1 TRENDS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STU DIES AVANT The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard AVANT Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej 2/2012 EDITORS OF THIS ISSUE / REDAKTORZY TEGO NUMERU Witold Hensel, Dawid Lubiszewski, Przemysław Nowakowski, Nelly Strehlau, Witold Wachowski TORUŃ 3 ISSN: 2082-6710 AVANT. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard AVANT. Pismo Awangardy Filozoficzno-Naukowej Vol. III, No. 2/2012 (October-December 2012), English Issue Toruń 2012 The texts are licensed under / Teksty udostępniono na licencji: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Graphics design / Opracowanie graficzne: Karolina Pluta & Jacek S. Podgórski. Cover/Okładka: pictures by / obrazy autorstwa: Teresa Young (front/przód: "The Ripple Effect"; back/tył: " Flight Of The Humblebee"). Graphics inside by / Grafika wewnątrz autorstwa: Karolina Pluta. Address of the Editorial Office / Adres redakcji: skr. poczt. nr 34, U.P. Toruń 2. Filia, ul. Mazowiecka 63/65, 87-100 Toruń, Poland www.avant.edu.pl/en [email protected] Publisher / Wydawca: Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych, ul. Stawki 3/20, 00-193 Warszawa, Poland www.obf.edu.pl Academic cooperation: university workers and PhD students of Nicolaus Copernicus University (Toruń, Poland). Współpraca naukowa: pracownicy i doktoranci Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. The Journal has been registered in District Court in Warsaw, under number: PR 17724. Czasopismo zarejestrowano w Sądzie Okręgowym w Warszawie pod numerem: PR 17724. ADVISORY BOARD / RADA NAUKOWA Chairman/Przewodniczący: Włodzisław Duch (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Nan- yang Technological University); Krzysztof Abriszewski (Nicolaus Copernicus Univer- sity); Ewa Bińczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Maciej Błaszak (Adam Mickie- wicz University); Tadeusz Ciecierski (University of Warsaw); Fred Cummins (Univer- sity College Dublin); Tom Froese (University of Tokyo); Marek Kasperski (ThinkLab); Joel Krueger (University of Copenhagen); Dariusz Łukasiewicz (Kazimi- erz Wielki University); Jacek Malinowski (Polish Academy of Sciences; Nicolaus Co- pernicus University); Sofia Miguens (University of Porto); Marcin Miłkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences); Jean-Luc Petit (Université de Strasbourg; Collège de France); Robert Poczobut (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku); Piotr Przybysz (Adam Mickiewicz University); Eleanor Rosch (University of California); Bartłomiej Świątczak (Univer- sity of Science and Technology of China). PEER REVIEW BOARD / KOLEGIUM RECENZENCKIE Glenn Carruthers (Macquarie University); Igor Dolgov (New Mexico State Universi- ty); Tatiana Chernigovskaya (St. Petersburg State University); Kathleen Coessens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Maciej Dombrowski (University of Wrocław); Judith En- riquez (University of North Texas); Katalin Farkas (Central European University); Rafał Gruszczyński (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Tomasz Jarmużek (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Andrzej Kapusta (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University); Piotr Konderak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University); Marek McGann (University of Limer- ick); Kajetan Młynarski (Jagiellonian University); Georg Northoff (University of Ot- tawa); Andrzej W. Nowak (Adam Mickiewicz University); Peter S. Petralia (Manches- ter Metropolitan University); Witold Płotka (University of Gdańsk); John Sutton (Macquarie University). Additionally, AVANT engages occasional peer reviewers / Ponadto AVANT angażuje recenzentów okolicznościowych. TRANSLATORS / TŁUMACZE Krystyna Bielecka; Ewa Bodal; Witold Hensel; Jacek Klimbej; Katarzyna Kuś; Dawid Lubiszewski; Piotr Momot; Przemysław Nowakowski; Jacek S. Podgórski; Nelly Strehlau; Monika Włudzik. 5 EDITORIAL BOARD AND COOPERATORS / REDAKCJA I WSPÓŁPRACA Managing Editor of the issue / Redaktor prowadzący numeru: Przemysław Nowakowski Thematic Editors / Redaktorzy tematyczni: Łukasz Afeltowicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Sociology / Socjologia); Aleksandra Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Philosophy of Language & Philosophy of Science / Filozofia języka i filozofia nauki); Paweł Gładziejewski (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Social Cognitive Science / Kog- nitywistyka poznania społecznego); Witold Hensel (University of Bialystok; Theory of Knowledge / Teoria wiedzy); Anna Karczmarczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Interdisciplinary Studies on Self / Interdyscyplinarne studia nad jaźnią); Tomasz Komendziński (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Interdisciplinary Studies, Enactivism & Neurophenomenology / Studia interdyscyplinarne, enaktywizm i neurofenomenologia); Victor Loughlin (University of Antwerp; Philosophy of Mind & Cognitive Science / Filozofia umysłu i kognitywistyka); Dawid Lubiszewski (Nicolaus Copernicus Universi- ty; Sciences of Complexity / Nauki o złożoności); Jacek S. Podgórski (Nicolaus Coperni- cus University; Interdisciplinary Studies in Immunology / Studia interdyscyplinarne w immunologii); Georg Theiner (Villanova University; Philosophy of Mind & Cognitive Science / Filozofia umysłu i kognitywistyka) Statistical Editor / Redaktor statystyczny: Tomasz Górny Editor of the Review Section / Redaktor działu recenzji: Przemysław Nowakowski Editor for the Media / Redaktor ds. mediów: Błażej Brzostek Language Editors / Redaktorzy językowi: Ewa Bodal (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Paulina Matysiak (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Victoria Stone (University of Bristol); Nelly Strehlau (Nicolaus Copernicus University); Monika Włudzik (Nicolaus Copernicus University). Language Consultation for Translations / Konsultacja tłumaczeń: Ewa Bodal; Nelly Strehlau; Monika Włudzik Technical Editor / Redaktor techniczny: Antoni Wójcik Art Editor / Redaktor artystyczny: Karolina Pluta Proofreading/Korekta: Bartłomiej Alberski; Aleksandra Szwagrzyk Cooperation / Współpraca: Antoni Domański (artist/plastyk); Iwo Fisz (lawy- er/prawnik); Przemysław Staroń (specialist for practice & theory of art therapy / spe- cjalista ds. praktyki i teorii arteterapii) Editorial Secretary / Sekretarz redakcji: Jan Iwańczyk Executive Editor / Redaktor naczelny: Witold Wachowski Table of contents ENGLISH Preface 9 A REMEDY CALLED AFFORDANCE A. Klawiter: What will you do to me when you see me? 11 Anthony P. Chemero: With the most profound misgivings. Interview 17 D. Dotov, L. Nie & M. de Wit: Understanding affordances 28 S. Golonka & A. Wilson: Gibson’s ecological approach 40 A. Barsingerhorn, F. Zaal, J. Smith & G-J. Pepping: Possibilities for Action 54 T. Horton, A. Chakraborty & R. Amant: Affordances for robots: a brief survey 70 A. Costall: Canonical affordances in context 85 A. Alsmith: The concept of a structural affordance 94 M. Dombrowski: Complexity – emergence – ecological cognition 108 T. Komendziński: Multimodal dynamics of coordination 122 M. Turvey: From Physical Education to Physical Intelligence. Comments 126 Selected literature on affordances 139 Embodied Interviews T. Froese: Sense-making with a little help from my friends. Introduction 143 E. Di Paolo & H. De Jaegher: Sense-making with… Interview 147 P. Nowakowski: And I told no one. Introduction 160 F. de Vignemont: How many bodies we can find in one mind... Interview 162 Book Reviews D. Lubiszewski: The redness of red 175 D. Lubiszewski: Complexity is around us 180 A. Tuszyński: Bringing sociality into the realm of the brain physics 183 M. Karpiński: Language in Action 187 Studies on Musical Practise D. Menin & A. Schiavio: Rethinking Musical Affordances 202 Interviews with Marcin Oleś and Bartłomiej Brat Oleś 216 Artist of the issue Teresa Young: Painting from the Inside Out 238 Authors of the issue 242 7 9 Preface Dear Readers, we are pleased to present this year's third issue of AVANT. The leading theme of the issue is the contemporary status of the concept of affordances: their significance and scope as well as the controversies related to them. Hovewer, we did not aim to provide a general, uniform evaluation, nor to prepare a complete current guide of a kind. The actual status of the studies on affordances is presented through reviews, comments and analyses by selected researches: from the esteemed ones – such as Michael T. Turvey, Anthony P. Chemero or Alan Costall – to the others who have not made their names known in the field yet. The Embodied Interwiews with Ezequiel Di Paolo and Hanne De Jaegher as well as Frederique de Vignemont constitute a reference to the theme above, placed in a wider context. As a supplement, we also present selected book reviews. The section devoted to studies on musical practice has also been visited by the ubiqui- tous concept of affordances. Hovewer, it also includes – a typical for AVANT – coun- terpoint: interviews with two gifted vanguard musicians: the Oleś brothers. The issue closes with a conversation with the Canadian painter Teresa Young. We would finally like to take this opportunity to extend our special gratitude to Prof. Andrzej Klawiter (Adam Mickiewicz University) and Dr. Tom Froese (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Editorial Board Torun-Warsaw-Bydgoszcz, 08.12.2012 10 A Remedy called Affordance AVANT Volume III, Number 2/2012 www.avant.edu.pl/en 11 What will you do to me when you see me? Perception as searching for affordances in the environment Andrzej Klawiter Department of Logic and Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland klawiter[]amu.edu.pl Received 12 December 2012; accepted 15 December 2012; published online 27 December 2012. translated by Monika Włudzik Abstract Contemporary research on action-perception coupling draws on Gibson's concept of affordances.
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