Canadian Journal of Philosophy announces the reprinting in response to demand of New Essays IN THE Philosophy of Mind Edited by John King-Farlow and Roger A. Shiner Contents Observation and Subjectivity in Quine—Harold Morick Actions—L. H. Davis Can Desires be Causes of Actions?—D. A. Browne Strawson's Transcendental Deduction of Other Minds—/. L. Martin Physicalism and the Evolution of Consciousness—Roland Puccetti Scientific Reduction and the Mind-Body Problem—L F. Mucciolo Wittgenstein on Verification and Private Language—]. S. C/egg Can One Recognize Kinds of Private Object?—Charles E. Marks Price $7.00 Order from: Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 4-108 Humanities Centre, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E5 An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry Founded 1888 by Edward C. Hegeler Editor, Eugene FREEMAN Editorial Board: William P. Alston, Monroe C. Beardsley, Lewis White Beck, William A. Earle, Dagfinn Fi^llesdal, William Frankena, Maurice Mandelbaum, R. Barcan Marcus, Richard Martin, Mary Mothersill. Joseph Owens, Richard Rorty, J. B. Schneewind, Wilfrid Sellars, John E. Smith, Richard Wasserstrom. Managing Editor. Ann FREEMAN EACH ISSUE IS LIMITED TO ARTICLES ON A SINGLE GENERAL TOPIC. Communicate with the Editor in advance for Special Instructions. Papers should be 4000-8000 words in length and must be submitted in duplicate nine months prior to the scheduled publication of the issue, accompanied by return postage. SCHEDULED PUBLICATION DATES: ~ Vol.60, No. 1 Jan., 1977 Bioethics and Social Responsibility Vol.60, No. 2 Apr., 1977 Philosophy and Religion in the Nineteenth Century Vol. 60, No. 3 July, 1977 New Directions in Semantics Vol.60, No. 4 Oct., 1977 Historicism and Epistemology Vol. 61, No. 1 Jan., 1978 Conceptions of the Self: East and West Vol. 61, No. 2 Apr., 1978 The Philosophy of Thomas Reid Vol. 61, No. 3 July, 1978 Nominalism, Past and Present Vol. 61, No. 4 Oct., 1978 The Philosophy and Psychology of Cognition Editorial Office: Box 1908, Los Gates, California 95030 Business Office: Box 600, La Salle, Illinois 61301 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: Annual (4 issues): Institutions, $18.00; Individuals, $12.00. Single copies: $4.50. Foreign postage: Add 25 cents to single copy rate or $1.00 to subscription rate. 539 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 27 Sep 2021 at 17:04:52, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition Editor: Wilfrid Sellars, University of Pittsburgh Associate Editor: Keith Lehrer, University of Rochester Contents of Volume 25, No. 4 — May 1974 Charles Echelbarger / Sellars on Thinking and the Myth of the Given. — Donald Sievert / Hume, Secret Powers, and Induction. — Charles E. Marks / Ginet on Wittgenstein's Argument Against Private Rules. — Bredo J. Johnsen / Knowledge. — Sheldon M. Cohen / Sentences, Quotation Marks, and Necessary Truth. — John Tienson / On Analysing Knowledge. — Charles E.M. Dunlop / Performative and Dream Skep- ticism. — J.O. Wisdom / The Incommensurability Thesis. Subscription price per volume of six issues Dfl. 90,—, plus Dfl. 12,50 for postage and handling. Nine issues will be published yearly. Personal subscription price on request. D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY Dordrecht - Holland / Boston - U.S.A. INDIAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY (Formerly 'The Philosophical Quarterly': 1938-1966) Journal ofPratap Centre of Philosophy, Amalner and Department of Philosophy, University ofPoona New Series: Vol. I (1973-74) Contents from recent and forthcoming issues — D. Y. Deshpande / Imperative Inference (October 1973) S. V. Bokil / Can there be a Private Language? (October 1973) Simmon Decloux / Feuerbach and the Young Marx (January 1974) Ashok R. Kelkar / Will, Will and Must (January 1974) Ramchandra Gandhi / Selfconsciousness (April 1974) Wolfe Mays / Scientific Method in Galileo & Bacon (April 1974) K. J. Shah / A Note Towards the Discussion of Sankara's Theory of Error. (October 1974) R. J. Pinkerton & R. W. Waldie / Logical space in the Tractatus (October 1974) R. Sundara Rajan / Philosophy and Psycho Analysis (October 1974) Annually Rs. 15/— / £1.5O/$5.0O (Institutions) Contributions and Review copies to: Rs. 12/— / £1.20/$4.00 (Individuals) S. R. Talghatti. Rs. 6/— (Students) Department of Philosophy. Rs. 4/— (Single copy) University of Poona. Poona 411 007 (INDIA) Editor: S. S. Barlingay Subscriptions to: (Cheques may be drawn in favour of The Registrar. "University of Poona, Indian Philosophical University of Poona. Quarterly") Poona 411 007 (INDIA) 540 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 27 Sep 2021 at 17:04:52, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. Teaching Philosophy VOLUME ONE Fall 1975 NUMBER TWO The Meno in Secondary School Philosophy: A Symposium ROBERT S. BRUMBAUGH 1. Plato's Meno as Form and as Content ot Secondary School Philosophy MALCOLM BROWN 2. Comments on Brumbaugh's Meno for Secondary Schools ROBERT NEVILLE 3. Teaching the Meno and the Reformation of Character HUGO W. THOMPSON 4. The Meno in Secondary Schools: Comments GODFREY VESEY Teaching Philosophy in Great Britain's Open University III) JOSEPH P. DeMARCO Philosophy and Black Studies MICHAEL MARTIN Teaching Teaching Philosophy HARRY R. KLOCKER Philosophy in a Cultural Context BRUCE RUSSELL Beetle Boxes. Demonstrating the Logic of P-predicates. ROBERT C. SOLOMON Graduate Study in Continental Philosophy in American Universities Special Review Section of Open University Materials BOOK REVIEWS CORRESPONDENCE NOTES AND NEWS Editor: Arnold Wilson Location 47, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, USA Subscriptions: $12 to individuals, $20 to all others, for two years (4 issues). Add $1 for postage outside USA. Editor: Alastair Hannay Founding and Consulting Editor: Arne Naess Volume 19 (1976), No. 1 (Spring) Dualism and Bodily Movements Thomas W. Bestor What is Wrong with Incest? Jerome Neu Spiral Dependence between Theories and Taxonomy Berent En; Reductionism and Structural Anthropology Ivan Strenski The Training of Socrates Philip B. Wright Marx's Analysis of Commodity Exchange: A Reply to Carver Ulrich Steinvorth The Other Side of Ecology in Ancient Greece: Comments on Hughes John Rodman E. Gellner: Legitimation of Belief Peter Mew Volume 19 (1976), No. 2 (Summer) The Foundations of Cognitive Activity Knut Erik Tranoy Justice and the Family Francis Schrag Rawls and Gandhi on Civil Disobedience Vinit Haksar Toward a Theory of Moral Debt. Pt. 2. The Factual Grounds. A: The Good and Human Freedom Morris B. Storer The Durability of Impossible Objects: A Reply to Lambert Richard Routley On 'The Durability of Impossible Objects' Karel Lambert Charles Taylor: Hegel G. H. R. Parkinson Steven Lukes: Power: A Radical View Akeel Bilgrami Subscription: £6.25, $15.00 (institutions): £5.00, $12.00 (individuals) Published quarterly by UNIVERSITETSFORLAGET, P.O. Box 7508, Skillebekk, Oslo 2, Norway 541 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 27 Sep 2021 at 17:04:52, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. HERMATHENA A DUBLIN UNIVERSITY REVIEW Goldsmith the goodnatured man A. N. Jeffares Donne's elegies and Roman love elegy A. J. Peacock The second thoughts of Augustus on the res publica in 28/7 BC Paul Cartledge A letter from Theodor Cock to J. P. Mahaffy S. F. Ryle Anthony Collins: his thought and writings D. Berman Provost Huntington: injunctions to schoolmasters in 1684 T. C. Barnard Fragment from an unpublished dialogue of Galileo (Time: between 1910-1920) Erwin Schrodinger No. CXIX. 1975 DUBLIN: HODGES FIGGIS AND CO. LTD LONDON: THE ACADEMIC PRESS LTD Annual Subscription Two numbers £3 or $7.50 Single numbers $5 Being and Existence in Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works JOHN W. ELROD In this study Elrod demonstrates that Kierkegaard's pseudonymous writings have an ontologica! foundation that unites the disparate elements of these books. The descriptions of the different stages of human development are not fully understandable, the author argues, without an awareness of the role played by this ontology in Kierkegaard's analysis of human existence. $11.50 Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Authorship A Study of Time and the Self MARK C. TAYLOR This book deals with a central problem in the writings of Soren Kierkegaard, the themes of time and the self as developed in the pseudonymous writings. Arguing that a most effective way to grasp the unity of Kierkegaard's dialectic of the stages of existence is to focus on the dramatic presentation of time and the self that appears at each stage, Taylor pursues these themes from the viewpoints of theology, philosophy, and related areas of study. $18.50 Order from your bookstore or direct from PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS Princeton, New Jersey 08540 542 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 27 Sep 2021 at 17:04:52, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. Volume LXXXIV MIND — JULY 1976 Number 335 Edited by D. W. HAMLYN Articles: The Primacy of Promising M.H. ROBINS Feelings of Obligation W. NEBLETT Reduction and Secondary Qualities R.E. TULLY Art and Generality D. POLE Concepts of Consciousness in Aristotle W.F.R. HARDIE Discussions: Awareness of Sensory Experience J.B. MAUND The Perfect Island W.E. MANN A Note on the Frege Argument C. MCGINN Could Body-bound Immortality be Liveable? H. STEELE On Benevolence A. KOUTSOUVILIS Distribution and Suppositio P.T. GEACH Critical Note: Frege: Philosophy of Language by Michael Dummett P.T. GEACH Books Received Notice Published for the MIND
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