University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-2-1907 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-02-1907 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-02-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ lvdo_news/1778 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, TVKHDAY. APKIL . 190T VOL. XXVIII IO. 123 TWEXTV-EMUIT- I. YEAIt LAS VEtiAtt. SEW MEXICO, fof IntUtnUnx legal proceedings for mi nmrdrr or W robber t th dUsutuUon of the cuublaatloa es iu- - up aai oaijr prt-- offenders DECLARES THAW ROOSEVELT AND STILL SPLIT ON NEW INDUSTRY UtlCR bet weea the Union Pacific U trMNl The Utn train rob--I a Pacific Urrv caw. has be-- la the. rr Short Use. Soothers court for the two years, was j and allied lines which bate be- - tuuad CLASH U1 pre- - NINE HOUR DAY CAN BE SECURED ;JiDM o( it UpiN session, and APPEARS SANE HAR1IAN ,to be competing line; and the Black brothers anil Julia Marpby oare a report for the Information of jare cow serving out their sentence i the president where I a will be set at th I'sited Slate penitentiary at forth the steps which the MAGNATE - EMPLOYES HAVE ACCEPTED THE AND Uaveuworh. Kansas. MANY WITNESSES BEFORE LUN- RAILROAD SAYS tion shows will Improve transports- LOCATION OF DOOR. SASH ' WAGE INCREASE OFFERED ACY COMMISSION SAY HE RAISEO CAMPAIGN FUND Uoa faculties generally and the tegia-- BOX FACTORY HERE ALMOST BY THE Th rirt mee'lag uf the creditor ACTS RATIONALLY. FOR PRESIOENT. latloa necessary to insure more satis- RAILROADS. ASSUREO. ten held of Hmry S Van Pet will be factory federal regulation. In the office of Jones Rogers la The farther derision of the com- on 15th. th. Crockett building April mission will be to request the depart-mea- t which time may their ROADS at they prove ALIEMS1 DIFFERS "WILFUL UNTRUTH" of justice to compel llarrimaa OBDURATE STRONG BACKING claim, appoiot a trustee and trans-ar-t to answer the quest Urn pertaining to other busine, R. E. Twltcbeil I bis acts as a private Individual which th special referee. he declined to answer whea he waa Ststs-me- nt Refus to Grant Shorter Dr. Hamilton Declares Thaw I Not So Room wait Characterizes on the witness stand. Working Fund "d Eb Hour Expected that Conference Company Mat Ample Word hut been received from Jim Capable of Understanding Charge Made By Harriman in Letter Will Becoma on D'' who Wt thi several day Which Wa Mad Public Today. Witt Continue Several Oas. terpriM Clay, city Against Him or Advising Counsel. I Southwest. his Mrs. octt m the ao, accompanied by sister, MM TURNER ART EXHIBIT Ml-- 1 , Hush Chappel. for Blackburn. souri. where they had been called by New York, April 2. District At ! Chicago. April Z A sensation wasj Chicago, April 2. Th conference t i PLEASED ALBUQUERQUE and bos factory for the illnena of their sistor. stating between th managers of tea western r The door. ab torney Jerome had a large array of j created here today by the publication j . tat.... 1. V. .1 i.t.ttutl ft m It V I..'- - witnesses tho of lD railroads and the trainmen and ena 1am Vecan i u" kgir awaiting pleasure B jetter written In December last; fore tbey readied her bedatae. mey March 29. 1907. ductor was resumed todiy. The ;t (.. mtrtms TrobalillH . la fact the the Thaw lunacy commission today, Webster of New Albuquerque. will remain In that city for a few add reined to Sydney nation not Wa Supt. R. R. Larkin, Las Vegas. N. M hw changed ajee last by Mr. Smith of before home. among tbem being Mrs. Evelyn and E. H. tiarriman terms proposed day returning Yprk, signed by My Dear Mr. Larkin: Permit me to nlgbt ; for a lo Thaw. terloo. who la here looking 14 the letter, Harriman aaya the trou you on your se The men have accepted the w&g' band will no Dr. A. congratulate baring --.. there The Mayflower give Frank McCulre. the Tombs in MW rAHonabin that ble in Insurance affair originated cured Horace K. Art Ex increase offered by the railroads, bat ruwH ' .. - I . the Turner . f - ...in huimim. at Tl i.a nari- rtn th- - tut IIO dOUUt W CIU:u - jpnysician, wa tne nrst witness cau- bfs allowing himself to be drawn into for still stand out for a working ot "" until Libit Las Vegas. 47 Mn , tu side thl. spring after they He he had Thaw two m , - the deal, thujas, saiJ seen other people's affairs. W had the Turner exhibit here nine hours. Tho railroads are obaojy UIVfclJ " hav' entered Into a contract with the or a for the City a W w Industry' three times week since June lie says that In the autumn of 1904 ate on this point and It Is expected Inanrinr business men a is ram socio three years ago. and are not hundred customary 25th last He haj also seen Thaw before the election that that will transact several concerts on Sun- about a week through talking about It yet Until the conference; will eontlau for a year. The open air every day of his trial. In answer to thousand dollars worth of business Roosevelt sent for him because the you bar seen their of some days. afternoon in the town have been Mc-Ciur- reproduction! will day questions asked by Chairman e a largo portion of which were election In New Wk state, looked the masterpieces In place, year, a pleasing feature, and the boys of the commission, witness great you roll that will be di the and asked him to help la represent a pay generally greeteJ by large crowds. doubtful, will not realise what an Impression said that Tbaw'a talk was very sen- com SOROSIS BENEFIT FDR among our local merchants on so Sun- raising funds, a the national i7aiui-T- , uu i tributed Laut year it rained many sible and that he had not seen him j lUTij win mitfte us juui j U pleased with was to fill mfttee under the control of Cortelyou Mr. Smith highly days that It Impossible do anything Irrational since the. trial pupil andd your patrons. he has received o failed to obtain them and LIBRARY ASSOCIATION the encouragement the schedule planned. began. had utterly By all means advertise It unquali- a to Mr. 11 that there was a amount due far. He made proposition Thaw's two prison guards were large fiedly. You may safely pledge your- & Co.. for New York V. Kelly, of Gross. Kelly If you want the new read The Op next called and both declared that from the committee. self to doubly refund the price of firm The 8orosls gave a very enjoyable the scouring mill owned by that tic. the prisoner ap;enred sane to them Harriman said he explained tr o any one who attends and on was entertainment yesterday afWttooa and Mr. Smith said "Mr. Kelly not ;anJ talked In an unJerstand- - Roosevelt that the difficulty declares hlmmself always disappointed. for the benefit of the Library associa- my proposition, but ha of the Bell way. mainly caused by the leaders up state ly accepted W. I.. Hart, manager ling Fraternally yours, tion. About fifty ladles wore present to make mo a handsome dona miles south- - j Mrs. Emily S. Walker, a being unwilling to support Depew for J. P. MILLER. agreed ranch beef parture, forty probation Th general subject discussed was here." omcer wno is a a United States senator tlon If we locate eai-- t of this city, yesterday received constant visitor to "Minor Poets in American Litera- all U asked further by 1907 Winchester the Tombs, said she talked with He ways the president agreed that Now that a model automatic ture." The numbers on the progranf of land owned Thaw often and his manner of should be withdrawn and that FAVROT Mr. Smith is a atrip rlflo which was presented to him by speech Depew MUST REMAIN were interspersed with musical sa of - a,way rationaL he would him ambassador to by Brown & Manianaron. Just east C. M. O Donel manaser of the head appeared appoint kctlona The program was Rev. John presented the railroad tracks to be used In con quarters ranch near Tucumcart, as a Armstrong Wade, Epis- France. IN MONTHS a follows: Is copalian chaplain la the de- nectlon with his lumber yards. It token of esteem, in behalf of the Red Tombs, With thl understanding, Harriman JAjUOR Piano solo Wagner, Mlss Myrtle clared Thaw appeared rational to him understood that Mr. Brown of the whom Mr saya.li raised 1200,000. He says he - Botts. Helen Hunt Jackson, Mrs. River Valley company, by Mlflrt. tha lrt;i! heiran nlthmiirli In tifa Grand Jury Will Reopen Case of Lou- above firm Is figuring on what will be The Bift Is a beau - doe not know it there was any Insur- Henry Van Valkenburg. Ella Wheel Hart Is employed. flrgt conversation with Thaw after lana Congressman Who Is Chsrg. the lowest possible price his firm can tlful one.
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