m mmmfmm^ m^m^ mm mmmmmwwmm Tr Resident accessorizes with homemade art, D8 Homelbvvn . 1I)MIH',MCATIIIII» fiU'f WCIHK Putting you In touch Thursday with your world July 22, 1999 Sewing the Westland Community for 33 years « -v':' ! VOLUME 35 NUMBER 14 WESTIANO, MICHIGAN • 76 PAGES * http://observer-eccentric.com O 1W9 HotneTown CominunlcalloAl N«(wprh, In<v i M T it r i iv inc. r « r t n Swingfnglinhe Breeze f TODAY residents alarmed X0MMUNIW4JEE Experts will be hired to eliminate a growv ing rat problem in a neighborhood near Still playing: "Dungeons & Merriman and Cherry Hill after the health Dragons" has proved it department confirmed their presence. has staying power as a Total eradication could take months. role-playing game, and BY DARRELL CLEM • City animal control officers plan to fans are savoring the STAFF WRITER set some live traps. game's 25th anniversary [email protected] • Williams warned residents to avoid 'and Wizards of the thriving rat colony whose popu­ health risks by using long gloves and lation could double in one week shovels when removing dead rats from Coast's decision to issue a their property. •.<-'.- was confirmed Monday by a a special anniversary edi­ A • Williams urged residents not)t&/ tion of the game's basic Wayne County Health Department leave food in outdoor pet dishes official who inspected a residential because rats "will eat out of them,." ; box set. /Bl neighborhood near Merriman and The mayor said pets should be fed; Cherry Hill. indoors when possible. Environmental assistant Larry • Thomas promised that city work­ Williams found eight burrows where ers will help residents get rid of ailing SPORTS 12 to 50 rats are estimated to be living apple trees that may attract rats. - and multiplying - near Steinhauer • Williams encouraged homeowners Looking good: The Wayne and Birchwood streets. County Twisters are His findings confirmed fears of a • 'But it's growing Norwegian rat problem and strong contenders in the prodded city officials to announce bat­ going to be a Lake Shores Semi-Profes- tle plans. couple of "But it's going to be a couple of months before sional Football League as months before we're able to reduce the they prepare for Satur­ problem tremendously," Mayor Robert we're able to '" day's season opener Thomas cautioned. reduce the Williams, Thomas and other admin­ problem against the Fremont, istration officials fielded questions Ohio Stallions. / 01 Monday evening from 35 to 40 alarmed tremendously/ residents Who attended a Westland City Council study session dealing Robert J. with rats. Thomas AT HOME STAJT PHOTO 8Y EUZABtni CARMXIE '"They are everywhere.. They are just Thomas Mayor Swayed: Andrea Negele, 6, reaches for the sky on a swing at rampant," resident Carol Black said, Out of the ordinary: A the Central City Parkway park in Westland. adding that homeowners are using pel­ let guns and other measures to try to to keep garbage cans covered and to Red ford resident deco­ kill the rodents. clear yards of pet droppings, which rates her home with "People are starting to handle it rats will eat. their own way," she said. • Williams warned that people who unusual and attractive Williams said .the Norwegian rats toss out bread and other food for birds accessories she makes Bloody attack grow to 18 inches long and can squeeze are adding to the problem. uThe rats from ordinary-objects:IDS through, an opening the size of a quar­ are eating when the birds are gone," he ter. He said they spread serious dis­ said. .-^ eases and carry fleas that transfer to • Williams urged residents xq plac€" survives re pets and their owners. wood piles oh elevated racks and to ENTERTAINMENT Williams brought one rat carcass - keep property cleared of rubbish and preserved by a taxidermist - to show tall weeds. < n residents the rodent troubling their • The mayor asked residents to help Summer theater: Gillian st §,as neighborhood, neighbors, such as ailing senior citi­ Eaton of Plymouth directs Thomas worried aloud Monday that zens, who need assistance in. fixing' BY DARRELL CLEM Judge Gail McKnight ordered Westland could suffer a tarnished property problems. "Twelfth Night" at the STAFF WRIT£R Matusek jailed in lieu of a $20,000/10 [email protected] image and declining property values if • Williams advised property owners Michigan Shakespeare percent bond. She also scheduled him it earns a rat reputation. to place large-size "snap traps" three in for an Aug. 12 hearing to determine A series of developments unfolded a row to catch rats, although some resi­ Festival in Jackson. /El A Dearborn Heights mail kicked in whether he should stand trial. the front door of a Westland house Sat­ Monday after Williams confirmed a rat dents voiced frustrations that rodents The highest charge against Matusek colony that has fueled resident com­ are eating food and avoiding being Youth theater: Carolyn urday and attacked a resident, stab­ - home invasion - carries a 20-year bing him repeatedly and smashing a plaints for weeks. caught. Lusch of Redfordis part prison term. But he could face a harsh­ •• Thomas said his administration • • Williams warned that rats are glass table top over his head, a police er sentence, if convicted, because he report said. Will seek out a professional rat-fighting "vicious when cornered" and that they of the ensemble of "Bye was charged as a habitual offender. company to try to kill the rodents. "will attack." And, he said, "a rat will The 33-year-old victim survived the Matusek. served about two years in Bye Birdie" opening Fri­ attack - blamed on a suspect who Council President Sandra Cicirelli give a cat a good fight" ''..'•: prison for a 1991 conviction on charges indicated that money will be provided • Police Chief Emery Price urged day at Stagecrafters The­ argued with his live-in girlfriend and of unarmed robbery and assault with then'became angry when she sought for the plan, residents to form neighborhood watch atre in Royal Oak. /El intent to do great bodily- harm, less, • The mayor pledged to continue programs and to report ordinance solace from the Westland man. than mur,der, according to police. He is . The incident occurred about 6:15 sending city ordinance officers to warn problems to authorities. - described as a John Glenn High School property owners to remove wood piles, City Attorney Angelo Plakas agreed p.m. Saturday:inside a blood-spattered dropout. - REAL ESTATE house in the 28300 block of Hanover, dilapidated sheds and. other rat-hous­ and neighborhood watchdogs can be police said. The latest incident occurred Satur­ ing, structures - or face possible arrests "our eyes and ears!" .. - • Somfr homeowner37 predicting-hiSFF A Westland judge .on Monday day evening when a man kicked open -and court ajppe4ran€esr-^- —^ J.iye comfortably: Experts the front door of a Hanovdr residence, "Everyone's going to have to cooper­ tilTt'ies when neighbors" start reporting arraigned John David Matusek, 31, oh each other, said the city should be recomme^id^o^s-MJteep- charges of felonious assault, first- entered the living room and attacked ate," he said. degree home invasion and malicious ••'.•' Thomas pledged to provide extra your Home cool, in very hot city pickup days for junk items. weather /Fl destruction of property over $1,000. Please see ATTACK, A6 Please see RATS. Afi INDEX Cell tower remains an issue for Sprint • Obituaries A3 BY DARRELL CLEM ty line and 420 feet from the closest The latest proposal also comes after However, Sprint and AT&T repre­ STAFF WRITER single-family home, Haley said. angry residents last spring won a bat­ sentatives on Monday indicated they • Court Briefs ; A3 [email protected] Sprint, AT&T and possibly Nextel tle against a coll tower proposed on still may ask to exceed 125 feet amid • Crossword G2 would use the tower to boost cellular Westland municipal golf course proper­ hopes of accommodating Nextel on the Sprint is seeking a "governor's ty. ,- _ . ••;.••• •"••• •.,• same tower. • Classified Index F5 phone reception that's lacking within a reprieve" for a city-axed cell tower the 1.5-mile area. Residents raised questions about City officials plan to wait to review company wants to build near Vehoy plans that Sprint will ultimately sub­ _ .'.'Autos J2 "There are some dead spots (in recep­ health risks and a 1974 quit claim deed and Cherry Hill roads. that appeared to protect golf course mit for the cell tower project, but some Home & Service H8 seemed receptive. Sprint attorney Wallace Haley on tion)," Westland Planning Director Tod property from other uses. Jobs G5 Monday said the company would likely Kilroy said. "I would certainly be mdre receptive settle for a 125'foot tower, chopping 15 "The residents made that site at to this (location) than the golf course," Rentals. G2 feet'from an earlier plan.the city Haley unveiled Sprint's latest plan least problematic, shall we say," Haley Councilman Charles "Trav" Griffin denied. Monday evening during a Westland said Monday. said. • At Home n§ City Council study session. , Residents -haven't mounted opposi­ Sprint wants to erect-the wireless fie made Sprint's latest pitch after Mayor RobertThomas' ad ministra­ • Entertainment El communications tower on property it tion to the latest plan,Haley said, tion, which earlier supported the ^otf. the city earlier denied a 140-foot tower . adding that a 125-foot tower would add • Real Estate Fl Would lease from.Detroit Kdjson. , on the same site. He said the company course site; also favors the new plan, "minimal visual clutter" to a neighbor­ "We're supporting them on this site," The tower would be built southeast hopes for "a governor's reprieve" of hood whore 90-foot utility poles already of Vehoy and Cherry Hill - 348 feet sorJi Thomas told council members Monduv.
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