THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL. xvi. NO. 7. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1890. WHOLE NO. 790. THE INSTITUTE AT S.UJXK. the program of the institute by readin John Schumacher. More Divorces Wanted. an interesting and valuable paper on th Few men will be missed in Ann Arbor Two more suits for divorce have been A Complete Success.—A large Crowd question : " Will it Pay Farmers to Dis Present ami Some Excellent pose of Native and Grade Cittle, and In more than John Schumacher, who died at filed in the circuit c^urt this week, the Papers Hiad.-A Brief Re- n vest in Plain-bred Registered Cattle fo: his home on North street last Monday parties to both suits hailing from Ypsi- port of the Meetlnc- Beef and Dairy Purposes? " morning. For more than thirteen years lan'i, the city which is fast gaining a no- NEXT WEEK, The institute was a success from begin the cause cf temperance in this city has toriety through the county by the number The first faimers' institute held under ning to end, the entire program being car ried out as advertised, a rare feature in had no more earnest defender and the re- of cases of this character which come i ] the auspices cf the Saline Farmers' Club, such cases. The Saline Farmers' Club de formed man no truer friend. from there. was held at Saline on Tuesday and serves praise for the work done, and th John Schumacher was born at Ann Ar- The parties to the first suit, Emma We will mention a few of the Special Drives • Wednesday of last week, and wa3 a suc- example set by it should be follower bor in September 1839, and was conse- Cunningham and terrain Cunningham, cess in every particular. Tee opera house, by Ilia other clubi ia the county. quently fifty years of age at the time of were married at Dftroit, Feb. 28, 1883.that can be seen on our centre tables, with prices where the meetings were held, was his death. His father, Frederick Schu- About six months after the marriage, the displayed over each lot. crowded at every session, and had the THE MICHIGAN CLUB 1I1\(|IH macher, was one of the earliest settlers in husband began drinking and became an this part of the state. Between the ages habitual drunkurd, and neglected to sup- roads been in good condition, Saline All Arrangements Complete — I.is of fourteen and seventeen, John lived in port his wife, for which reasons she asks could not haye accommodated the crowd. A 23 Pieces Assorted Stripe*, Plaids and Plain Dress Goods at 8y-c of the Speakers. Detroit and Toledo, the remainder of his the circuit court to grant her a divorce. 30 " " " " " » " _ at 15c brief sketch of the meetings and of tii3 work life being spent in this city. Upon his In the second c«se Catherine Krauth The Fifth Annual Banquet of the Michi- 40 ' " '• " " double fold Suitings, worth from 30 to done, which was received too late for pub- return to Ann Arbor he apprenticed him- asks to be freed from the bonds which unite gan Club will beJi3ld at the Detroit Rink her to Gottlieb Krauth, to whom she was 45c at 23c lication last week, is given below: self to Louis Risden, hardware dealer on on Friday evening, February 21. Th Main-st., in whose employ he remained married in 1S72, and they lived together 15 Pieces Plain Colored, All Wool Serge, 36 inches wide, in dark colors, at 35c, worth 50c per y'd. THE OPENING. most prominent men in the Republican until Jan. 24 last. She charges him with party have taken part in the exercises of thi for several years after learning his trade, Another lot of All Wool 36 inch Suitings, at 35c,>worth 45c per y'd. The institute opened Tuesday evening) until he started in business for himself. extreme cruelty, and with having struck four preceeding banquets, and the presen her with his fist, with a chair, and with 30 Pieces Assorted Plaids and Stripes in Serges and Suitings at 45c, former prices from 50 to 75c. the president of the club, II. W. Bassett, At the age of twenty-two he was married 10 Pieces 54 inch Broadcloths in new colorings, at 80c. one will be no exception. Senator Stock to Miss Sarah Harkins, who with four anything that he could get hold of. He opening the session by an address of wel- bridge will preside, Gov. Luce will deliver children survives him. Twosisters are living pulled her out of bed and struck her with 15 Pieces 54 inch Twilled Broadcloths In new colorings at 90c per yard, come, in which he presented a few facts the address of welcome, and the Michi in the city, Mrs. Esther Andrus and Mrs. a chair on Christmas eve., and often threat- regarding the situation of the farmer. gan delegation in Washington will be we] Christian Schumacher. His business ca- ened her life. Tney hav« one child, a bjy represented. Secretary of the Interior, 10 years of sge. This week will close our Embroidery and Tow- Following was a paper by Prof. Samuel Noble, Senator W. P. Frye of Maine, reer has been one of moderate prosperity, Johnson, of Lansing, the subject being, and he possessed the confidence and es- el Sale. All watch and observe what is going on Senator Gilbert A. Pierce of Dakota, Ex- teem of all his associates. He held for "The Relation of the Educated Farmer to Senator Blanche K. Bruce, Hon. W. O, two terms the office of city treasurer, was at THE STORE. the Community and the State," in which Bradley of Kentucky, and Hon. John M. Thurston of Nebraska, all as good orators for seven years president of the red rib- he dwelt upon the importance of a higher as the country affords, have positively bon club, following itsorganization in 187G, education of the farmer to the require- and was an active member ot the good promised to be present and respond to templars and various other societies. ments of his profession, and the hand he toasts. It is also possible that Chauncey Mack & Schmid. should wield in the political and financial M. Depew, Gen. Wm. Mahone of Vir- matters of the state. The subject was ginia, Congressman Lodge of Mass., and His best work will never be written. Congressman Hecderson of Iowa, will be Only those whom his genial sympathy then opsned to the house and several of present. the audience ably discussed it. has lifted to a better life know the full extent of what he has done. For many | A recitation, "The High Tide on the WTF. LODHOLZ The club has secured the services of years his store on Ma'n street has been -IS OFFERING- Coast of Lincolnshire," by Miss Cynthia first-class decorator, and the decorations the centre of all forms of temperance work. Hurd, was next, and was recdered in a this year will be elaborate, artistic and He possessed the rare faculty of retaining unique. The attendance to the bacquet almost universal friendship while engaged Bargains in Groceries & Provisions k creditable manner. will be confined to the members of the with intense earnestness in reformatory B. N. Smith of Pitts-field, fallowed with Club and to members of Branch c'ubs work. LOOK AT THEM: an able paper on "How Shall We Im- good standing. His funeral was held at his late resi- 5 lbs. good Japan Tea for _$1 00 Yellow Peaches, worth 25c, for I8c per can. 7 bars of Laundry Soap for 2oc Pie peaches for 15c per can. prove Our Roads?'' in which he gave his The price of tickets will be the same as dence on Wednesday afternoon and was Best Michigan Test Oilpergal 07c Fine mixed Roasted Coffee for 25c per pound. previous year, $2. The Michigan railf largely attended. The services were con- Best Water White Oil per gal 08c Our Beauty smoking Tobacco 20c per pound. ideas of the proper way to handle our POWDER 3 Cans Choice Tomatoes for 25c Mixed Candy 10c per pound. roads will give special rates to parties o- ducted by the pastors of the Baptist and 3 Cans Choice Corn for 25c country roads, dwelling upon the import- All Goods fresh and warranted. ten or more, on application to ticket Lutheran churches. A memorial service Absolutely Pure. Best Baking Powder in 1 pound cans, 25c per lb. ance of proper drainage and advocating will be held on Sunday afternoon at the This powder never varies. A marvel of purity! agents. An informal reception to the strength and wholesomeness. Mrre economical the use of the improved road machine. speakers will take place on the afternoon opera house, at which addresses will be than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in It will pay you to trade with W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 and 6 Broadway. delivered by Rev. S. Haskell, Prof. J. B. competition with the multitude of low test, short The opening oFthe subject to ihe au Jience, of the 21st, at the Club House at three weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in brought forth a number of spirited dis- o'clock. The annual election of the Club Steere, Dr. W. J. flerdman, Supt. W. S. Cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wal.T for the ensuing year will take place at the Perry and others. t., N. Y. cussions, as this was really the most im- Club House during the day of the 21st.
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