,of racketeenog department are professors Orville from under Pinay by deciding on the New York waterfl:ont. along ihe tront have bl ~red ",ro­ paganda me S sag e s to AlJied Hitchcock, A. Craig Baird, Wen- abstain in a scheduled confidence ~he New York st~te c:lme c?m­ troops sa.ving the Communists .dell Johnson, Carl A. Dallinger, " ole involving transfer of family mission has ,been mqu~r!ng I~to would be in Seoul by Christmas. "Earl D. Schubert, and Hugh F. bonus funds to social security New, York, harb!)r con~ltlons,. 10- But there has been no sign of Seab ury. "I'hich is ahvays running short volvmg UDlon and public offiCIals, the huge troop movements and Also attending the 3-day con- cash. Such a lransfer would have for ma~y weeks., hoL attacks in battalion and relli­ vcntlon will be professors Nor- doomed the MRP's plan for in- The Ulv~ stiga tion has' b~ought ment size which would be re­ man C. Meier of the psychology creasing the bonus money paid sworn testimony a~out . a reIgn of quired to test out defenses beCorc department, Walter S. Dewey of heads of families to en co terror and gangsterISm m the dock 5uch a major attack. the dramatic arts department, them to have children. The area. None took the boast scriously. Thomas Farrell Jr, of the English is the traditional defender of McGranery ISsued thIS state- Everyone thought it was another department and Russell Meyers or family In France, where religion ment: , holiday propaganda stunt. The the neurosurgery department. is sUII a big issue in "The department . of Justice Reds made the same bral be[ore lEI TO,mE -:;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;================..:.:;==!;;;;==.Iwhlch has been watchmg the New .. York waterfront situation tor ThanksglvJng. and nothing hap­ GAUCHO I months, now has sufficient evf.. cened. r ANGEL denee of federal law violation :0 -----------------.:......--------'----....,..-7'-'-:---------------------- 'World News Briefs warrant a full-scale investigation." • ' .
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